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searching Sburb Alpha OOC


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Quick interest check - I don't know how many people are fans of Homestuck on these forums. I'd love to do a Homestuck RP, following a unique session, a runthrough of Sburb/Sgrub, you know. 

Would anyone be interested in a Homestuck RP? I can happily set one up. I've got a pretty thorough understanding of the universe and want to be more involved with it.
If interested, would you prefer to use trolls or humans for it? I'm not particularly feeling this should be a MLP/Homestuck crossover at all. Maybe  save that for another time.

Congratulations! You've been selected for the alpha trial of this year's new, hot game, Sburb! To learn a little bit about your potential playstyle, the gamedevs are sending out questionaires for you to fill out.
To apply for this RP, fill out the following application like you're introducing yourself (or your character) as a character in the actual webcomic. Since we're playing as humans, remember the human naming convention. Human Homestuck characters always have four-letter first names and two-syllable surnames, and we should do our best to keep with that convention.

Your name is ____ and you are ____. (Age usually goes here, but if you’ve established with another character the ages that all the characters share, you can put something else.)
You are currently ____. (If something important is going on at the moment- OR) Your interests include ____. (Fill in paragraph with other pertinent information about the character’s hobbies, interests, etc.)
[Another paragraph about something important to the character- beef with the parent, where they live, something that’s on their mind that will shape their actions throughout their story, or if nothing is pertinent, expound upon their personality.]
Your chumhandle is ____ and you write in a way that _____. (Make a small phrase that explains the character’s writing style/quirk while also using characters that allow for the character’s quirk to be shown off- for example, if your character uses puns or replaces a certain letter with a symbol, make a pun or use that letter several times here.) 

In addition to that monologue, you should give us a little more background on your character.

Ingame Classpect: _______
Description of room (If you didn't in the monologue:)
Strife Specibus: ______
Weapon on Entry?_____
Fetch Modus: ______

*Color font: ______
*Web Browser/Denizen: ______
What does your character look like? Include height, weight, hair, skin tone and any other notable features.
*Disability or Health Concerns?
What is your symbol?
What is your character's house like? Where do you live?
What/who is your lusus/guardian?
Derse or Prospit?
Game Entry Item? (like John's Apple or Dave's Egg)

Our characters should be around the same age. Let's say... 16-17.

Make sure you include things in either part of your application, or seperately, that address at least some of the following. These are not necessary, but it wouldn't hurt to address or include at least some of them, to round out your character.. Don't forget that our characters will know each other before this starts, so feel free to discuss and adjust in the OOC before we start.

Disabilities/Health Concerns:
Biggest goal:
Greatest fear:
Darkest secret:
Does anyone know?:
If yes, how did they find out?:
Greatest strength:
Greatest weakness:
Greatest accomplishment:
Biggest regret:
Are they more aggressive, assertive, or passive?:
Are they emotional or stoic?:
Which do they trust more, their head or their heart?:
Are they an introvert or extrovert?:

If there's anything I'm forgetting let me know. If you want, take a look at my application. 

Your name is LUKE GALVAN and you are 17. 
You are currently SITTING AT YOUR COMPUTER, watching some funny videos by ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBERS. 
You enjoy VIDEOGAMES, WHITEWATER RAFTING and COMEDY, but ESPECIALLY PUNS. You think puns are wonderful, and keep a SMALL SUPPLY OF COMEDIC PROPS to augment your puns and visual gags. You seem to enjoy KEEPING UP WITH THE NEWS, as there's a LARGE PILE OF NEWSPAPERS on your desk, and a list of URLs to your FAVORITE NEWS WEBSITES taped to your wall. You think ART is pretty neat, and occasionally find yourself DOODLING IDLY, and PROBABLY RATHER POORLY. You obviously enjoy WHITEWATER RAFTING AND KAYAKING, as you have pictures of various boats and waterfalls up on your walls, and you have a WEATHERED OLD PADDLE AND DENTED HELMET mounted on your wall, like trophies, from your own experience in the water. Your battered old KAYAK is out in the garage, but you're too big for it now.

