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  • Our picks

    • The results are in! March 2024's theme was Winter Wrap Up. The community voted for their favorite submissions, which you can see below!
      1st Place - @Rafa Stary
      2nd Place - @Wizard
      Honorable Mentions
      @Brony Number 42
      @Luna the Great of all the Russias
      @Lawyer Slip
      Thank you everyone so much for all of your wonderful submissions, and thank you to all who participated in community voting!
      We are in the process of granting badges to winners, so please stay tuned for that. You can also check out our new April 2024 Art Contest!
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        • Brohoof
      • 35 replies
    • Welcome to the MLP Forums April 2024 Visual Art contest

      Visual Art contests will start every other month. In some months there may be a theme, and that may be a character, a general emotion, holiday, or prompt.

      The theme for this month is:



      Create artwork focusing on the official pet(s) of any canon characters (no OC's!) in the franchise (any generation allowed)

      Canon characters may be in the artwork too, but the main focus should be on the pet(s)

      When submitting, please say which pet(s) are represented so we can confirm they are official pet(s) of characters

      All members of MLPF are eligible including staff

      No AI art will be accepted, however it can be used for initial inspiration



      Submissions will close on April 25th, 2024.



      Voting will be open from April 26th - 30th, 2024. Afterwards, voting will be finalized and results will be posted as soon as we are able to share them.



      Winners will be granted the Canterlot Artist Rank and Badge. All entries will be eligible to receive an Art Achievement Bronze Badge. Future participation will count toward Silver and Gold Art Badges.


      Submit Here or you can use the top navigation menu to add a submission.


        • Thanks
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        • Brohoof
      • 57 replies
    • Voting for March 2024 Art Contest! 

      Thank you so much to all who participated in the March 2024 Art Contest! If you didn't get the chance to participate don't worry, we will be hosting a new art contest in the near future!

      Here are the submissions we received. Please vote for your favorite using the poll above!



      Submission 1


      Submission 2


      Submission 3


      Submission 4


      Submission 5


       Submission 6


       Submission 7


      Voting for the March 2024 Art Contest will be open from 3/27/24 - 4/1/24! 
        • Excited
        • Brohoof
      • 53 replies
    • Heya, everypony!
      I hope you've all been enjoying March and all things Spring and Warm! Seeing the games you ponies play reminds me of the Equestria Games that my friends took part in at Maretime Bay!
      I admit that it got off to a rocky start, but in time, it turned into a celebration of our differences, along with working together in unity and harmony!  
      Seeing everyone's ranks has given me a fun idea, which is why I wanted to host a game for everyone to enjoy together!
      Just like how everyone joined in unity based on the pony types, everyone here can join together with other users of different ranks to form a group.  
      The goal is to create a group of users with as many unique ranks as you can find! There are twenty-three unique ranks - from Blank Flank to Element of Harmony. You can find the list here. [https://mlpforums.com/faq/site-problems/user-and-staff-ranks-r116/]
      How to create a group? Ask other users if they want to join you. You can ask them in this thread or privately. If they do, and they aren't a member of a different group, post a reply in this thread by tagging all members of your group. If your group gets bigger, you can always edit the response or a post a new one. Remember: groups are allowed to have more than one member of the same rank, but one user can belong to one group. 
      Don't be afraid to interact and invite friends and users of different rankings to join in on the fun! It would make for a great opportunity to get to know one another, as well as to help create and strengthen the bonds of friendship! 
      This event shall last two weeks and the group that's closest to the maximum number of rankings shall be awarded a badge. 
      Never forget the most important thing. It's not about winning. It's about having fun, celebrating our rankings and working together! 
      Good luck and have fun in the games, everypony! 
        • Excited
        • Brohoof
      • 165 replies
    • Hey, everypony! 
      Sunny Starscout here, wanting to welcome you to March and all things nice and warm! 
      With Spring on the horizon, it reminds me that Winter is almost over. The sun shining, the weather warming up, even being able to ride my rollerblades around Maretime Bay! 
      However, Spring isn't just about all things warm and bright. It's a symbolic meaning of rebirth! The trees with their new leaves, animals waking up from their hibernation, even flowers coming into bloom for the first time in months! 
      You know, it reminded me of how magic came back into the world of Equestria. The time that all three pony tribes were divided. Hitch and I meeting our new friends, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp for the first time. 
      It wasn't truly and easy task, but we managed to find the pony tribe gems, brought them together, and helped everyone to see that friendship and unity can truly make a difference. 
      As a result, magic had been restored and I had become an Alicorn! 
      In a way, it's sort of like a rebirth for all of us living in Equestria!
      That's why I want to celebrate March as a time of coming together in this time of rebirth!  
      There will be some events here and there to welcome Spring and all things fun in the name of friendship! 
      It's like my dad had once told me. That my family is a little too small for such a big task, but family is just a fancy word for ponies that always stick together. Your friends can be a family that you choose. That's why, Hoof to heart, I know that we'll always do our part.
      Happy March and Happy Spring, everypony! 
        • Hugs
        • Excited
        • smile
        • Delighted Giggle
        • Brohoof
      • 19 replies

Our Picks

Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.

