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Brohooves as a measure of success

Killian Jones


Even though many will see brohoofs as a pointless numerical value or as an addition of no value. While other attach much of an importance to how high the number is regardless of what they post.


I instead see it as a measure of how successful I am. With each post I make, place though in, take time to write, think up and place out there for all to see. It's not hard to overlook a could things about it.


If someone agrees with it and thinks it's a well written, brings a good argument, they will be likely to leave a brohoof. if they do not, they will in some sense either try to point this out to me, by quoting me or simply replying to me.


Now as I see it, I have earned less brohoofs then I have made posts. What this means to me as a member is that I have been very unsuccessful, or very unliked, and at some points, even simply ignored. And as it stands, somewhat of a failure.


Do note, this is not a plea to go and brohoof every single one of my posts, or go ahead and start brohoofing more of my posts. I accept the position I am in now. It's a long time I've felt this.


It's why I changed my posting behaviour to match. And rather not put effort into something which is a futile position.

  • Brohoof 8


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If I were to present a decent argument, then I wouldn't factor in brohoofs, but rather focus on the merits of said argument. I could still get brohoofs, but I leave that to chance.


Oh the other hand, if I were just, in the colloquial, fucking around, then I would phrase my posts in certain fashion as to get some brohoofs, but again, I am posting in a non serious manner. I am shooting for some brohoofs, but mostly its just silliness.


If I were to solely increase my brohoof count, I would simply state the majority opinion, or in rare cases, a neutral opinion (if I state a minority opinion then it's the first category, not this one). There may be stuff in between, before, and after, but mostly just to make the post as agreeable and influential as possible. Placement also matters in this, as the first page gathers the most effect. Macros, pictures, and videos also aid significantly with some topics. For most topics, one of the clutch posts is enough, however with some hotter topics, they can be milked multiple times. Also who is brohoofing you is relevant. Clearly dear leader's mark holds the greatest wright, followed by staff, followed by more prominent members.


The bulk of my posts fall into the second category, I would shoot for brohoofs if a topic lends itself well (Canterlot Castle), and I would follow the first on topics that are of my genuine interest. Its a bonus for me, I don't have to get brohoofs, but on the other hand I wouldn't pass up a good chance to get them.

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How I see it, if a minority opinion i stated, I rather have someone quote me and try to reason with me, a situation which very often, just doesn't happen anymore at all.


I don't want to purposely increase mine, but when it doesn't go up, it means I have done something right, and when it doesn't it feels as a failure, especially in the absence of quoting or replies.

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You shouldn't feel that bad. Well thought out posts, no matter how good they are, can sometimes fall into the TL;DR category for people. That's just the way of things, unfortunately.


When you look at the top brohoofed posts, you see mod posts, a decently attractive female user getting engaged, someone giving the site a fuckload of money, or a well timed meme. Much of the brohoof power goes to "popularity." It is not wise to put stock in them as a measure of how good your post is.

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You shouldn't feel that bad. Well thought out posts, no matter how good they are, can sometimes fall into the TL;DR category for people. That's just the way of things, unfortunately. When you look at the top brohoofed posts, you see mod posts, a decently attractive female user getting engaged, someone giving the site a fuckload of money, or a well timed meme. Much of the brohoof power goes to "popularity." It is not wise to put stock in them as a measure of how good your post is.


While that is the truth, and I can agree with that, it's not even a moderate amount of brohoofs I have received I see I am at a good way less then one per post. I don't necessarily feel that having such a low amount is a very good position.

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Oh, you don't like that you're not 1:1?


You made it sound like you only had 80 or something. I think your ratio is better than mine, actually. Huh.


After seeing that, I have to reiterate: Don't sweat it, Tich. Not only is that a damn good number, but people here know you as a smart person with well constructed posts.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can say this with complete honesty.


When I post, I really hope to get at least one brohoof.

That's how I have been posting lately.

Give an intellectual answer, hope to get brohoofed.


It has been working marvelously C:

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I personally just try to post regardless of how many brohoofs I do or don't get, as, the way I see it, as long as I put effort into posting quality material, it will enrich the site and end up as a benefit to everypony on it. (This is working under the assumption that I'm not awful at posting quality intellectual material, of course, which hasn't really been proven or disproven.)

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I think that the brohoof ratio is not a very good way to measure ones success. Since the post count doesn't increase when you post in forum games or the lounge but the brohoff count does, people who hang out in those places a lot will get a much higher ratio than one who doesn't write there as much.


So it's quite unfair I think, a member who hasn't made any posts at all in the games or the lounge maybe will have a seemingly lower post/brohoof ratio than another member who rarely write in topics where the post adds to the post count. That member may have been posting more than the other user, so in theory his brohoof/post count is lower than the other user.

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Really, I wouldn't consider brohooves a factor. I mean, really it depends on what you think is a success is. Is it the number of people who agree with you? Is it being funny? Is it being well known? Cause unless it's all of them, you're getting an inaccurate measurement.


I mean, I've written some amazing posts (relative to my own) and they've got nothing. But some of my most "successful" have been those at the front of the topic, funny or just something everyone agrees on.