Your true passion, though, is for PHOTOGRAPHY AND CINEMATOGRAPHY, judging by the large amount of CAMERAS AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT scattered around your room, even though you're SURE YOU'RE PRETTY BAD AT IT. You aspire to one day create amazing, informative content like your heroes PEWDIEPIE and SOURCEFED, even though you prefer videos by CGP GREY. The way he talks about news and important things in such an engaging way is PROBABLY JUST THE COOLEST THING EVER. You've tried making videos like CGP Grey does, and even though he's probably your favorite YouTuber, YOUR VIDEOS JUST AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO COMPARE. 

Your chumhandle is diffidentSnap and you write in a bright color, like the flash of your camera. You're usually pretty grammatically correct and frequently make puns, but you occAsionally mispel wordsor type things wrong, especially when you're excited. This drives your friends crazy, as you often chide them for improper use of grammar. 

Ingame Classpect: Knight of Light
Description of room: There are posters of your FAVORITE YOUTUBERS on the walls, as well as a variety of pictures you think are fantastic. Some of these pictures you took yourself, and you think these ones are pretty shitty, but your guardian insisted on putting them up. The floor is littered with camera equipment and wires. One wall is covered by a giant GREENSCREEN, and you have a camera set up on a tripod there for recording your videos. Your desk has a giant pile of newspapers on it, some of the pictures in which you've supplied. There's also a BO STAFF you have left over from those MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES your dad made you go to when you were really young, but you NEVER REALLY GAVE A SHIT about those.
Strife Specibus: Camerakind, Staffkind. You switch between Staffkind and Knifekind pretty often, depending on whether you want to carry around your Bo staff like a walking stick and pretend to be Gandalf or not. Whichever one you're not using your Dad usually confiscates.
Weapon on Entry? Your Bo Staff, Whitewater Paddle and Flash Camera
Fetch Modus: Puzzle. You like the visual challenge of fitting everything into it.
*Color font: Goldenrod.
*Web Browser/Denizen: Cetus
What does your character look like? Fairly tall and awkwardly thin. Wavy dark hair you keep swept to one side. Thick glasses, but you have a pair of sunglasses too. You're oddly fond of wearing polo shirts and jeans, but you have a really cool reporter's trilby you like to wear.
*Disability or Health Concerns? Really poor vision, always needs glasses.
What is your symbol? The aperture of a camera, obviously. 
What is your character's house like? Where do you live? I live in a small apartment in a big Southeastern US City with my Dad, but I plan on moving out to the west coast next year. That's where all the good videomakers are at.
What/who is your lusus/guardian? My dad.
Derse or Prospit? Prospit

Confirmed to be in this session:
Luke Galvan, Prospit, Knight of Light (Played by Flareon)

Edited by Flareon

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hello i would love to be part of a homestuck rp and i wouldnt mind trolls or humans altough humans are probably less complicated

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It seems no one cares whether we do human or troll. Personally I find troll society fascinating, but it'd really be easier to do human.
We'd need a Time and a Space player, definitely, before we started, and we wouldn't want any duplicate classpects. I'm a Knight of Light, which would mean discouraging any other Knights or Light players from participating.

May I suggest taking this quiz a time or two to figure out your classpect? I can help you figure out what your classpect would be like if it's a vague one.

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inb4 someone shows up in this thread and says homestuck sucks


I would be down! I reserve the right to bow out if the RP doesn't turn out to go to the standard I hoped it would. Trolls are cool but if we're playing self inserts it might be easier to just keep us human rather than trying to translate ourselves into trolls (I've done it before but it takes quite a bit of work). And the title I typically get on tests is Sylph of Doom.

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay. That's at least three people that are interested, so I'll go ahead and set up shop and an application form and stuff. I'll have that up in a minute.

