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About FlareGun45

  • Birthday 1993-09-16

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    Orlando, Fordia
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    Everyone's my friend! Praise the wizards!
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    Playing video games, cooking, making machinimas, making fanfics, watching TV, swimming, being random, making new friends. <3

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    The Times Are Changeling
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  1. The developers are unintentionally teasing my theory! If this doesn't come true, to be fair, there were alot of evidence supporting it! Here's the list in the spoiler tag!

    I mean, first off, Spike and Smolder look more similar to eachother than other dragons! Look at that little yellow thing under their lips; do ANY other dragons have that (other than Scales)? And look at their bellies, their feet, the little circle thingy on their knees, and look at the little 3 fins on their ears!

    Second, similar personalities - both sarcastic and snarky, but also always there for their friends! And also both aren't like other dragons because they both like cute things!

    Third, their interactions! How they interacted in Molt Down with Smolder offering her insight, but also teasing him, like what a big sister would typically do to a little brother (hint hint)? And then they bond with their firebreathing contest?

    SO MUCH EVIDENCE! I didn't pick this theory lightly! I put little hints and puzzles together to create this theory! Whether it comes true or not, it would be the best idea the writers would ever make! Would work great for both Spike's character AND Smolder's! I really want this theory to come true! Not for my sake, but for Spike's sake, and for the overall show because it would be an amazing twist!

    So nervoucited for the new episode tomorrow! This is when I'll see the lotto numbers! Will I win or lose? Or will they not confirm it? I dunno, brahs! But one way or another, it's been a great theory, and it was really nice having it! :)

    1. FlareGun45


      If you're right and this is Spike's final episode, then all I ask is to give him THE BEST EPISODE EVER! End his story arc... WITH A BANG! >:D

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