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Titan Rising


I don't understand them. Why would anyone choose to not believe in a God, or at the very least an afterlife? You can imagine any afterlife you want, you can come up with your own religion and your own thoughts on what might lie beyond this life, but you choose to believe that we're just an accident and on our way to rot in the ground?


Now that I think of it, does being atheist mean you just don't believe in any God or you don't believe in any concept of an afterlife or anything like that?


Anyway back to the main point... Even if scientists were to prove that we evolved and that the entire universe was capable of creating itself, that does not rule out the possibility of a God or an afterlife. Science can tell us many things, but you can always keep asking "why". Why is something like gravity a law of the universe? Why does anything even exist? In the end the only answers science will be able to offer to questions like these are "it's just the way it is".


Why would anyone accept an answer like that when there's so much more hope in an answer they could even come up with themselves? I dunno, it's pretty depressing to think that way in my opinion

  • Brohoof 4


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I agree, it seems so depressing to be an athiest. I mean if your an athiest then why do anything like school or work or anything that may bore you.

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Why would anyone ever waste time thinking about religion and not enjoying life while they can?


I am closest to agnostic. I don't believe nor disbelieve in an afterlife or god. I say it's not an important topic and that if there are such things, I guess we'll find out after we die.

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I think the best way to think of atheism is to perceive it simply as another belief. I do believe that "we're just an accident and on our way to rot in the ground," as you put it, but I don't find the atheist way of explaining life and the universe's existence depressing or conducive of mean acts.


If anything, it only emphasizes how precious and short life is, and makes me want to do as much good as possible in the world during the short time I have to be here.


Just as you cannot rule out that an afterlife exists, it is equally impossible to rule out that it does not exist. Personally, I find the biological explanation of all life being an overly convoluted version of the reaction C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O, that simply stops when a chromosome's telomeres have divided in half one too many times, a lot more plausible than any explanation involving a soul, life force, or equivalent entity that transcends your physical composition of proteins and enzymes.


Just a different school of thought, really. I can completely understand that this way of thinking isn't for everyone; so while I don't believe in anything supernatural, I'm perfectly willing to accept that other people do, as long as they are not adamantly trying to convince me that their beliefs are "better" than mine.

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  On 2012-10-07 at 10:53 PM, Sugar Plum said:

Why would anyone ever waste time thinking about religion and not enjoying life while they can?


I am closest to agnostic. I don't believe nor disbelieve in an afterlife or god. I say it's not an important topic and that if there are such things, I guess we'll find out after we die.


It lacks purpose. You can surround yourself with pleasures but they don't actually hold any real significance other than your own satisfaction.


Then there's the thing like Ezio said, why do anything that bores you or doesn't bring you satisfaction? And what reason would anyone have for even continuing to live whose struggle outweighs their pleasure?


Just a few thoughts


@ I can perfectly understand that and I think you're right to say the best way to perceive it as just another belief. That's what it comes down to really - for the things that can neither be proven nor disproven it just comes down to your own philosophy and what you want to believe


That said, I still can't understand why anyone would want to willingly accept that kind of philosophy. I do not think it's because that way of thinking is not for me, or like many atheists tell me "You're too scared to accept it", rather... it just seems kinda dull and hopeless lol.

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I'm an agnostic, I question existence of a supreme being, and religion just confuses me, I choose not to think about where I go when I die. Plus I was raised religious, but could never get into the idea.

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I belive all religions are meant for people to feel safe. Even though, me myself would never in a thousand years read the Bible/Koran but i do respect those who reads and belives it.


Why don't i belive in god?

Simply because he is just like Santa Caluse, its something your parents say exsists when its not. Where is the proof? A book? Yes, ofcourse...


Even Aliens sounds more real then a god, there are atleast proof of aliens, and no. Its not an alion formed on a toast.

Jesus? A crazy man. There is a lot of them.



The worst part about religion is how much chaos it starts. Religion is one of the main reasons there is so much war going on. Don't even dare to deny it.


Also, those who think they can communicate with "god".

They look so ridiculous when they stand there with their hands in the air screaming " Oh lord in heaven"

The best part is when they fell down and explains how they got touched by god.

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But i do belive there are some sort of afterlife.

Not that you will be reborn, but maybe there is something else after this life.


Heaven as they say.

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Athiesm isn't centered around "you can't find god so he doesn't exist." It's that there's a higher probability that he doesn't exist, really.

I'll just help explain athiesm with my beliefs.

