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private PGA 3: Angel Academy (RP)


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As Adalynn followed Fey out of the hall, she heard her ask Adalynn what Pokemon half she was. This made her giggle a little bit. "I thought you might've been able to tell, by my hair. My Pokémon Gijinka is Misdreavus. By the way, what is yours? I had an idea of wht it might be, but I didn't want to assume."


As Adalynn followed Fey out of the hall, she heard her ask Adalynn what Pokemon half she was. This made her giggle a little bit. "I thought you might've been able to tell, by my hair. My Pokémon Gijinka is Misdreavus. By the way, what is yours? I had an idea of what it might be, but I didn't want to assume."

Edited by Dawn Wing

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@@Dawn Wing
Fey glanced at Adalynn and found that she did in fact resemble a Misdreavus. When she asked Fey which half she was, she just simply shrugged. "Ninetales." Fey murmured. She crossed er arms and sighed, following the crowd of students to the auditorium.

@@Suitaloo, @@NightWing
Melissa sighed an looked at Stark's back. "He's right. We'll catch up after assembly." Melissa said and walked into the auditorium. She found her seat and sat down, looking at everyone else.

Edited by XANA



What else am I meant to put here?


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@, @@Suitaloo, @,  


Synthia blushed and nodded at Melissa's question. She then sat down at Stark's request next to Rune, with a little relief she would not be talking. She took a moment to reflect on her years; she had remembered Melissa being quite the looker, but she didn't not remember... well, this. Nik was extremely fortunate, especially considering more than a few of his rather unsavory habbits. Even so, Melissa tended to be nice most of the time. "Let's have some fun. No point in high school without it," she mumbles under her breath to her fellow 'classmates.' (Class of *Insert date here* Woot woot.)

  • Brohoof 4


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep early last night, and I meant to post this morning but I had school.)


As she and Fey approached the Auditorium, Adalynn could feel herself getting more, and more claustrophobic. They got inside, and the room was flooded with students.


"I think I'll sit in the back." Adalynn said. She shimmered herself towards the very back of the Auditorium to find herself a seat.

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Fey went wide-eyed when she saw all the students in th room. Her breathing became heavier and faster until she made a conscious efort to calm herself. She knew that this wasn't the place or time to have a panic attack. Silently following Adalynn, she went through the crowd and tried not to say anything to draw attention to herself. Sitting down next to Adalynn, Fey looked to the front and tried to imagine that it was just herself in the room and no-one else.



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  • 1 month later...

Stark waited for quite a while for his students to flood in, a little longer than he had wanted. Nevertheless, they seemed to be all here now. He cleared his throat into the microphone he was holding to quiet everyone down.

"I'd like to start this off with a good morning. A good morning to my first students ever. So... Good morning. My name is Stark Angels, but you will all call me by Mr. Angels. And no, that is not a suggestion. There are some rules that I have created in this school that don't apply to other schools. Firstly, no aggressive demonstration of your abilities in any way, shape or form outside of monitored battles. Secondly, any quarrels may be resolved through battling using your abilities in a clean, fair way. Thirdly, I would very much appreciate if gijinkas with harmful or potentially dangerous abilities could keep them to themselves unless on a battlefield. Honestly I hate doing these as much as you all probably hate listening to them, so I'll try not to keep this from dragging on too much. Just please be considerate of your classmates and try to be safe with your abilities. Don't let anger get the best of you, or I'll have to deal with it. That isn't something you particularly want. Now I think I've gotten my message across, so have a good day, and welcome to Angel Academy. We'll be having Skills classes only today, just so you all get a taste of your main focus here at the school. You're all dismissed."

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Jared got up and stretched. It wasn't exactly the longest speech, but the wait was a bit long. Though, he supposed that was due to him arriving so early. He decided to just head out the door and wait against the wall until a teacher came by who he could ask where Skills class was being held.


@@NightWing, @


"Well, that was a short speech." Rune said to Synthia. "I wonder what we'll be doing today since we aren't teaching skills class." He stood up and walked to Stark. "So, Stark, what do you want Synthia and I to do, since we aren't teaching Skills class today? I've already gotten our respective classrooms prepared for the year. I just wanted to see if there was anything specific you needed us to do, or could we basically bum off for the rest of the day?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Kage stifled a yawn, trying to seem interested. Mr Angels was right, Kage hated speeches like this. He knew it all before, but was glad to get it over with. He was sure that there's be a lot more exciting classes to go to now, and the Skills class certainly sounded like something he's want to get started with!

