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S5E21 brief commentary

Hm, now that was odd. A Halloween episode was perfect timing, but a Christmas episode right before that, that's kinda odd.   What Fluttershy said in the end is roughly how I feel, too. I don't like to play any kind of prank on people that causes bad feelings and discomfort, unless it's to a trivial degree. Just like Fluttershy said: Seeing others in such a state, caused by me, that would make me feel very bad, regardless of prank or not. The feelings are the same. A certain sensitivity combine



Does Pinkie Pie breathe out helium?

Sadly I don't have a perfect memory, so I don't actually know whether there are scenes supporting this theory, but I thought: Seems like any time balloons are shown in MLP, they float up, i.e. they are helium balloons. ... Do you know of any scene where Pinkie Pie inflates a balloon with her lungs that ends up floating upwards? If not, then I guess the writers really thought it through. ... Or not, haha. We're talking about Pinkie here. I would find it quite natural if her lungs expelled helium.



S5E19 - Much-needed inspiration, right there!

I have been writing a lot about the pain of abundant spoilers. :okiedokielokie:   Can you see where this is going?   No, not gonna say it. You say it!       Let the star of the episode be your hero and do your best to become a hero, too.   Just the usual lesson, actually. But damn, this one is dear to me.       Side note: When you are really making a sincere effort and your intention is pure, but you eventually still falter, life might have your back. The universe appreciates s



Commentary on S5E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark

So as I talked about in my previous entry, because I already knew the format of the episode beforehand it took away a good bit of the potentially pleasant surprise. It was still a remarkable episode to watch though (took me a while to get into the mood), because the bright spirit of the show has its own power. And because it is such a change to the lore. Did you notice? It started with a theme of change, but it ended up being not the kind of change you'd have expected, but much more.   Also t



The spoiler wave continues :-/

A review of the episode concerned will follow this entry. Life isn't all pleasantry, and grievances need to be talked about, only then can pleasant experiences be put on a solid foundation.   Lately I have been on an unfollow extravaganza on Twitter and deviantART, because the wave of spoilers is hard to counter, and I'm getting increasingly pissed at how people throw them around left and right. Once I'm done building a relaxing internet silence, the season will probably be over.   The most



The Dazzlings' reach extends into our world

Lately I have watched some music videos from MLP Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks and realized how skillfully and beautifully the makers depicted a theme with it. The villains are three sirens, putting people under their spell using music in order to take their magic, or more generally, benefit personally. People keep saying that the sirens got the best musical parts in the movie. Crucial word here: "best". It is a mind judgment. Their music has a different vibe than the music of the mane 6, which



S05E16 Made in Manehattan: important thing to point out

I often look at deep themes that connect MLP episodes to my life experience, and I will do that here, too:   THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM   This is one of those episodes that trigger my cynical side due to related experiences. In the end they say they got inspired by the play, but really? Charity Kindheart did a big thing before and people were willing to help there, too, despite it being so big. She left and all spirit vanished. I.e. people love bullshit. The obvious point is that inspiration i



Spoilers - A mind illness not kept in check that will grow further

Also blogged here: http://dowlphin.blogspot.de/2015/09/spoilers-mind-illness-not-kept-in-check.html   In the past I had my anger and frustration in the MLP fandom with people posting spoilers and just not caring whether others might not want that, despite it being common knowledge that spoilers are unpopular. I can understand when the sickos in TV programming feel the need to post episode previews right after an episode - it's tradition because they're afraid people might not watch it otherwis



Unicorn magic is divine intellect

The sixth chakra is the mind and/or the third eye or mind's eye, associated with the intellect and situated (at its energetic activity point if you will) roughly between the eyebrows. The seventh chakra is the crown, at the top of the head. It is the connection to what lies above, beyond the egoic mind, the higher or divine realm, where anything is possible.   Between those two points lies the 'unicorn point'. It is where a unicorn horn is located. Halfway between intellect and divine connecti



Pop culture reference idea

I realize that now that I mention it, it reduces the chances of it appearing even more, but it would kinda spoil it a bit anyway, and since I'm not a show writer (wink-wink ^^), it very likely wouldn't have occured anyway, sooo...   Pinkie Pie: (knocks on Rarity's door) Rarity: (being busy) "Who is it?" Pinkie Pie: ("I am) the one who knocks." ^^   Also works great as a knock-knock joke.   Would definitely feel less forced-in than that clumsy Game of Thrones reference we saw.



