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private Wandering (Private, interaction-based RP)

The Elusive Cinder

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Some might say that it was fate that brought us together.

Some might call it destiny, or nothing more than mere coincidence. I do not. I call it what it was - circumstance: no more and no less. There was no divine plan for us - no hidden agenda of some greater power that we served. No, it was circumstance that let to our meeting, our time together and our eventual departure.

Its curious just how little one knows about themselves until they see their own reflection in the eyes of another... how one can be so blind to their own thinking.

Let me tell you a tale of how I discovered this...




Kazemde stepped down from the wooden walkway that connected the ship with the dock: pausing for a few seconds as he took a deep breath of the coarse, sea air and gazed around at the unfamiliar surroundings that stretched in every direction. Of course, he had visited Equestria on occasion before: but always as a scholar - a researcher looking to complete his notes on foreign culture. He had always arrived with friends and stuck to the cities: mostly to libraries and places of learning with only very brief trips into the streets.

This was very different.

He had known that studying the bardic arts would change him: knew that all the references must have some grain of truth to them... but as his understanding of the music and its potential began to set in, so too did the wanderlust that the old texts warned of. Like some curse of restlessness, he needed to move - to travel and not stop until he found himself. It was a stirring in the very pit of his soul that couldn't be denied... and now here he was. Alone, on the shore of a distant land that he had a steadfast knowledge of on a scientific level, but little actual first-hoof experience in.

He walked along the dock: the sound of his hooves on the wood echoing with unusual clarity in his ears: another side effect of his research of the Bardic ways. A sudden ear for detail and tone, the need to wander... it would have concerned him greatly if it weren't for the deeper implication that he was actually feeling the physical results of his research in action, on a personal level!

Lean and tall - the wiry half-blood drew a few estranged looks from some of the nearby workers, though this might have been just as much due to his curious attire than his physical build - bands of golden metal and a white cotton robe marking him immediately as a foreigner in this land. The jewels didn't help either - it seemed that in this land there was something curious about him wearing them.

'Fascinating...' He thought to himself. 'So many things which simply can not be learned from books alone...'

Stepping thoughtfully along the dock, the stallion made his way down towards solid land at last, eyes scanning the world around him. It was a fine enough morning by Equestrian standards: sunny, with patches of white cloud covering the sky. A small village extended out a short distance: with open fields visible in the distance.

It was exactly what he needed: somewhere new to roam: filled with new secrets to discover. It was perfect.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirage Star


The light of the beautiful day barely penetrated the curtains hanging over the window, leaving the room in the inn dark and dreary...  It was enough to make Mirage glad she wasn't going to be in there long.  It wasn't her room, after all.  But when she'd been walking down to the common room to leave for the day, and the stallion had stepped out and happened to not pull the door shut all the way?  Why, the curiosity just happened to get the better of her, and  she couldn't help but to slip into his room to see what she could find out...


The foreign mare didn't know who the stallion was.  She'd never even seen him before - but by looking through his belongings, she was starting to piece together his life like looking at a puzzle.  Simple facts, like the hair on his spare clothes telling her that he owned a cat.  Facts that took a little longer to think about, like the few bits he seemed to own directing her mind towards what his low-paying job must be.  It really didn't matter to Mirage, she was just curious to learn more.


She made no move to take any of his possessions, barely even moving them out of place unless it couldn't be helped.  She had no interest in robbing the poor pony, only to learn more about this stranger.  She'd been about to leave when a photograph caught her eye, one of a young mare tucked in among his other possessions.  Mirage smiled at the sight, looking at it for a moment before setting it down and turning to walk towards the door.


About that time the door opened again, the stallion who'd been staying there returning from wherever he'd gone.  He freezes as he looks at the mare in his room before narrowing his eyes at her.  "Hey!  What are you doing in my room!?"  Mirage gasped and looked around, raising a hoof to her chest.  


"Oh!  Zis room is yours?  I am zo sorry! It is zese Equestrian numbers on zhe doors, different from my homeland...  I had thought zis vas mine!"  She bats her eyelashes and lets her ears droop a little as she apologizes, bowing her head a little.  The expected response came from the stallion as the harsh look on his face was replaced with a sympathetic one.  She'd been out of her homeland long enough to know that the innocent foreign beauty routine worked far better than it should.  "Oh, um, that's alright miss...  But if you could please leave?"


