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Top 10 cancelled games



Earlier today, a game I've been looking forward got the axe. Kaio: King of Pirates was one of several games spear-headed by Comcept and Keiji Inafune(who's known for his work on the Megaman, Dead Rising, Onimusha, and several other Capcom franchises as well as the upcoming Mighty No. 9) and sounded like the perfect game for me(Pirates? Penguins? RPG? Hell yes!). But unfortunately, shit happened and the game has officially been cancelled.


This of course this isn't the only promising game that has been shitcanned however, throughout gaming's history many games have been killed in the middle of development, despite the amount of potential they had.


10) Unknown Disney Brawler(I'll just call it Disney Smash Bros)




When you think about it, Disney is probably the one of the very very few companies with a stable of characters more iconic than Nintendo's(which says a lot), which is why I'd be the perfect company to have their own Smash Bros clone. Not much is known about this game other than it was an idea that was never greenlit and this artwork is the only thing we know of it. Most likely it never came to light for the same reasons Dissidia went from being a Kingdom Hearts fighting game to purely Final Fantasy, as Disney probably wouldn't like to see their characters beating each other up


9) Star Wars 1313




Another game that was cancelled because Disney seems to hate good ideas. 1313 was a game intended to put Star Wars fan favorite Boba Fett in the spotlight in his early adulthood as a bounty hunter. The game was cancelled when Disney closed down Lucasarts after buying out the Lucasfilms and its assets in 2013. However Disney has said that they are willing to revive the project if a studio with the license is willing to work on it, so there's still hope. In the mean time...hey we still have Star Wars Kinect.....


8) Dinosaur Planet




The reason this one is much lower on the list is because it technically still exists.....as Starfox Adventures. At first Dinosaur Planet was originally going to be an original IP for the N64, and was going to be RARE's swan song to the console. However, despite the original game being in near completion, it became Starfox when Miyamoto noticed the one of the main characters, Sabre, looked close to Fox McCloud of the Starfox series. As a result, he asked Rare to change it up into a Starfox game and move development. The game was mostly going to be the same until Rare was bought out by Microsoft in 2002(sometime during the game's end development) and the buyout resulted in the game becoming rushed. In the end, a lot of content was cut from the game(leftovers can be found on the game's code), Sabre turns into Fox McCloud, Krystal(Dinosaur Planet's original lead character) turns into a fox and gets royally screwed over, General Scales(the game's original main villain) also gets royally screwed over, and Arwing sections feel tacked on. Despite it's problems I personally enjoyed Starfox Adventures, however there isn't a moment in my life where I wish it stayed Dinosaur Planet, and I hope that one day the original game has a chance to come into light






Developed by Blue Tongue Entertainment(Known for their work on the de Blob series and the Nicktoons Unite games)WWE Brawl was going to be different from what we expect from traditional WWE games, even different from WWE All-Stars. Instead, the wrestlers were put into some kind of alternate world with over-the-top interpretations of their characters, beating the crap out of each other in a Power Stone style fight, free from "real world" rules. Ultimately it wound up as one of the many casualties of THQ's financial struggles in 2011(who closed down in late 2012). It still pains me that this game was never made while WWE Immortals and Crush Hour exist


6) The Avengers FPS




Despite not knowing much about this game, whether it had its own story or if it was based on the upcoming movie, it looks awesome. Much like WWE Brawl, it was also a casualty of THQ's financial issues.


5) Raven Blade




Before working on the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime series, Retro Studios working on 4 different games at the companies foundation, including a Vehicle-Combat game(like Twisted Metal), an untitled Action-Adventure game, a football game, and an RPG called Raven Blade. Development was insane, probably because they were working on 4 different games at once. When he looked at the different projects, he had a peculiar interest in the Action-Adventure game, which would wind up becoming Metroid Prime. The Car Combat game and the football game wound out getting cancelled to put more focus on Metroid, but Raven Blade still had a chance, and eventually got to show it off at E3 2001. Unfortunately the game was cancelled due to technical setbacks and so the could put all of their focus on Metroid Prime. Perhaps with everyone clamoring for a new IP from Nintendo, and Retro working on a secret title, maybe there's still a chance?