Well, religion was in part created by the state. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks had their state religions. Half of it was just meant to keep people under control, have them donate to the country, and be generally content with the meager lives they might be living.

With Christianity, the religion I assume you practice, it's "holy book" is basically written by a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who said he knew god's son. Not only that, but it has been one of the most war causing religions.

So with me, I question why a god that loves all his people would damn them to an eternity in hell for doing something that he meant for them to do. Because god controls everything, right?

On your thing about making your own religion.. why would we waste our time doing that? I would know it's fake.

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-Claims to respect people who believe in religion

-Proceeds to desecrate religion


Maybe you're right that religion has caused most wars, I wouldn't know, but could you prove that religion hasn't ultimately saved more people over time than the accumulated death totals of all the wars in history? Moreover, if a war was waged over who would have the last iPod in existence, would you blame the existence of the iPod?


If a man is shot and killed do you blame the gun? It's really not fair to claim that religion is directly responsible for wars - that's basically blaming everyone who has ever thought up a concept of a God or soul or anything like that lol

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Just thought I'd chime in for the heck of it.


I live and I die, that's all that really concerns me, and I do not fear death, I welcome it as a part of everyone's life. I am eternally grateful to have a life and when I die, I wouldn't have really lost anything, just gone back to what I was to begin with; nothing.


I mind my own business and do not concern myself over who believes and doesn't believe what, since it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I believe faith is an extremely powerful tool that can lead many people to live grand, fulfilling lives, putting spirit and hope in believers' eyes. People say religion starts war. Well, there is good and bad to everything in the world. Humanity tends to focus more on the bad caused because it is more interesting to discuss. Such as the news reporters', "If it bleeds, it leads."


Hollowshield, I can completely understand your confusion as to how such people can be happy and I can safely speak for myself in saying, I'm happy. I don't need a guide to help me through, and if there is one, I thank Him for his kindness towards a non-believer such as myself. But, in the end, it doesn't matter to me, I live my life as good as I can be, I live for others, and I live to make others' lives more bearable. I take great joy and pride in helping those in need and putting warm smiles on friends' faces.


I hope that little rambling shed some light on my particular viewpoint. If you have any further questions out of curiosity, do feel free to give me a shout.

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I don't label myself with any religious stance, name, anything. I don't let religion influence my life anymore. The crazier atheists (ones that protest Xmas decorations and always try to ruin everyone's fun) are somewhat redundant because it almost seems like a religion in itself. But normal atheists are fine, the ones that just say they don't believe and leave it at that.

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I said what i belived and my experience with it.


Yes, i would blame the Ipod. Also the dumb people who started it over such a thing.


Not really. I blame the person. The gun just happen to be the weapon.

I'm going over the cause of WHY it was happening. And the gun is definalty NOT the reason. Religion however is.


Would the world be better without religion? Yes, it would. There is nothing good coming out from it. I can see why people belived is such things a long time ago, when gods provided good harvest and whatnot. They had a good reason to belive in it and noone had the guts to stand againgst it. Also, they got brainwashed with it, like many people still get his very day.

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  On 2012-10-07 at 11:25 PM, Djenty-kun said:

Athiesm isn't centered around "you can't find god so he doesn't exist." It's that there's a higher probability that he doesn't exist, really.


Lol anyone who claims a probability of whether or not God exists is a liar. No one can create a probability for such a thing. It's a ridiculous idea to even consider.


But just to humor you... Even if it was proven that there was only a 0.00000000000000000000000000000(place infinity here)00001 chance of a God/afterlife existing I would still pursue it



On your thing about making your own religion.. why would we waste our time doing that? I would know it's fake.


Come on friend, think up the best world you could possibly imagine containing the best people you could possibly imagine. Whose to say when you die you don't arrive at place? You shouldn't assume things ^^. Plus I think it would be better to believe in that chance than to just assume it's impossible. And in the meantime, live in a way that will make you worthy of entering that place if you get there when you do eventually fade from this world


Is that weird of me to think like that lol? Oh well, I can't think of anything better

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  On 2012-10-07 at 11:29 PM, NewCalamity said:
Hollowshield, I can completely understand your confusion as to how such people can be happy and I can safely speak for myself in saying, I'm happy. I don't need a guide to help me through, and if there is one, I thank Him for his kindness towards a non-believer such as myself.


It's not that I don't think people without religion can't be happy. There are plenty of pleasures in the world to keep people satisfied until they die. I don't exactly think people need a guide either... more of like a purpose. A purpose to consider other people than ones self


but what I'm really getting at with this blog is that atheism [to me] sounds like a refusal to dream, and that's something I just can't understand.