Nodding her head, Mirage slips past him out of the room and starts to walk down the hall.  Just before getting out of earshot, she calls back to him "You should vuy her flowers!"  Giggling quietly she quickly ducks out of the hallway before he would have a chance to realize that meant she'd been snooping around, taking a moment to collect herself before stepping out of the inn and into the street of the village.


It really was a beautiful day...  She was glad for that.  The sun felt nice, not overpowering like she'd been accustomed to.  A light breeze caused the silks hanging about her body to blow lightly, and Mirage smiled at the feeling of it.  The tall mare paid no mind to the looks she drew as she half walked, half pranced out into the middle of the street.  She enjoyed the attention, and it paid off all the more if she didn't acknowledge it all of the time.  No, leaving a little bit of wonder was a good thing.  Turning to start walking down the street, Mirage lets her gaze start to slowly drift about as she looks for her next distraction...    She was always curious, and that included being curious about where she would find herself today.  Going without a set plan in mind...  It made every day a bit of a surprise in itself.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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A brilliant blue ocean above, soft but damp fluff below; a pegasus mare was laying down on her back, her eyes closed but her mind awake. She rolled over to her side, and her eye lids slowly lifted, revealing bright, golden irises. They lazily scanned the horizon, informing the mare that she was nearing the coast. "I've never actually seen the sea before... it's prettier than I imagined..."


She rolled over again, putting her legs under her barrel. "But, I don't think it would be wise to fly over the ocean. I might not find a way back. Or I might starve. Or get caught up in a storm!" She raised one of her fore hooves up to her neck, and she pulled at her silken shawl, a hue the same as her irises, loosening it. From behind it, she pulled out a small linen pouch, tied around her neck by a simple cord. "I need to get some more bits..."


The mare tucked her pouch back behind the shawl, and tightened the scarf so as to obscure the pouch again. Slowly, she straightened out her limbs, standing up on her fluffy perch in the sky. She stretched her legs out, one by one. She fluttered her wings, shook her head, and twitched her tail, attempting to shake off the moisture that had gathered on her when she laid on the cloud. She took in a deep breath, then gave a large, hearty sigh. "Allons-y!"


She jumped off her cloud, spreading her wings out, letting the air caress her feathers in a gentle glide down to the surface. She hadn't looked about the ground before making her leap, but to her relief she seemed to be near a port-town. 


The mare landed in what seemed to be a marketplace, and her sudden arrival and vibrant accessory drew the attention of some of the local ponies. She imply waved in a friendly manner to those who stared at her, but the attention did grow uncomfortable. She sheepishly cantered away from the market stalls, and took to exploring the streets.


"Hmm, should I get something to eat?" She then considered the weight she felt in her pouch, "no, I probably don't even have enough... maybe, maybe I could meet a friendly local who will cook me a nice home cooked meal!" She thought, a silly grin on her face, but then she recalled the reception she got in the marketplace, "oh, wait, no. Probably not, and I shouldn't mooch off somepony I don't even know. I certainly shouldn't expect something like that..."

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Kazemde strolled on, eyes keenly jumping from one sight to another. He was halfway through pulling a notepad and quill from his saddlebags -as he always would - when they paused in midair just a little way off to one side. Slowly, they replaced themselves.


'Today, we just watch. No need to spend all day with my nose buried in papers and such.'


There was a first time for everything.


Eyes focusing on one wonder after another, he almost passed over the sight of the veiled mare in his wonder at the new world around him. Almost. she was clearly quite confident of herself - what with the poise and attire... but she hardly seemed to fit in with her surroundings here at all. If anything, she looked like she would be more suited to his own homeland.


No matter - it appeared that ponies here thought that he appeared out of place: it wasn't his right to judge others, especially as an outsider.


He continued onwards - slow strides giving him ample time to inspect his surroundings and appreciate the background noise of ponies going about their business in a way he never had before. The rhythmic sound of his hooves on the stone translating to a catchy tube that seemed to stick in his mind as he began to hum along slightly.


"A bazaar?" The stallion mistakenly thought out loud as he slowed to a halt, looking towards the market on his left. If he was going to be walking anywhere distant, supplies would be in order... food and water and the like. This might even be the last chance he got! Of course he had no 'Bits' to spend and only a few valuables to trade: but this would be an excellent chance to practise what he had spent so many years reading about. Smiling absentmindedly as the sights, sounds and smells came pouring in to flood his senses, he stepped amongst the sparse crowd of ponies going about their business.

