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Too kind.

碇 シンジン


Hi I just wanted to tell you how I feel.



I'm kind. I'm helpful. I'm always there to make other people happy? right? That is great isn't it? It is great but I don't have my own life. I feel that I live just for other people. I realized this while ago. It is affecting me strongly very strongly.


When I think about it I don't really have opinions on anything. I don't listen music. Everything I think I try to think the way it is best for all people. It can be seen if you put me in position where I have to make decisions. I tell you one story:


I was in one place where my parents took me from time to time. There were 2 children there boy and a girl. They always disagreed on almost everything and I tried to please both of them. Then there were this one situation where they asked me which thing I want to do the boy wanted to play computer game and the girl wanted something I don't remember what and we would do the thing that I decided. It doesn't seem to be very hard situation, but it was really hard.


I first said "I don't know" but then they kept telling me that I need to decide I didn't want to upset either one of them so I said I don't know again. They continued pressuring me then I started crying. Then I realized how hard it was to me to voice my own opinion I just couldn't do it I wanted to play computer game then but I suppressed that opinion for the sake of other peoples needs.


I have always done it like that I suppress my own opinions and try to make everyone feel better for my own expense. Truth is its hurting me. People rarely express that they like things that I do they rarely say that I'm good and I'm great. and because I value myself based on that feedback that I havent been getting I value myself to zero. No feedback = No value . It shouldn't be like this but sadly it is.


I CANNOT hurt other people that is one thing that I take very seriously if I somehow manage to do that I drop down very deep. It is impossible to please everyone but I'm still somehow trying to do that. And if people that are close to me even joke on me I get very upset about it. I can't take criticsism because I feel that they are insults.


I have no interest in anything I always have some little interest growing in something but it flops because I realize after a while that I am alone and then I quit. I quit because I have no reason to be interested in something if someone else isn't and I can't share my kindness with them.


I maybe forgot something from here but I hope you can understand something

  • Brohoof 22


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You can't get the help you need by lying about your own status, you need to tell them the truth.  I know it's hard to do, Creator knows I've done it many times myself.  Take that first step and be brave.  It's hard to keep up with the advice your doctor might give you but it's for your own good.  By ignoring your problems or otherwise tossing them aside, you harm yourself in doing so.

Worst thing is that I know all that and I cant stop it

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there comes a time in every pony's life where they must take the time to focus on themselves.


if you want something then you must go for it.

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Worst thing is that I know all that and I cant stop it

Yes you can, by telling yourself that you can't only enforces that you can't.  Tell yourself that you can, be as kind to yourself as you are to other people.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have some advice, take it if you wish. Firstly, I suggest you do start listening to music. I'd say something smooth with a happy tone (as in now rock, metal, or anything, because it can have a negative effect on your subconscious). Music does wonders. Also, drink lots of water if you aren't already, and try to eat healthier. You WILL notice a difference and you will start to feel better, trust me because this is what I did, everyday I feel like a superstar.


A good key to confidence is starting with your own body, if youre eating unhealthy then you will not have all the nutrients your body needs and it just adds fuel to the fire of your sadness. Plus, once you start feeling good about your body you will be comfortable with yourself and your confidence will grow.


Your selflessness is amazing but don't be generous to the point where it starts to hurt you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Choosing between someone who needs help and someone who does not is pretty important. If you choose the one who needs the help then you are helping. If you choose the other, you are not helping. 



Trust me, this post you just posted just can't be bashed. If anyone does, they will have to deal with me (and if anyone does, then I will assume that it is someone who is hunting you and is not giving this blog the attention it deserves (forgive my lame English, not my native language)). 

It's happened many times before. So I'm not sure I can trust you so easily. The only attention I get is mostly negative. Like I could post all happy stuff and be ignored, but when I post honest feelings about myself, I get a keyboard warrior with a head the size of a melon, in respect. I just don't follow trends or popularity status's, that's why I'm looked down upon. I bet if I made a blog right now about how I feel, it will get ignored or ganged with hatred.

