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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. @@Charcoal Embers, Ah. That is good to know. Sorry about that, just a little confusion. I will be sure to include that in all future posts.
  2. @@Charcoal Embers, @, Max watched with a mixture of eagerness and interest as the mare worked his lock with the feather he provided. When she finally got it open, he stepped out, taking a minute to stretch his legs and wings. After his limbs were popped and loose, he adjusted his fedora and trotted over to Star's cage. "Alright, let's see about getting you out of there."
  3. That drained feeling you get after a breakdown.

  4. @, Max was brought out of his pondering when a mare broke free from her cage. And a colt a few cells left of him provided a bobby pin to use as an additional lock pick. But before he could question that, he heard Star call his name again, albeit, rather softly. Well, since he couldn't do anything to contribute to an escape, he might as well comfort his friend. "Star, it's OK. Everything is going to be just fine. I've seen you face scarier situations then this. Just remain calm and we will make it out of this." The colt's eyes widened at a sudden idea he got. He unfolded his left wing as much as he could in his cage, and used his teeth to pull out a large feather. With a grunt of pain, he spat the feather out of his cage. "Ma'am, you think you could use the end of that as a lock pick?" @@Charcoal Embers,
  5. Wow, I actually put myself down so much, that I actually caused myself to breakdown into tears. My life is falling apart around me.

    1. Dsanders


      Been there, done it. I can relate. :/

  6. @, Max jumped at the door closing, his fedora falling off his head. He picked it up and returned it to his head in time to hear hissing, gas being pumped into the room. He let out a sigh, surprised at himself for being so calm. "Man...why can't any of these all expense paid trips ever go right?" He yawned, barely noticing Star falling to the ground. "It's always potions this, and sleepy gas that..." With that, he fell to the floor, out like a light. Max awoke, at first slowly, but then with a jump, remembering the situation. He found his fedora in the cage with him. He was surrounded by other cages containing the other guests. He heard Star cry out for him, and he turned to see her across the room. "STAR SONG! I'm here. It looks like this was a setup." He sat on his haunches, his natural curiosity taking over. He had a puzzled look on his face. "But why us? Why trick and capture what is essentially a random assortment of ponies?" He asked aloud, in a loud tone.
  7. @, Max got up and trotted next to Star. He was excited for this trip. He has never been to...to...... "Shoot, I forgot that we get to pick our destinations. I didn't think about where I wanted to go." He said aloud. He kicked himself for forgetting such a vital piece of information. He turned to Star, who no doubt heard him-as did anypony nearby-before he got an idea. "I hate to ask, but do you think I could uh...just tag along with you to wherever you go? It's cool of you'd rather go alone..."
  8. be back in a bit, I am going for a bike ride.

  9. @@Mint Drop, Do you think I could persuade you into drawing a R63 Max? I would be very grateful if you did. fr
  10. @, (Internet in this library is dodgy, so bear with me.) Max smiled back at Star, taking a seat next her at the table she picked. He removed his hat, setting it on the back of the chair, before running a hoof through his messy green mane. "Well, here's hoping this trip doesn't end in craziness like the last one." Max looked around briefly at all the machines. "Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that it will. Maybe I'm just being my usual paranoid self." He said with a shrug. "So how's life been since the island, Star? Besides the potion side effects and Beat being a mare?"
  11. Green Hill is best level.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ActFast231


      City Escape is good, but Green Hill just tops it all.

    3. Moonlight


      I liked it in Generations while using "3D" Sonic but that's about it for me. :P

    4. Nomadic


      Casino Night Zone, best Sonic level EVAR.

  12. Someone do something interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NothingIsEverything


      Women? What is that?

    3. ActFast231


      I must be in the Twilight Zone, where everyone strips for you, but the catch is they are all men. Curses.

    4. NothingIsEverything
  13. Is the 2DS supposed to be a cheaper alternative or is it their for shits and giggles?

  14. How do I miss such obvious fair stuff. Man, I'm losing my creativity. Or maybe I over thought the problem

    1. Dsanders


      What exactly is the problem mate?

    2. ActFast231


      Eh, I made a RP. And missed obvious pieces pf it.


      Don't I feel foolish :x

  15. @, Looks good, your in. @, Very interesting. Welcome Aboard @@Grand_Finale, Your character looks good. Accepted. Alright, I will add the names and the suggestions to the OP.
  16. @, @, It didn't surprise Nexus in the slightest that Garrison would do something like that. He wasn't one for subtly, but this was down right reckless. He saw the Guards walk in with the gems in tow, and was at least relieved to see that the plan would go forward. Nexus looked up at Karma, a look of caution on his face. "Sir, what do you mean? You think she could help set it up in Delvia." He knew that likely wasn't what he meant, but he was really hoping Karma, out of all ponies, wouldn't drag her into this.
  17. @, "Honestly, I'm just hoping that by wandering aimlessly we will eventually end up where we n-" Max was interrupted by his collision with a door. It knocked him on his bottom, rubbing his nose. "What the hay was that?" He asked, looking up to see a door before him. He could hear voices on the other side. "This must be it." He got to his hooves, and pushed the door open to reveal a room full of technology. Some of the other guests have already arrived. "Wow...I've never seen this much tech before..."
  18. Hell. Yes. I find this to be my favorite ship. It just feels believable, and cute as hell. I can totally see this being a canon thing. Just not as...serious as some fics take it.
  19. @, A super shy mare who is afraid of everything and can get temperamental? That should prove very entertaining indeed. Accepted.
  20. @@Nomadic, Looks good. Welcome aboard. I think I am going to try to get an even Male/Female ratio. Because OCD.
  21. A popular travelling fair has arrived in Canterlot in full force. With free admissions, plenty of rides, attractions, and events, and with prices you set, it's gearing up to take Canterlot by storm. The staff has diversity unlike anything you've seen. Unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, and even changelings. With such a diverse staff bringing so much to the table, you can expect a wide variety of unique attractions. Some of which has never been seem before. Come on, come all, to the greatest travelling fair Equestria has ever seen. So this is a SoL RP with some very interesting attractions to explore. Some of which include: Rollercoasters Ferris Wheel Concession Stands Temporary transformation potions (changeling made) Gender Swapping Storytellers Wonders of Equestria shop Circus How many players allowed will depend on the demand. For now, let's shoot for ten. If all slots are full, feel free to post an application anyway, as if enough people apply, I will increase the number of players. Any suggestions for more attractions and rides would be much appreciated. Suggestions can be anything from the ordinary, to the fantastic. I will be entering as Max. DM) ActFast231-Max Co-DM) Skycoaster-Skycoaster 1) Nomadic-Monkshood 2) Minty Wintergreen-Minty 3) Cinderscribe-Bubble Burst 4) Thunder-Dash-Thunder Dash 5) Grand_Finale-Grand Finale 6) ??????? 7) ??????? 8) ??????? 9) ??????? 10) ???????
  22. Time to make an OOC thread!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nomadic


      Is this for the RP you were talking about?

    3. ActFast231


      Yep. Skycoaster is Co-DMing.

    4. Nomadic


      Sweet, I'll join as soon as it is posted.

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