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open A New Beginning (open)

Lily Parasol

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(OOC Thread here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114025-a-new-beginning/)


This rp is meant for OC's making their way into Ponyville to start a new life. Some ponies may just want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in other cities, but other ponies may be brimming with mysterious pasts and secrets. So, join Ponyville; either to get away or to run away...



-No content that is violent or for 18+ audiences. save it for fanfics!

-Your character MUST be an OC.

-Up to 2 charries per person.

-Be nice! This should be a positive environment for rps.

-All general rp rules not mentioned here apply as well. Oh, and have fun!  ;) 


Autumn Maton


The train screeched to a halt in front of Ponyville. I buttoned my coat, tipped my hat to the conductor, and dashed off of the train. My overcoat blew gently in the passing breeze. The sun shone down on me, the clouds floating lazily by. My stomach rumbled loudly as I passed a cozy little bakery called Sugar Cube Corner. I stopped, sniffed, and sighed. The sweet aromas of muffins and cupcakes wafted lazily toward my nose. Well, I thought, maybe I can stop for a bite. The bakery seemed deserted, so I rang the silver bell on the counter. I immediately regretted it. A pink pony dashed from the kitchen and knocked me over. My head banged against the tiles, and my hat almost fell off the tip of my head. I gasped for air as the pony said incredibly fast to me, "welcometosugarcubecornermynameispinkiepieyoulooknewhereareyoubecauseiknoweveryoneinponyvillebutwelcome!Doyouhearticking?" "Um..no." I said quickly and nervously. "Oh. ok!" PInkie PIe said cheerfully." "Get...off..." I wheezed. The pony looked confused and frowned. "Wait...what?" "Get..off..of...me." "Oh! Sorry." She stood up, and I reached for my inhaler in my pocket. My lungs instantly felt better. She smiled and hopped up and down. "I'm PInkie Pie! Nice to meet you!!" I gave her a small smile. "Autumn. Can I have a muffin?" The blueberry muffin was delicious and crumbled in my mouth. I thanked the highly energetic pony on my way out, and continued my journey. 

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Onyx winced as the train conductor yelled "final warning anypony getting off at Ponyville better do so now!" His eyes shot open as he realised this was his stop. The clumsy pony quickly and franticly gathered his luggage, not knowing he had grabbed the wrong suitcase the young stallion rushed towards the exit, galloping down the isle still half asleep his legs felt heavy, his mind was a haze quickly signalling the conductor to hold the door and started to slow to a trot his cheeks burning with embarrassment as everypony was looking at the stallion frantic stallion he gave a slight smile and a nod to the conductor and stepped onto the train platform and began to slowly trot towards his new life in Ponyville. He smiled as Celetia's beautiful day shone upon his grey coat, the cool breeze that ruffled his charcoal coloured mane carried the smell of the sweet apple orchards is the distance, the bright sun blinding him as he looked around at his surroundings slipping on his sunglasses over his emerald

eyes, he continued pass a local bakery not paying attention he tripped on the front stairs of the bakery just as a pony was exiting his glasses slid off his face and hit the stone steps both lenses shattering he quickly stood up and brushed himself blushing furiously. 

Edited by Revertz
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In the very last cart of the train, a cloaked figure gathered her one bag.The mare moved across the long train, moving out the doors in a rush. Hearing the loud call of the conductor, the cloaked pegasus flew out, grasping her bag in her mouth. She sighed, with relief. She moved across the town, making sure that a certain pink pony wouldn't attract attention to her. Steam Gear inhaled, the fast flight out of the train had knocked the wind out of her. She looked at her baggage, only to find her baggage to be slightly ripped. The contents of it was slight spilled across most the town. Picking up what was left, she moved backwards, shoving what she could find into the brown case. 

"Dammit..." Her stomach growled. "Better find some place to eat..." Steam looked around the colorful town of multicolored ponies. Several stores selling various items...A store selling quills and...sofas? She shook her head in confusion. "I'll never find anything in this rate, with all the ponies running about..." 

"Hello, darling, your looking rather...How should I say...Dark and dreary." 

Jumping back, clearly startled, she glared at the white coated unicorn mare approaching. "Gee. Thanks."

"If I could just see your mane and coat, I could change that style to outstanding and radiant!"


