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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. What I want is simple: To be remembered for doing (a) good thing(s) for humanity. Not sure what yet, but If I can make the lives of others better, mission accomplished. That too.
  2. The deed is done. Out with Scientist Twily, and in with Dr. Fidget! :D

  3. ...I think I've found something for an avatar pic that beats Twily...

  4. Why is Fidget so adorable? :3

    1. Fantasma Phantasm
    2. Golurk



    3. Vae Victis

      Vae Victis

      Don't open the box.

  5. If anyone here is familiar with Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue, that. I also like l'accent francais, but moreso as a desire to learn it. Still, though. (This is for cute, by the way. Sexy isn't really the accent, so much as the inflections. Yes, there's a difference. )
  6. Snaipur. May ai EET your APPEL?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Ha ha! I love! Oh and SPY DO NOT HURT PWNIE!

    3. Golurk


      How could I HUUURT such a *magnificent* unicorn?

    4. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      The voice cuts always crack me up! Da! pwnie Eez friend!

  7. Question for people with college experience: how bad would it be to drop a class this late?

  8. I hate my life sometimes.

  9. *Reads about Russian history while listening to Tetris*

  10. In no particular order: Avengers Lego Movie League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium The first Narnia movie Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Ghost Rider (flame shields engaged ) Forrest Gump Naked Gun trilogy Airplane And while I haven't seen all of it, The Matrix is on-track to be one of them too.
  11. I've found myself saying "u w0t m8/m9" fairly often recently. That's the only new one. Aside from that, I have a tendency to call everyone "kid" in casual situations. Including, but not limited to: friends, cousins, girlfriends, parents, strangers, etc. No one is immune to their own kidness. Nothing else immediately comes to mind, though. But I know there's more... Eh. I'll think of them eventually.
  12. Fluoroantimonic is a fun word. :D And an incredibly deadly type of acid. D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Golurk


      I'm not sure exactly what it does. Never seen it in person, let alone what it does. Not even in Youtube clips.

      But, it's several orders of magnitude stronger than sulfuric acid. In fact, it's the single strongest acid currently known to exist.

    3. Golurk


      Found a number for ya. This stuff is roughly 2X10^19 times as strong as pure sulfuric acid. It explodes on contact with water. And, it gives off highly toxic fumes. Hard to store, too, since it'll even eat through glass.

      Pretty much, don't mess with it. You *will* die.

    4. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Yep, thanks for the information. As people say "The more you know!"

  13. One of those Wobbuffet punching bag things would be very helpful right now...

  14. That feeling when you really don't want to do something, but you know that doing it will most likely help immensely.

  15. Now the ducks are over there!

  16. The ducks have moved elsewhere!

  17. Imagine if Bruce Wayne's name was Matthew Wayne instead. "I'm BatMatt."

  18. ...C'est fille est un androïde?

  19. This is something I've thought about a lot. And I've come to the conclusion that there's only 2 games I know of that I would consider art. The first, is Okami. This is my favorite game. For many reasons. First of all, it just looks amazing. All the characters and areas are well designed, and in a very appealing style, no less. It tries to use its own, traditionally-inspired style, which works very well for it. Likewise, all the characters are written well, have their own personalities, and aside from a few one-off characters, are very memorable (Especially Waka ). The gameplay varies between consoles, but the Wii version absolutely nails it for me; while it can be wonky at times, this game does its best at showing just how great motion controls can be. It plays out like a standard RPG with real-time fights, meaning that reacting to enemy actions is often just as important as your own attacks. An area where this stands out the most is the boss battles. OH JEEZ, THE BOSSES. They each have their own quirk to them; just attacking won't get you very far. They make you use your abilities quite a bit, and in creative ways. Speaking of which, every ability you get remains relevant throughout the game; not one becomes obsolete. Have I mentioned the music yet? If not, go check out the soundtrack of this game; there's very few tracks that aren't amazing. There's also TOOOONS of side-things to do that'll keep a completionist busy for days. I think I've text-walled this one enough. Suffice it to say that this game is amazing in nearly every aspect. It does have repeated bits later on, but it's mostly boss battles, and as I've said, the boss battles in this game are universally good. Second, we've got Dust: An Elysian Tail. Y'know what I said about Okami? Pretty much copy and paste it here. But, in some areas it's better, and in some, it's not. The main area where this game is better is in the characters. There are less of them, yeah, but the ones that are there all have their own unique charm. Whether it be the calm and collected Ahrah or the insane antics of Reed, there's enough uniqueness here that everyone is memorable. That said, the game is pretty short if you don't do everything. Which is fine, since it does what it needs to; I'd likely have liked it better if it were longer, but it's still great nonetheless. But, in my eyes, the make-or-break part of any game is its storyline. Which is something these games don't just do well. These games tell two of the greatest stories I've ever heard. They have their happy moments, they have their sad moments, and they have their angering moments. Most games I've played can achieve these on some level, but these two... They go above and beyond the call here. I have never felt stronger when playing a game than I did when playing these two. When considering looks, characters, gameplay, music, content, and storyline, these games are both beyond amazing. Art is a term I use strictly, but these two? They've earned it.
  20. And with that, the largest single YouTube project I've ever made is done. :D

  21. Hydrogen peroxide tastes terrible... And makes the rest of the day taste terrible...

  22. The BlazBlue series, Okami, anything Pokemon, the Trauma Center series, and Kid Icarus: Uprising all have great soundtracks. The sheer size and scope of Brutal Legend's comes to mind. And what I've heard of Xenoblade and MGR: Revengeance is also impressive. There's others, but they don't immediately come to mind. If I had to pick two to share, they'd be And
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