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirage Star


The mare's carefree walk had been interrupted when a stallion walked past and caught her attention.  He was taller than she'd come to expect from Equestrian ponies, and his attire was odd...  Not that she had room to speak, but that just made Mirage even more curious.  He had appeared almost to be of Saddle Arabia...  Yet she would have sworn that there was a horn on his forehead.  


Mirage's thoughts drift back to the reasons she'd left her homeland in the first place, and the mare attempts to step back off of the main street.  What would a stallion be doing here from Saddle Arabia, if her suspicions were correct and he was from her homeland?  Could he have been sent after her?  No, he would have paid more mind when he'd walked past her on the streets in that case...  But why else?


It was a secret - at least to her.  And while anything that was kept from her was usually enough to draw her curiosity, this was one that could potentially effect her...  She wasn't too concerned that he was there because of her, but it had been caution that had made her come to Equestria in the first place.


Having made up her mind to find out who this stranger was if nothing else, Mirage steps back out into the streets...  To find that he'd continued along his way while she'd debated with herself.  Darn...  Where did he go?  Turning towards the direction he had been going she starts to walk, hoping to possibly at least catch up to him.


Mirage smiles behind her thin veil as she passes another pony on the street, this one a pegasus wearing a golden shawl.  "Good morning," she states as she walks past, making sure to keep up an un-rushed image.  She was excited though, and hiding it well.  So early, and already a mystery for her to poke her hoof at...  If she could figure out where the unicorn had gone, at least.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Lost in her own thoughts as to how she should spend her time, and maybe find a meal, Ambrosia's head perked up in surprise when a passing pony addressed her. It was only in passing, but the remark broke her out of her reverie. She turned around to see who had said it, but all she could see was the pony turning on to another street. Ambrosia didn't see her face, but she did notice, briefly, the mare's odd attire.


"Huh?" Ambrosia blinked. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was still a tad sleepy. "who was that pretty pony?" She took a step forward to go follow the mystery mare, "well... I mean, I don't have anything better to do at the moment..." she justified in her head. To be fair, she was right; hardly a bit to her name, and she didn't know how she would go about finding some work in this town.


Ambrosia trotted along, making the same turn she had seen the mare take. To her disappointment, her target was not in sight. She continued along, looking both ways at the next next intersection. "Ah!" She exclaimed, seeing the pony walking down a straight path, about a couple dozen yards ahead.


Ambrosia picked up her pace, cantering forward, bringing her up to the side of the pony. She looked at her, a smile on her face, "hey! what'cha doin'? You don't seem to be from around here..."

Edited by Aged Rain
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The market - or bazaar as his mind insisted on calling it - was perfect. Bustling with cheer, both buyers and sellers were happily chatting and laughing together in a scene reminiscent of back home... though he had a sneaking suspicion that this might not be the case in other areas of Equestria.


The stalls held little of particular interest to the wanderer - food and drink, spices from back home that were hawked as 'magical' and 'wondrous' despite actually being fairly common. Nothing that he really hadn't anticipated. The one of most interest to him was one selling jewellery: gaudy and clearly little more than cheap glass and semi-specious stones - very pretty and reasonably priced of course, but far from true jewels. He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a small pouch that contained a small number of circular stones. Removing a single ruby, he stepped closer and placed it in front of the stall keeper.


"Excuse me my friend, what would you give me for this?" Asked the half blood.


The unicorn lifted the stone to his eye - scrutinising it. While there might not have been much to suggest so out on display, he had a keen eye for quality and value... how else could he have been so successful?


"This thing?" He asked - expression thoughtful. "Old, decent condition... never seen one quite like it but it's just a ruby at the end of the day: twenty Bits."


The wanderer smiled - relishing the opportunity that had presented itself.


"Indeed? Allow me to tell you a story of these stones: for it takes such to understand their true wonder..."




He walked away from the stall: one ruby lighter and a hundred Bits richer. Judging by the shopkeepers reactions, this was much more of a fair trade. Now that he had money, he could really begin preparing.


As he stepped from place to place, he kept his eyes open for any sign of the unusual mare he had glanced upon earlier. The more he considered it, the more unusual her presence seemed. It wasn't like him to dwell on speculation in the absence if facts: but he couldn't help himself. Not that any unorthodox speculation mattered anyway - he would be leaving this charming town soon enough, and would have plenty to fill his mind on the road.