The results are in! March 2024's theme was Winter Wrap Up. The community voted for their favorite submissions, which you can see below!
1st Place - @Rafa Stary
2nd Place - @Wizard
Honorable Mentions
@Brony Number 42
@Luna the Great of all the Russias
@Lawyer Slip
Thank you everyone so much for all of your wonderful submissions, and thank you to all who participated in community voting!
We are in the process of granting badges to winners, so please stay tuned for that. You can also check out our new April 2024 Art Contest!
    • Hugs
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    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 35 replies

Welcome to the MLP Forums April 2024 Visual Art contest

Visual Art contests will start every other month. In some months there may be a theme, and that may be a character, a general emotion, holiday, or prompt.

The theme for this month is:



Create artwork focusing on the official pet(s) of any canon characters (no OC's!) in the franchise (any generation allowed)

Canon characters may be in the artwork too, but the main focus should be on the pet(s)

When submitting, please say which pet(s) are represented so we can confirm they are official pet(s) of characters

All members of MLPF are eligible including staff

No AI art will be accepted, however it can be used for initial inspiration



Submissions will close on April 25th, 2024.



Voting will be open from April 26th - 30th, 2024. Afterwards, voting will be finalized and results will be posted as soon as we are able to share them.



Winners will be granted the Canterlot Artist Rank and Badge. All entries will be eligible to receive an Art Achievement Bronze Badge. Future participation will count toward Silver and Gold Art Badges.


Submit Here or you can use the top navigation menu to add a submission.


    • Thanks
    • Hugs
    • Excited
    • Brohoof
  • 57 replies

Voting for March 2024 Art Contest! 

Thank you so much to all who participated in the March 2024 Art Contest! If you didn't get the chance to participate don't worry, we will be hosting a new art contest in the near future!

Here are the submissions we received. Please vote for your favorite using the poll above!



Submission 1


Submission 2


Submission 3


Submission 4


Submission 5


 Submission 6


 Submission 7


Voting for the March 2024 Art Contest will be open from 3/27/24 - 4/1/24! 
    • Excited
    • Brohoof
  • 53 replies

Heya, everypony!
I hope you've all been enjoying March and all things Spring and Warm! Seeing the games you ponies play reminds me of the Equestria Games that my friends took part in at Maretime Bay!
I admit that it got off to a rocky start, but in time, it turned into a celebration of our differences, along with working together in unity and harmony!  
Seeing everyone's ranks has given me a fun idea, which is why I wanted to host a game for everyone to enjoy together!
Just like how everyone joined in unity based on the pony types, everyone here can join together with other users of different ranks to form a group.  
The goal is to create a group of users with as many unique ranks as you can find! There are twenty-three unique ranks - from Blank Flank to Element of Harmony. You can find the list here. [https://mlpforums.com/faq/site-problems/user-and-staff-ranks-r116/]
How to create a group? Ask other users if they want to join you. You can ask them in this thread or privately. If they do, and they aren't a member of a different group, post a reply in this thread by tagging all members of your group. If your group gets bigger, you can always edit the response or a post a new one. Remember: groups are allowed to have more than one member of the same rank, but one user can belong to one group. 
Don't be afraid to interact and invite friends and users of different rankings to join in on the fun! It would make for a great opportunity to get to know one another, as well as to help create and strengthen the bonds of friendship! 
This event shall last two weeks and the group that's closest to the maximum number of rankings shall be awarded a badge. 
Never forget the most important thing. It's not about winning. It's about having fun, celebrating our rankings and working together! 
Good luck and have fun in the games, everypony! 
    • Excited
    • Brohoof
  • 165 replies

