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Why do people dye their hair unnatural colors?


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Seriously people. It just looks ugly.


Do they want to be noticed or something? 






Obviously attention whores.



Don't dye your hair kids.

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Because they like them? I knew one girl in middle school who dyed her hair orange with yellow streaks and the green with blue streaks. Both styles actually looked really good on her. She didn't care about attention that much, she just liked having that kind of hair.

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Why wear jewellery?
Why wear clothes with designs on them?

Hey, I have an idea! Lets burn all our nice things, wear nothing but necessary clothes (all grey of course), stop using humour and metaphors and live in monk like communities where everyone has one two meter by three sized cell for sleeping!

Or, you know. . . we could join a subculture that really likes magical candy coloured horses that preach crazy stuff like tolerance.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ummm wow. Not sure if troll post or not.

I think natural hair with streaks or tips dyed unnatural colors looks beautiful.  Especially when styled right.

I also think any shade of red that isn't "natural" looks pretty too.  It's a preference.


Why do people do anything they enjoy doing? Oh yeah.. because they enjoy doing it.  :okiedokielokie:

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Geez so judgmental...

Some people dye their hair cause it looks good and they like it. Sure some people would do it for attention but those people have many other baits to fish with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why wear jewellery?

Why wear clothes with designs on them?


Hey, I have an idea! Lets burn all our nice things, wear nothing but necessary clothes (all grey of course), stop using humour and metaphors and live in monk like communities where everyone has one two meter by three sized cell for sleeping!


Or, you know. . . we could join a subculture that really likes magical candy coloured horses that preach crazy stuff like tolerance.

Don't forget,one minute of looking in a mirror per day!
  • Brohoof 1
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Probably for attention.

Probably to be different.

Probably to "express themselves".


All I know is that most (if not all) girls with dyed hair are trouble, and I'm a big stupid sucker for dyed hair.

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I smell a trollolololol thread.


In the slim chance this is serious, people dye their hair for the same reason people watch MLP; they like it and don't give a buck what others think.

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I smell a trollolololol thread.


In the slim chance this is serious, people dye their hair for the same reason people watch MLP; they like it and don't give a buck what others think.

Just like bronies though, there are definitely some that do it for the stares and gawks.

I've met quite a few, and even dated some.

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