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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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The commotion was too much. Recruits puking like their intestines were on fire. They would die a gruesome death, but Radiance could do nothing for them. To try would be foolish. She noticed the mare lagging behind, "leave them. You will kill yourself." Her muscles began to ache, but they were bearable. They will surely get worse fast. Radiance reached the door and forced it open. She traversed the ledge, and stepped into the cold night.


Light erupted from Radiance's horn, it was noticeably more difficult this time. She did her best to focus, and sent a small yellow ball of light into the air. It dissipated, leaving nothing behind. "I may have been blowing smoke, but I do have a friend." A soldier should be stationed at the castle as a lookout for signs, if he followed her orders. Yellow means in dire need of Celestia. Red is send reinforcements, white is everything is fine. The castle should soon be aware of Radiance's return and that she is in a bad situation. Hopefully Celestia herself will take the warning seriously.


"Hurry. Longer it takes, the worse it gets. Castle, now."  Radiance turned at started at a slightly slower pace towards the castle. She wanted the mare to live. Loyal recruits were valuable servants and the easiest to manipulate. As she walked, she felt her muscles seize up and her mind begin to grow foggy. Radiance was sure that she would be okay, but would the mare be able to keep up?


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Jade Heart.


Jade glanced up towards the mare as she entered - her body still but her eyes flicking aside to follow the movements that she made. An unusual look - another foreigner perhaps? It was difficult to say - certainly she didn't seem to fit the appearance of a pony from any of the many placed that Jade had witnessed, which was somewhat unusual.


Even so, there was a strange familiarity. She couldn't place it. She didn't like the feeling it gave her though.


All of this, and yet she couldn't help but raise a brow and grin from under the obscuring darkness of her cowl - beautiful and self assured, with that aura of mystery. Maintaining a presence without actively bringing attention to herself... This was someone who knew how to manipulate others: who was capable of methods like her own.


Of all the ponies in the room, this one presented the most potential to be an excellent ally... or a genuinely concerning enemy.


Dorado was brash and loud, but likely more than he appeared - and had already displayed at least some level of compassion.


The Mage was... possibly a complication, if her suspicions proved to be correct. A friend of hers would need to confirm as much... though he would be only a minor one so long as she was careful.


The mercenary... hired muscle was always a wildcard that she tried to avoid resorting to, so Jade had little opinion there and would need to find out more.


Either way, time would tell.

Never quite forgotten.

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Merdyn looked at the pouting stallion. He analysed him for a moment. Physical expertise, yes that was a certainty. Arrogant… Perhaps a little delusional. What did he have to prove? That he could beat him in a duel? Of what use was that?


"Oh please mister Dorado, let's not descend to a level that petty. If it pleases you I will gladly admit that if we were to fight I would surely succumb under your… expertise." He said with a patronizing smile on his face. This idiot had no clue who he was dealing with. Bragging about strength, preposterous!


"And perhaps another thing that you would like to hear is that indeed many mages believe that magic is the biggest source of power. I am not one of them however. Just like business ponies often say money is the greatest source of power, and generals say their armies and weapons are. It all depends on how it is used, not how much of it you have. In a simple respect… knowledge is power."


Oh well, perhaps magic is the most powerful, but also the hardest to utilize… But these ponies will most likely never understand that.



He looked at the new mare who had just entered the building. If it wasn't for his tobacco, he would've found her very attractive. But as he was now, with a mind calm enough to consider primitive instincts like they were thoughts and ideas, he rendered his feelings unnescesary, and even unwanted in a meeting like this. He was still impressed however, just like he had been with Jade Heart. A stature of someone familiar with the arts of manipulation and deception, though he still had to see how she was with speech. Jade had proven herself proficient with it, and when dealing with intelligent individuals like himself, physical appearance meant nothing in comparison to capability of speech and intellect.


He nodded at the mare, and took inhaled another draw from his pipe, nothin more.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


As Lady entered the room the mayor turned to look at her and gave a genuine smile, his raspy voice called out "Lady, I'm delighted to see such a noble house as I've heard rumors yours is putting backing in this little project. I must say I entered this room thinking tomorrow I'd have to order a swift and silent execution of very one here, but the letter did not lie about this meetings potential."


