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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. U WOT M9? 1V1 MI IRL BR0

  2. The best part of election season: the end. No more annoying ads.

  3. Headest just broke and I don't have tape or anything. Band-aids it is.

  4. My hype for Smash Bros was dying down. Then, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af9bt2oO56g

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Live Forever

      Live Forever

      What about the news that there were Earthbound items and characters in 3DS?

    3. Golurk


      I kinda expected that, honestly. Ness has been there since the first one.

    4. Live Forever

      Live Forever

      It looked like there wasn't gonna be anything for the longest time, though.

  5. Am I the only one around here who knows practically nothing about computers?

    1. Nuke87654


      Don't worry, there's plenty of tech wizards here to assist you and even lead you helpful youtubers like Linustips for advice. Ask Daring for more.

    2. Miles


      Computer-Science major right here. I can be of assistance if you so need it.

      I know my way around programs. (Even inside them, too [programming/coding java]).

      Like Nuke said, tech wizards are of many numbers here, so even if I somehow couldn't help (most likely I could), someone here would be able to, no doubt.

  6. I thrive in the cold. Generally speaking, if it's 80 (F) or above, it's too hot for me. But between 40-60 is about right for a nice, refreshing feeling. I like to keep my actual living space a bit warmer than that in most circumstances, but it's still cool occasionally. Sometimes I'll go out in the winter just to breathe and absorb the cold air a bit. Helps me relax. I've been known to go outside in blizzards to eat ice cream. Because why not?
  7. To anyone who's looking for a good Steam game, get Dust: An Elysian Tail. That game is amazing in every sense of the word. And then some!

    1. yeet


      I got that when it first came out on xbox.

  8. Dear Arceus, Kirby antagonists are messed up...

  9. @@KruegerMeister,@, Both of you have been mentioning popularizing tulpas, and I think I have something that may help your cause for that. Have you heard of the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes"? In it, a boy (Calvin) does various things with an imaginary friend of his (Hobbes). However, Hobbes thinks differently than Calvin does in pretty much every situation, often displaying more maturity and wisdom than Calvin does. Calvin, on the other hand, is more energetic and bold. The two have very different personalities, with Hobbes acting separately from Calvin. Sound familiar? It's been a pretty popular thing for a while now. So if you were to explain a tulpa as "like Hobbes", it would both be accurate and would give a positive picture. Just an idea.
  10. Vsauce all the way, brah. I just love how all of the Vsauce channels make content that is both highly enjoyable, and extremely informative. I've seen others do it, but not nearly as well as Michael, Kevin, and Jake. The original Vsauce is my favorite, though. It cover such a wide range of topics and does them all very well. Gotta love 'em.
  11. Demoman weapon idea: Alternate sticky launcher with reduced damage/ max stickies, but stickies are automatically detonated when the Demo dies.

  12. Well, my phone's full of random crap that I can't even find with a computer. :l

  13. That awkward moment when racing an elevator has become more important to you that actually killing the enemies.

  14. Man. Between Smash Bros, Kirby Fighters, Pokken, and Hyrule Warriors, Nintendo's really packing in the fighting games.

  15. One of the most metal things I've ever heard is from a game about a pink puffball.

  16. One time, I was playing Brawl. I was Ike, the computer was Wolf. It was a one-stock match with no gimmicks. The match starts, and I randomly do a side-A move. I then start charging up Ike's dreaded side smash. Wolf jumps over me, but doesn't go high enough. I hit him with the edge of my sword, and he flies off to his doom. The whole ordeal lasted probably 4 seconds. But that was beyond awesome.
  17. @@Miss Reaper, Time to get edumacated. (disclaimer, I am NOT an expert, but I do know quite a bit on the way the body and brain work) From a scientific perspective, everything that happens in your brain is due to signals being sent by connected neurons. There's no reason to think that a tulpa is any different. Now, there are two ways to disconnect neurons: 1) temporarily, through the use of drugs which prevent chemical signals from being sent, and 2) permanantly, through literally killing/ removing the involved neurons. The first method is what's used to control mental disorders, since they can spot-fix a problem without affecting much else (save for the list of side-effects, but that varies from drug to drug). However, they need to be taken habitually to have a long-term effect; once you stop taking them, the symptoms come back. So one pill certainly would not be a death sentence. The second method is, put simply, lobotomizing. Basically, literally cutting out a part of the brain. Which is a practice that has become completely outdated with the advent of the first method's medicines. Alternatively, concussions/ brain damage could have the same effect, but it would be very hard to predict. Some instances have no noticeable effect, while others result in irreversible comas. It really depends on the severity of the injury. So basically, stay away from mad doctors and cranial trauma, and you'll be fine. Basically, there's no magic drug that can permanently kill a tulpa, and if you sustain brain damage bad enough to do it, there are bigger issues to worry about. Like breathing. What I've been doing is just reading stuff in the voice. Be it a news article, a book, or a shampoo bottle, as long as it's the voice, it should work. That gets it stuck in your head pretty quick.
  18. Golurk

