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Status Updates posted by Oblivion

  1. Shout out to RainbowDash72, You're AWESOME!, Keep doing those lyric videos and the like, it's not everyday that you get a brony that is into country music like us! XD

    1. Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Thanks for the shout out. You're awesome as well. Thanks for watching my videos.

    2. Oblivion


      You bet man. XD

    3. Solid
  2. *falls out of bed* I'm up guys, I'm up!

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Good morning, Oblivion x3

    2. Oblivion


      Morning Makusu! ^_^

  3. Watching Halo Nightfall on youtube right now. XD

  4. Well, it's offically my weekend, so I think I may pay Dashie a visit in my dreams, night all you adorable ponies. ^_^

  5. Welp, norifications don't appear on their own, time to clear browser cache... :/

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs* They don't appear to me either

    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Oblivion


      Good to know I'm not alone! XD

  6. *yawns* Hey guys. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      You are born just one day before me XD

    3. Oblivion


      That's awesome indeed. XD

  7. “When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis

    1. SCS


      I love that quote :)

    2. Oblivion


      As do I, and it's TRUE! ^_^

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Mr. Lewis knew what's up.

  8. WELLL, I suppose I beter get some sleep, see you all later. ^_^

  9. So many adorable Chirstmas ponies lurking around the forums! XD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chivalry Knight

      Chivalry Knight

      I should draw a christmasy version of Chivalry for my profile pic ^^

    3. Oblivion


      Cj, you really should! ^_^


      @Cinna, Hehe, sorry, I really haven't been paying attention, I shall shower and message you right away!

  10. Finally, the bitter cold streak has seemed to come to an end, it has so far topped 56 degrees out, isn't life just grand some times! XD

    1. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      I love it when the cold snaps end.

    2. Oblivion


      Indeed, and the plus to having it get so bitter cold so early, is now 50 degrees F actually feels kinda warm. XD

  11. Welp, nighty night everypony! ^^

  12. Holly SHIT, night shift stocking at wallmart ACTUALLY managed to kick my ass!

    1. Chivalry Knight
    2. Oblivion


      Very little sleep the night before, plus Thanksgivng equals tired as hell. :P

  13. And now I offically work at wallmart.

  14. OMG what have I gone and done! :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      First time not having either a Dashie avatar or an Oblivy avatar. XD

    3. Zygen
    4. CheeryFox
  15. Is the fact that I want to get a license to fly just because of Dashie a bad thing?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      It is a good idea, but I don't not like plans or heights.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Nope. In fact, I wouldn't mind getting into aircraft maintenance.

    4. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      I will like to get in one on land but not on air.

  16. First actule snow fall of the year, cheers! ^_^

  17. Two favorite ponies in one banner, AWESOME! XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thunder Tinker

      Thunder Tinker

      The banner made the MLPF 20% cooler. :3

    3. Oblivion


      Oh, most definitely! :D

    4. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      I can live with that banner.

  18. Man, haven't been very active lately... :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miles


      That's okay. You'll always be welcome here though ;}

    3. Oblivion


      Daw, thank you Miles! *hugs you*

    4. Miles


      *hug*s your welcome

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