  • Brohoof 2
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I have some advice, take it if you wish. Firstly, I suggest you do start listening to music. I'd say something smooth with a happy tone (as in now rock, metal, or anything, because it can have a negative effect on your subconscious). Music does wonders. Also, drink lots of water if you aren't already, and try to eat healthier. You WILL notice a difference and you will start to feel better, trust me because this is what I did, everyday I feel like a superstar.


A good key to confidence is starting with your own body, if youre eating unhealthy then you will not have all the nutrients your body needs and it just adds fuel to the fire of your sadness. Plus, once you start feeling good about your body you will be comfortable with yourself and your confidence will grow.


Your selflessness is amazing but don't be generous to the point where it starts to hurt you.

My mom tells me to eat hamburgers and stuff because my underweight is pretty big problem


Yes you can, by telling yourself that you can't only enforces that you can't.  Tell yourself that you can, be as kind to yourself as you are to other people.

I know I'm the only one who can actually get me out of this mess. but i be honest here and say that I have zero motivation over myself

  • Brohoof 1
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It's happened many times before. So I'm not sure I can trust you so easily. The only attention I get is mostly negative. Like I could post all happy stuff and be ignored, but when I post honest feelings about myself, I get a keyboard warrior with a head the size of a melon, in respect. I just don't follow trends or popularity status's, that's why I'm looked down upon. I bet if I made a blog right now about how I feel, it will get ignored or ganged with hatred.

Well, those who do bash you do not really have any reason to do so. If they are doing it because of popularity status's then I am quite irritated. I do not like it when people like something only because it is popular and I certainly do not like it when other people who don't like something popular get bashed. If there is something you want to talk about, you can talk to me (if you want to talk about it that is to say). 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, those who do bash you do not really have any reason to do so. If they are doing it because of popularity status's then I am quite irritated. I do not like it when people like something only because it is popular and I certainly do not like it when other people who don't like something popular get bashed. If there is something you want to talk about, you can talk to me (if you want to talk about it that is to say). 

I prefer to be alone. Only I can trust someone if they mean well.

  • Brohoof 1
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You're only 17? Excellent. What's more, you are getting this inkling that this way of doing things is unhealthy. Well, it in fact is but it's best I not do any of the talking as to why. Be happy that you're realizing this at such an early age.


  • Brohoof 1
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My mom tells me to eat hamburgers and stuff because my underweight is pretty big problem


I am not a doctor so take my advice with some salt!


I don't think that eating hamburgers is a healthy way to gain weight. I think you should focus more on eating a lot more healthy foods that are high in calories. There is this article with tips on how to gain weight. Though you should just check with a dietitian.


Of course drink enough water. I don't know how much you drink, but a big glass every couple hours won't do a body harm. There is something called water toxicity, but that mostly happens if you drink more than four 8-ounce glasses of water an hour.


I don't know what your situation is, but you should ask for help. Coming here is a good start, and we are all happy to help you. However there is only so much we can do over the internet.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am not a doctor so take my advice with some salt!


I don't think that eating hamburgers is a healthy way to gain weight. I think you should focus more on eating a lot more healthy foods that are high in calories. There is this article with tips on how to gain weight. Though you should just check with a dietitian.


Of course drink enough water. I don't know how much you drink, but a big glass every couple hours won't do a body harm. There is something called water toxicity, but that mostly happens if you drink more than four 8-ounce glasses of water an hour.


I don't know what your situation is, but you should ask for help. Coming here is a good start, and we are all happy to help you. However there is only so much we can do over the internet.


4 glasses of water a day

  • Brohoof 1
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I am not a doctor so take my advice with some salt!


I don't think that eating hamburgers is a healthy way to gain weight. I think you should focus more on eating a lot more healthy foods that are high in calories. There is this article with tips on how to gain weight. Though you should just check with a dietitian.


Of course drink enough water. I don't know how much you drink, but a big glass every couple hours won't do a body harm. There is something called water toxicity, but that mostly happens if you drink more than four 8-ounce glasses of water an hour.


I don't know what your situation is, but you should ask for help. Coming here is a good start, and we are all happy to help you. However there is only so much we can do over the internet.



