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Everything posted by Bronyette

  1. Okay, I've had this character for quite some time and I have no idea what to name her. She is athletic but doesn't use her wings very often as she was raised on land. She is really good with repairing electronics and gadgets and in her spare time she likes to listen and make music. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e23/Steiner_309/Bronyette_zpsdc5e0bf2.png Her cutie mark: http://clipartist.info/SVG/2011/December/music_headphones_icon-1331px.png Thank you for all suggestions! :3
  2. Bronyette

    request shop Drawing OCs Free

    Ooh, your drawing is so cute. :3 Could you draw my OC? She is pretty simple so I hope it's not too much of a pain. Thank you so much in advance. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e23/Steiner_309/Bronyette_zpsdc5e0bf2.png Her cutie mark is here: http://clipartist.info/SVG/2011/December/music_headphones_icon-1331px.png
  3. I hate peanut butter. I hate orange juice and any thing that tastes like oranges, it is the worst flavor ever. I dislike adult swim and mostly every show on it. I don't like the newest generation of pokemon, I just can't get into it. I hate sports. I like dubstep, but not Skrillex. I dislike Rainbow Dash for the most part.
  4. That's very nice of what you are doing. :3 Um... My favorite instrument would have to be the ocarina as it's the only thing I know how to play. XD
  5. I would have to say mine would have to do with drawing or science. :3 Not sure exactly what it would be though. Maybe a pencil or something of that matter.
  6. I like to break down ponies into shapes when I draw. :3 I always draw a circle for the base of the head so I don't make them too large or too small, same with the body proportions. I'm pretty sure you've heard this plenty of times but; practice makes perfect! I've surely improved a whole lot from when I started drawing by drawing everyday. o-O That sentence bugs me. XD But my way might not work for everyone, find the way that works best for you. :3 To answer one of your questions, I mostly draw ponies from memory. Tip **Also color in the dark black in the eye last, it helps it not smudge as much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some helpful links: http://twilightflopple.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Drawing-Guide-Heads-268211758 http://twilightflopple.deviantart.com/art/Random-Pony-Drawing-Guide-263679771 These should help.
  7. The link will help a whole lot. :3 And I do have a lot of trouble with how their legs bend. I can never tell quite where their joints are and which way they go. XD Thanks again~ Any more critiques? :3 I would really really like to know if there's anything I could improve on, every critique is welcome! n-n
  8. Wow... Just wow. These are beautiful. Honestly, you are amazing at this. I've tried my hand at vectoring my OC but it hasn't ever come close to how awesome yours is. :3 Keep it up!
  9. Thank you with the criticism, I need all I can get! ^w^ And I'll work on wings and legs the next time I draw. It seems I can never get them right so extra practice is in order. :3
  10. This is absolutely adorable. <3 I always find clothing hard to draw and you managed to do it perfectly. And the shading is awesome in her hair with the colored pencil. I would give it a 9/10. The only thing I could nitpick is her farthest away hind leg, it looks just a bit out of place. :3
  11. Oh horsefeathers, I thought I did rotate it. XD I'll try to re-upload it and switch it around. Hopefully it wont be too hard. Owo Thank you, I probably wouldn't have noticed. Thank you! ^w^ I'm hopefully going to start requests soon, as long as I dig out my tablet now that I have a use for it. And the Luna one is probably my favorite. :3
  12. Sky Amethyst looks absolutely adorable. I love the colors on her. Great job! /) And is that a diamond pickaxe she is carrying? x3 And Pastel Heart's mane is very swooshy and pretty. :3
  13. Okay, I haven't drawn ponies very often at all. Feel free to post any critiques or comments about my sketches. :3 http://s1.postimage.org/djrye8y7j/20121219_205908.jpg Here's some other ones: http://s7.postimage.org/4b0tcr8h7/20130102_210846.jpg ^OC http://s7.postimage.org/t5kb6ttbf/20121230_194044.jpg ^Luna http://s7.postimage.org/fd5wb72jv/20130102_210935.jpg ^Fluttershy Note: The Fluttershy painting is the oldest one. I have improved quite a bit since then. Plus it was difficult to do with watercolors. :3
  14. Ooh, that is actually pretty awesome. ^-^ The anatomy looks pretty good. The only thing I would work on would be the hair. :3 Her mane seems a bit messy, but other than that it's great. Good job!
  15. Thanks for the kind welcome Ama! :3 You are definitely right about everyone being friendly here. I already love it. <3
  16. Thank you very much, kind fellow. :3 I am a pretty big fluttershy fan. And I'm planning to do free artstuffs as soon as I can find my tablet.
  17. Hello and welcome to the forum!~ Hope you have a good time here, fellow pegasister. /)
  18. Bronyette

    request shop IM TAKEING REQUESTS

    pony Name: Un-named as of the moment fur and mane color: ( you may attach a ref sheet if you want) Gender: filly Breed: ( pegasus/ unicorns/ alicorns) pegasis Pose you would like: Running Thank you. :3 http://s7.postimage.org/8ifzasa0b/aaa.jpg Her outline of the pink in her mane is a slightly darker pink. I'm sorry, it's not too noticeable. ^w^'
  19. Hello there fine bronies and pegasisters! n-n I'm not exactly quite sure how to introduce myself but I think this should do fine. I'm sorta shy but I'm going to come out of my shell here... hopefully. I like to draw and paint, and sometimes I roleplay. Umm. I think that's it. :3
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