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"Dear Princess Celestia..."


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Tsk, ok, so it's happend.


I am a pretty solid Brony, being going strong since 89 and have let MLP be a big part of my day dream/entertainment life growing up and now into full adulthood. And while I watch Gen4 often I guess I just got away from S1 and 2, untill last night when my PegaBrony ring and I sat down for a marathon.


"Dear Princess Celestia..."


Does anypony else feel that this simple line is so defining of Twilight that for it to have been absent for now two seasons of the show, really makes her feel...I don't know, less then before? Ok so I should have thought about this before posting, but this isnt ANOTHER "Twi is too differnt now" thread. I enjoy her character arch and growth, its some of the best from ANY series, and she deserves her role as Princess of Friendship/Magic and I wouldnt want that to change for anything. But sitting with my friends and watching the old episodes, that line just sticks with me now for some reason. Like its almost iconic, geez..I really have no idea what I am trying to say here. So, instead I will ask, Does anyone else "miss" this part of the show? Do you feel the current "diary" that the girls are writting in, isnt up to snuff compared to the old letters?

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Wow, I didn't even notice it hasn't been said...

Seasons 1 & 2 were truly great...I need to rewatch some of those episodes. They just felt so...so pure. Everytime Twilight would say "Dear Princess Celestia..." ...just, wow, man.


Of course, things change. I really like S4, S3 sucked, but S1 and S2 will always hold a special place in my heart; especially season 1 :D


Things change. I like the direction the show is heading. I miss the purity of S1 and S2, but S4 is certainly great.


I'll never forget the first time I heard Rarity say "Dear Princess Celestia" in S2, though...that was one of the defining lines for me.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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You know what would be a really heartstring tugging line to end the show with?


"Dear Princess Twilight..."


The feels man.


But yeah, I love the "Dear Princess Celestia" line.

I like to imagine Twilight still sends her beloved teach letters all the time though.

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Edited by CadetGrey
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"Dear Princess Twilight..."


Somehow I picture Scootaloo writting this as the last line of the show (ever). Seems we could build to that, the CMC are becoming such a focal point of the show, almost rival-time for the mane6, in screen terms. And it would be a great baton pass.


But DUDE, "Dear Princess Celestia" is almost spine tingeling at this point for me. If Celestia ever made her exit from the series, and this line ISNT spoken by Twilight at that passing...Brony gonna stab ah writer!

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I agree. I was really hoping that becoming a princess would get Twilight MORE time interacting with Celestia, but instead she's been entirely absent since the start of the season :( Rather than the diary, I think it would have been better to return to the roots  and have Twilight send Celestia letters at the end of most episodes. But instead of reporting friendship lessons, just report the day's happenings. Isn't that a great lesson in and of itself, to keep in touch with people you like, even when you have no obligation to do so? And the letters could still summarize the moral for the viewers.


And to make it even better, some episodes could start with "Dear Princess Twilight..." as Celestia informs Twilight of events in her life as well. Would have been a great way to ease us in to what it's like to be a ruling princess, and perhaps weave in a second storyline as well.


Then do the mane 6 diary next season. Because it's not a bad idea, just a waste of opportunity for this season.

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I agree. For me it's like the show is falling away from it's original formula. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the execution has been terrible in my opinion. The show wants the audience to realize that Twilight is special, but they don't give reasons to think that. Twilight is always riding a weird line between being superior to her friends and trying to be her usual self, and I think that part of this problem comes from the fact that they lost the Elements of Harmony. It's always been about Twilight and her friends, now it's just about Twilight ans sometimes her friends. Which is weird, because Twilight, as I can remember, didn't have a single episode about herself since the opener. It's almost like they are not connected anymore. Though this is still developing, so let's see what happens.


Another thing is that it seems that being a princess means absolutely nothing because everything Twilight has done, she could have done being Celestia's student and an unicorn. This is bad because of all the "look how awesome Twilight is factor" in MMC. I just can't see Twilight in the same level as the other princesses, specially when I don't know what any of them do.

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I veeeeeery much miss that...


the celestia letters were such a wonderful focal point in the show, and it really made twilight feel like one of us.


I understand the way the show's taken, and I approve most of its direction...but I'd love it if the celestia letters were ever


to return in some shape or form.

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The relationship between Twi and Tia, to be relatable is presented as sorta adpoted mom ~ big sister and is formated as teacher. We have lost that, period. Which would have been fine, if Celesti passed away, a dramatic battle happend, or Twilight was forced into a leadership role (moreso). Instead, Celestia is....on vacation I guess. And Twi spent the season doing...nothing. I get "let's focus on the remane5" as a Ra-ra fan, I'm down but!...The teacher student relationship built the depth of this show,period. To have t jerked out so fast and hard is...painful.




"Dear Princess Celestia..."

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"Dear Princess Celestia"


I haven't thought about it before but I think the letters though may have seemed a bit childish, really fit into the show well in a way the diary just doesn't. Twilight had a reason to write to Tia, and even freaked out if she forgot. But I mean who's reading the diary anyway? Twilight should know what everypony else is doing, they are best friends after all, surely she gets the news or is actually there. Luna's been busy walking into dreams I guess and Celestia is having too much fun on the beach trying to acheive the perfect shade of pink.


The letters also made it more relatable. Almost like a kid doing their homework, or just giving a parent or friend word on how you're doing. Season 3 was kind of a swing and a miss but season 4 kinda brings the point home that our little Twily has grown up. For better or worse remains to be seen. I remember the good ole days when people used to start random things with "Dear Princess Celestia" or reading about the guy who turned in a college paper with that and had his professor right back "My faithful student". 


Like someone else said, I would've been just fine and dandy with Twilight staying a unicorn, so far we've seen her taking on a bit more of a teaching role but the only one she REALLY needed wings for was Rainbow's lesson on it's ok to learn differently. She didn't really need them at all before that. Twilight time could've easily been done with everyone finally recognizing that she's saved the town and Canterlot, she must be pretty awesome. And with AJ and Rarity just asking her to help teach the CMC.


But I'm a bit of a season 1er myself so I guess I might be a bit biased, since it's where I started and what got me into the show.

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