A popular travelling fair has arrived in Canterlot in full force. With free admissions, plenty of rides, attractions, and events, and with prices you set, it's gearing up to take Canterlot by storm. The staff has diversity unlike anything you've seen. Unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, and even changelings. With such a diverse staff bringing so much to the table, you can expect a wide variety of unique attractions. Some of which has never been seem before. Come on, come all, to the greatest travelling fair Equestria has ever seen.
So this is a SoL RP with some very interesting attractions to explore. Some of which include:
Ferris Wheel
Concession Stands
Temporary transformation potions (changeling made)
Gender Swapping
Wonders of Equestria shop
How many players allowed will depend on the demand. For now, let's shoot for ten. If all slots are full, feel free to post an application anyway, as if enough people apply, I will increase the number of players. Any suggestions for more attractions and rides would be much appreciated. Suggestions can be anything from the ordinary, to the fantastic. I will be entering as Max.
DM) ActFast231-Max
Co-DM) Skycoaster-Skycoaster
1) Nomadic-Monkshood
2) Minty Wintergreen-Minty
3) Cinderscribe-Bubble Burst
4) Thunder-Dash-Thunder Dash
5) Grand_Finale-Grand Finale
6) ???????
7) ???????
8) ???????
9) ???????
10) ???????