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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by ShyForever

  1. Taking a break from the forums for a couple days.

    1. Oblivion


      I personally wouldn't get a pony tattoo but that tattoo is AMAZING!!!!

    2. Elegron


      days? um sir, its been 2 months.

    3. Wingnut


      It’s been almost eight years. That’s a long break!  

  2. Walking in my neightborhood when I see a bundle of homeless people crowded around a barrel with fire in it. I go to them, and sing the first few lines of "Art of the Dress", and whadayaknow? It's like a brony choir all up in here. I... I didn't expect that.

    1. Batbrony


      Huh, that is officially the most random, unexpected brony encounter I've ever heard of!

    2. Master Blade the Bearded
  3. I tried to fart stealthily in front of random old people, but I kinda shit my pants and blamed the smell on some old geezer.

    1. Skullbuster


      why? thats kind of rude and disrespectful

    2. Rolls Royce

      Rolls Royce

      Why does this remind me of the time my best friend told an old lady Lamb of God was a Christian band? She even bought the CD for her grand kid or something like that.

  4. Squirrel. *Squee!*

  5. Fluttershy Tattoo. My life is complete.

  6. Time to get some shut-eye.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Otter


      Nighty night.

    3. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      Did you see my latest post?

    4. ShyForever


      Hmmmm. Lemme go check right now.

  7. Just made a banner for the forums. I hope it gets to be in the spotlight! :3

    1. duidamasterXD
    2. ShyForever


      Thank you, I'm gonna need it when I'm up against some real talent! :3

  8. Watching the Simpsons and wondering how new episodes are still being pumped out for that show. 6_9

  9. Just made a signature for ~Chaotic Fluttershy~, and I'm jealous that the signature is not mine.

  10. Started a request thread and finished my first two signatures. I feel like I'm important now! :D

    1. lardbobobo


      Hooray I still haven't finished one piece from my requests thread I made two weeks ago!

    2. ShyForever
    3. SCS
  11. So proud of my daughter! She sang 'Anthropology: Lyra's Song' at her school's talent and won 1st place! Couldn't be happier.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      that. that is awesome and adorable.

  12. I wonder what MLP song a should Karaoke...

    1. An Old Head

      An Old Head

      Smile Song, obviously.

    2. ShyForever


      That'd be interesting!


      I'm currently stuck listening to this.


  13. Does anybody know when I am able to change my Member Title? I believe that I'm able to do so at rank Squirrel, but I'm not too sure.

    1. Clarity


      You can't--you have to subscribe to MLPforums. Some of us have member titles without being a subscriber/donor because there was an event of MLPforums's first birthday that allowed us to have subscriber privileges for a week.

    2. ShyForever


      Ohh. That's a bummer.

  14. Okay, guys. It's official. This is the username I am going to keep, so you can stop hating me now. :3

    1. Fresh Meat

      Fresh Meat

      No thanks, I thrive off the hate

    2. Bari


      Really? Neat. Bari is my permanent name now. :3

  15. *secretly wants a Forever Legion*

  16. *secretly wants a Forever Legion*

    1. duidamasterXD


      You and me both, you and me both :(

  17. *secretly wants a Forever Legion*

  18. *secretly wants a Forever Legion*

  19. *secretly wants a Forever LEgion*

  20. Takin' a midnight walk when some random woman asked me why I liked Fluttershy so much. I had no idea who she was, and when I asked her for her name, she jogged back into her apartment. Am...am I dreaming or something?

  21. Checked my Facebook Email address, and what do I see? 945,188 pieces of Junk Mail slowing down my computer. Facebook=Deleted

    1. Spartan


      you know you could have just went to your settings and made it so Facebook doesnt email you.. unless your friends mention you..

    2. ShyForever
  22. Watchin' Equestria.tv , need people to talk to. :D

    1. ShyForever


      C'mon, y'all know you want to!

  23. I suddenly lost all artistic talent and cannot seem to create a Fluttershy signature that is decent enough to look at.

  24. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Chaos. We won the battle.

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