"Just let me take off this cloak, and-" Steam Gear bucked Rarity and flew away, grabbing her bag. She landed by a pink bakery.

She moved inwards, in a rush, and crashed into the two ponies in front of her. The black cloak fell, revealing a with Golden brown pegasus mare with a auburn/red mane. She let out a cry of pain as a shard of glass hit her hoof.  

Edited by CheeseChangeling
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  • 3 weeks later...

Galloping through a train car, a young alicorn mare scramble to gather her single bag. Speeding out just in time, she watched as the train pulled away. Waiting until it was completely out of sight just to turn and leave the platform. Aurora Borealis hurried to get to where she was headed, but ended up getting lost in a sea of bright colored mains and coats. 

"Damn. How am I supposed to find Rainbow at this rate?" Aurora grumbled, letting her bag sit on her back as she walked around Ponyville in search of her old filly friend, Rainbow Dash.

Watching ponies bustle around, some looking for things at small shops, others rushing to get somewhere. All of the ponies were running or walking every which-way. It was almost impossible to find her way around. The young mare tried to spread her wings, which had yellow, orange, and red feathers at the edges, but couldn't due to the fact that so many ponies were walking around her. She sighed sharply and folded her interesting wings back to her pale white coat.

"Well, may as well get something to eat..I can find Rainbow later.." Aurora murmured, turning to walk towards Sugar Cube Corner.


(I'm sorry for how short this is. I am rushing a bit. Is it ok that my OC is an alicorn and that she was filly friends with Rainbow Dash? :blush: )

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Sketch was asleep as somepony had to wake him up. "get up" said the pony shaking him awake. "oh thanks" replied sketch. He got off of the train and grab his fedora. "well here we are" said sketch. He winced in pain as a major headache began. He just wanted to find a nice spot to lie down and forget about the train ride. "Are there any hotels around here" he asked one pink haired earth pony. She began to jump up and down in excitement. "no but I can keep you at my place for a couple of days" she said extremely loudly. Sketch winced in pain. "are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah fine just please don't talk so loud i'm not trying to be mean but I have a very bad headache." Oh here I will bring to the pharmacy and see if they have anything that will help that." "Thank you can we get there quickly it is getting worse I am sketch by the way" " I am pinkie pie lets go" Sketched was very surprised at how fast she can move while hopping and had trouble keeping up in the hair. They made it there and got some medication for sketch and wen't to her house to let sketch finally get some rest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One event full day, Peppermint Blast was working the Peppermint Cafe. Although she was a blank flank,her peppermint treats were known throughout most of Equestria. She had just made 11 orders of mint cakes when suddenly, a stranger wandered through the door. The bell dinged as Peppermint said,"Welcome to Peppermint Cafe, home of the world famous Peppermint Blast peppermints! May I get you a sweet treat?" "Yes," the stallion answered in a gruff voice,"I would like some of your peppermint." "Right away!", Peppermint exclaimed. She rushed to storage where she kept the mint and grabbed a small jar. She gave the treat to the stallion and replayed,"That'll be three bits sir!" After paying the price, the stallion sat down at the small tables available. He cracked open the jar and tried a mint. Instantly, his eyes lit up. His ears straightened out in surprise. "This is the greatest mint I have ever tasted!", he exclaimed loudly,"who is responsible for such deliciousness?" "That would be me, sir", Peppermint replayed,"I'm Peppermint Blast". "Well, Peppermint, allow me to introduce my self. My name is John Earvings, and I am a food critic known for making food seem horrible. But I have nothing bad to say about your mint! It is spectacular!" Right at that moment, light began to glow on Peppermint's flank. It was her cutie mark! Her mark was a triangle of red peppermints. From then on, Peppermint Blast has been spending her time in her new mint shop, Minty Marvels.

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  • 1 month later...

As Crystal Mint stepped off the train to Ponyville from Los Pegasus, she breathed in the fresh air as the breeze felt good under her stretching wings. She had been on there for too long (from her perspective). She needed to do some warm ups in the sky. But one problem she was near sided. She came from Los Pegasus because she mocked because of her condition. She needed some new friends. She got ready to set off into the sky. Making sure her glasses were secure, she took off. She had trouble getting off the ground. Her wings were out of practice, she didn't have time to she was a writer. She didn't have time to fly when she was grounded for a long time. "Well.... let's get this over with." She puffed and jetted into the air. She flew for about a few minutes until she found the house she will be staying for only 7 months until she moves again. As a author she had to travel a lot. She came to the cottage that was brown and green. It matched her colors. She was light brown with light and dark green hair, with a tail to match. "This looks promising!" She said as she walked in....