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I don't know if I'm online enough to be able to join in effectively, but it could well be fun.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Okay, guys. I added an application process! I'm going to want to try this to be accurate, at least, to precedent set by the comic. So keep in tradition with your Pesterchum name and your character's name. Keep in mind how those work. 
I'm at perfect liberty to ask you to review or revise a character, if I think it needs more work.
We'll start at least as soon as we have Time and Space players. Without them, the session would be void. Who wants that?

We also need about an even ratio of Derse/Prospit Dreamers, and Boys/Girls. I can tweak my character if the need comes down to it.

@@,@@KitsuneSoul108,@@Josh Riordan,

We should try and avoid associating with the main story or canon characters for two  reasons. One, there's a good chance not everyone will have read the entirety of Homestuck yet. Two, that's just something that should be avoided in RPs.

Edited by Flareon
  • Brohoof 1

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Gender balance too strong. I'll go ahead and play the first girl though.






Your name is NIKA SOREY, you are a recently 16 year old young woman currently from LOS ANGELES.


You're naturally already quite ATTRACTIVE, but as many old, wise, and probably now dead men have said of power, it compels you to always seize more. To this end you've already achieved an impressive mastery of THEATRICAL ARTS such as wardrobe and makeup design, which benefits you rather well as you're a seasoned COSPLAYER. It's quite easy for you to radically alter your look (without losing any of your vaunted beauty) to become a character from your new totally favorite anime ever. Oh god, the animes. Too many animes. Your love of media in general is almost ludicrously ALL INCLUSIVE, and the amount of references you can make off hat is quite high, your musical tastes especially run the whole gamut from the 50s to modern times. You've been a skilled GYMNAST from a young age and you're currently attempting to parley that skill into DANCE, with so far spectacular success. You're generally just a huge GOSSIP and STORYTELLER, which is a trait that makes you inherently creative, as you love acting as the characters you dress up as and you can do it quite well. Also, it makes you a huge TROLL. Which also means you're a good actor, it goes without saying.


As a person you're naturally quite RELAXED and LAID BACK, having grown used to an almost INSTINCTUAL mastery of your environment. You're not really used to actually having to THINK THINGS THROUGH, and though this has bitten you in the ass before you continue to dance through life, oblivious. You treat all others with equal CASUALNESS, and are as willing to crack crass jokes with strangers as you are the closest of your friends. You're naturally quite CHARISMATIC without even trying, and people naturally just tend to like you, meaning an easy childhood as you never really had to learn how to battle with others to get what you want. Sure, you've got a mean PERFECTIONIST streak buried underneath that lax demeanor, but you're just used to GIVING UP what you think you can't do. It's a good thing you even have skills in the first place, because otherwise you might currently be a wasteroid of a human being with no discernible talent and no desire to get one. You're definitely a bit INCONSISTENT when it comes to getting things done. You're also naturally a bit of an ATTENTION WHORE, you pretend to be fine with being on your own, but really you are rather strongly desiring of feedback from others. As they say, it's better to die with your most hated enemy than die alone.


Your chumhandle is intrinsicHamartia and you type in a relaxed manner void of any real effort to punctuate though your grammar is naturally on point or at least in theory given the lack of proper structures like periods, commas, semicolons, and so on.




Additional Data:




Classpect: Witch of Time


Room: A very experimentally designed room with conflicting aesthetics, from lava lamps and fur everything to chrome and IKEA. On one wall there's a spread of posters depicting various series characters, costumes for whom you have in your walk-in. One corner of your room leads into your bathroom, apparently not having a bathroom connected to your bedroom is common, but you definitely wouldn't know that. You're inherently not very tidy, and every part of your room from your desktop to your sewing station is strewn with projects you're still working on.

Strife Specibus: You never really bothered with allotting the strife specibus when it came, so you're sort of hanging on to the default Fistkind mode. Given your inherent athleticism however, this mode is actually somewhat suitable for you.

