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Sugar Pea

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About Sugar Pea

  • Birthday 1998-03-11


  • Title
    Elite PegaOtaku

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States, AMURICA!
  • Personal Motto
    "Don't let the things you don't have ruin what you do!"
  • Interests
    - Madoka Magica
    - Stuffed Animal
    - Sweets
    - Portal
    - RWBY
    - Baking/cooking
    - Music
    - Quotes
    - Kind people
    - Making people smile, lifting spirits
    - Going to the park
    - Being myself
    - Chicken Alfredo <3

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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Reformed Changeling

Reformed Changeling (13/23)


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  1. Bean beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart! :D

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Well that was unexpected XD

    2. GammaDove


      The more you fart, the better you feel, so let's have beans for every meal!

    3. Sugar Pea
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