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  • 1 month later...

(I don't know if we just jump in...or...)


A small colt hopped off the train as soon as he heard the constructer. Oh my Celestia! How am I supposed to get anywhere with all these ponies around! He thought arrogantly. The dull gray and navy boy pushed through with a small paper bag at his muzzle, his worried eyes flashing back and forth. The air was so fresh and sweet here; so much different than the dirty, city streets of Mane Hatten. Once he got his way through the crowd of colorful ponies he dashed away towards Ponyville. The colt slowed to a trot, looking around for somewhere to stop. The train ride was long for the earth pony, and his stomach was growling. He slowly stopped and placed the paper bag on the ground; and peered into it. Uh.... will this be enough? He thought. Before he left; the colt was just looking for some bits to get off the city streets and onto a train. One...Two...Three? There is only three?! He sighed. The young earth pony quickly glanced around and picked up his paper bag. The colt trotted up to a sweet smelling cottage, its roof brown and a cup cake on the top. Sugar Cube Corner? The sign read I think I could eat here, he thought. The colt walked in as the chimes above his head begun to ring. Quickly a blue and pink mare popped up and calmly said "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner! What can I get you?" Her pink eyes seemed warm and inviting; and he just plastered on a smile. 

          "Uh... can I have....er.... a muffin?" He asked as politely as he could. 

          "Sure thing," The mare said. "Im Mrs.Cake" she smiled as she walked unto the back room. It sounded like she was talking to an older stallion.  ​"We need a muffin for that nice young colt out there" 


She soon comes out with a steaming, warm muffin. "That will be one bit please" Mrs.Cake said as she passed him the muffin while he exchanged a single bit. He took a bite, and his hunger was tamed. After his first bite, he heard an ear splitting screech. The colt wiped around to see a light brown and sliver mare standing on a shard of glass. The first thing that came to his mine: Idiot.

Edited by Puff Paws
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  • 2 weeks later...

As the tall cloaked stranger was sitting on the seats next to the door of the train that was heading for PonyVille from FillyDelphia a curious young stallion saw the strange and exotic looking 'pony'. He trotted over to him, "Hello, may I ask where are you from?" and to his surprise the voice coming from the hooded cloak was different and hard to explain. "I am from a far away land but I got on this train in FillyDelphia and I am getting of at PonyVille" The random stallion was even more curious and wanted to see the 'ponies' face to find out what he looks like. "Ummm... may I see you properly and not through a cloak please?" The mysterious stranger flipped back the hood of the cloak to reveal a light gray and pink eyed Changeling! He startled the stallion and asked him to keep quiet as to not attracted attention. "I am a Changeling as you can see and I am not associated with Queen Chrysalis and her brute like army, but I was a while back. Now I am reformed and not a parasite like monster but a being who seeks adventure" 


The train was slowing and the Changeling was in conversation with the random stallion who he found out was called Aqua.

He told the stallion, "I am Void Crawler, but don't be intimidated by the name" They said there farewells and hoped to meet again around PonyVille.

Void breathed in the warm and fresh air the second he set hoof off the train, but he was getting lots of looks from other ponies.

Most ponies saw he was different to other Changelings as he had Pink features.

He thought to himself "I feel like I am going to show the citizens here that I mean no harm"

Edited by Void Crawler
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My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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I smell changeling blue wake up storm said

I'm up said a small black hooded cat storm what are you talking about ? I don't smell anything. your not a wolf he said

No your right I'm a cat and your only friend so why did you wake me!

I Thought you should be up and ready to move or do you want to be in the pouch he said with a smile

She smiled back you know me so well let's get out of this train

Good he said with a smile lets go she hoped in the wolfs pouch

The wolf put up his hood to cover his head they left the train into the town he inhaled the fresh air

He saw a white coated unicorn mare on the ground he ran to her he let blue out of the pouch to try and help her to her hooves

Mam are you ok are you in any pain?

