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open Wolves Vs. Ponies


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Blaze replies "Yes i god damn know that, I didn't choose to come here, besides, I Think I can survive." Blaze Curses under her breath trying to remain unheard "Some ponies, think they know it all, i may be claustrophobic but I can survive with it, it will go eventually anyway."

Edited by Octavia91
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Yuki had been watching from the window of her room for the past while, studying the ponies who had tried to talk to her as well as the new ones. Their voices carried up to her room, stifling a laugh as she heard the one that was swearing. That pony really needed to learn some manners.


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Does Claustrophobia even matter if your in a group or not? Black thought. Eh, whatever, only ma would care about something as trivial as that.


He rolled his eyes and snorted. "Nice bark. Better hope your bite is bigger." He turned around and made his way into the school.


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Blaze ignores all the other ponies and goes to the Cafeteria to get some food, "Hmm, Quite Nice Food." She said as she ate her food and strolled up to her bedroom **Yawns** "Uh, I'll just stay here and hope i don't get disturbed."

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Titan broke away from the group and headed inside. He followed signs to reach the front office and learned where all the important places were from them. He got a room key to the fifth floor and headed up there to check out his room and drop off his bag. He left it and headed to the cafeteria for some well needed food.

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Yuki backed away from the window and yawned softly, causing her body to relax due to her muscles being stiff. Slowly stepping towards her bed, she now placed down the bag that she had around her neck, making it fall to it's side when it collided. Carefully opening the bag with both hooves, Yuki took out a very small flower inside of a pot without soil and put it on her window seal. She then turned around and again once more reached into her bag, bringing out potting soil. She poured the soft earth into the pot and smiled at her beautiful flower, enjoying how it looked in the sun light. Suddenly, a loud noise occurred, frightening Yuki right down to her core. She giggled however, as she realized that it was only her stomach growling. Deciding that now was the time to eat, she carefully walked through the massive hallways of the school until she reached the doors of the lunchroom and opened them.


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Titan noticed someone enter the cafeteria and looked at her. *Isn't that the mare... yea, that's the one I first tried to talk to. Regardless, I should try to be nice and friendly.* With that thought in mind and a tray of fruits on the table in front of him, Titan waved at her. He tried to remember her name, but found that he had never gotten it.

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After getting his things in check (and receiving a very concerning look from the ponies in the office) Black went up to the fifth floor and picked out a room. He dropped his stuff on the floor and yawned, thinking about how to spend the rest of the day. Black pulled an apple from the bag and started eating as he made his way to the window, impressed with the view from where he was staying.


"Maybe a tad bit luxurious for my taste..." Black muttered with his mouth full. "But I think Ma would've liked it if I stayed for a little while."


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Yuki stared ahead of her as the stallion from before was now waving at her. Stifling a sharp squeak, Yuki's cheeks grew extremely read she she lowered her head, her mane following suit. Afraid to move an inch, Yuki stood still near the doors.


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Blaze Suddenly started heading down to the Cafeteria and opened the door, She saw the young mare with her head lowered and asked "Hello? My Names Blaze, What's yours?" She then grabbed a apple and went to the fifth floor and knocked on Black's Door to apologise for what she said to him outside.

Edited by Octavia91
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Titan saw someone else enter and leave and simply shrugged, confused. He saw how the first mare was simply standing at the door, so he got up and walked over to her. "Hello, miss. Do you want to eat something, or will you just stand at the door?" He had a friendly smile on and was acting overall nice, or so he hoped.

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Hearing the knock, Black turned around snorted, disappointed at whoever was disturbing him from relaxing. He was doing nothing to begin with, so he shrugged it off and opened the door. He let a smirk sneak on to his face when he saw Blaze at his doorstep.


"Well bark bark to you." Black jested. "Something you need?"

Edited by NeverNeverland


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Once again, Yuki stopped herself from squeaking out of fear. She bit her lip to keep the noises within her, and she put all of her force into nodding her head slowly.


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Blaze Replied to Black "Haha, Very Funny, I came to apologise for what i said outside, and What's your name? anyway, as i was saying, It was really unnatural of me to act like i did, I'm usually calm, I'm Sorry for how i acted."

Edited by Octavia91
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"Just call me Hunter." Black said, finishing off the rest of his apple before tossing it in the nearby bin. And don't sweat it, it's all good. However, you will have to show me that you've got more bite, or else it's not gonna be very helpful when you're fighting." He went over to his bag to pull out another apple, but turned and asked, "Hey, you want an apple?"


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"Born to kill? Wanted to kill?" Black said as he tossed an apple to Blaze. "You're either reckless or determined. Either way, I like that about you." He took a bite out of his own portion and started leave his room. "Hope you have you're reasons for it."


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(sowy watching ponies with my cousin)


Haste walked up behind the mare she met in the morning apparently the other mare named Blaze talked to her and she was still the same as ever, but this time she was squeling "Hi, I didn't really get to meet you in the morning" smiles




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Titan saw the other mare join and decided to avoid what happened last time. "Well, I'll be over there if you want to talk." He pointed to where he had been sitting and returned there to keep eating.

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"Hey, you don't need to tell me your reason, just make sure they're proper." Black commented. "Wouldn't want any slaughter without putting any thought to it."

Edited by NeverNeverland


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Crap... she's already down like this? How do I... damn it!


Black thought as he stared at Blaze with surprise. "I'm assuming something happened involving someone you care about being killed... right?"


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