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Anti-bronies are strange


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Look at all those hate groups around the world from the past up until now, anything similar?


They just can't keep their hatred to themselves and just have to go out there to harm the world.

Quoted for truth. The actions that stem from the 'us vs them' mindset can differ dramatically, it's still the same seed it sprouts from -- not being able to see people as individuals. It's easy to fall victim to this when you can't put a face and individual personality to something.


A little off topic, but it still speaks to stereotyping of the Brony Community. I notice it even happens within people supporting us. I just saw the trailer for the Ashleigh Ball documentary for the first time. It defined a Brony as male fan between 17-30 I believe (I don't remember the younger age on the range just the higher end). I guess I missed the cutoff because I'm 37. Where do I turn in my card?


The point is anyone can enjoy just about anything. I would hope that I wouldn't bat an eye at a 65 year old man at Bronycon ... But I sure as hell would want to know his story. I think that is one factor that separates the hateful from the accepting. The desire to see a person ... not people.

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There is a YouTube video called "My Little Brony" created by CollegeHumour. Only watch it if you have a very high tollerance to insults. That summerises the basic steriotypical views of the anti-brony.


To say the least, it was a eyeopening experience. People have come so far as to hate the differences in society! We cannot advance mentaly or physically in our society with this blatant collection of insults on show. The views go up, everyday.


But we should use this as fuel for our fire. I think of it as a sign that we have more tollerance and respect for other people that any other group in the world! Let the anti-bronies do what they want. It will only push us higher.

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What i'm curious about is where they got all those stereotypes from. Most likely out of thin air so they could have template insults.


That's the one thing I actually want Anti-Bronies to come up with... better insults.


I honestly don't mind being insulted, but I like seeing something clever lobbed at me.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's the one thing I actually want Anti-Bronies to come up with... better insults.


I honestly don't mind being insulted, but I like seeing something clever lobbed at me.

Agreed. Insults like "gay", "autistic", "horsefucker" etc. They've all been done to death. The fact that they are so uncreative with their insults just makes it that much easier to ignore them.

Not that i wouldn't ignore better insults...

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Agreed. Insults like "gay", "autistic", "horsefucker" etc. They've all been done to death. The fact that they are so uncreative with their insults just makes it that much easier to ignore them.

Not that i wouldn't ignore better insults...


Especially the "horsef**ker" one. I dunno, that one wore out fast on me.


Ignore away, buddy! As for me... I can't help but grin every once in a while when someone makes a good jab at Bronies. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment!

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Ha! Anti-bronies! They're a hilarious bunch. And ignorant. I was an anti-brony a year ago and if you told me I would be watching this then I would have laughed you out of the building and if you told me I'd be watching it six months before that I'd ask what MLP was. 

I was ignorant. I assumed all bronies were pedophiles, gay, neck-bearded, basement dwelling, and jerked off to pictures of ponies all day. I never bothered to look into it and just assumed everything from what others had told me.

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Haters are gonna hate since they're usually bias and don't understand the nature of this fanbase even if it isn't unique.


Somehow, I don't usually get what they're saying since they don't understand that like other fanbases, it is completely diverse and full of many people who like the show for the same reasons or enjoy it in their own ways that help them endure the cruel realities of life.

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When I see an anti brony they come off as people who immediatly judge before seeing what being a brony is all about. "Oh you like MLP? That's for girls!" that's all they see and they don't go past that judgement.


It's sad, the saying is "Don't judge a book by its cover" which they are basically doing.

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Its not that some dont bear some logic... Its sometimes really difficult to get their point when at the end of the day they use arguements such as this to put everyone in the same box. They are losing points in their arguements. I got banned from an anti brony page and some of my comments were deleted because "I didn't agree with them". They are so stubbornly and arrogantly supporting their own opinions saying stuff like "I can present a better opinion than any brony anyday". Wow get off the pole up your ass douchebags. Eventually i got unbanned but i have lost respect for most of them.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I find it ironic that even now, we're discussing the stereotypes for anti-bronies.


Anyhow, on topic it is just blind arguments. Some people you just cannot reason with.

This is the kind of thing hate does to you. It'd be a shame if we adopted the same thing. Whatever happened to "Love and Tolerate" these days anyway?

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I used to think that MLP wasn't really worth the fandom it had, didn't like bronies as a group, didn't hate them as individuals, blah blah blah...

That kinda stuff is fine with me, but when you actually dedicate enough time and effort to attacking bronies that's where it gets annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If they don't like it, they should keep it to themselves.

Maybe not. Everyone should be able to speak up about how they feel about things, but of course, if they repeat the same stuff over and over again, I'd gladly tell them to shut up.

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