No I'm fine just get me up

ok we got you


Oh I'm sorry my name is Storm and I'm Blue said the cat we are brother and sister

What's your name do you remember your name?

Yes my name is rarity it is nice to meet you two

How did you end up on the ground mis rarity

I got kicked she said I should have not tried to grab that coat

Ha sorry I did not mean to be so rude said storm blue you can talk to mis rarity I am going to find a bar or something I need a drink

Don't leave me with the stranger she said with a frown sorry but I need a drink and I have to get us food remember

Ok fine we will get a place later lets get rarity home where do you live?


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  • 1 month later...

(Joining as PotatoPotPie and PegaPie)


*Yawn* "ughh" the conductor yells "LAST CALL FOR PONYVILLE!" "Oh SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! * I quickly grab my sister and my stuff and we sprint off the train, I manage to jump off just as it leaves the platform* "Phew" *I walk around the platform greeting various ponies, introducing my self* "hello, my name is PotatoPotPie, my parents call me Potato though, this is my sister Pegapie, everyone calls her Pega though, we have come from Las Pegasus, ughh, just thinking about that place makes me shiver" * We pick up our bags and walk over to our new house which is close to the video game store, as we walk through the door we stare at the beautiful lounge in front of us* "Whoa, this place, is AWESOME! look it even has a kitchen!" "cool, where do i sleep?" " Pega, you know what? the first night you can have the master bedroom! it will give me time to put your stuff away" "YAY" "one condition! PLEASE! don't pee in the bed" *Laughs* "okay, you go outside and try to meet some pony's! have fun!" "bye bro!" "Seeya sis" *I get to looking for jobs around ponyville and I hear a knock at the door* "Coming!"

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my OC's are

-PegaPie & PotatoPotPie

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Steam jumped back. Clutching her hoof, she hopped backwards and walked away from attention for a moment. Grumbling to herself, the petite pegasus ripped a small piece of her cloak and pressed it against her hoof, while mumbling to herself.


When the blood had stopped leaking and was fully cleaned, the mare pulled the cloak back over her golden brown fur and Cutie Mark. She'd left the hood part off. Strapping her saddle bag back on she moved back into town, trying to find the missing items that had fallen from bag, which was patched in a rushed way using tape as a way to stop the flow of items falling from movement. 


Flying would be useless, as Steam was too tired from the recent strong kick that she delivered to some unicorn, as well as her wakeup flight when the conductor, back at the train station, had gave startled her to the point of nearly jumping off the back of the train, in thought that he had discovered her, the stowaway that few to the back of the train, and slept in the cargo/luggage part of the train. She galloped around the place, trying to make out the places that she'd walked from 20 minutes ago.




Finding her way before, she spotted the same white-coated unicorn mare from before, this time she'd been on the ground(which Steam guessed that that was the aftermath of kicking her), with two hooded pon-

They weren't ponies. From her own line of view, rather, it was a wolf and a black cat.


She started to move forward, taking small gentle steps behind them.

Unfortunately, behind meant, more or less, behind the cat and the wolf. Rarity's ears perked and she turned her head in a swift motion towards Steam, recognizing the cloak and the saddlebag that she carried.

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storm spun around he let out a growl at the pony

Easy storm blue said trying to calm him down

Make a move and your as good as dead storm said

Hold on storm we don't know if she is going to attack us or not save your rage for the changelings

Storm sat down okay but if she try's to kick you she will burn storm said

What is your name blue called out

Storm began looking at rarity

Do you know her storm asked

Blue looked at storm what are we doing she asked him we came here to hunt changelings not pony and not unicorn and definitely not Pegasus

Right but we need to pickup our armour and weapons first right so we need to get out of this is not our fight storm said

You told me long ago that together we are strong and all people divided will not survive

We saw first hand what we can do together why not share this teaching with outhers blue said

Outsiders will slow us down storm said

But they can help us blue said

That may be true but if they think the changelings are stoped then they aren't seeing the truth

She will pay for the murder of our tribe and family we saw our family torn apart thay will all die storm said

Edited by Blitz101
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Rarity looked at the mare. "I do not know her, to be exact, unless your count our meeting about 17 minutes ago, right after this mare kicked me."


Steam narrowed her eyes at Storm. "I doubt that I'll be dead at the end of this."