Weapon on Entry: Beat the crap out of 'em.

Fetch Modus: Wardrobeifier Modus. Based on the advanced new tech that allows you to change your appearance by machine, each card inside is assigned with a piece of clothing. You must match articles together in a fashionable manner to retrieve the lot of them (even if you only wanted one). Needless to say, your clothes also change to match the combination you made.


Colorfont: Teal

Web Browser/Denizen: Hephaestus


Looks: As we already established, Nika's quite attractive. She's tall for a girl, fair skinned, with a slender model-esque body defined by modest but effective assets, as it were. Her facial features at once scream Asian and Hispanic descent, her hair is wavy, black and long and besides that never seems to be in the same configuration for more than a day. To say nothing of how much her clothes switch up on a day to day basis.


Health Concerns: Somewhat lethargic at times. See Additional Additional Data.

Symbol: The classic theater masks.

House: A two story home in the suburbs of LA. Not especially large due to property values being obscene, but definitely enough space for a two person family.

Guardian: Elder Sister, currently enrolled in a local collage.

Dream Moon: Derse





Additional Additional Data:



Sexuality: Uncertain, but has already dated members of both genders.

Pets: Has a cat who is currently close to death and it's spirited kitten, the only one she kept from the cat's last litter.

Biggest Goal: To actually figure out what her goals are.

Greatest Fear: Growing up to be useless and alone.


Darkest Secret: She's struggled with anorexia in the past, and continues to have episodes of it erupt out to this day. Almost anyone who knows her on a personal level is aware that she has this problem, as she makes no attempts to hide it.


Greatest Strength: Her nature naturally makes her forgiving and tolerant to almost messiah-like levels.

Greatest Weakness: Her greatest strength.


Greatest Accomplishment: Her life as an award-acknowledged costumer both in anime conventions and in her school's theater department.

Greatest Regret: Ongoing, that she's struggling to translate her talents into anything truly meaningful and self-actualizing.


Aggressive, assertive, passive?: Incredibly passive due to her nature, she is content to watch the world slip by her.

Emotional or stoic?: She puts on a stoically jovial mood, as in an air of happiness, because most of the time she is quite cheerful. However her insecurities can be brought out by the right person.

Head or heart?: Her heart. Despite her strong intelligence she's by nature very heavily instinctive.

Introvert or extrovert?: A bit of both. She likes including others no matter what but also finds herself naturally entertaining a very divisive internal monologue.




  • Brohoof 1
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can i be a seer of heart? lol i know thats silly b ut when i did the silly aspect test i got that so im happy with it :3

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Sorry for the slow response, guys. The semester's starting to close, which naturally means it's getting incredibly busy. 

Gender balance too strong. I'll go ahead and play the first girl though.






Your name is NIKA SOREY, you are a recently 16 year old young woman currently from LOS ANGELES.


You're naturally already quite ATTRACTIVE, but as many old, wise, and probably now dead men have said of power, it compels you to always seize more. To this end you've already achieved an impressive mastery of THEATRICAL ARTS such as wardrobe and makeup design, which benefits you rather well as you're a seasoned COSPLAYER. It's quite easy for you to radically alter your look (without losing any of your vaunted beauty) to become a character from your new totally favorite anime ever. Oh god, the animes. Too many animes. Your love of media in general is almost ludicrously ALL INCLUSIVE, and the amount of references you can make off hat is quite high, your musical tastes especially run the whole gamut from the 50s to modern times. You've been a skilled GYMNAST from a young age and you're currently attempting to parley that skill into DANCE, with so far spectacular success. You're generally just a huge GOSSIP and STORYTELLER, which is a trait that makes you inherently creative, as you love acting as the characters you dress up as and you can do it quite well. Also, it makes you a huge TROLL. Which also means you're a good actor, it goes without saying.