    gaming Pokken Fighters

    Actually, I've heard that the name "Pokken" has been trademarked in the US and EU. If that's true, we're definitely getting it, just later than Japan. I for one think Vanillite is pretty adorable, and I can say from experience that Vanilluxe is a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, back on topic. I honestly hope this isn't limited to just Fighting types. I mean, there's a lot of Pokemon that would be interesting to see in this game. Alakazam, Greninja, Golurk, and Bisharp come to mind immediately, but there are tons that could work. And boss Mewtwo, anyone?
  19. Golurk

    gaming Pokken Fighters

    I beg to differ. Ever since it's started, Pokemon's been getting bigger and better pretty consistently. Most Pokemon fans like the series now more than ever. I myself think that X and Y were some of the greatest things they've ever made, and the new Pokemon that came with them were even more inventive than previous generations (including Klefki. That thing actually is pretty good). Besides, every main series game has a new storyline to it that keeps things fresh while retaining the same basic skeleton. These games have a ton of new things every time a new one comes out, and they've even been known to change old things, too. Pokemon may be old, but it's certainly not dying. To me, these spin-offs are a sign of that. It's not that they're running out of ideas, they're just trying new things. Think about this for a moment. Between Mystery Dungeon, Trozei, Ranger, and now Pokken, how many of them play similarly to the main series? These games are all radically different, and try to do radically different things. Even Colosseum and XD, the spin-offs that most closely resemble the main series, are so different that it's hard to compare. Think of it this way: think of the Mario games. You've got your standard Mario Worlds and Mario Lands and junk, but you've also got Mario Kart, Mario Party, all sorts of Mario sports games, and all the characters from Mario games that have gotten spin-off games/ series. Pokemon's doing the same thing. It's just branching out. Trying new things. Trying to remain faithful to the source while deviating from it enough to only resemble it in name and characters. Pokemon is not a game, or even a series. It's a franchise. And a strong one at that. It's not dying. It's maturing.
  20. Golurk

    gaming Pokken Fighters

    Congratulations guys, this is a thing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Cs4L1JALY Released earlier today on Pokemon's official YouTube channel. Not much is known about it, though. Just that it's being made by the people behind Tekken, it'll be released in Japanese arcades in 2015, and that Lucario and Machamp are confirmed. I can't wait to see how this develops. For once, a Pokemon game I might be bad at.
  21. Kirby games suck. (Think about it)

    1. Troblems
    2. MasterCombine


      What you did there. I see it.

  22. So, something kinda interesting happened lately. I've moved to college recently, so the progress has had to come to a halt (for the sake of my sanity. Stressed enough as it is. ). It's been like that for... a while now. But last night, I experienced more of that hypnagogia I mentioned a few pages back (The hearing things when I'm almost asleep). When I listened to it for a moment, I thought that it may have been my tulpa trying to communicate. And right when I thought that, I felt this... rain? It actually felt like I was being rained on (I was inside at the time). It wasn't bad, though. If anything, it was oddly soothing. And when I though that THAT was her doing as well, I felt a little pat on the back. Which was odd, considering I was laying down on said back at the time. I'm guessing I'm further along than I thought...
  23. That awkward moment when you're walking along and it randomly starts pouring rain and you get stuck under a bridge until it stops.

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