4) Dead Phoenix




Dead Phoenix was one of the Capcom 5, a set of games that Capcom intended on releasing exclusively to the Gamecube, along with Viewtiful Joe, P.N.03, Killer 7, and Resident Evil 4. Unfortunately it was the only one to never see the light of day, and no one knows why.


3) Lily Bergamo




Much like Dinosaur Planet, Lily Bergamo does exist...as Let it Die, and being a big Suda fan I had to put it on the list. Lily Bergamo was first revealed at the 2013 Tokyo Game Show, and it showed a lot of promise. Then by E3 2014, the game turned into something completely different, instead of looking colorful and stylish, it became a dark and gritty hack-n-slash featuring a bunch of half naked convicts trying to violently kill each other. Oh, and the game has been confirmed to be free-to-play


I'm sorry Suda, I love you, but Let it Die looks like complete shit


2) Starfox 2




For some reason, despite the game practically being finished, the game was never released and ultimately cancelled. After the success of the orginal Starfox, developers Argonaut went on the create a second game, one problem however, was the coming release of the N64 and Nintendo was afraid of the game getting overshadowed by the new console. When it was cancelled in 1995, Nintendo planned on having the game release on the N64, but eventually Nintendo ultimately decided to reboot the original game instead into the space shooter we all now and love as Starfox 64. Despite the game ultimately being the original Starfox, Starfox 64 reuses a lot of Starfox 2's assets, including Star Wolf, and even more assets were used in Starfox Command.


Eventually, fans have found a full ROM of the game, which can be easily played on SNES emulators. But still the game has a bit of cult following, and two characters exclusive to the game, Fay and Miyu, are surprisingly popular among the Starfox fandom. Hopefully someday, Nintendo can finally release this game(or at the very least, let Fay and Miyu become official characters :P)



Now before I get to number 1, here's a short list of games that should have stayed cancelled:

- Duke Nukem Forever

- Aliens Colonial Marines

- Too Human

- Ride to Hell Retribution


And now Number 1



1) Megaman Legends 3



C'mon, don't act like you're surprised, if you know me then you should have seen this coming. 10 years after the release of Megaman Legends 2(which as everyone should know, ended with Megaman stuck on the moon). 10 years fans have been begging to see a sequel. 10 years later they're prayers would finally be cancelled. A few months later Keiji Inafune(One of Megaman's leading forces) leaves Capcom on bad terms. Then Capcom announces a Prototype demo for the game in order to gauge interest. Then Capcom cancels the game, without releasing said prototype. Then Capcom would blame fans for the game's cancellation....


Yeah you can see how well that went. The game's cancellation is still to this day considered one of the most unpopular moves Capcom has ever made, as well as prove to one of the company's biggest PR nightmare. Fans eventually made a 100,000 Facebook page in hopes of getting the game resurrected, and has already passed it's initial goal. While many Megaman games have been cancelled leaving fans sour, Legends 3's cancellation still hurts the the most



Keep in mind that this is really a personal list, but I still acknowledge that there are many promising games that were cancelled and people would love to see come to light, like Starcraft Ghost or Earthbound 64, so share your thoughts while I go cry endlessly in a corner

  • Brohoof 3


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Hopefully Retro Studios (love that game developer) can work on something similar to Raven Blade in the future after they're done supposedly finishing another Metroid game. Retro is simply too talented of a developer to be working solely on two nintendo franchises.

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, yeah, I remember all the backlash when Megaman Legends 3 got cancelled. That was what.....three or four years ago? 


I fear that before long, The Last Guardian will be topping (or at least coming close to topping) several "Top 10 Cancelled Games" list. :(   


I've been waiting for that game since it was first announced in 2009. I think it's only a matter of time before its cancellation is announced...

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah I made a thread about a potential Disney Smash Bros. game.


Anyway do Top 10 Japan Only games. Here's an example: Mother 3

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah I made a thread about a potential Disney Smash Bros. game.


Anyway do Top 10 Japan Only games. Here's an example: Mother 3

I might someday if I get to play more than 10 Japan-only games Xp

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