She resisted the urge to get in a battle position. She let out a small snicker at the proposition of a fight. When she, in actual reality, had never gotten into a fight, unless she counted the somewhat recent findings in the badlands, where she had came from, or the worded training/tactics she had slightly remembered from some guard that had been passing by her hiding spot in the train. Nevertheless she wouldn't try any of those tactics that were completely different from what she'd learn't from her (non-biological)father, a member of the Batpony Night Guard.


"You should know that I don't go around kicking ponies like it's nopony's business. If anything, I actually had a reason to." She looked around the ground to see if there was any traces of the contents of her bag. Letting any of the items, especially the scroll that had the seal that most ponies who had seen and/or know about the "wedding fiasco" would report it to the guards, and if anything, get the wrong idea that she'd been a changeling. The guards would see, if they saw, they'd do something to the hive that her brother and sister(non-biological) was in, which could possibly kill them(she had assumed that the guards would blow up the hive without a trace, or kill Spector, Rust, and Nightscape in thought that they were changelings, or the actual changelings mind controlled them and set her brother and sisters as bait.)


"And my name is-" She cut herself off, realizing her mistake. She turned and looked to the side, where she spotted the scroll, sitting next to a small glowing teal orb. The gears in her mind(no pun intended) worked quickly. Steam Gear figured the impact of the kick she'd landed was enough to launch it out. "Oh. That's where it was."


She started to trot over to the scroll and the gem. Before she could pluck the hazy orb and scroll, a aura of light blue surrounded it, and floated it up slightly in the line of view of both ponies. 

Edited by CheeseChangeling
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@ cheesechangling


Storm saw the scroll and ran straight for the mare growling

Changeling storm said

Stop blue shouted as she runs right In front of storm

Just because she has a scroll that dus not mean she is a changeling blue said

Out of the way sister Storm said he lets out a growl at the mare



Stop it blue shouted at the top of her lungs

We are hear to hunt changeling blue called out and your mad about a scroll

Think for a minute brother why would a changeling come here to this small town

And why would it have that scroll



If she is one she will be killed by the guard not you blue said in frustration.

If she is a changeling your in danger and I vowed to protect you after the tribe was gone

Don't you remember the smells and out homes burning I do I relive that night ever day Storm said thay feed of love remember there's lots of it in small towns



Sow what one changing in a town whats it gonna do she said

They bring the love back to the hive we follow it we kill them all storm said



What if you die blue asked him looking woried

Stop worrying Storm replied

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She got into a defensive position, and opened her wings. "I'm not a changeling whatsoever."


Her composure slightly went back. "Nor am I here for trouble. If anything, stop it. I came here to find a stallion along the name of Written Script to translate the scroll I had found during the Canterlot Wedding." She dropped her bag on the ground. Using her hoof, she pushed the bag open, revealing it's contents. In the slight dim lighting, it was rather easy to spot what had fallen.


Several folded maps with green ink marking places and notes(Mostly distress notes of her findings, changelings spotted, what she'd heard from them, possible areas of the hives where her brother and sisters were, and slight dried green liquid that resembled blood, and a note in which she had minorly injured a changeling), a book on changeling nature, several pictures of her family(faded and grey with again, notes of distress), a picture of a changeling she'd seen in Hallow Shades(Her home as a filly, where batponies lived), in which the picture was barely able to make out the changeling(She'd written over it, showing her hatred rather clearly for the changelings) and a journal which had a small poster floating outwards in the impact, which had a picture of a unicorn stallion, the captions reading how he knew all types of written languages and could translate for a fee.


"The scroll there could be what I need to find the only kin I have left," she gave a frustrated snort. "Unfortunately no one happens to be able to translate Changeling Ruins to decipher what the message is, and this stallion," she pointed at the poster stallion, "happens to be the only one. Not to mention, his version of a 'small fee' is basically the same amount as the opal. And I repeat. Only here to find where my family is, get them out, whether or not I die in that stupid hive alone, and then blow up that Queen bug that was there."


She started to point at the distance to a guard that was rather far from them. "Taking it to the guards would result in something happening to my kin, or they would take way to long to adress the matter, and by then, Rust, Spector, and Nightscape will probably be dead." The bag had completely been emptied. "And besides. I'm a pegasus, and as you can see, I have no weapon. I'm tired from my morning rush on the train, flying everso fast out to avoid this mare, and I happened to cut my back leg. Besides doing some kind of complicated flying move, I seriously doubt that I'd attack well."