Suddenly the room seemed to shutter, all the bare bones concrete surfaces shimmering and becoming marble, silver and gold. The room became elegant beyond reason for such a place, a small chandelier descended over the meeting table and banishing all shadows and gloom from the room. A new door opened in the back of the room and out stepped a very strange sight.


It was a pony or at least was shaped like a pony. It wore a cloak of gleaming black feathers and it's face was covered with a white plague doctors mask complete with black brimmed hat. With the fluttering feathered cloak and the long beak like nose of the mask it gave the definite impression of a large white faced bird. Stories from across Equestria had begun to spread about a pony like this, it was being called the Raven and it was committing terrorist type acts where ever it appeared.


The voice from the mask was emotionless, genderless and seemed to have a strange crackle to it, "Mares and Stallions, I thank each of you for accepting my letter. I have been informed that our last guest will not be arriving, so let us continue without him. Though before I call this meeting to order let us drink together and toast to the potential of new friendship and a new Equestria to come."


It reached into the feathered cloak and withdrew a bottle of wine and wine glass, "Crystal Champagne, said to have been one of the greatest wines to bless this world; expensive even before Sombra's reign made it difficult to acquire and then Celestia's and Luna's failure against him made it so no bottles would ever be made again. It's considered a priceless delicacy now, I found it appropriate for such an occasion."


The Raven pony moved around the table pouring a measured amount into a glass and placing it before a pony and then reaching into it's cloak to withdraw another glass and repeat the process. At the Mayor he spoke to it, "the last guest was to be Radiance wasn't it? Where is she? What have you done?" But the Raven didn't reply merely continued it's business distributing the drink, however it stopped at the meetings one empty chair and stared at the mayor the lenses of it's plague mask giving a strange gleam as it poured a glass of champaign for the missing pony.


Finally done with all the guests it returned to it's own seat and poured the last of the bottle's contents into it's own glass and raised it. "Cheers."


(Nightfury if Tempest looks at The Raven's aura all he will see is an unkindness of ravens swirling about blocking the pony from sight)

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As the room shuttered and started to change Patience became (visibly) uneasy, to know that their host could change the room around them was unnerving to her... And the overly nice decor was unappealing (By her standards at least.) as well. Then their host appeared and at first Patience was unsure of what to think before shrugging it off.   *'Looks like he skinned Ravenwing and wore her as a cloak... Heh, i wish.'*   And after the pony poured her glass she politely slid it over to the mayors aid, muttering something about disliking champagne before quietly waiting for the pony to start talking.

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Cryptical Code was at best, surprised but concealed as he eyes the champagne suspiciously. "Cheers," he followed along, raising his glass. He dares not to drink it till the others had. And he carefully watched the others waiting while wondering how the host managed to get such wine.


Though that was rather a minor concern of his as he was more focused on wondering who the host is. An excellent entrance and the reports had read before. This in his mind will be a very interesting meeting. Then he silently added a small comment in his mind of the "potential new friendships," with, "and new enemies." All in his mind as he looked at the room in its current state.


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Merdyn stood up from his chair and reached in his pocket to find more of the herbs that he had been smoking. His eyes opened wide when he realized they weren't there. He hadn't made enough before the meeting. He slowly sat back down and slowly breathed in and out.


No reason to worry just yet. I can continue without it… He thought, though he knew he wasn't as good at negotiating when he didn't have his calming agents. He was more loose lipped and more likely to give in to his emotions. It was not desirable for his current situation, but there was nothing he could do about it now… Except for perhaps a drink. Anything to stop him from saying too much.


Then the unthinkable happened. Out of nowhere the room began to shift and morph into a new, more appealing form. Stress started to build up inside Merdyn as he nervously bit on his extinguished pipe.


He changed his position to sit more comfortably and tried to stay calm, but in his mind things started to speed up again. Thoughts were flying and flashing at the speed of light again, which the tobacco had previously prevented. He was getting distracted by himself. His constant smiling from earlier disappeared very quickly. He was not serene anymore. His usual grumpy attitude started to return slowly, and he didn't look a single bit happier when 'The Raven' showed himself and started to serve drinks to every pony in the meeting room.


He was tempted to cast several spells. To determine what kind of magical forces fill this room, and what their sources are, thus finding out what 'The Raven' has up his sleeve... He looks a terrible lot like a necromancer, or perhaps a biomagician. Very dangerous those fellows.