Hey, everypony! 
Sunny Starscout here, wanting to welcome you to March and all things nice and warm! 
With Spring on the horizon, it reminds me that Winter is almost over. The sun shining, the weather warming up, even being able to ride my rollerblades around Maretime Bay! 
However, Spring isn't just about all things warm and bright. It's a symbolic meaning of rebirth! The trees with their new leaves, animals waking up from their hibernation, even flowers coming into bloom for the first time in months! 
You know, it reminded me of how magic came back into the world of Equestria. The time that all three pony tribes were divided. Hitch and I meeting our new friends, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp for the first time. 
It wasn't truly and easy task, but we managed to find the pony tribe gems, brought them together, and helped everyone to see that friendship and unity can truly make a difference. 
As a result, magic had been restored and I had become an Alicorn! 
In a way, it's sort of like a rebirth for all of us living in Equestria!
That's why I want to celebrate March as a time of coming together in this time of rebirth!  
There will be some events here and there to welcome Spring and all things fun in the name of friendship! 
It's like my dad had once told me. That my family is a little too small for such a big task, but family is just a fancy word for ponies that always stick together. Your friends can be a family that you choose. That's why, Hoof to heart, I know that we'll always do our part.
Happy March and Happy Spring, everypony! 
    • Hugs
    • Excited
    • smile
    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 19 replies

My bananas~! Nanananana~! Bananas!  
*As Sunny sings, she turns to take notice of the reader hearing her singing*
Oh! Hey, everypony!
I hope you've all been enjoying March, so far!  
One thing that I like to do when I'm not hanging out with my friends or riding on my rollerblades is making smoothies!
Seeing my friends and everyone try out my latest flavors always makes me happy when they get to enjoy.
Which is why I've been wanting to try out this new flavor I've been thinking up for quite a while!
I don't think it's ever been made before, but a special treat for everypony here on the forums!
*As Sunny fetches her ingredients, she takes notice that her ingredients are missing*
Huh. That's a bit strange. I knew I had these ingredients right here. Unless I misplaced them?
*As Sunny continues to search, she takes notice of Sparky the Dragon crawling around her smoothie cart*
Sparky? What are you...uh, oh! I think I might have an idea on where everything might have gone to. Due to Sparky's fire breath, some of the ingredients have most likely been teleported away.
I was honestly looking forward to making this new flavor for everyone, but it might not be possible. 
*As Sunny heads back to her cart, she finds her list of ingredients for the smoothie right near Sparky*
Wait a second. That's it! There's been a slight change in plans, everypony!
I wrote down a list of ingredients on creating this smoothie. However, I wrote down where I'd be sharing this smoothie with you all.
Since the ingredients have been lost, we can turn this into a Smoothie Scavenger Hunt! 
If you manage to find all four ingredients, then you can DM the list to me, @Sunny Starscout! If you manage to find all four ingredients, then you'll get yourself a badge!
The scavenger hunt will last until the end of the month! Which will give everyone plenty of time to work together and find the smoothie ingredients!  
Here are the clues for you to find each ingredient!
1. To find the Milk, look no further than our lovely chocolate loving mare!
2. To find this fruit, you'll find it in both the song and when I had that epic fail!
3. To find this vegetable, look for when we had to clean up the season.
4. To find this extra fruit, you can find it from one of Twilight Sparkles old friends. They are a Heartfelt Fan!
Good luck everypony and happy searching! Remember that Hoof to Heart, we'll do our part!
    • Hugs
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    • smile
    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 32 replies

Welcome to the MLP Forums March 2024 Visual Art contest 

Welcome to the first Visual Art Contest of 2024! We took a brief intermission to make space for MCM, but we're excited to jump back into monthly art contests.

The theme for this month is:

Winter Wrap Up!


Create artwork of ponies (and/or other canon creatures or OCs) engaging in activities welcoming Spring

This can depict Winter Wrap Up activities as seen in MLP G4, but by no means has to be limited to this: this was just the inspiration for the general theme

You can depict your own interpretation of "Winter Wrap Up" activities, Spring cleaning, welcoming Spring or anything that you feel captures the spirit of Spring

Some example ideas: waking up animals that hibernate, cleaning off snow, welcoming back birds that flew South for the winter

Both canon and original characters are allowed, as well as any MLP generation

All members of MLPF are eligible

No AI art will be accepted, however it can be used for initial inspiration

Animations no longer than 10 seconds are allowed



Submissions will close on March 24th, 2024.



Public voting will be open during March 25th - March 30th, 2024. Afterwards, voting will be finalized within staff and results will be posted as soon as we are able to share them!



Winners will be granted the Canterlot Artist Rank and Badge. All entries will be eligible to receive an Art Achievement Bronze Badge. Future participation will count toward Silver and Gold Art Badges.


Submit Here (select Art Contest Submissions > 2024 Submissions > March 2024 Art Contest) or you can use the top navigation menu to add a submission.


