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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. @, As they walked, Max noticed a blush creep onto Star's face. He offered a sheepish smile in return, along with a shrug at her update on Beat. "To each is their own, I suppose. I think being a mare for a day would be an interesting experience-as I was always curious what life for the opposite sex was like-but I wouldn't want such a change to be permanent. And I DEFINITELY wouldn't do THAT as a mare." He looked over to see servants approaching. When Star refused the offer to take her things, the maid in question offered to take his coat and hat. "Thank you, but I would prefer to leave them on. They have sentimental value." With a shrug, she went to attend to the other guests. Max caught up to Star, and made his way into castle...or home that resembled a castle. "Have you had any side affects from the potion? I find myself occasionally craving meat. Which, as a pony, is disturbing."
  2. Hmm...I wonder what Max would look like in R63 mode...Well, time to capture an artist, trap him in my basement, and get him working on that.
  3. Baldy McNosehair

  4. Feels good to use Max again. Especially after overhauling the character.

  5. @, (Probably for the best. I am going to ignore the 'dragon in my head' bit) Max shuddered at the memory. And he remembers it well. "Ugh, that's the last time I mess with alchemy. Turned into a complete jerk. Anyway, I've been fine. Went to college, got some art degrees, and have been doing odd jobs in Ponyville ever since. Which is tough, considering recent events." He said with a chuckle. While he was awkward meeting new ponies, Star was a long time friend. He functioned perfectly around her. "Well, glad that potion wore off. You look much better with fur. And stripes. Wonder if Beat's potion ever wore off." He mumbled the last part to himself.
  6. @, (You can decide the nature of their past and/or present relationship. I can imagine a R63 romance being fun[ny]) Max's ears perked when he heard his name called, but before he could turn, he was tackled to the ground in a tight hug. He manged to turn himself to face the mare in question. He was surprised at first, but then filled with joy. He would know this mare anywhere. "Star Song!" He returned the hug. Before he was allowed to get up. He placed his fedora back onto his head, and faced Star with a large grin on my face. "Wow, how long has it been? A few years at least. How'v ya been?" He said, eager to catch up.
  7. Max-being a pegasus-always found it odd when flying around with anything other than his own wings. The flight in question was rather uneventful, spent flipping through magazines or making small talk. When he got out of the plane, he looked to their destination, almost tilting his head straight up to see it all. "Sweet Celestia...is this a house or a castle?" He muttered to himself. He focused himself, adjusted his fedora, and made his way to one of the biggest structures he has ever seen.
  8. Calling around and trying to get myself into an alternative high school. I feel so grown up :P


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skycoaster


      Sounds good to me. I always like having a co-DM when I set them up. It's nice to have backup lol

    3. ActFast231


      Cool, I will send you a PM with the premise soon.

    4. Skycoaster
  10. @, @, Nexus had his ears pinned down, a look of indecision and worry on his face. He couldn't say no to what is for the moment his superior, but he didn't want to endanger Lume with this Plane Jumping business. He wouldn't complicate her life anymore than it already has been. "Lord Inquisitor, sir, I...Garrison was the one who retrieved them under my request. I asked for gems that could be charged with light magic to be used in saving the mutants and purifying the land. I don't know the details, as he didn't share and I didn't ask, but I am assuming he didn't get them from the Crystal Empire. Where he got them, I do not know. Perhaps it is better that we don't" Nexus had chosen his words carefully, as to not reveal anything vital to Lume. At that last statement, he was giving Karma a look that practically begged him for discretion. Begged him not to reveal the true nature of Garrison and...himself.
  11. Gran Turismo 5 is actually better than I thought.

  12. Sonic Unleashed, Dead Space 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Minecraft, Dead Rising 2, Crackdown, Rayman demos....Yeah, I am playing a lot right now.

  14. Never played AA but the Cornered theme in the first one is fucking AWESOME!

  15. I have an idea for a RP, but I know nothing about DMing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ActFast231


      Send it my way, I would live to read it. Sounds very promising.

    3. Nomadic


      Oh ok, I'll try to get that to you soon. I would like to edit it a bit prior because there are few things I'm not pleased with yet.

    4. ActFast231


      Take your time.

  16. Tried to sleep at a normal, healthy time. Couldn't do it.

  17. Oh God, am I gonna get shipped next?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ActFast231
    3. Skycoaster


      Wait, What? I was a sheltered child. Please explain.

    4. ActFast231


      Homonecrosexuality is best sexuality. :P

  18. @@Charcoal Embers, Considering that we have waited a few days already, 24 hours seems fair. If they don't post by then, they aren't posting.
  19. I tried last night to upload images from my computer to a blog I was making, but every time I tried, it would say the "Server returned an error during upload." It has made uploading images impossible. Anyone know what's happening and how to resolve this issue?
  20. 39 SoarinDash pics standing by.

  21. I think if the remaining players don't post soon, we should move on without them. Simply because this RP will die of we wait forever.
  22. @, Nexus sat on his haunches in the hall. The tension in the air was thick enough to feel, but that didn't bother him too much. "Karma, in my room, their are seven shards of an emerald. A very large, very powerful emerald. It has enough energy on its own to purify Delvia and the surrounding areas. I wish to have the emerald reassembled and placed in the town center. From their, it can be activated and the city should be cleansed of the dark magic it is enveloped in. It should also restore the mutants too."
  23. @@Psych Ward, No, that just means you got badass. Bright blue hair sounds awesome in my opinion. Then again, I have odd opinions about this sort of thing.
  24. Art blog tomorrow. Some sort of uploading error. So I will see if tomorrow shows better results.

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