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"Can I stick with you? I heard that normal attacks don't work on ghosts" Apisves asked, practically in a ball from how small he had made himself look. The Staraptor gjinka had terrified him to say the least. He wasn't listening to the speech so much as a imagining a Staraptor tearing him apart

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Fey looked extremely nervous at the mention of a Skills Class. "S-skills class?" Fey whizpered to herself. She didn't want anything to do with fighting, and even if it's compulsory, she still wouldn't be doing it. She nervously hid her hands inside uher sleeves and kept fiddling with her hands, hoping that she wouldn't be fighting.

@@Suitaloo, @, @@NightWing

"That was certainly odd to hear from a teacher's points of view." Melissa muttered before standing up and following Rune and Synthia to where the principal was. "That would be good to know. If Skills Class is all we have today, then what do the teachers that aren't teaching the class do?"

Edited by XANA



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Kage smiled reassuringly at Apisves. He could see how terrified the gijinka was of Mr Angels. "Of course!" he replied. "Don't worry! With me around you'll have no problems whatsoever!" Kage grinned as he said this. Even so, attacking the headmaster at any point might not be the best idea... He wouldn't set much of a good reputation like that...

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Kage smiled reassuringly at Apisves. He could see how terrified the gijinka was of Mr Angels. "Of course!" he replied. "Don't worry! With me around you'll have no problems whatsoever!" Kage grinned as he said this. Even so, attacking the headmaster at any point might not be the best idea... He wouldn't set much of a good reputation like that...

"Thanks" Apisves smiled, trying to uncurl himself from his protective ball. "He said something about a Skills Class, right? That's going to suck. I want to sleep" Apisves bemoaned, standing up, his shoulders sagging a bit. The lazy gjinka had two moods, fear and laziness

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Stark was quickly approached by three of his teachers after the speech, the same three that had talked to him before. The other teachers (NPCS for now), simply left without another word. Curious. "I suppose you can all 'bum off'. Not much else I can ask of you. Carry on with your day, spend the day out if you'd like, but make sure your sign up sheets are posted if you have any clubs. I'll call you if I have anything specific to ask of you, which I don't think I will." Without a proper farewell, Stark left the auditorium to go back and see Orion before heading to the first Skills class (Which does not include any of the played characters. Just treat this as a sort of free period.) 

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@@NightWing, @


"Well then, did either of you have any plans? I already have the fencing club's sign-up sheet posted and had no other particular plans for the day other than anniversary dinner." He asked. "Maybe just hang around the dorm and polish my swor-" Rune stopped himself and blushed. "That came out very, very wrong, but I assume you know what I mean." He chuckled, slightly embarrassed.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@Suitaloo, @@NightWing

Melissa shook her head and laughed a bit at what Rune said. "I don't think I had any plans. My sign-up sheet for swimming club has been posted ... I think I'll just stay in my dorm and read ... or ... we could catch up." Melissa mused as she tried to think of what to do.


Fey gulped and slowly walked out of the auditorium, muttering apologies and excuse mes as she went past people.



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Mathias yawned as he stood up from the uncomfortable bleachers. After stretching a little, he followed the crowd out of the auditorium and aimlessly walked out into the hallway. After spotting his roommate Jared, Mathias strolled over and leaned against the wall next to the grass and poison type gijinka. "Hey roomie! How's it going?"


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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"Oh hey Matthias. Nothing's really going on. I don't have Skills class quite yet, I was wondering what I should do until I do." Jared stated. "I was thinking about going to the garden and either planting something or just relaxing in it. Nothing much else to do until class starts, so I figured why not."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Kage grinned at his roommate. "Ah come on! Skills class is gonna be awesome! It's certainly not going to be boring!" Contrary to Apisves' lazy, more relaxed personality, Kage enjoyed excitement and fun far more than relaxation. Learning to improve his skills of invisibility and levitating would certainly come in handy too for him!

