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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. So yesterday I was walking home from something that made me... all kinds of mad and sad (don't ask), when along the way I got that feeling again. I assumed that was her telling me she's there, but I didn't really want to talk at the time. So I told her (as nicely as I could at the time) that I didn't want to talk. After that, the feeling weakened, and I said again that I didn't want to talk. Then it went away and didn't come back all night. So, I'm fairly certain by now that that feeling is an attempt at communication. What's bothering me now that I'm in a more stable mindset is whether that weakening of the feeling was a "You sure?" or a "OK...". Or none of the above. It's really hard to tell with just that. Maybe I should learn Morse Code.
  2. As much as I don't like Team Galactic, I must admit that Cyrus is very interesting.

  3. ...Did not expect. Well then, hope that turns out well for you guys. Keep each other on track. You'll need it. But I believe you also mentioned having a kid? Is this just gonna be a secret, or is the plan to let them know, too? I'd honestly advise the former, but something in me doesn't feel that that's right... ...I'm terribly sorry for mentioning that. But it is something worth thinking about.
  4. Very well could be. I certainly hope so. We need a boost. But, it DOES seem like it. Just in everyday life I've found myself thinking about it more often. I'm sure that's doing something. Oh hey, there's that feeling again. I got a good feeling about this! I'd imagine that the number's pretty low; this IS a relatively newly introduced thing to most of Western society. But, it seems to be slowly catching on. I doubt it'll advance very heavily in the near future, but you never know. None come to mind. But maybe a psychologist or two will hear about this and get interested...? Story of my life. In my experience, it doesn't wipe away progress, but it does greatly hinder it. In general, I'd say try to be as consistent as possible. If some days you can only fit in 10 minutes, that's fine. If you can fit in 2 hours, also fine. Pretty much whenever you can, you should. Based on personal experience, though, that's... a lot easier said than done.
  5. Mind explaining that first bit? I didn't quite catch that. And yeah. Always the exact same location. Pretty much dead-center. Interesting to note is that I tried narrating a bit on my walk home today, and when I asked her if she was paying attention, there was a momentary flash of the feeling. Good sign? Curiosity enlightened the cat. More or less, I want to know if it's actually possible. In addition, I tend to work best when around friendly faces, so always having one around would be helpful. There are other reasons, but they're all pretty small compared to those. I'm actually trying to become a doctor, so having a constant "second opinion" would be very nice.
  6. Master Hand just got pill'd. :P

  7. Well, at this point I'm certain of one of two things: either that forehead sensation I mentioned earlier is the beginnings of a tulpa, or my subconscious yelling at me about the lack thereof. I say this because last night it happened both the strongest I've ever felt it, and it actually came back within a few seconds of going away. Coincidentally, last night was the night I decided to spend some time forging (but, lolhomework...). Could this be a method she's using to communicate? (As I typed that, I felt it again, but weakly. Kinda just felt like a drop of sweat, but wasn't.)
  8. Back Slash! I'm really feeling it!

    1. A Black Circle
    2. Golurk





      You win the internet.

  9. It's like this one time I was just sitting there and a kid threw a potato at me. And then I ate it. It was delicious. #believe

  10. Currently, yes. Me and my GF broke up a few weeks ago. We both agreed that, given the circumstances, it was for the best. No ill will between us, though. Still talk to her when I can. She's still my friend.
  11. Do me a quick favor? Name a color. Any color.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Salmon is a lovely color.

    3. Banul


      I didn't say it wasn't. (I'll say it now though. I don't like salmon)

    4. Ziggy + Angel + Rain
  12. No, I've been trying to create a tulpa for 2 years. Don't have one. And there's only ever been the one idea, she's just undergone several form changes. No clear-cut responses from anything yet. Just a few obscure sensations that may or may not be her; it's very hard to tell.
  13. The key difference here is that it's on the outside. As if something's pressing down from the outside. Forgive me if that's what you were saying. Kinda unclear phrasing and whatnot. Honestly, I'm not sure if anything else can cause it. I mean, all incidents only have the one link. It may just be a manifestation of my own guilt, honestly. This whole tulpa thing is something I feel terrible about. It's... changed a lot. At least 4 different times, all of them drastically. But, that one was the longest running, so... yeah.
  14. So, uh... something kind of odd's been happening. Nothing bad, but still. It's been happening for a while that I'd get this odd sensation on my forehead that something's... trying to get there, I guess would be the best way to describe it. It's only in a small spot, but it won't go away until I literally touch it and feel that there's nothing there. Happens at generally random times. Right now, for instance. But, they do tend to correlate with increased attention toward the idea of tulpas, and when I do sessions of my own. I think it may be related to the original prototulpa's form being that of a unicorn. It's changed several times since then, though. So, I don't really know what's going on. Yeah, the vocabulary really needs a revamp if you ask me. Take for instance, "forcing". It just sounds so... forceful. If you ask me, "forging" gets the point across much better, much less aggressively, and only changes one letter.
  15. Thankfully, I already don't remember this...

  16. I reserved a copy of Smash Bros and went to a speech by a Nobel laureate. Today was a good day.

    1. Nohbdy


      Ooh, which Nobel laureate?

    2. Golurk


      John Mather. Won the prize in physics in 2006 for his research on the cosmic background radiation.

      He's doing some pretty fun stuff. Working on putting an infrared-sensing telescope into space.

    3. Nohbdy


      Oh, wow. Nice!

  17. The Zelda games as a whole. I just don't really see why they're so special. I've never enjoyed any that I've tried. Minecraft is... eh. It's got its good points, they're just not for me. CoD series. "Here, have the same game we made years ago, but with reskinned guns, reskinned environments, and ZOMBIES! All we as is $60 every 6 months or so."
  18. Here everyone's complaining about graphics, and I'm just sitting here wowed by Okami for the Wii.

    1. Sonic Shimmer

      Sonic Shimmer

      Okami has the most beautiful graphics of any game I've ever played.

  19. I want

    to constantly loop for the rest of my life.
  20. There are two kinds of people: Those who can successfully use a single point of data.

  21. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  22. Trauma Center: where lung bats and heart spiders are just a toxin infection.

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