As a person you're naturally quite RELAXED and LAID BACK, having grown used to an almost INSTINCTUAL mastery of your environment. You're not really used to actually having to THINK THINGS THROUGH, and though this has bitten you in the ass before you continue to dance through life, oblivious. You treat all others with equal CASUALNESS, and are as willing to crack crass jokes with strangers as you are the closest of your friends. You're naturally quite CHARISMATIC without even trying, and people naturally just tend to like you, meaning an easy childhood as you never really had to learn how to battle with others to get what you want. Sure, you've got a mean PERFECTIONIST streak buried underneath that lax demeanor, but you're just used to GIVING UP what you think you can't do. It's a good thing you even have skills in the first place, because otherwise you might currently be a wasteroid of a human being with no discernible talent and no desire to get one. You're definitely a bit INCONSISTENT when it comes to getting things done. You're also naturally a bit of an ATTENTION WHORE, you pretend to be fine with being on your own, but really you are rather strongly desiring of feedback from others. As they say, it's better to die with your most hated enemy than die alone.


Your chumhandle is intrinsicHamartia and you type in a relaxed manner void of any real effort to punctuate though your grammar is naturally on point or at least in theory given the lack of proper structures like periods, commas, semicolons, and so on.




Additional Data:




Classpect: Witch of Time


Room: A very experimentally designed room with conflicting aesthetics, from lava lamps and fur everything to chrome and IKEA. On one wall there's a spread of posters depicting various series characters, costumes for whom you have in your walk-in. One corner of your room leads into your bathroom, apparently not having a bathroom connected to your bedroom is common, but you definitely wouldn't know that. You're inherently not very tidy, and every part of your room from your desktop to your sewing station is strewn with projects you're still working on.

Strife Specibus: You never really bothered with allotting the strife specibus when it came, so you're sort of hanging on to the default Fistkind mode. Given your inherent athleticism however, this mode is actually somewhat suitable for you.

Weapon on Entry: Beat the crap out of 'em.

Fetch Modus: Wardrobeifier Modus. Based on the advanced new tech that allows you to change your appearance by machine, each card inside is assigned with a piece of clothing. You must match articles together in a fashionable manner to retrieve the lot of them (even if you only wanted one). Needless to say, your clothes also change to match the combination you made.


Colorfont: Teal

Web Browser/Denizen: Hephaestus


Looks: As we already established, Nika's quite attractive. She's tall for a girl, fair skinned, with a slender model-esque body defined by modest but effective assets, as it were. Her facial features at once scream Asian and Hispanic descent, her hair is wavy, black and long and besides that never seems to be in the same configuration for more than a day. To say nothing of how much her clothes switch up on a day to day basis.


Health Concerns: Somewhat lethargic at times. See Additional Additional Data.

Symbol: The classic theater masks.

House: A two story home in the suburbs of LA. Not especially large due to property values being obscene, but definitely enough space for a two person family.

Guardian: Elder Sister, currently enrolled in a local collage.

Dream Moon: Derse





Additional Additional Data:



Sexuality: Uncertain, but has already dated members of both genders.

Pets: Has a cat who is currently close to death and it's spirited kitten, the only one she kept from the cat's last litter.

Biggest Goal: To actually figure out what her goals are.

Greatest Fear: Growing up to be useless and alone.


Darkest Secret: She's struggled with anorexia in the past, and continues to have episodes of it erupt out to this day. Almost anyone who knows her on a personal level is aware that she has this problem, as she makes no attempts to hide it.


Greatest Strength: Her nature naturally makes her forgiving and tolerant to almost messiah-like levels.

Greatest Weakness: Her greatest strength.


Greatest Accomplishment: Her life as an award-acknowledged costumer both in anime conventions and in her school's theater department.

Greatest Regret: Ongoing, that she's struggling to translate her talents into anything truly meaningful and self-actualizing.


Aggressive, assertive, passive?: Incredibly passive due to her nature, she is content to watch the world slip by her.