He was also tempted to cast a spell to find out if his drink had been poisoned, cursed or somehow adjusted. He didn't like the free drink one bit. However, if this pony had invited them to discuss in peace, he could imagine any reason why he would poison their drinks. He still didn't trust it though, and he frowned at the drink, no matter how expensive t was.


He didn't cast anything. He was afraid it might cause some of the ponies here to become distressed, and it would take a lot of his energy. He'd rather wait things out a little first. He had a good escape mechanism anyway. And now that he was out if calming agents he'd also rather keep his mouth shut.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Dorado was about to reply to the mage when the room started to changed rapidly. Dorado froze a for a moment and started to become nervous, however he didn't show it, instead he just showed a tense, stern look instead of a nervous, scared one. The finally the host appeared. He stared at the black-feathered pony for a bit, almost in surprise. El Cuervo!? (Cuervo is Raven in Spanish) Dorado did not like their host; he was not to be trusted. If this flightless bird was truly there host, it could only mean bad things... especially because of this pony's, if it even is a pony, plan for them. Dorado was surprised by the wine; he did like his drinks. Without thinking he took a sip. The drink was probably the best tasting drink he had ever had. To heck with the ale he ordered, he wanted some more of this! No... this was not a dinner party this was a meeting with an unpredictable feathered-thing in a room filled of ponies willing to commit treason. Even though Dorado craved more he knew he had to keep focus. He wanted answers. 


"So... Cuervo. What do you want? What's your plan... your proposition?" Dorado asked in a somewhat raised voice. 

Edited by AnonBrony
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Tempest glanced at the pony that had brought them all here, and shrugged slightly. He felt something strange emenating from the strange pony, but he didn't know why exactly. The bat pony then took a sip of his drink, not wanting to appear rude. He had to admit, though. The wine was had a pleasing flavor.

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Two sips, those were potential deaths, glancing down at his drink, Cryptical Code took a small sip--his sense wasn't warning him before the meeting and it has of yet. It was good, very good in his opinion. It is terrible that the champagne is rather rare from the host's description.


Cryptical Code stayed in silent as he took another sip before placing the drink back onto the table. Now, how long till the meeting actually starts?


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Lady was greeted by various ponies of shapes and faces. Good, she took good notes on their features. The height, cutiemark and the sound of their voices. She was snapped back into realty when she when she was told that she was late. "I like to be fashionably late sometimes." She said honestly as she trotted over to a seat near Cryptical and looked over to him. "It isn't my fault, time slips me by."


Her attention then was paid to the mayor. She gave a slightly grin at him as she simply stated: "I hope so for the one's sake." She told him in a very honest tone of voice. Especially since the 'one' she's talking about was him. She knew right then and there that he knew she was a changeling. The mare made sure to pay close in mind, for when she becomes queen of the Equestrian hive...he'll receive such a nice present!


Lady looked over to the cloaked pony known as the Raven. She's heard of him, definitely. She was actually proud of his work, hopefully under that cloak was a stallion. His voice seemed so ambiguous she couldn't tell. The changeling princess noted this to be of a later priority. She'll find a suitor to help her bare offspring later, when she knows that this land, Equestria shall become her hive. She cheered a toast then drank the wine presented to her in slow slips. Making sure she looked well in the process. Lady then began to take notes of the actions taken and the mayor's speech. Maybe she could use this time to gain allies? She would need to find the strongest and the most intellectual pony she could trust halfheartedly.


She looked around to see if any pony were often interaction, or the stallion who spoke out chose to have a conversation with her. Either way, Lady needs to find out who and what shall they do. She also needs to make sure that their goals don't cross with hers...after all. In the end, it must be her who is holding the crown. 

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"Indeed, time does slip by some ponies," Cryptical Code agreed as he looked up. Then he continued on, his voice blank, "Although at times it is better to arrive early." Discretely referring to ambushes and assassinations.


"And as a proper greeting which is now rather late, my name is Cryptical Code, may I know of yours ma'am," Cryptical Code asked in his blank voice again. It may appear that he wasn't paying much of attention, but he definitely was if one knew him well enough. His eyes concealing his cold calculating ways.


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Tempest glanced at Lady, and shook his head slightly. "Yes, but maybe now we can actually get this meeting underway." He said, glancing at the Raven. "I assume there's some sort of plan involved in all of this, right?" The bat pony didn't exactly care, seeing as how he already had a few surprises in store for the others, should any of them try to take the crown away from it's rightful owner. Tempest then glanced at Lady. "For future reference, you can call me Tempest."