I wouldn't consider that success.

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At the same time, hearing people talk about their B:P ratios is reminding me too much of people talking about their K:D ratios, and it's making me sad.


We shouldn't care so much about it.

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Brohoofs really aren't a good measure, since there is a lot of variance in what gets brohoofs. For example, I recently posted in a thread about bacon with a comic and a flowchart I got from other websites, with a small note about how much PETA would suffer if they tried to take away my bacon, and it got like 15 brohoofs that day. There wasn't really much substance to it, just some funny pictures, really. Yet, I'll post a nice, big thing about something I do know about, everything clearly explained, politely rebutting whatever ignorant remark another user posted, and basically explaining how things are and what it means. Those rarely get brohoofs. Maybe one or two, but that's it, and generally only from people who were already in the discussion.

And then there are the times when somebody asks a question and they get tons of answers, most of them fairly well thought out. If you brohoofs in that case, you either need to or a humorous spin on your answer, or make it such an amazing and long post that anybody who reads it can't help but brohoof it. Problem is, posts of that level of awesome are generally also quite long, and lot of people will just tl:dr them.


Many people seem to just brohoof stuff they think is funny, not well thought out, so I wouldn't use it as a measure of how well throughout your posts are. Also, very, very few people here with a significant number of posts have anything even approaching a 1:1 ratio.

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't know if I can agree with this. I wouldn't consider myself a "successful" member by any other standard, but I still have more brother horse feet than I have posts.


Think about it this way. I made one post that got me 30+ brohoofs. That means that I could post 29 more shitty posts and still have a positive kdr. That is why you can't grade your success on something like brohoofs.

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I don't care if it isn't too high, but to me, in a way, I see people who have earned a lot of brohoofs for good posts, yet I cannot do the same, in a sense it still does feel a bit like failure, Having less then 1 is disheartening if I know I makes me believe that my long winded, thought out posts are not appreciated.


I do't mind people disagreeing with them, i mind people ignoring them. Which is one of the conclusions I have come to. So bothering is work for me. And no one likes it.

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I'm kinda neutral on this.


Brohoofs are ment to be used if a user agrees with a post or liked the post, which is why the original saying is 'like'.


Now, you see people who gained a significant amount of brohoofs, and whenever they post something that most people have already said, they'll get tons of brohoofs because that person is a high rank and they have more points than most people. That's what annoys me.


The thing that doesn't is how these people got brohoofs in the first place. They either made a good post which got popular, or just a stupid meme. Either way, they got them fairly, but when I see so called 'popular members' posting something, then getting a ton of brohoofs, that's when it get's annoying.


At one point, I had a post on the top brohooved content, that was because I shared a picture that I thought had some great points about the character Rarity, pointing out that if in any other girls TV show, someone like her would be the antagonist, but also pointing out reasons why she was still a good character (some of you may remember that). That moment felt awesome, and I felt that I had earned it fairly, because I was actually sharing something that most people may tend not to think of.


I suppose I'm a fairly successful member in brohoofs, but nowhere near in the calibre of some of the people on this site, even though most of them just get brohoofs because they're popular.

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Don't worry about it. Other people's laziness is probably the top factor in not getting more brohooves. I can make a huge post taking on each point of a complicated topic and get no feedback of any kind, and somebody a post or two later can leave something that amounts to little more then "lol idk," and people are about to punch a hole through his monitor with brohooves. A couple users have told me explicitly that they think I'm insightful and post some good stuff, and I appreciate that. But if you think I'm wrong, fine, tell me about it. That's a discussion. You know... the whole reason a forum exists. I'm willing to bet there's a fair number of people here who don't even read through even the shortest of threads before making a post in response to the OP. Though they may still scroll through the thread quickly to see if a "legend" made a post, so they can drop an obligatory brohoof like a good little toady.


As stated in a post above (because I read them), so-called "legendary" members have to put forth far less effort, sometimes none, into getting them because of their reputation of being an old-timer. In other words, they'll get adored for whatever they say regardless of the quality or contents of their posts. Idolizing people to that extent is detrimental to a community, as it makes noobs feel like they shouldn't even bother. I'll brohoof long-winded opinion pieces I disagree with because somebody bothered to think about the subject matter and took the time to tell us about it. It promotes protracted discussion, which is of infinitely more worth than "circlejerk" threads. My brohooves get handed out like candy because I don't have many standards beyond decency. I'm going to keep making posts half as long as Fallout: Equestria because I have things that I feel are worth saying. It's no skin off my back if nobody else wants to read them. My nonsensical posts in the Forum Lounge will also continue, because that place is just too much fun. Nobody read this post and went straight to the tl;dr, unless that was also too much trouble.



tl;dr: brohooves indicate many things, few of which are of any consequence. If you have something that you feel is worth posting, then post it.



I usually hope for a brohoof if I've posted an AJ pic :lol:. Other than that, I don't really care much, although a brohoof would still be good.


How can I not brohoof an AJ picture? She's almost best pony.

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