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No indication of Rainbow Dash's actual sexuality?


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Agree, so much. Look at myself, for example. Back when I was a kid, I was a total tomboy who loved to play football, climb trees and scorned pink, makeup and girly persuits. I also wore a lot of rainbows, cuz get this, I liked rainbows. But I'm straight. There's also plenty of lesbians who dress in elegant clothes and love girly stuff. I personally find people who conform to cookie cutter ideas about lesbians to be offensive and so do my gay friends.


I don't think Rainbow Dash is a lesbian; why should she be, just cuz she apparently seems to be based on a stereotype? What's wrong with simply being a strong female who wants to live her dreams? Applying the stereotyle smacks of the way some men try and squash strong women cuz they feel threatened.

well truth is i actually have a more feminine personality despite my gender
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Because LGTB is a myriad of different people coming together and thus the rainbow, which is a myriad of colors coming together, represents them best in their eyes. I can see the logic behind it.

Honestly hadn't thought of it that way... logic works for me.


Whether she is or isn't is really up to you since I doubt well see any conformation in canon.


As for me, I don't care, I'd like her all the same one way or another

Edited by Argumedies
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Alright, we're going to get a bit technical here.


None of the characters' sexualities are shown at any point in the series. In fact, most people assume they are gay/lesbian because of shipping. None of the characters have any interest for one another, never have sex, and so it is not canon.


We can only sort of, I could say, "confirm" Rarity's sexuality however, as well as Spike's. However, because Spike is male, I would imagine that the intended sexuality for the show would be heterosexual. Although I can't confirm that this is canon with every character, I would imagine it to be that way.


(Also, I don't mean to be homophobic here, but I'm going to say that heterosexual people are more accepted than homosexual people. If her sexuality went canon and she was gay, parents would most likely get angry, saying "you're influencing my child to be gay" or something. I'm sorry, but it's true, or at least it's another reason. I wish it wasn't.)


However, going by opinion, I truly don't care.


(And, here's another one, or at least a theory. I highly doubt Hasbro would make them marry a random stallion. They'd have to introduce them, first. So now, we're leaning both ways; heterosexual and homosexual. Who knows, they might just be bi.)




Now, there's one thing that go along with my theories, as well as everyone else's theory of Rainbow Dash being gay; I can't say that they're true, nor can I say that they're false.

Edited by RailOfFire
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Also, re the whole thing of "loads of mares, not many stallions"... in horse societies, that is actually normal. XD A horse herd in the wild consists of one stallion who fathers all the foals and several mares. Any other stallions get chased away, as do the stallion's sons once they get old enough to breed.


Not saying that is how it is in MLP, of course. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think Hasbro is brave enough to cover homosexuality on the show; can you imagine the backlash? It would be a catastrophe.    


Personally, however, I wouldn't mind if they revealed Rainbow to be a lesbian or created a new character that was gay. I just don't think it will ever happen.

Yeah I don't think they would do that on a show directed to kids either.

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So when some people start watching the show and they see Rainbow Dash act like a tomboy and her rainbow colors they at first assume that she is gay/lesbian.


Got me runnin' in a cyclone trying to figure out why people would assume she's a lesbian because she's a tomboy, or, for that matter, even finding someone who assumed RD was homosexual for that reason...I mean, just because she's a tomboy doesn't make her gay, just like how I'm effeminate doesn't mean I'm gay (because, ask anyone who's talked about sexually charged topics with me, I like girls.)


Best bet isn't to assume gay, straight, or any sexuality - just don't assume things, period :D The chances it'll backfire are too high. 


Also, there's no indication of her sexuality or any character's sexuality besides Rarity, Spike, and Cadance and Shining Armor, and even still, just because it's been proven that these characters have an interest in the opposite sex. In my headcanon, Rarity is bisexual :D


Back on-topic - it hasn't been stated, so her sexuality shouldn't be "assumed." :D I mean, it'd make for a very awkward conversation if one were to assume she were gay and she turned out to be straight, or vice-versa :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think that the pony's sexualities will ever be openly explored. I think that the closest we will ever get to something of that nature is a character having a crush on another or having a harmless relationship.


Remember, this is still a children's show.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's probably because people like to confuse tomboy's with being gay. 


It's just one of those things I guess.


Rainbow Dash is a tomboy, I.E, she tends to act a bit more boyish, even if shes as far as gender goes, a girl. 


I guess that just somehow leads to the whole Rainbow Dash being homosexual thing.


But really I think most realize it's not that way, and really even the head cannon that she may be doesn't really bother me. 


And yeah, there is no actual evidence really either way towards this, especially considering relationships of that type are hardly touched on as is, and thus I highly doubt Hasbro would take that leap towards discussing sexuality.


So I don't think we will ever have a total cannon answer either way, but I think it's mostly obvious enough Rainbow isn't homosexual. As far as cannon goes, unless it states otherwise.


It is a children's cartoon afterall, so I don't think homosexuality is something children will understand.

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