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Merdyn tried to focus on the gathering as a whole, perceiving as many inputs as possible and trying to follow everyponies monologues. He tried to take note of the raven and what he was. He even tried to pay attention to what Dorado was saying, even though he was barely worth listening to.


And the longer this meeting was taking... The longer he was without his tobacco, the more he started to get distracted by the mare who had just arrived. He frowned. He had no time for petty instincts like these. As he was thinking of way to get himself to focus, he realized he was staring at her like a fool. He was lucky he had his hood still on, otherwise she would've seen his jaw wide open.


"Stop this madness you preposterous Casanova! Get your eyes back on the prize. She will try to use this against you!"


Before he could stop himself he was talking, his subconsciousness going too fast for his consciousness to interfere. "My dearest mare. It is awful for me to see a pony such as yourself stand there while the rest of us are seated. Please let me offer you a seat, don't strain your poor legs any longer... My name is Merdyn. I hope you would care to tell me your name and sit next to me. I'd be honored." He said smooth and flawlessly, pointing at the seat next to him. He immediately regretted saying it, but he might as well stick to his act now. "Besides, having a little fun with this mare can't be a disaster right? I am just forging an alliance."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Lady, @@Scribblegroove,  


Dorado the took notice of the newly arrived mare. He thought she was quite exotic. He had never seen a pony like her before. Though there was something mysterious about her, but Dorado couldn't tell what... either way he sort of liked it. He was about to approach her but when he saw that mage try and get her good side before he can even speak her scowled. He already did not like this stallion and the fact he was trying to impress her made him angry, jealous even. He did not want her to be with him of all ponies. 


He spoke to the mare. "No no no, I think you would rather have the seat over by me, señorita." He said rolling the R. "Might I say you look muy magnifico." He then took her hoof and kissed it. "Oh forgive my rudeness, my name is El Dorado Oro Mercantil de Caballo but you may call me Dorado. Now, venga conmigo before our host begins to speak. Oh and what is your name?

Edited by AnonBrony
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@@Scribblegroove,@, @@Demirari,  @@AnonBrony,


The changeling was surprised by the attention she was brought to herself. The young queen naturally took the time to pause and think about her actions. After all, three stallions willing to assist her or bring her down fall is more then enough. She fixed her mane slightly, allowing it to be pushed back. Lady took the time to look over to the four stallions talking to her at once. She was a bit overwhelmed to be honest. She felt like changing back into a changeling right but...why? There was so much opportunities to feed! She needed to pick first.


First there was Cryptic and Tempest. She doesn't like bat ponies all to much, they often conflict with her family for territory when she was little. So Tempest is out, and Cryptic seems alright by her eyes. She choose to talk to all of them at once, by introducing herself then selecting the two she will use for her battle of dominance. If they behave with her then when she becomes queen they'll be able to live there lives as rich and well respected stallions. She needs to find out who wants the throne, and then take them out or convince them other wise. "I am Ladybugbut call me Lady. Simply Lady." She simply told them as she looked over to them. Apparently she's still standing.


Lady then turned her attention to Dorado. A stallion who speaks Spanish? Ok, but not that attractive. It was easy for her to learn his language. So to turn him down gently, she simply said. "Yo no quiero, lo siento."(Which means I don't want to, sorry in Spanish. Since I speak it irl.) She told Dorado in a angelic Spanish accent. She looks over to Cryptic and Tempest gave them a soft smile. "We'll continue our conversation at a later time." She then, finally, looked over to Merdyn, who's words and accent swooned her for the moment. She trotted over to him and gave him a slight grin. "Well then," She started in her normally seductive accent. "I'd be glad to take a seat, Sir Merdyn." She told him in an honest tone as she sat down next to him. She levitated the wine with her magic, the aura was pale blue like her eyes. She didn't really use her hooves due to the fact it will spill, and do you know how hard it is to remove wine stains from fur? Every hard in fact. She didn't need to try it again.  

Edited by Lady
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Tempest nodded slightly, and glanced at the others. He didn't understand why they were fawning over the mare so much. "Something isn't quite right in this picture." He thought to himself. The bat pony then shrugged off the notion, thinking that he was being to paranoid and that the others were simply being polite. As for Tempest himself, he wasn't exactly interested in Lady. He already had a marefriend, and he wasn't about betray her in such a uncouth manner.