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You share our hatred our rage our anger our pain why do you want the changeling dead

We may have lost our family our home our tribe

But we can still save yours we will fight for you if you take us to the hive

Give us a day it get weapons and our armour storm said



Storm are you mad blue called out

We can't go with her she said

We barely know her

True but our tribe deserve peace and justice

If you want to stay behind fine by me but I'm not going to give up until the changeling are destroyed every last one

Only then will I stop said Storm



Your going to die on some stupid revenge quest and your going to get me killed she hissed

But we are all we have so I'm in she said with a smile



What do you say they both ask

Will you alow this mutt and stray to fight for you

He said with a laugh remembering rarity on the ground Storm walks over and helps her to stand


(I cant think of anything else to post so I'm posting this as a vary large space filling thing the world is on fire and the Water is made of knives with lots of salt and Walter white throws pizza on a roof and it was awesome)

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Her aggressive composure lessened to a more passive one. "I'm fine with going. Just make sure I get to see the Queen Bug get knocked off her throne."

"I need to translate the scroll first. It might be the key to where the hive is." She pointed at her most recently inked map, her hoof trailing to a circled place in the badlands of Equestria, the same spot where there had been small blotches of lime blood. "I spotted about three or four changelings in this area while I was traveling around. It's possible that their main hive is located just somewhere around here."

  She hoofed at the scroll to open it. On the inside of it, there lay odd letterings, and weird symbols that only an average pony could only attempt and fail at reading them.

"From the book, I only made out a few words, something along the lines of delivering something, something on entering, and a word I think is rookie or newbie." She gave a facehoof at the wording. "As for your armor and weapons, You could attempt to ask and/or sneak in the guard station and take a box they shipped in." She looked to the market place, "You can try to bargin for pieces of weak armor at the marketplace for who knows how much."

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Ok good to know but someone is holding on to our armor and weapons storm said

Walking over to an old shop keeper and asking him about the crate in the back on the top of the pile


A crate with the symbol of death the shop keeper nodded and grabbed the crate how much asked storm

It's free old friend the shop keeper said i am glad you remembered my stuff storm said


With a grin as he opened the crate revealing solid onyx armour and a blackend sword he put the armor on and the sword into its sheath

He then dragged the crate back to the group so what are we waiting for blue called as she put her armor on


Storm throws a extra pare of armor at the mare you got a name he asked


(I am now out of ideas about what to put soooooo more space filling the support of the super space cowboys that died of dehydration and disease in the s.s Horton called Tim canada canada wipeout canada to bad rushing today be back have at time to please really

Eating out the Tim Hortons bagpipes in that old shop have air into the onyx fluffy flute

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She reaches her hoof out to catch the armor. "Name's Steam Gear, and my talent's fixing n' building."

Steam slid the armor over her chest and placed the hoof-boots on, as well as the back piece of armor. "How'd you even get this armor saved? I've seen this material before, I've tried to order onyx for a project someone ordered from the Night Guard, but the pricing I found from my main manufacturer and the availability was way too expensive."


She gathered her bag's contents back inside except the Changeling Ruin Scroll and the poster. She closed the bag and started taking and rewrapping the open scroll, she tossed the Changeling ruin scroll to Storm. "Dunno if you might be able to read any of them, but it might save us a visit to a possible scam. I only recognized a few words, the rest are just a confusing jumble of hieroglyphs that might mean something other than what they depict."


(Lil' filler space because there's not exactly much else for me to put in beside extra details or words in that make it Steam look like she speaks paragraphs to anyone she meets :please: )

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I don't reed changeling But how I got this armor saveid I know ponys in high places we are mercenaries

This crate was a gift from Luna herself back when she was nightmare we did jobs for her and she kept us around longer then most of our clients.


Working with the royals can be profitable if you work to long with them you become a assassin work to little and your a killer and thay have your head storm said


I did some things I'm not proud of but it was to keep blue safe so it was worth it Blue makes the deal I do the killing we are a team it has kept us alive and that is all that matters now the old guy was an ex client he has extra space we got use out of it.