Emotional or stoic?: She puts on a stoically jovial mood, as in an air of happiness, because most of the time she is quite cheerful. However her insecurities can be brought out by the right person.

Head or heart?: Her heart. Despite her strong intelligence she's by nature very heavily instinctive.

Introvert or extrovert?: A bit of both. She likes including others no matter what but also finds herself naturally entertaining a very divisive internal monologue.




You're absolutely in. That's a pretty fantastic application. I'm gonna have to go back and redo mine now. x3


can i be a seer of heart? lol i know thats silly b ut when i did the silly aspect test i got that so im happy with it :3

I don't see why not. Do you want my take on what a Seer of Heart is like, and what he or she can do?
You should fill out the application. I know it's long, but the whole monologue thing is probably gonna be used for your first post too. x3

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You're absolutely in. That's a pretty fantastic application. I'm gonna have to go back and redo mine now. x3


I don't see why not. Do you want my take on what a Seer of Heart is like, and what he or she can do?

You should fill out the application. I know it's long, but the whole monologue thing is probably gonna be used for your first post too. x3


I have done this quite a few times before, I tend to be very thorough with characters.


Since you're GM, can you tell me what Witch of Time does/means?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm thinking about taking the Classpect quiz again, just for the heck of it. Which one did you guys consult?

I have done this quite a few times before, I tend to be very thorough with characters.


Since you're GM, can you tell me what Witch of Time does/means?

Well, we've got a pretty solid example of a Witch of Time in Damara Megido. Witches are manipulators, so I get the sense that a Witch of Time would be able to not only travel about the Alpha Timeline but interact with failed timelines too, wiping out, merging, or creating new timelines. And judging by Damara's actions, they're somewhat wont to corruption and irresponsibility, which with powers like that can potentially fail a game. I'm not saying all Witches of Time are like Damara though.

This sound like your own views on the Classpect?


can i be a seer of heart? lol i know thats silly b ut when i did the silly aspect test i got that so im happy with it :3

Seer of Heart isn't really silly. Heart means emotion, yes, so you'll be able to tell all the mushy stuff, like which matches would be good together and feelings and stuff. But Heart also means soul. You can't read minds, but you would be able to see general intent, even from the most stony-faced mofo they threw at us, and your tongue would probably be silver. A Seer would usually act for the good of the team, so you'd probably act a bit of a team therapist and tactician.


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I'm thinking about taking the Classpect quiz again, just for the heck of it. Which one did you guys consult?


Well, we've got a pretty solid example of a Witch of Time in Damara Megido. Witches are manipulators, so I get the sense that a Witch of Time would be able to not only travel about the Alpha Timeline but interact with failed timelines too, wiping out, merging, or creating new timelines. And judging by Damara's actions, they're somewhat wont to corruption and irresponsibility, which with powers like that can potentially fail a game. I'm not saying all Witches of Time are like Damara though.


This sound like your own views on the Classpect?




Oh my farking god I actually forgot that Damara was the Witch of Time.


And I definitely have my own set of headcanons, but I'm willing to adapt to others. In my case, I picked Witch because it's an incredibly active class (one of the most, according to the Huss) that demands a lot of intelligent usage on the part of it's user to have potentially great reward. (Feferi and Jade both use their powers to absolutely game-changing effect) I subscribe to the 'classpects exist to challenge and force growth on you theory' put forth by Kanaya. So for Nika, Witch of Time forces her to become proactive and think things through with the most thought intensive aspect there probably is (stable time loops ahoy). And that's the inverse of what I've essentially established her to be like. She has the potential due to her strong aesthetic sense and intelligence but she needs to overcome a lot of road blocks to be a good Witch of Time.


But I dunno now, I don't like overlapping classpects with canon. Maybe I should change it...

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh my farking god I actually forgot that Damara was the Witch of Time.