I love that CDPR forum moderator

http://dowlphin.blogspot.de/2015/06/cdpr-forum-moderation-i-love-it.html   ( https://twitter.com/Dowlphin/status/610113682018861057if you'd like to give the tweet a fav )



S5E8 - All I have to say (mildtonotreallyspoilers)

Twilight was giving a history lesson about some king and an "Idle of Boring Us". Pinkie lectured about the Ba-King instead. I rewatched the episode the very next day because Pinkie.   Conclusion: My Little Pony - Baking Powder Is Magic



S05E07 commentary (spoilers) ( with pictures :-) )

0:00 Why didn't Fluttershy try to help Discord get a ticket? She just ignored the matter. Nobody knew the mail had delay. This is like Ticket Master again. Also, I was surprised at first that he supposedly hadn't been invited, since we know Celestia's attitude towards giving the Grand Galloping Gala an interesting touch. I simply couldn't believe she would not invite Discord. (Twilight should know better by now, too. But that's an ongoing issue in general. So hard to get rid of old habits and



Style changes can break immersion

Remember Pinkie Pride with the real-world footage thrown in? It immediately changes the character. By creating such a harsh, sudden connection to a different 'realm', the integrity of the intended realm is compromised. This is what's called "breaking immersion". Said artistic tools CAN be for a specific reason sometimes, when the context fits, but to me it didn't fit in that episode.   It doesn't have to be that extreme though.   One example of it not being a problem is scenes where they us



Living Tombstone and ShadyVox dishonor their and my charity commitment

http://www.horse-news.net/2015/01/totally-insane-man-who-paid-over-750.html   http://dowlphin.blogspot.de/2015/01/living-tombstone-and-shadyvox-dishonor.html   Please spread. People need to know. Too many don't care.   UPDATE: Followup post - https://mlpforums.com/blog/819/entry-18521-little-update-on-the-charity-song-collabs-issue/



Ponies' hair reflects their personality

Did you notice how deep the imagery goes? Those ponies are like avatars of their elements.   Pinkie's hair is round and swirly, any deviation from the norm won't even make a difference. Any child could draw those endless bends beautifully. Totally Pinkie.   Rarity's hair is exquisite - a real challenge, and artists can get frustrated trying to draw it properly. Totally a Rarity, requiring high skill.   Rainbow Dash wouldn't be satisfied with just some color. She wants the whole color spect




This means a lot to me. Recently someone liked my style of drawing, and so I was invited by BountyHunter to participate in a contest to design a background wallpaper for the OUYA gaming console. How could I not honor a personal invitation? I kinda had to push myself to get it finished in time though. Motivation is still an issue, and any encouragement makes a difference. It would be like medicine for my soul to win this thing. The last time I won (and participated in) an art competition was



Mane 6 holistically symbolic roles

This is a brief followup thought to my earlier musings - http://mlpforums.com/blog/819/entry-11579-what-are-your-mane-3/ for clarifying why the focus on the six main characters for the show was such a smart idea regarding writing skill. The point should be pretty much self-explanatory, so I won't comment on it.   Rarity = intellect - right brain hemisphere (synthetic, emotional, creative, imaginative, radiant) Twilight Sparkle = intellect - left brain hemisphere (analytical, logical, scient



ANNOUNCEMENT! Please read. Thank you! :-)

Greetings my loyal minio... I mean subj... NO I mean peasa... GAAAAAH - DEAD READER!     The need for expansion of my various activities is a big theme in my life, and in an attempt to find more driving purpose for my creative output, I have decided to extend my web presence to some more platforms, namely Twitter, Tumblr and Wordpress (and Reddit, but since it's a mere content aggregator, this might only be useful to you if you can't follow me on the other sites).   I cannot guarantee when



Some brony haters are more decent people than some bronies

Wanted to say this. To maybe make you pause and meditate.   It's based on my own experiences.   There is a staunch brony hater who calls me his friend and says he respects me. He never hurt me. ... Maybe because I don't expect much from him.   But is it wrong to expect at least a minimum amount of decency from a fan of a show like MLP that conveys certain values and is so full of inspiring beauty?   There are self-proclaimed bronies who I, without trying to exaggerate, can only describe



First time I dreamt of ponies

It was an odd dream though, and I wish I had the energy and skill to draw comics from my dreams sometimes.   From what I can tell, a villain was on the loose. There was a scene in a dark castle hallway or something, but I don't remember anything from there. Then there was an icy lake, I was running along the outer rim where there were sheets of ice, and I grabbed Applejack out of the water. A moment later I see Twilight Sparkle ahead, with her back to the lake, acting like she was being threat



That powerful earth pony

Pinkie Pie is neither Rainbow nor a unicorn, yet one smile of her makes everything feel like rainbows and unicorns.                     Joust when you need it  



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