Whoa now... don't be scaring people with that crazy talk.


Water toxicity takes way more than a mere 32 oz.


WAY more.


You realize that 32 oz might not even be enough water for the average person right?


There's been days I've had to drink 4 times that amount in a days worth, if not more, and that's 128 oz, which is a gallon.  And I'm only 6 foot tall and 180 pounds.  Albeit, I was working outside all day and sweating alot but still, I promise you, water toxicity takes more than a gallon of water.  I bet you, if I was working outside like that, that I could drink upwards of 2 to 3 gallons in a day, albeit that's alot more than I would probably actually need.  Nonetheless... Don't scare people talking about water toxicity, because most people can't even drink enough water for it to become toxic.


~ Miles

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Everything (actions, decisions, words) in this world creates beauty and suffering (both, in a way more or less important), you have to take the risk sometimes, life's a risk (otherwise it's nothing but it's mho).


You can do it bro, you 're a kind person, and everypony has one life, don't waste your kindness and forgiveness with people who don't deserve it, they won't either.


May Luna bless you tonight /)

  • Brohoof 2
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Whoa now... don't be scaring people with that crazy talk.


Water toxicity takes way more than a mere 32 oz.


WAY more.


You realize that 32 oz might not even be enough water for the average person right?


There's been days I've had to drink 4 times that amount in a days worth, if not more, and that's 128 oz, which is a gallon.  And I'm only 6 foot tall and 180 pounds.  Albeit, I was working outside all day and sweating alot but still, I promise you, water toxicity takes more than a gallon of water.  I bet you, if I was working outside like that, that I could drink upwards of 2 to 3 gallons in a day, albeit that's alot more than I would probably actually need.  Nonetheless... Don't scare people talking about water toxicity, because most people can't even drink enough water for it to become toxic.


~ Miles

Sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone. You are right that normally we can't drink enough water for it to be toxic. I meant our bodies can process water really fast, so there is no need to worry about moderation.


I don't know why I am thinking about water moderation. It is not that helpful advice to give :P

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I hope this ends up making sense because I should be sleeping now rather than posting, and I may have strayed off topic a bit.


I think I understand what you feel about wanting to make people happy and wanting to, for lack of a better way of putting it, go along with what they seem to want/need. It is hard, at least for me, to pin this sort of thing down because emotions and behaviors are so complex once you start pulling at the seams are trying to figure them out. So anyway, I have feel something kind of similar to what you described in the main post, not quite the same and not quite as strongly, but enough to empathize.


For me I tend to go along with things, if they come from someone I care about, even if it's something I would rather not go along with. Most of the time it's not a bad thing, being helpful and stuff. Though sometimes you would rather not do something. With me it can be hard to conceal annoyance or resentment if it's something that I really don't want to do, and people can see it more than I would like. I feel that I can have a difficult time expressing objections at times without doing so in a way that upsets people, which leads to holding it in, which leads to seeming to be holding something in.....


A strange thing with me is that my viewpoints of most things are flexible and can change depending on the situation, or the people in the situation. That sounds like a pretty normal thing the way I describe it here, but I'm not quite sure how to put it exactly. But it's also something that relates to seeming to not have strong opinions on things.


The part about not listing to music struck a chord (har har, lame pun). I did really try and develop a music taste for quite a while because I didn't want to deal with the thought of trying to decide on something like that which reflects something about you. And feeling like my choices might not be one that are agreed with I guess. Even now I'm still shy about listing to new music aloud sometimes.


Now that I have tried to write down some random perspectives to a level of accuracy that it's not exactly right, but close enough to how I feel, like I said emotions are so freggin complicated. You know a major cause of these sort of thought patterns, at least In my opinion? Anxiety, yep simple anxiety and being self conscious seems to me to be the root, at least in part, of so many difficulties I have. I notice in myself that things get better over time though, you learn how to control anxiety more and more. You learn better ways to communicate and process emotions.


Anyway, I hope this is helpful in some way.

  • Brohoof 2
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