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Everything posted by MMPony

  1. I can't say I've been bullied much, but when I went to Catholic school around Kindergarten the kids all ignored my existence and the teachers hated me because (yes, even when I was 4) I listened to Metallica and such, and I have Asperger's Syndrome, which to those teachers and the nuns and stuff at the school meant, "HURRDURR RETARD DUUURRRR!!!!" The teachers would always pull me up to the front of the room when I didn't understand something or did the usual "rebellion" four year olds typically do (NO I DONT WANT TO SING ALONG!, etc.) and say something like, "This is what happens when you don't listen to God, you become like this kid!" which would cause everyone to stay a five mile radius from me. I don't remember much, I was very young and my mom told me about a lot of this. Other than that, I rarely have been bullied. Ocassionally I get a kid or two at my school telling me I'll go to hell for listening to "evil music" like Marilyn Manson or because I'm an agnostic atheist (I go to a normal school now, but its like 99% christian kids) or for being a brony, though. Yeah, it's kinda all religion based for some reason... I don't have anything against peoples' religious beliefs, but that's kinda where most of the bullying I received has come from for whatever reason.
  2. MMPony

    music Daft Punk

    Aphex Twin is awesome, same with Radiohead, can't say I'm a big fan of The Prodigy though (they're not bad, just not my favorite IMO). I personally like the harder house sound in Homework, something I haven't heard in a while from DP. I'm curious as to what their new album will sound like.
  3. MMPony

    music Daft Punk

    Oh sweet Celestia we have so much in common with music taste, Dat Moog... I have to say my favorite album from them is probably Homework.
  4. Oh! I get it! See that's very - (*runs away from Muffin Thief, tries to find mentally sane members of the forum)
  5. How would you grind me into a rainbow? Wouldn't the only color be blood red anyway?
  6. People at my school who think I worship Satan and eat babies just because I'm an atheist (who doesnt often talk about it and NEVER shoves it down peoples' throats) and I listen to Marilyn Manson Homophobes Racists Practically every YouTube comment ever Nickelback Hardcore Justin Bieber fans at my school who ALSO think I eat babies and worship Satan for not liking his music that much (and I dont even TALK about Justin Bieber) Anti-Bronies; not people who just aren't part of the fandom, but THOSE people who troll bronies because they have no life or hobby of their own and make ONLINE PETITIONS REQUESTING IT BE ILLEGAL TO BE A BRONY AND POST MLP STUFF ON THE INTERNET (look it up, someone actually did that)! Nickelback Our society's NEED to be TOTALLY squeaky-clean and politically correct about EVERYTHING!!!!!!1!!11!1!1!1!1!!!1!1!1! Nickelback All politicians; doesn't matter if you're left or right wing, I HATE YOU Nickelback Labeling people Facebook (and I should know, I have one) The internet cancer known as "swag" Nickelbacknickelbacknickelbacknickelbacknickelbacknickelbacknickelbacknickelback One thing I forgot: Pop music. Almost all of it. Im terribly sorry, but "I WANNA SCREAM AND SHOUT AND LET IT ALL OUT #buyourcrappymusic CLUBCLUBDRUGSPARTYPARTY" isn't good music. And people complain about rock and metal being a bad influence on kids...
  7. I don't even use Facebook anymore because that kinda stuff is all I see my friends "like" lol. Btw, Chaotic Lightning, I don't really hear anypony say YOLO anymore, so for now we're safe...
  8. Oh wait I have heard of How To Destroy Angels, I just haven't listened to them yet. I need to get on that soon... So whats your favorite NIN song? I'd have to say mine is Happiness in Slavery, although I hear that the music video is disturbing. Good thing I haven't watched it yet...
  9. I'm kinda breaking the Ponyville rules by not using Celestia in this, but... (in a "Sweet Brown" Aint nobody got time fo dat voice) PRAISE DA LAWD! HALLELUJAH! AMEN! PRAISE DA LAWD! (until the end of time)
  10. I didn't know about his new band!! What's it called? And I also really like synths. As for the breaking stuff, it's fun for me, but our lead singer, D3V, doesn't appreciate mic stands getting thrown in her direction and told me not to break anything when we play at her school in a couple of weeks so I don't "make us look bad in front of my school."
  11. I'M SORRY (*begins bawling in sorrow)!!! I don't usually get along with musical numbers. Which may be why I'm scared of when I get to Magical Mystery Cure (btw anypony else notice the Beatles reference in the title of the episode).
  12. OH MY CELESTIA ANOTHER NINE INCH NAILS FAN HERE I HAVE SO MANY FEELS RIGHT NAO ASDFGHJKL!!1!!11!1!1!1!!!!1!1!!11!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! *faints* Seriously though, Trent Reznor is a legend. Sadly, I think he helped start my bad habit of breaking stuff on stage when playing with my band, though... This post just made me become a Muffin!
  13. I was afraid to click on the welcome song, because I worried it would be ungodly catchy and be stuck in my head.... IT IS NOW PERMANENTLY LODGED IN MY BRAIN! Maybe I'm not ready yet... loljk
  14. So far my favorite character is Spike for some reason lol. But he isn't really a pony, so I still need to find that out...
  15. Thanks!! I still have a lot to learn. Actually I don't even have a favorite pony yet lol
  16. Hi everypony (is that what you guys call it lol), I'm MMPony and I just became a brony about two days ago lol. I found out about the show because of: 1. All the bronies on the Internet (obviously) 2. One of my friends is a brony and kept making me watch clips of the show on the Internet and stuff. 3. People at my school were going around bullying people who liked the show for awhile (Note: Even though I wasn't a brony, I didn't condone this, and I think I told one of the bullies to shut up and let people like whatever they want). And from there, it was the whole "I should watch an episode, JUST to see why people like it..." thing. A little about myself; my username MMPony is a reference to PMRants' video on Blood On The Dancefloor (a crappy band for those who don't know), in which he said they look like a mix between Marilyn Manson and MLP, and proceeded to call them "Marilyn Manson Ponies" through the rest of the video. Since I am a big fan of both Marilyn Manson (which gets me some bullying from the Christian worship youth group at my school) and am becoming one of MLP:FiM, I figured I'd use that name. I'm a guitar player, and am in a band called Your Options @re. I'm curious to know if there are any more musicians here. Well, I'm excited to join the forums and find a place where I'm not made fun of for liking the show lol
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