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Kage grinned at his roommate. "Ah come on! Skills class is gonna be awesome! It's certainly not going to be boring!" Contrary to Apisves' lazy, more relaxed personality, Kage enjoyed excitement and fun far more than relaxation. Learning to improve his skills of invisibility and levitating would certainly come in handy too for him!

"Exactly. I just want to sleep and not work" Apisves countered, moaning as he began shuffling behind the ghost type. "Besides, what can I learn? How to harden myself a bit more? That sounds useful" Apisves chuckled, flashing white briefly as he hardened to demonstrate his point

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@NightWing, @


"Well then, did either of you have any plans? I already have the fencing club's sign-up sheet posted and had no other particular plans for the day other than anniversary dinner." He asked. "Maybe just hang around the dorm and polish my swor-" Rune stopped himself and blushed. "That came out very, very wrong, but I assume you know what I mean." He chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

Oblivious, Synthia asks, "What do you mean? Is it already dimming? I swear he said diamond polish but I think he may have exaggerated..." She really hoped her anniversary gift didn't need polish already. "Anywho, Archery Club sign ups are out already. And unless he made plans," she says with a hint hint kinda deal- it was their anniversary and such- "We've got nothing."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@NightWing, @@Suitaloo

Melissa looked back and forth between Synthia and Rune. "If you have made plans then I won't get in the way of them. I'll just head back to my dorm and possibly read if that's the case." Melissa said sincerely with a genuine smile.


Fey got bustled about with the crowd and seeming that her Skills Class session hasn't started yet, then she thought she would head back to her dorm. Fey felt her panic attack rising but quickly quelled it when she made it inside. Heading straight for her bed, she got the book that she was reading before out and resumed reading.



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Oblivious, Synthia asks, "What do you mean? Is it already dimming? I swear he said diamond polish but I think he may have exaggerated..." She really hoped her anniversary gift didn't need polish already. "Anywho, Archery Club sign ups are out already. And unless he made plans," she says with a hint hint kinda deal- it was their anniversary and such- "We've got nothing."




"No no no, I meant my other swords. The one you got me was perfect, I just feel the need for them to be neat und tidy!" He said, chuckling. "I mean, I'll spend all the time I can with you tonight, but you know what, since it's still fairly early, why don't we catch up with Melissa? We haven't seen each other in a while, why not catch up over lunch or something?" Rune proposed.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@NightWing, @@Suitaloo

Melissa looked back and forth between Synthia and Rune. "If you have made plans then I won't get in the way of them. I'll just head back to my dorm and possibly read if that's the case." Melissa said sincerely with a genuine smile.


Fey got bustled about with the crowd and seeming that her Skills Class session hasn't started yet, then she thought she would head back to her dorm. Fey felt her panic attack rising but quickly quelled it when she made it inside. Heading straight for her bed, she got the book that she was reading before out and resumed reading.

"Yeah, catching up would be nice. Whatcha reading recently?" Wow, other people reading! Although, probably not leading evolutionary theory books... or engineering feats... or even dabbling in computer code... it's not exactly standard relaxation reading...


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@NightWing, @@Suitaloo

"What have I been reading recently? I've been reading this really good sci-fi novel but I forgot the name of it. But I can tell you what it's about if you want me to." Melissa answered Synthia's question and looked at Rune. "Catching up sounds like a great idea! Seeming that we don't have anything else to do today." Melissa told him and stretched a bit. 'After sitting down for a while, I need to stretch my muscles. I wonder what those two have been up to.' Melissa thought to herself, thinking about what Rune and Synthia had been up to.



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@@NightWing, @


"I haven't been up to much, really. After we left when our school closed down, I went off to college to get a history of Hoenn degree at the University of Ever Grande and then afterwards worked on my family's farm in Fallarbor town." Rune explained. "Didn't get a whole lot out of my degree there, but it was a nice time, seeing my family again. I had gotten a couple packages from Synthia's corporation like this watch" he said, raising his wrist to show the biometric scanner. "and we kept in touch while she was still studying and eventually got married in the beautiful Sootopolis city summer two years ago. The shining white stone city walls were only outshined by her dress." Rune gushed. "It was truly stunning."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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