We came hear to hunt the changelings and destroy the hive infection that plagues our lives with every day we are close to avengeing our tribe and family we lost everything we had except each other we have bin wandering ever since and we need not look back at our

Pain filled past any more we have come to far to fail my sword may brake but my will shall not die

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She shifted and looked down at the ground. "I can relate. As a young filly wandering the forest to survive, as I had been abandoned by my own mother and father, I had been adopted into a family who grew to love."


She gave a sigh. "I had my own kin, real or not, take care of me, and help me as a went, even if I was different, race wise, from the batponies of Hallow Shades. Literally only my sisters and brother are the only ones I have left as kin, and like I said, I'd rather die alone in the Bug's cave as long as they were alive, even If I had to take my own life."


Steam watched as there was a poster being hung up in the main hall, reading some law being passed by Celestia on letting changelings live in Equestria peacefully. She gave a slight agitated look. "Those Changelings even had the nerve to enter Hallow Shades after my siblings were kidnapped by them..." There was a bit of anger radiating from her voice. "I won't let any of them get away with harming my flesh and blood."


(filler space for reasons that I don't know what to put here to fill in the 800 word/letter count)

Edited by CheeseChangeling
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@ cheesechangling


you will not die alone if need be we will die willingly we fight for your cause because we know your pain and anger if you ask us to we will die for your families survival we will not be missed and no one will morne us we are already ghosts storm said


How much training do you have in fighting blue called on top of storms back we have been fighting for years and we have not seen a equal

For a long long time if you want we can train you blue said as she jumped off storm and landed in front of him she stabbed his paw


Storm let out a growl in pain what was that for storm said as storm knocked her down with his good paw

You know what blue called teasingly to storm. 200 bits says we can take you right now blue called to steam


Oh right we haven't introduced ourselves to you blue called my name is blue and his name is storm blue said

We are brother and sister and before you ask we ran not biology family but storm took me into his after my family passed away thanks to the changelings and after storms family passed away we had nothing left to do but wander broken scared and homeless up until Luna called us to help her that is when we became mercenaries

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*I open the door*

Potato Pie- "Huh, noone there, guess i was just Imagining things. anyway may as well look for a new job, I hope PegaPie is having fun"

(meanwhile outside)

Pegapie- "Hmm I wonder what the other ponies are like here, hey look theres a group of them like me! They don't have cutie marks either!"

*Pegapie walks up to the three girls*

PegaPie- Hey, i'm new here, i noticed you dont have your cutie marks, maybe we can be friends. Oh by the way, my name is PegaPie.

Apple Bloom- "Oh hi there, were the cutie mark crusaders, my name is Apple Bloom, these are my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."

Sweetie Belle- "HI!"

Scootaloo- "Heya, do you wanna join our club?"

PegaPie- "What do you do in this club exactly?"

Sweetie Belle- We go on adventures and try new things in hope that we get our cutie marks! Last week we went skiing!"

PegaPie- "Awesome!"

Apple Bloom- Sure is, so what do you think?

PegaPie- "I would absolutely LOVE to join, i have been itching for my cutie mark since I knew what it meant!"

Apple Bloom- "Great, We just have to go to the clubhouse for the initiation!"

*The four girls walk to the clubhouse for the initiation*

Edited by PotatoPotPie

my OC's are

-PegaPie & PotatoPotPie

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"I know enough training to be able to take out a changeling withen ten or fifteen minutes without any weapons." Steam said. She brushed her hoof. "I'm still a little weak when it comes to accuracy of hits, being a pegasus definitely helps though, with the entire speed and flying pegasi abilities. My father taught me several strategies, being one of the head night guards of Luna(when she was reformed) before he died. I know how to work a sword well enough. Bows and arrows are a no-no."


She took out a page from her journal that had a written adress on it in Ponyville. "I know a friend here that has some strong materials I shipped here and knows a some of enchanting, if you guys need anything else to be crafted besides onyx armor and weapons." 

Steam removed her other bag and plucked open and took out an pouch that had been about the size of a filly's wing that made several noises from withen it(containing many medium sized 20 bit money and several rubies and various rare gemstones). She tossed the item at them. "Here. I expected something like that to happen on my way here, my work/job sometimes involves high priced jewelry making that pays for a lot."

Edited by CheeseChangeling
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