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirage Star


Mirage paused to smile at the mare who had chased after her, tilting her head slightly.  "Oh?  Because I am not!"  The veiled mare laughs lightly, turning her head a little so that she could continue to look around for that stallion from before.  "I'm here zo see Equestria...  Zhough right now, I am looking vor somepony..."


Smiling at the other mare, suddenly Mirage would smile wider as an idea comes to her.  This other mare was a pegasus...  Perhaps she would be willing to help?  Trying to reach a hoof out to touch one of the mare's wings, Mirage tries her best to keep her friendly smile on her face.  "Your wings are marvelous...  Zis may ve sudden, vut would you assist me?"  Mirage flutters her eyelashes a couple times out of the hope that her appearance might help influence the mare's decision...  She wasn't foreign to the thought of mares preferring the company of other mares, and wasn't above trying to use that possibility to her advantage.


"He is a tall stallion, appears as foreign as I do...  A unicorn...  I do not know where he went, zhough!  Could you help me find him?"  A small smile plays across her lips again, her ears perking up as she asks the favor.  "I would ve most appreciative..."  This pegasus was interesting, and she quite enjoyed that she'd had the nerve to approach her...  Her mind was still distracted by the stallion she'd seen before though.  She wanted to learn more about both of them now...  But if the mare would agree to help her, that might provide a perfect opportunity!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Ambrosia bashfully blushed when Mirage touched and complimented her wings. "Um, yeah, sure. Sure! Of course I can help..." She rubbed the back of her own neck with her hoof. "No problem. Heh." She waved her hoof gently, and then placed her hoof back down. "I mean, if he's as distinctive as you, he shouldn't be hard to spot from above."


She fluttered her wings a few times before take-off, partly in an attempt to make it more impressive and partly just to warm up her muscles. Ambrosia gave Mirage a wink just before her hooves left the ground, taking off in an almost entirely vertical trajectory. She scanned what area she could from there, but the lay out of the town was far too sprawling and unorganized for her to see all that much from her single location.


Ambrosia waved down towards Mirage, also taking the moment to mentally note specific features of her location so as to not get lost on the return trip. She flew in a a direction she figured would be towards the center of town, and caught sight of the local marketplace. From her vantage, she could see quite a lot of ponies going about their business, but one figure in particular stood out, "ah! That's probably him." She commented, upon seeing a slender unicorn wearing shimmering gold bands and a white robe. Ambrosia nodded her head, affirming to herself that, yes, he is indeed who Mirage was looking for.


With a twist of her body, she flew in the direction opposite of where she came, arriving back to the spot where Mirage was. Ambrosia landed gracefully in front of her, fluttered her wings a few more times, and smiled widely, "I think I found him! He's toward the market stalls, I can show you the way." Ambrosia's tail twitched as a thought occured to her, "oh! And, my name's Ambrosia, by the way. What's yours?" She asked, as she turned to lead her towards where the stallion was last seen.

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Kazemde smiled to himself as he moved with a slow, absentminded rhythm in his step towards the exit of the 'bazaar'. He was in no rush - had no deadlines to meet or ponies waiting for him impatiently. No, there and then, he literally had all of the time that he could possibly need.


No, he had what he needed and he would find himself on the road, but there was no hurry.

It was difficult for the scholar, learning to follow his heart instead of his head. Logic had ruled his thoughts for as long as he could remember: his every action had been calculated and considered until this unexpected discovery. Now... well, he had little choice but to follow the feeling in his gut.


Food and drink, matches, blankets and various quills, inks and papers weighed down the white bags slung over his back in a way that he would have found tiresome in the past, but instead felt reassuring and natural. He carried no instruments: despite having taken up learning a few (and discovered an affinity for many) when he had started his studies. He had recently been working on something that was both more interesting and reliable as a substitute and while It wasn't perfect yet, necessity was the mother of invention.


Something caught his eye just as he was about to leave - sparkling from the corner of the same stall he had sold the jewel at. It was a... clip, of some kind? Made from coloured glass and in the shape of a butterfly, it was nothing of great value (indeed, it had seen better days - sporting a number of cracks and scratches) but just seemed interesting to his way of thinking. He raised it into the air so that the owner of the stall could see, before dropping a number of bits onto the table in exchange and tucking the trinket away.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"Ambrosia..."  Mirage rolls the other mare's name off of her tongue, a small smile on her face behind her veil.  "You may call me Mirage, darling."  She winks at Ambrosia before turning to follow the pegasus towards the market.  "And you were truly avle to find him?  Zat is wonderful!  Zhank you so much for your help, darling."