If there are any additional questions, please feel free to ask!  
    • Hugs
    • Party!
    • Excited
    • Brohoof
  • 32 replies

The results are in! December 2023's theme was Hearth's Warming and Winter Activities. The community voted for their favorite submissions, which you can see below!


1st Place - @Felis Amafeles


2nd Place - @Rethajni



Honorable Mentions





@Brony Number 42


Thank you everyone so much for all of your wonderful submissions, and thank you to all who participated in community voting!

We are in the process of granting badges to winners, so please stay tuned for that and keep an eye out for our next art contest coming in the near future.
    • Party!
    • Excited
    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 12 replies

Voting for December 2023 Art Contest!

Thank you so much to all who participated in the December 2023 Art Contest! If you didn't get the chance to participate don't worry, we will be hosting a new art contest in the near future!

Here are the submissions we received. Please vote for your favorite using the poll above!



Submission 1


Submission 2


Submission 3


Submission 4


Submission 5


Voting for the December 2023 Art Contest will be open from 1/9/24 - 1/16/24! 
    • Hugs
    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 9 replies


Thanks to the boundless generosity of this precious community, we have surpassed the $1000 Goal for Making Christmas Merrier X, 2023! This is an incredible milestone, and to express our gratitude we have multiple unlocks planned to bring joy to the community. This is only the beginning!

Just as Smart Cookie, Clover the Clever and Private Pansy disregarded all differences between them and united as one community of friends to banish the windigos beyond the frozen expanse of eternal night, our community united to make a significant impact on the lives of children in need of emotional support and help. Furthermore, when I reflect on not only this monumental generosity but how this is the 10th year this community has come together to make a difference: there are truly no words to express how precious, rare and beautiful this is.



For the beginning of festivities for the $1000 unlock tier, Event Coordinator and Artist @Treeglow Flicker  will create a site banner for MLP Forums featuring the OCs of everyone who donated to MCM X!

All MCM donors, please reply to this thread with an image of your OC! Once we have collected everyone's OCs, we will get to work on building this banner as a thank you to all who donated. 
    • Excited
    • Delighted Giggle
    • Brohoof
  • 39 replies

The results are in!

The theme for November 2023 was "Family or friends gathering together for festivities"

You all voted for your favorite ones, so here are the top 3 entries with their submissions
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    • Brohoof
  • 4 replies


Thanks to everyone's generosity, we have surpassed the $250 goal for Making Christmas Merrier!

And to express our thanks to you, you have unlocked the Secret Santa reward!

Everyone on MLP Forums is welcome to participate in Secret Santa, regardless of whether or not you have donated. To participate, reply to this thread indicating your interest. For every volunteer, we will choose a user at random for you to design a gift for.

The gift will be a badge designed for that user! So let us know your idea once you have been assigned a user, and our resident Event Coordinator and artist @Treeglow Flicker  will make the badge!

Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, and thank you so much to all who donated for your kindness and generosity.

Happy Hearth's Warming to all!
    • Hugs
    • Excited
    • Brohoof
  • 16 replies

Welcome to the MLP Forums December 2023 Visual Art contest

(Note: November's contest is still open as well and runs through Dec 8 -- see thread for details)

Visual Art contests will start monthly. In some months there may be a theme, and that may be a character, a general emotion, holiday, or prompt.

The theme for this month is:

Hearth's Warming and Winter Festivities


Create artwork of ponies (and/or other canon creatures or OCs) gathering together for any Winter festivities, such as but not limited to Hearth's Warming

You can also create artwork based on real-life holidays like Christmas or general wintertime activities as long as they depict MLP characters or OCs

Both canon and original characters are allowed, as well as any MLP generation

All members of MLPF are eligible

No AI art will be accepted, however it can be used for initial inspiration

Animations no longer than 10 seconds are allowed



Submissions will close on January 8th, 2024.



Public voting will be open during January 9th - January 16th, 2024. Afterwards, voting will be finalized within staff and results will be posted as soon as we are able to share them!



Winners will be granted the Canterlot Artist Rank and Badge. All entries will be eligible to receive an Art Achievement Bronze Badge. Future participation will count toward Silver and Gold Art Badges.


Submit Here (select Art Contest Submissions > 2023 Submissions > December 2023 Art Contest) or you can use the top navigation menu to add a submission.


If there are any additional questions, please feel free to ask!  
    • Party!
    • Brohoof
  • 4 replies

Made another seapony! Did Pinkie this time and I decided her sea pun name would be Pinkie 'Pier'. I thought it was funny, and so did my husband. Her tail/fins and markings are based on those of a clownfish. Most of them have pretty similar markings, so there isn't a specific fish picture this time.
    • Brohoof

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