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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by N.W.

  1. Finally got around to giving Zootopia a watch. It's pretty cute and I love the moral! <3

  2. Hey...bby...wanna have a meme time? ...

  3. Hey...bby...wanna have a meme time? ...

  4. Just when I thought I had seen it all... smh

  5. Just when I thought I had seen it all... smh

  6. Just when I thought I had seen it all... smh

  7. Just when I thought I had seen it all... smh

  8. Just when I thought I had seen it all... smh

  9. Every time I'm on the road and someone next to me is blasting rap music, I feel so tempted to blast my classical music over theirs. A hotheaded version of me totally would have!

  10. Nope - end of the rainbow; that's all you get for one handful of granola, pal.

  11. Is anyone actually alive?

  12. Woah, saw somebody wearing Russian camo pants. Except his pair were nicer than mine. XD

  13. Woah, saw somebody wearing Russian camo pants. Except his pair were nicer than mine. XD

  14. What's the furthest you've made it in a zombies round in CoD? ouo

  15. Woah, saw somebody wearing Russian camo pants. Except his pair were nicer than mine. XD

  16. Some creepy old dude tried to pet me just now... >.>

  17. There is this one user who keeps adding me and a few others as friends and gets banned quickly, then comes back again under a new username and adds us as friends again. He also keeps asking people to guess his cutie mark or something. It's kinda creepy. 0_0

  18. uuughhhh damnit!!! DX i failed my drivers test!!! now i gotta wait a week before going again T-T

  19. Ask me something you have always wanted to know the answer to.

  20. Watching this Soccer Anime called Days, and its bringing back memories of when I was a little high schooler playing Soccer....

  21. This chair is very comfy, but not tall enough for my desk. I feel like I'm peering over my keyboard at eye level.

  22. What a bad day :/

  23. What a bad day :/

  24. Hello, potato lord! =}

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