As she follows Ambrosia towards the market, and hopefully the unicorn she'd seen before, Mirage takes the opportunity to look over the pegasus.  Her smile never leaves her face as she does, her eyes darting this way and that as she examines Ambrosia.  "It was kind of you zo assist me...  Is it common for you to aid strangers?"  An innocent question, but one that would still help Mirage to learn a little more about her new 'friend'.  There was value in the answers to be gained from innocent questions, as she'd learned long ago...  You just had to be able to see it.


As they walked Mirage was still trying to keep an eye out for the mysterious unicorn, not wanting to miss him while trying to learn more about Ambrosia.  The pegasus mare seemed kind enough, and so Mirage was happy to try and find out more about her, that unicorn was still stuck in her mind though.  As they start getting nearer to the market she lifts her head a little more, both to try and make herself stand out and to try and see him...  Not that she needed all that much help to stand out, given her appearance.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Hmm? Well... yeah, I mean, why wouldn't I help? Isn't it normal for ponies to help each other?" Ambrosia cheerfully said in response to Mirage's question, a smile on her face. "Mirage... that's a nice name." She was quite enjoying the attention, she had to admit to herself, and she puffed out her chest and walked with her head up.


As they were walking towards the market place, a stray thought passed through her mind. "Huh, I wonder why Mirage is looking for this fella. Are they connected somehow? Hrmm..." she pondered for a bit. "well, I guess it doesn't really matter... hrmm, unless... nah." Ambrosia looked over Mirage, who she noticed had been doing the same to her. Ambrosia had a smile on her face, and her eyelids were slightly lowered in satisfaction.


Ambrosia never really thought she was all that much to look at. Certainly not ugly, or homely, but she didn't particularly feel exceptional. It's partly why she always wore her shawl, she thought it made her stand out more. Yet, here was an exotic beauty casting coy looks at her.


As they neared the market, Ambrosia thought to take a higher vantage to see their target. She fluttered her wings once more, and took off vertically. He was pretty much exactly where she saw him earlier, and from the glittering in the stall she figured it to sell gems or other such accessories. She landed back down, and cantered through the crowd to the stallion, confident that Mirage was following behind.

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Looking up at the sky, Kazemde smiled to himself - there was plenty of daylight left for him to start his journey. Well... start was a relative term considering how far from home he was already. Humming a tune, the stallion heard words forming in the back of his mind to a song he had never heard. He marveled at the surges of creativity that he had been witnessing recently as he...
Abruptly, the halfblood felt his hooves lock in place as his neck angled to look at the mare that had wandered into his path - just in time to avoid a collision. Had he really failed to see her approach - was he really so lost in his own thoughts that he had almost oafishly blundered into someone? 
He took a step backwards to place a more comfortable distance between the mare and himself - bowing deeply as he did.
"My humble apologies." The wanderer said - taking care not to fumble translation or mispronounce words.Thankfully, it hardly seemed necessary: he had spoken common Equestrian for a while now - even if he was lacking practice, he knew most of it as well as his own language. "I was not paying attention: thoughts wander the less clear roads of my mind of late I fear. Are you unharmed?"

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Ambrosia waved a hoof at Kazemde's concern, "yeah, quite unharmed. Sorry, that near collision was as much my fault." She followed his lead and did a respectful bow. She wasn't quite certain what level of formality would be expected of her from this stallion, or even what formalities he would be expecting. She didn't know much of anything about Saddle-arabia, but here she had met not one but two ponies from there. Thus, she wanted to put her best hoof forward.


Ambrosia felt quite embarrassed, actually. She was actively looking for this fellow and she nearly bumped into him. Granted, the market place was relatively crowded, and Ambrosia's thoughts were wandering as much as her hooves. Still, she disliked it when the first impression she left a pony was that of a ditz. In fact, she quite disliked that term itself. Ditz. Some of the more bitter ponies she knew had called her that on more than one occasion.


She raised back up, and looked over Kazemde, for the first time up close. She didn't know what to say, after all, she didn't even know why Mirage wanted to find him. She figured it would be best if she let her do the talking, for now. She turned back around to see if Mirage had caught up.

