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Poison joke could be Equestria's ayahuasca

This idea suddenly occured to me. Poison joke changes something crucially defining about a person, a strength or something dear, into its opposite. It's a cruel joke and naturally not easy to handle. But looking at this optimistically, an experience like that could be sought. The result: Learning more about oneself and one's strengths and weaknesses as well as issues and fears and then overcoming them through direct experience and coming to terms with it. And that is relatively similar to what



The dangers of tickling Pinkie Pie

I was watching this tiny cut I made from the show:     and suddenly realized:   Giving Pinkie Pie the tickle treatment would render me unable to stop, even if I wanted to. I thought: It would be a vicious cycle and the metaphor of turbocharging came to my mind. Then I realized that the metaphor is more appropriate as I thought at first, because the thing that prevents a turbo engine from blowing up is the so-called "wastegate". And what will ultimately happen if you keep tickling som



Common BuSiness trend: Saying things because it isn't so

A message pops up on the deviantART page:   "It's important to have an up-to-date email address. Can we still reach you at the following address?"   This is one of those things that make me shake my head. One of the things that bother me about dA is the absence of the very basic and common feature of getting notification of new messages via e-mail. Few websites make an e-mail address as unnecessary as dA does. And now they want to ensure that they still can reach me under the address in my p



Response to FilmCrazyAdam's EqG review (spoilers)

Since a Youtube video response to his review...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya7wi-9E0p8   ...is currently not feasible for me and Youtube comments are too limited, I'll respond in written form. I'll directly address Adam here, so don't get confused by the "you"-form.   I will try to condense this into relatively brief paragraphs so it doesn't become too lenghty.     Hi Adam!   I enjoyed watching your Iron Man review a lot.   As you said, EqG is a different kind of movie, result



Equestria Girls comment (very mild spoilers)

- The remixed intro theme doesn't sound very elegant to me. The voice glitching a bit 'hacky'. Although it seemed to be heavily inspired by brony music. Same with the nice intro animations. A lot of abstract playing with shapes and colors.   - When Celestia mentioned that Sunset Shimmer might bring harm to the other world using the crown, one of the elements of harmony, I was amused by the pun... HARMony.   - Spike following Twilight was pretty reckless considering what Celestia expressed a



Old Cheezburger profile being misused

My past experiences with support aren't really instilling confidence, but what I found out now is the icing on the cake.   After the accidental deletion of my old profile by them and some kind of partial restoration, and me creating a new profile, the old profile name has most of the time been used for my comments, and this is also why I have been missing my avatar picture there.   I figured this out today, and also that the old profile is still accessible, and then I noticed that someone el



Why (Pink)ie Pie is so out-of-this-world

I just realized something very special about the defining color of that pony that sometimes defies the laws of physics and deviates so nonchalantly from what is considered within the spectrum of normality:   Our visible color spectrum ranges from red to violet. Red is the longest visible wavelength and violet is the shortest one. It's what you see in rainbows. BUT as you can see in the color palette of graphics programs, this is not the complete range. Blending together, outside of the would-b



Iron Will's career path

His real mane... I mean name... is William Steele. He used to use the stage name of Will Steel, but then he fell out with his business partner John Cole, and as you know, steel without coal is just iron. That's how he ended up being known as Iron Will, and this change in his career made him become stronger than ever. Maybe it was the irony.



Life's sitcom again

I was browsing through my video project resource files to see how much I can delete to save harddisk space. When I came upon After Effects project files, I thought about how well it manages to rediscover all connected files even after a renaming extravaganza and how impressed I was by that. But I wanted to see in more detail how file names and paths were saved in those files. So I opened one project file from one of my Twilight Sparkle videos in a hex editor, and this is what I saw:   Adobe t



Youtube - Anger helps

Youtube is a constant source of anger for me. This forum, too. Right now because I can't make the same Youtube link multiple times (it will embed multiple times though!) and the first link got converted to embed despite me not embedding it, but linking it, and the poem I made recently took me half an hour to format properly, but never mind. I will be crippling the Youtube links in this text, because the forums won't do what I tell it to do.   I wanted to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is M



About dormant potential

A few days ago I've read a quote by Meghan McCarthy, one of the writers for MLPFiM. I can't find it right now, but it went like: Good ideas are common. People who put those good ideas into action are rare, though.   This left me with mixed feelings. I was wondering what line of thought was behind that quote. Because it can be used merely as a belief, thus acting as if it were true and thus more or less unconsciously perpetuating this idea. Since she is saying that as a writer, she is speakin



Elemental poetry

Elemental poetry ___________________________ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ . . . Honesty doesn't know jack about ap



Creeped out AGAIN. Life, you are so random!