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First he was surprised and delighted when he heard her speak his native language, but that delight shattered in an instant when reality hit him. Dorado was shocked when she didn't choose to be with him. Angered burned inside him as she sat down next that wizard. He was jealous. He normally isn't very jealous, he always gets the mare. He wanted to say something, do something, maybe either to the mage or maybe persuade her to come with him, but now wasn't the right place. They were at a meeting with an infamous, but important pony. Now was the time the time to talk business not love and war. He scowled, pulled his hat down a bit and trotted over to his seat mumbling to himself. At his seat he awaited El Cuervo's response, but at the same time starred intently, with an icy sharp glare, at the two them as they conversed. 

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Cryptical Code watched the scene silently, nodding his head a little. This was quite a good event right now, if he could somehow utilize Lady to remove these two from position, that would be excellent. Cryptical Code let a smile smile form before crushing it soon after it was blooming, indeed, this was perfect. Then he noted something from that mage, that was very interesting. It seemed to Cryptical Code that the mage was acting abnormally, maybe it was due to the attractive mare? Or could it be that pipe the mage had been smoking. Noting it, he returned to observing the attendants of the room, hoping that the meeting would start soon. It was growing to Cryptical Code that the meeting was taking a bit far too long, though it could be impatience to him--though that itself was unusual. 


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Merdyn grinned internally at Dorado. The flankchaser had just been beaten by the hermit wizard. What a tool! He smiled at Lady and levitated his drink as well, touching his glass with hers. "Cheers. I am honored a beauty like you sits next to a silly Mage like me. It is flattering really." He said.


Rational thought came back to Merdyn a little at this point. All he had wanted for a moment was to conquer this mare, and teach Dorado a lesson. He realized now how stupid that was. He should pay more attention to their negotiations. No matter how distracting Lady was, he still would'nt have her sit anywhere else. No, he was just going to have to bare the consequences of his own stupid emotions.


His heart was pounding a bit heavier than usual. Perhaps because of the nature of the situation? Or was it that mare again. He was surprised, fascinated even, what this mare could do to him. She reduced him from a wise intellectual to a hopeless teenage colt. Somewhere in the back of his mind a soft voice whispered "A spell perhaps?"


He ignored the little voice and looked around the table. To distract himself, he bit on his extinguished pipe a little neurotically. He waited for the Raven to reveal his plans.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Tempest sighed, as he was begining to grow impatient. "What do you think, Xena. Should we leave these ponies to their own devices?" He thought. "We might as well send the letter, at least."


The aura beast glanced at Tempest. "Now seems like a good time, but we should stay. Knowing what they intend to do would give us a slight edge. I don't know what to think about the raven pony, though."


The bat pony shrugged, and mentally sighed. "You and me both." He thought, as he reached into his saddlebag. Tempest then felt the letter disappear in his hoove, having been sent to one of the only pony Tempest could trust in this dire time.


(@Torrent505: I'll send you Tempest's letter via PM tomorrow.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the street a light blue Pegasus seemed to notice Radiance's ball of light and stumbling and as she approached she seemed to recognize the mare as well.

"Radiance? Is that you? Are you okay? The mayor ordered me to watch the building for anything suspicious, has something happened? Is the mayor alright?"


She was recognizable as the mayor's secretary and as soon as she finished speaking lights began to shoot out of the alley next to the Angel's Share Tavern. They were spells that shot up and exploded like fireworks turning the night sky into a light show. From the front of the alley five ponies emerged, two pegasus and three earth ponies all looking rather intimidating as the light show continued to spill into the sky behind them.


The mayor's secretary, Ice Breaker, turned to face the advancing ponies and backed toward Radiance. Speaking over her shoulder, "Okay I'll take that as a yes for something happening. I hope you were calling for help, do you think they'll respond to your shot or consider it part of the show?" Her voice quivered a little with fear.


@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


The Raven seemed to keep to it's name as it watched the conversation between Lady and the stallions as well as the subtle competition they were having, every so often it would cock it's head this way or that mannerisms more suited to an avian. At the conversation and as the ponies drank to it's cheers it even seemed to puff up some the combined with the particular angle of it's mask managed make the strange pony look pleased even through the concealing emotionless costume.