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Smiling as the very stallion they had been searching for stood before them, Mirage's ears perked up as she stepped forward to stand next to Ambrosia.  "Zhere you are!  For one zhat stands out so much, you were surprisingly difficult zo find."  Giggling quietly, Mirage slowly blinks her eyes before stepping forward towards Kazemde.  


"Why, it is almost a crime!  To pique my interest and zhen vanish so suddenly..."  Without waiting for any kind of invitation or permission she had reached out with one hoof to touch the stallion's shoulder, a sly grin crossing her muzzle behind her thin veil.  "Vut now, zhat can be rectified!  Where are we going, darling?"  We - Mirage had invited herself along, it seemed.  With the way she looks at Ambrosia and winks at the pegasus, it seemed she also intended for that to extend to her.


Oh, this day has turned interesting so quickly!  Not that every day isn't interesting, but this...  Oh, this is going to be fun.  These two, they both seem interesting...  I can't wait to find out more!  She lowers her hoof, though Mirage doesn't quite move to make the distance between her and Kazemde any less awkward.  Well, not awkward for her, at least.  A slight breeze causes her silks to flutter slightly as the mare cocks her head to the side, her smile never leaving her muzzle.


"Oh, I should introduce myself, no?  It is zhe polite zhing, yes?"  Giggling quietly, Mirage bows her head slightly.  "I am called Mirage..."  She practically rolls her name off her lips as she says it, bringing a hoof up to hide her muzzle behind it.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Bardic Knowledge.


"Once more, you have my apologies."


Kazemde nodded slowly - eying the second mare as she approached and introduced herself in what could only be described as a somewhat forward manner. As far as he could tell, it was the same mare that he had passed earlier: certainly it was unlikely that more than one pony would share her particular appearance, never mind claim to recognise him.


Mirage? Of course - he had never even considered the fact that he would require a name in common Equestrian.


"Bardic." Pronounced the stallion with a touch of pride (and more than a touch of confidence) ringing through his voice. "Bardic Knowledge - I am a storyteller, or sorts. It is an honour to meet you both of course."


There was a short pause. Piqued her interest? Well that certainly hadn't been his intention: she looked as foreign as himself - more so, perhaps - so surely that wasn't what she was referring to?


"My intention was to leave town - though if I can be of assistance in any way, you have but to say the word."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Mirage blinks a couple times as Bardic gives his name, before her smile comes back full force.  "A storyteller?  What a coincidence, I am a story collector..."  She giggles quietly before adding "Zhough, not often stories zhat are commonly told..."  She winks at the unicorn before taking a few steps away, brushing past Ambrosia as she does.


"Tell me about yourself, if you wish to be of assistance, darling...  It has veen a long while since I've seen another from our homeland.  And never a unicorn, at zhat.  Most curious..."  Shrugging her shoulders, she glances over her shoulder when she realizes the others weren't following.  


"Well?  You wanted to leave town, no?  I do not intend to hold you up, we can speak and walk at zhe same time..."  Again it would seem as though Mirage had invited herself along.  The chains holding up her silks jingle slightly as a slight breeze blows over her, the mare cocking her head slightly to the side.  "Zhough, speaking of which, where are we going?  It does not matter to me, I have nowhere to ve..."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Bardic Knowledge.


Bardic stared blankly forward for a few seconds as his mind pieced together the situation. Was he being decieved? It hardly seemed likely - there were two of them and only one of him: and he was hardly intimidating. If they wanted to rob him then there would be so many easier ways... and with this one - Mirage - it wouldn't exactly be difficult to track her down again, what with her unique appearance.


He made a motion of acceptance: somewhere between a bow and a nod. He could hardly refuse after all - the roads weren't his to deny them, curious as they were. Beginning to move again, the stallion thought for a moment more before deciding how to answer.


"There is no delay - I was not destined for any place or time in particular. Merely... searching for my own story, if you will." It was a curious contrast to the mares, his voice. Her sone suggested difficulty with the language: or pride in her own. certainly a preference of some kind... as opposed to his own carefully articulated and almost script-like - an accent buried only deep below the surface. He considered briefly that this curious mare might favour more... elaborate methods of communication - if her attire was anything to judge by. "It is a story that I do not know the end of - that is yet to reveal its secrets even to myself."