I made a new video based on an animated GIF:   (Please share the video if you like it.)   The AniGIF is on a Russian website: tabun.everypony.ru   I went to that page and noticed animated ponies in the upper right corner. I reloaded the page and learned that they are randomly chosen. Then I accessed the page using Google Translate and all ponies were now changelings! tabun.everypony.ru in English   (This is with my Opera 12 browser. I noticed that other browsers yield very differ



Being creeped out and loving it

I was just clicking through someone's deviantART gallery. I came to this picture...     ...and for some reason had a naughty thought about Pinkie Pie wanting Fluttershy to be a tree.                       Then I clicked to the next picture...  



The Last Unicorn - review annotations

I watched The Last Unicorn again. (First time was as a child.)   Here some comments:   1) The unicorn has a star on her head, around her horn, that looks quite a lot like the main star in Twilie's cutie mark.   2) In dubbing, they used the sound of a flying pigeon for a raven, a falcon ... and AN OWL!!! Owls are known for their silent flying, and there they apply the sound of probably the loudest flyer of all to it.   3) A Prince slays not just a dragon in a typical western style context



So Many Wonders!

What is this ace filled with so many wonders? Casting his spell That you are now under Squirrels in the tease and the cute little punnies Birds flipping free and Dowlphin pees honey Hooooonneeeeeeey!   Oooh, I'm a magical ace and I owe it all to Pinkie Pie's ways If I knew that sound had so much up its sleeve I'd have composed sooner, and never grieve Yes, I move everyooooone!



Discord was asked by a reporter...

Reporter: "Discord, what is your favorite recurring event or celebration? Are there concerts or festivals or sports events that you like to attend regularly?"   Discord: "Oh, I LOVE Domino Day! ... I always try to arrive early."   Reporter: "Really? Why is that?" Discord: "Well, before it gets crowded, it's easier to find a good spot. ... If you know what I mean."



Pony joke

The Mane 6 with Derpy are about to go on a road trip. Stuff is packed, the car is ready.     Twilie: Let's go then!     Derpy: I'm driving!     Applejack: Shotgun!     Derpy: WAAAAH! Okayokay, you drive!       If anypony would like to make a comic out of this, feel free to do so. Just show me the result.



Typical Pinkie Pie again

A while ago I added a lot of favorites from the MLP Vector gallery at deviantART, one character at a time. Just now I browsed through my favorites - endless Fluttershy pictures - when I saw this:       I just love it!



The best ways to practice mediocrity

Witnessing excellence causes amazement and joy. But this would not be if it weren't for mediocrity ( and outright failure, haha ) to provide the necessary contrast. So these things are a necessity in order to make excellence and success have a massive impact.   And I thought, these things being a necessity, it would be best to create them through the least motivating means.   What I'm trying to say is: If your or someone else's creative output isn't consistently excellent, rejoice! It means



The relevance of trust

Imagine it is night. You are sleeping in your bed. Suddenly, you are woken up by a loud noise. You see a bright energy swirl in the room, a kind of portal.   How would you react if this really happened? Very likely you'll totally freak out, jump up, cower in a corner, leap out of the room, arm yourself or some other kneejerk self-defense reaction.   But now imagine out of that otherworldly thing Pinkie Pie poked her head and said: "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! YOU HAVE TO COME WITH ME NOW!"   How



Value your friends' unique qualities!

In a way, reflecting on the dreams I recently had led me to a realization. Not something new, but more like a confirmation, a reminder, and also something that the show conveys. I keep pointing out the richness of guiding wisdom in MLP, and in a minute I will give another example.   When I was still playing World of Warcraft, there were people who were willing to help me, to lend a hand with things I couldn't do alone. People who I considered game buddies. One day, they, plus some other playe



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