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Status Updates posted by Oblivion

  1. Changed name to "Blivy" cause Blivy is much cuter. ^_^

  2. Everyone changes their username on here... >.> <,<

  3. Fucking SHIT, I haven't been on in a long time!

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Welcome back Oblivion! It's great to see you again.

    2. Miles


      Glad to see yuh man /)

  4. Still lurking, just don't feel like the time I use to have to be on here.

  5. Gosh dang old mud I tell ya what dang old wheels spin n stuff darn dang ole tell you what.

  6. Ehhhh!!! Check out my profile! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Nooo, I was talking about the image with three ponies in them, they are all my pony friends. XD

    3. Thunder Tinker

      Thunder Tinker

      Oh. That is also adorable. XD

    4. RainbowDashiscool
  7. *yawns* Well it's sleepy time now, night everyone. ^_^

    1. Twisted Cyclone πŸš“

      Twisted Cyclone πŸš“

      Goodnight Oblivy. Sleep well.



      Goodnight! sleep well friend :D

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
  8. Yay, the forums seem to be coming back to life. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      I knowwww, I'm just glad that it is is all. ^_^



      The forums have never died, just the members were busy =D

    4. Oblivion


      Yea, I haven't been on here near as much as I use to cause I'm now busy half the time. XD

  9. Ahh, what a night, so, what's everyone up to?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Oblivion


      @ooBrony, *Hugs you* I know. XD

    3. η’‡ シンジン
    4. thegamerator10


      Nice! Hopefully, when my birthday (July 28th) rolls around, my brony friend can give me a plushie, hopefully of Twilight or Rainbow Dash.

  10. Cash is the MASTER of song covers! XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Monsoon
    3. Lil'Cinnamon


      I'm tired... I dunno who Cash is (unless it is who I think it is) and I misread the message. >.<

    4. Lil'Cinnamon


      Yes I was right, Johnny Cash.

  11. And the nice weather quickly approaches, yay! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twisted Cyclone πŸš“

      Twisted Cyclone πŸš“



      It was warm enough for me to enjoy a slushie today to say the least.

    3. Oblivion


      @RainbowDash72, Hehe, awesome! XD


      @SomeReallyRandomGuy, HEY, clouds don't mean bad, just as long as the temperature is decent. ^_^

    4. SomeReallyRandomGuy


      When it's entirely overcast all day, it can be pretty dull around here. Although, as a photographer, they can be rather useful if they're spread out a bit, just enough they block out the sun so I don't have to deal with flare from the sun :)


  12. Yay, having an 0blivy plushie made! XD

  13. Ehhhhhhh!!!!!! XDXDXDXD

  14. Well shit, better get at least a little bit of sleep before work, night night everyone! ^_^

  15. Now THIS is MY theme song! (

    1. Ryzu


      Wow you found one of those crazy ridiculous but amazing instrument combos. I only knew of Irish Pirate Rock and I can't remember the name of the other.

  16. Yay, new avatar! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Hell yea, a bit of a bittersweet avy this round. ^_^

    3. Lil'Cinnamon
    4. Oblivion


      LOL, and then Cinnamon pony. XD

  17. Feeling...just alright tonight,I think over this weekend alone I have discovered what it's like to have true friends, people that love you for who you are and not for what they wish you could be. With that said I think it's time for some well deserved sleep, night everyone! ^_^

    1. Twisted Cyclone πŸš“

      Twisted Cyclone πŸš“

      That's good to think like that. Goodnight 0blivion! Sleep well.

    2. thegamerator10


      Just alright? That's all you got? You should feel overjoyed, man! I'm here for you!

    3. Oblivion


      @thegamweator, ^_^

  18. /|/|67 |=0[_]|25! ^_^

  19. Ever have the urge to stay up for as long as possible so time dosn't slip away and thus you get stuck in the same routine?

  20. Bout had a heart attack, got this new computer, messed around with it for a bit and then I had a black screen with curser. Turn out I just had to updtate the bios...:/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      Yeah, a little explanation when the screen suddenly goes black would be nice.

    3. Oblivion


      Everything seems to be working awesome now anyhow! ^_^

    4. thegamerator10


      I like my computer, except for 2 things:

      1.) It's Windows XP.

      2.) (Main qualm) IT'S SOOOOOOOOOO SLOW!!!

  21. Heading out, see you all later! ^_^

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