"As for my heritage, that is no secret. I have ancestors from Equestria. It is one of many reasons why I choose to find myself here."

Never quite forgotten.

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"So... they didn't really know each other beforehand, then?" Ambrosia thought to herself, trying to comprehend the situation at hoof with more clarity. Something that did not escape her notice, however, was Mirage seeming to flirt with the stallion. "Huh... well, um..." Doubts started to creep into her mind, "is she just like that with everypony? Or maybe she doesn't realize that her actions could be thought of as such?" She had been certain that she was of special interest to Mirage, and that had made her feel ecstatic. The thought that she would casually flirt with just anypony was upsetting, "maybe I just had the wrong idea..."


Ambrosia didn't let these disheartening thoughts show on her face, though. She kept a measured smile and perked up posture throughout the two other ponies' conversation.


Ambrosia considered the stallion again. He certainly had mentioned some interesting things to match his interesting aesthetic. Despite seeming outwardly like Mirage, his voice and mannerisms were noticeably different. It was as if though he was deliberately trying to align himself more with his Equestrian heritage, but neither did he seem ashamed of his more exotic heritage, given his attire. She had to admit, for a stallion, he was quite intriguing.


She had no problem with being dragged along on an adventure; she had nowhere to be and nothing pressing to attend to. Further more, this Bardic stallion seemed to have more hefty luggage with him then Ambrosia had. She wasn't too fond of letting herself mooch off somepony else, but she didn't have much to offer at this point.


Her stomach rumbled, a most uncouth sound, but it brought up a point that she would've otherwise been embarrassed to admit, "hey, if we're going to be on the road for a while, we should perhaps stock up on some... provisions, right?"

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Bardic Knowledge.


Bardic smiled - robbers would be unlikely to try and go as far as to actually purchase supplies themselves in an effort to appear genuine. Perhaps these two really were as they appeared: a couple who's only motivation here was curiosity. Certainly, he could relate to that.


He motioned towards the market.


"I can wait, if you wish it. Or you are of course free to share what I carry myself - there is enough for us all I believe, so long as we forage what we can." The bard looked back at his saddlebags - which were mostly filled with an assortment of breads and fruits preserved in jars of honey. "I don't intend to come back this way for some time - though you are of course, free to choose your own paths, should you decide to. If you are to accompany me however, it would be my pleasure to offer anything I can in return for your company."


Bardic was quite used to spending lots of time alone: it was how he preferred to work after all. Since he had started considering this journey though, it had been becoming increasingly apparent that 'alone' in ones home and 'alone' in the wilderness were two very different things... it would likely be a lonely place between towns, but now he didn't need to be concerned about that minor fact.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Turning her head to glance at her own meager supplies, Mirage lets another small smile cross her muzzle at Bardic's offer to share his supplies.  She didn't have much, and bits weren't among what she did have...  She could have tried to talk some of the vendors out of some of their wares, but that could take some time.  Time was something she didn't like to waste.  "Zhat is very generous of you, Vardic.  You are sure you do not mind?"  


The mare turns her head from Bardic to Ambrosia, that knowing grin never really leaving her muzzle as she looks over her new companions again.  She was glad they had both agreed to spend time together so readily - she had been prepared to try other methods if it had been necessary, but knowing they seemed as eager as she felt was a relief.  It was always so much easier to get others talking when they were compliant!


"Well...  Should we take to zhe road, zhen?"  She tosses her head lightly to make the wind catch her mane, the effort causing her golden chains to clink together before turning to start trotting down the road in an admittedly random direction.  Nopony had offered a destination, so that told her to just start moving.  Destinations would happen eventually by doing that, right?  Seemingly not noticing herself, but Mirage was practically prancing from hoof to hoof as she walked.  She really was excited to have new companions to learn more about, and it was starting to show.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Bardic Knowledge.


Bardic shook his head with a slight smile as the mare turned her back on them - casting a bemused but entertained look towards Ambrosia.


"Your friend is quite... enthusiastic." He noted quietly under his breath with a slight chuckle.


Motioning towards the foreign pony, he began to follow - lacking any real direction himself, it was logical that if she wished to lead then there was no reason to try and prevent her: who knew, perhaps she had a firm understanding of this regions geography?


Or perhaps not - but she probably knew more than he did at any rate.