And I definitely have my own set of headcanons, but I'm willing to adapt to others. In my case, I picked Witch because it's an incredibly active class (one of the most, according to the Huss) that demands a lot of intelligent usage on the part of it's user to have potentially great reward. (Feferi and Jade both use their powers to absolutely game-changing effect) I subscribe to the 'classpects exist to challenge and force growth on you theory' put forth by Kanaya. So for Nika, Witch of Time forces her to become proactive and think things through with the most thought intensive aspect there probably is (stable time loops ahoy). And that's the inverse of what I've essentially established her to be like. She has the potential due to her strong aesthetic sense and intelligence but she needs to overcome a lot of road blocks to be a good Witch of Time.


But I dunno now, I don't like overlapping classpects with canon. Maybe I should change it...

It's up to you. For me, I'm trying to make my character rather like myself. I might be exaggerating it a bit, but yeah...


Does your head-canon dictate the necessity of a Knight or a Time player in Sburb? It's always a Knight that helps the Space player breed frogs.


I'm gonna go redo my character profile.

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It's up to you. For me, I'm trying to make my character rather like myself. I might be exaggerating it a bit, but yeah...


Does your head-canon dictate the necessity of a Knight or a Time player in Sburb? It's always a Knight that helps the Space player breed frogs.


I'm gonna go redo my character profile.


This is a gender bent me as I've established would likely work through many conversations with close friends. Honestly I was just adhering to the idea of 'we need a time and space player'. I think Space is too natural an aspect for Nika for her to embrace it... Tell me, what is Doom as an aspect in your headcanon?


And my headcanon doesn't dictate the necessity of anything. One of my favorite things about SBURB as a concept is the idea of breaking it and causing glitches and bugs. No Space player? No problem. And so on and so forth.

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This is a gender bent me as I've established would likely work through many conversations with close friends. Honestly I was just adhering to the idea of 'we need a time and space player'. I think Space is too natural an aspect for Nika for her to embrace it... Tell me, what is Doom as an aspect in your headcanon?


And my headcanon doesn't dictate the necessity of anything. One of my favorite things about SBURB as a concept is the idea of breaking it and causing glitches and bugs. No Space player? No problem. And so on and so forth.

That's an awesome way to look at it. I think... The Time player is necessary if you plan on Scratching. Space is needed to do frogs, and a Knight will help with that.


Doom? Well, it's pretty straightforward, isn't it?  I think it's a fascinating aspect.

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That's an awesome way to look at it. I think... The Time player is necessary if you plan on Scratching. Space is needed to do frogs, and a Knight will help with that.


Doom? Well, it's pretty straightforward, isn't it?  I think it's a fascinating aspect.


Scratching is always a cool concept, but you need to prepare backup characters due to the guardian->kid switch. We could always have a session that doesn't birth a frog for whatever reason. And meh on the Knights.


Well what is it as a concept? Rules? Destruction? The inevitable? All sort of overlap, to be honest, but you could make the aspect fall anywhere on the spectrum between those things. I'm thinking a Witch of Doom might be a good call.

  • Brohoof 1
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Scratching is always a cool concept, but you need to prepare backup characters due to the guardian->kid switch. We could always have a session that doesn't birth a frog for whatever reason. And meh on the Knights.


Well what is it as a concept? Rules? Destruction? The inevitable? All sort of overlap, to be honest, but you could make the aspect fall anywhere on the spectrum between those things. I'm thinking a Witch of Doom might be a good call.

It's a combination, I think. Like how I think Light is perception, knowledge and fortune. A Doom player is likely to believe in rules, but I don't think that's what Doom's about. The Voices of the Deceased speak to the Doom players we know of. Doom is inevitability, sacrifice, misfortune and anguish. I think Destruction's a bit too broad. 


A Witch, as a powerful manipulator class, would be able to manipulate doom. Chances of doom in the strictest sense of the word? Seems a bit OP to me. However, I could see the Witch messing with the chances of doom as inevitability, and perhaps being able to manipulate pain, either for torture or to boost the ability to withstand pain.