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Here's one issue: It's not really a 'choice'. I don't believe in a God or afterlife because, quite simply, I don't see any reason to. Nothing about this world or universe suggests the existence of either. This isn't a choice, this is my worldview.


With everything I've been through in the last several years, if I could choose to believe in an afterlife, I would. But it just doesn't match with reality. I just can't see such a thing existing, and forcing myself to think that it does would only harm myself. As it actually did harm me in the past.


It's fun to have an imagination, but you've got to keep that imagination where it belongs, because it's not reality.

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  On 2012-10-07 at 11:54 PM, Envy said:
It's fun to have an imagination, but you've got to keep that imagination where it belongs, because it's not reality.


Well then, I suppose I reject reality. ^^

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im an atheist because in my view there is no god there never was and there never will be, for me id be wasting my time in believing in something that doesn't exist, religion was originally made to explain the unexplainable, but now most everything science has explained already, and yes, when we die, if we are lucky we are put in an expensive box in the ground or burned and put in a jar, but that makes me value life even more, it makes me want to make the most of my life

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:02 AM, Skullbuster said:
but now most everything science has explained already


That's simply not true. In the grand scheme of things science has explained next to nothing

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:04 AM, Hollowshield said:


That's simply not true. In the grand scheme of things science has explained next to nothing

yes, i realize that there is still a lot in the universe that remains unexplained, but i believe that everything can be explained through science

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:06 AM, Skullbuster said:

yes, i realize that there is still a lot in the universe that remains unexplained, but i believe that everything can be explained through science


Is any less blind faith required to make that statement than to believe in a God or afterlife?

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:10 AM, Hollowshield said:


Is any less blind faith required to make that statement than to believe in a God or afterlife?


Quite a bit, actually. So far we have not required any supernatural explanations for anything, yet. The thing is, once again, we see absolutely nothing suggesting the existence of a God or afterlife. It is a random proposition. It is just as random as saying that there are invisible pink unicorns all around you and I. There is no precedence to believe that whatsoever, just as there is no precedence to believe in a God or afterlife. There is some precedence to believe that the universe is all naturalistic. Perhaps it won't be in the end, but believing that it is is significantly different than believing in random supernatural causes right off the bat when we have no evidence of them whatsoever.

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Were I to be an Atheist, that would have ensured my death years ago.


I refuse to live through 80 years of bullcrap and torture if I can off myself and get it over with.

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:10 AM, Hollowshield said:


Is any less blind faith required to make that statement than to believe in a God or afterlife?

blind faith is just willingly following anything with out thinking about it,

to me, the idea of god dosent make sense, science has proved that it can explain the unexplained

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:02 AM, Hollowshield said:


Well then, I suppose I reject reality. ^^


Be careful, you never know how harmful that can be to yourself in the long run.


  On 2012-10-08 at 12:19 AM, KakeiTheWolf said:

Were I to be an Atheist, that would have ensured my death years ago.


I refuse to live through 80 years of bullcrap and torture if I can off myself and get it over with.


That's sad. But for me the fact that I don't have an afterlife to hold onto just gives me more motivation to live and make this world better. This is the only life I have, this is the only world we have. It's hard for me to understand how one can't find value from that.

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  On 2012-10-08 at 12:18 AM, Envy said:

Quite a bit, actually. So far we have not required any supernatural explanations for anything, yet. The thing is, once again, we see absolutely nothing suggesting the existence of a God or afterlife. It is a random proposition. It is just as random as saying that there are invisible pink unicorns all around you and I. There is no precedence to believe that whatsoever, just as there is no precedence to believe in a God or afterlife. There is some precedence to believe that the universe is all naturalistic. Perhaps it won't be in the end, but believing that it is is significantly different than believing in random supernatural causes right off the bat when we have no evidence of them whatsoever.

  On 2012-10-08 at 12:22 AM, Skullbuster said:

blind faith is just willingly following anything with out thinking about it,

to me, the idea of god dosent make sense, science has proved that it can explain the unexplained


You're wrong in the premise that science has explained anything. Science by definition can not prove or explain anything, it is the categorization of observations to make an assumption about the universe.


By that token, to say it takes any less blind faith to believe science will ever be able to explain anything than to believe in any idea of an afterlife is really not supported by anything. It's the same as assuming science will be able to uncover and explain the reason for the existence of gravity because we discovered large masses bring us closer to their center

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