However once the talking died down again and all eyes returned to it the puff faded and it seemed to twitch fixing a cocked lensed eye at Patience and her pushed aside glass in what could only be taken as a glare. "It is quite rude to refuse a host's cheers, especially when the drink is so fine. Anyone unwilling to share a drink with me can kindly leave." The altered voice remained emotionless but the subtle rising of it's volume carried the anger anyways. "You've all come to my table and so I consider you allies, I will gladly share a bottle with you or even drink from your cups with you wish, but I expect the same respect from each and every one of you!" The Raven withdrew a crystalline straw from it's cloak and fixed it into a small port in it's mask then lifted it's glass and visibly drained some of the champaign.


The Raven's gaze drifted over everyone present, "I have no reason to poison any of you, I only hoped a friendly cheers and fine spirits would breed companionship between us and steel your resolves, for discussing the end of an icon should not be for those who would fear a drink," It's head jerked to a glaring stare at the empty seat, "those too timid to stand amongst their peers," it twitched back to the cocked stare at Patience, "or those too weak hearted to swallow something they have no true taste for..." It ran a hunting gaze over them, the mayor fidgeted as it passed over him "if you find yourself among 'those' individuals then you should find the door. For you were polite enough to come to the table, but 'I' will find you lacking in the future and now is the only moment I will accept withdrawal from this little club without seeking your swift but agonizing death. Leave now and I will be nothing to you but for those who stay know I will become your friend and greatest ally or your worst enemy. Those three choices are before you now."


The Raven lifted it's glass to it's straw again and drank while waiting to see how the ponies would respond and if any would take it's offer of immunity and leave.

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Dorado watched the bird-pony as he said his speech. Dorado knew that most of them were not gonna leave; most of them weren't the kind of ponies to be scared so easily. As Dorado listened he just wished he'd get to the point and say his proposition. In his head Dorado though this little offer was just a waste of time. Another thought that went through his minf was how odd this pony was. They were he twitched and jerked his head. This pony was an utter maniac. If it is even a pony. Dorado thought he seemed more Griffon than pony... but not even griffons act that odd. 


Once he finished his speech Dorado rose his glass into the air. "I will be staying, El Cuervo. I am certainly not a weak minded fool to turn this opportunity down.." 

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Cryptical Code took one small sip before placing his wine glass onto the table. Two thoughts ran their course in his head: leave or stay. The first choice could be the safest… or from what it seems from what the host had said. One can not be too sure of the unknown. Could be a way to remove the weak links; it may be the best to stay. Though to stay could present an even greater threat… the end of his life.


Pondering, Cryptical Code looked up, his eyes leaving the wine glass, "I'll stay." Then, Cryptical Code returned to observing the glass of wine. Was it a good idea or was it not? Only time could tell.

Edited by Demirari


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@Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride


The mayor slowly stood with a sigh obviously exaggerating his age worn aches, he locked eyes with the lense of the Raven's plague mask, "I must say that this wine is crisp and sweet, a perfection in dryness and so exquisite that even a pony of influence and power such as myself fears he won't have something so exceptional again. I only wish that the company of it's purveyor were not so sour. My name may be Goodheart Everlast but as I find myself often having to explain to the public my heart is not what it once was; I also have my position and public image to maintain, I cannot associate myself with such a reviled character. It would simply be too much of a strain on myself and destroy the spirit of this wonderful city to have a leader such as myself in your presence."


He turned to leave patting his large unicorn aide on the back as he passed him. At the door he paused, "publicly you are my enemy, but I believe it would better for me and this city's ponies if we were nothing to one another... However," he gave his signature grandfatherly smile to everyone else at the table, "should any of you find yourself in need of assistance against a known terrorist such as him or in removing ANY other creature we find Equestria would be better without you know where to find me." And with that the elderly Mayor of Canterlot left the room of the devil's cut.


However his aide remained and slid into the vacant seat, "it goes without saying that I am not the Mayor. The mayor is a kindly aged stallion who would never dirty his hooves with criminal elements. My opinions and actions here in no way signify the mayors cooperation or beliefs on these matters. I do this of my own accord, independent of his will and knowledge." His voice was deep and rich but the words sounds dull and rehearsed.


While speaking he had removed a quill and parchment from is saddlebag and as he settled into the seat he now looked more like a student devoted to taking his notes.

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