Actually... Being able to manipulate limits would be a good way to phrase this, simply speaking. Doom is all about limits. 


I love talking about stuff like this. It makes me think.

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It's a combination, I think. Like how I think Light is perception, knowledge and fortune. A Doom player is likely to believe in rules, but I don't think that's what Doom's about. The Voices of the Deceased speak to the Doom players we know of. Doom is inevitability, sacrifice, misfortune and anguish. I think Destruction's a bit too broad. 


A Witch, as a powerful manipulator class, would be able to manipulate doom. Chances of doom in the strictest sense of the word? Seems a bit OP to me. However, I could see the Witch messing with the chances of doom as inevitability, and perhaps being able to manipulate pain, either for torture or to boost the ability to withstand pain.


Actually... Being able to manipulate limits would be a good way to phrase this, simply speaking. Doom is all about limits. 


I love talking about stuff like this. It makes me think.


Mmm. So where Light is all about expanding horizons Doom is about contracting them...


But then, I thought it's commonly accepted that Light and Void are the diametric aspects? Void is the absence of knowledge, in a way the ultimate limitation and restriction. All Void players seen so far have been, in some way, significantly limited which ironically made them much stronger. I mean, if you don't think so, you are the GM and I'll subscribe to your judgement.

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Mmm. So where Light is all about expanding horizons Doom is about contracting them...


But then, I thought it's commonly accepted that Light and Void are the diametric aspects? Void is the absence of knowledge, in a way the ultimate limitation and restriction. All Void players seen so far have been, in some way, significantly limited which ironically made them much stronger. I mean, if you don't think so, you are the GM and I'll subscribe to your judgement.

Hahahaha... There's so much overlap, IMHO, that it's kinda hard to draw clear-cut diametrics like that. But in that sense, I see Breath more as Doom's opposite than Light. Breath is about freedom, and Doom is about limits. 


Obscurity and visibility aren't really related to limits, I don't think. Void is absence, obscurity, but that doesn't mean it's limited. Doom is limited, where Life is renewing and Breath is unbound.

Edited by Flareon

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Hahahaha... There's so much overlap, IMHO, that it's kinda hard to draw clear-cut diametrics like that. But in that sense, I see Breath more as Doom's opposite than Light. Breath is about freedom, and Doom is about limits. 


Obscurity and visibility aren't really related to limits, I don't think. Void is absence, obscurity, but that doesn't mean it's limited. Doom is limited, where Life is renewing and Breath is unbound.


Hm... What about a Witch of Breath? I mean, a Witch has to be active and Breath is freedom and motion. So it's probably, like, the most demanding of proactivity combination you can get normally.

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Hm... What about a Witch of Breath? I mean, a Witch has to be active and Breath is freedom and motion. So it's probably, like, the most demanding of proactivity combination you can get normally.

Freedom, motion, direction, maybe motivation. A Witch of Breath would manipulate these. Probably pretty literally in the wind and vacuum, but a Witch of Breath might be a pretty good manipulator, playing on direction and motivation to move people the way they want? 

I dunno. I need more sleep.

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Freedom, motion, direction, maybe motivation. A Witch of Breath would manipulate these. Probably pretty literally in the wind and vacuum, but a Witch of Breath might be a pretty good manipulator, playing on direction and motivation to move people the way they want? 

I dunno. I need more sleep.


That sounds like something that would work. I'll switch Nika's classpect to that if you don't mind.

  • Brohoof 1
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This looks like a lot of fun :D


I'd love to join, though if we're doing humans I'll have to create an OC, or humanize my trollsona. Probably the latter


Also, while we're talking aspects, my quiz gave me Maid of Blood. I think I have a decent grasp on that, but I could use some guidance, especially since we've yet to see a canon godtier Hero of Blood.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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