"I was careful to purchase excess: one never can anticipate everything ahead of them. It is better to be over prepared than under, in my humble opinion." The stallion responded after a few seconds - catching up with the taller mare but speaking openly to them both. "You are quite welcome to share."




The road wound onwards for some way ahead - twisting to the point of seeming unsure of itself, but always solid and sturdy. Bardic found himself marvelling at it: while probably quite boring to one whom actually lived here (or most foregners for that matter): the very concept that every single town and village - however small - was connected to the same large network of cities was fascinating... it was no wonder Equestrian trade was renowned even across the sea.


"So..." He said, glancing between the two again as he tore his attention away from the stones underhoof. "... Would eitger of you do me the honour of telling me about yourselves? I can answer any questions you may have in return, if you so desire... knowledge is a passion of mine you see. It is not an issue if you would rather not, however."

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  • 3 weeks later...





A "firm understanding of the region's geography" for Mirage came down to following the roads and reading road signs...  So, that was what she was doing now.  Mostly the first part - she was much too interested in her companions to pay any attention to any signs they may have passed.  At Bardic's question Mirage laughs quietly, reaching up with one hoof to brush a stray bang of her mane out of her face and causing the golden chains around her forehooves to clink quietly.


"What is zhere for me to say?  I am just a young mare from Saddle Arabia, hoping to see more of zhis veautiful world..."  She flutters her eyelashes as she speaks, every few seconds making sure to move her gaze from Bardic to Ambrosia, watching them both curiously.  To be fair there was much more about her, but most of it was of a more sensitive nature...  Not that she would be reluctant to share, but only after she was positive they were trustworthy.  Zhey both seem nice enough, no point to advertise my purpose zhough...  If one of zhem met with zhe wrong pony, well, it would be good zhat I kept my mouth shut...


There was more she could say without putting herself at risk, though...  And it would hopefully keep them both willing to share if she seemed that way herself.  So after a quiet giggle Mirage shrugs and moves her gaze to the road ahead of her.  "You may say I am here to find a vetter life.  Vack in my homeland, I came from very little.  I did what I could to get by...  Now, I make my own way in zhe world!"

Edited by Umbreon











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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  • 2 weeks later...



Bardic nodded carefully, as if understanding some hidden meaning. Of course, he understood nothing of the sort - it was simply polite to imply that he was paying attention on every level.


"Indeed... and now our paths intertwine, for the time at hoof at least." He chuckled. Yes, this was better - much better than traveling alone. The stallion briefly wondered if he would tire of traveling with company - it was a reoccurrence in many stories both old and new. He doubted it - if only because other ponies meant that he had someone to speak to. To tell some of the stories he yearned to share.


That could wait though.


"Please do not take offence at my observation dear..." He said - bowing his head slightly before motioning towards the mare. "But your attire is... not what I would have expected to find a wanderer to adorn themselves in. It is most... unorthodox?"


Try as he might, there wasn't a subtle way to ask: Bardic might have known about words and speech, but between the outfit in question and his piqued curiosity, even the most diplomatic ways to enquired sounded blunt and oafish in his mind. Perhaps someone more... someone more familiar with dealing with these type of subject to might have done better.


"I mean to say, it is a most exquisite attire... but an unexpected sight."

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Blinking a couple times at the question, Mirage hesitates before laughing out loud.  It wasn't a question she was a stranger to, she still found it funny each time her outfit was pointed out though.  She trots a short ways ahead before turning and striking a small pose, almost like she was modeling, before turning again and repeating the act.  "Oh, do you like what you see, darling?"  She finds herself unable to stifle another laugh before falling back into position next to her new companions.


"I find zhat drawing zhe attention of others is rarely a vad zhing.  My attire is meant to do just zhat!  Vhen your goal is to learn more of other ponies, well, it helps greatly when they seek you out..."  She flutters her eyelashes a few times, a small playful smile on her muzzle behind her veil.  "I learned zhis from a friend, vack in Saddle Arabia.  She was a..."  


Mirage hesitates for a moment, as though having trouble thinking of the right word.  "How did she say...  Paramoure?  Regardless, she taught me much.  A very wise mare, one I find myself missing often.  Zhe company of others helps to dull zhat ache, and so zhe attire assists with zhat as well."


Flicking her tail, the foreign mare shakes her head.  The movement causes her golden bridle to clink, and she quickly speaks up again.  "Ah, but zhat is off topic, no?  You asked of my clothes and I bring up an old friend, I apologize."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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