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Status Updates posted by Lisa

  1. 2 thirds of the way done with my Colgate tulpa. :33333 SO EXCITED

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Sure thing dude, I have a good control of my mind. So this should be ok. I have stopped reading those guides, they are too long and I believe I can make it without a guide. I will just meditate and start building her. This is going to be so awesome.

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden


      Wish you luck.

    4. Fluttershyfan94


      Thank you *nods back*

  2. Being single again sucks. Sure I have my friends, but still... :v

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      I don't get it with most people, what is wrong with being single. It's more fun being single I think, have always been single. Just no responsibility and just having fun I guess. It might change if I get a BMW :3, but still unless I have black tinted windows which of course I would get. I'm not so sure if people would get in the car, doesn't matter just going to create that tulpa and that tulpa can be there with me.

    2. Lisa


      Because when you're in love with someone it feels fantastic, that you have someone to rely on and trust.

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Yeah, your probably right I have no experience in that stuff. Sounds nice though, I have always somehow never understood people that care for that stuff, but I guess it's only because I haven't experienced it myself. Who knows maybe one day, could get a new start in collage. I think BMW's are still cool, I am not really into that social thing, so I don't even know if it is still cool, I am rather old school.

  3. Black Ops 2 62-10 final results. :)

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Those people were owned, good work.

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Meh I did both, even if the fandom wouldn't exist I would have still watched it. I often become a fan over something and get well shall we call it obsessed with it. But the fandom helped me personally as well as the show that brought a little or well a lot of colour in my life.

  4. Colgate is best toothpaste brand because the pony named after it is the best pony! :3

  5. On Non-Pony identity day, I'll change my avatar to toothpaste... lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. King


      Colgate colgate....

    3. Lisa


      Actually no, I'll use Colgate Total.

      (that's the one I use) lol

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Do you like Spiderman, Colgate♥?

  6. I'm back from owning noobs in Black ops 2. xD

    1. Scootalove


      Awesome. :) Owning noobs is pretty easy.

  7. I'm going to play Black Ops 2. Bai.

    1. ~Rogue~


      Xbox or ps3?


    2. Lisa




      Anyway, I'm back. :P

    3. ~Rogue~


      Hi...I have an Xbox...lets not fight about it cause its always the same.





      You have no idea how much i get it...


  9. Brb, getting maccas. x3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lisa


      Oh yeah, other countries call maccas McDonald's... :P

    3. ~The Snowy Wolf~

      ~The Snowy Wolf~

      Nah, y'all call it Maccas, like we sometimes call it Mickey D's. Its just a nickname of sorts

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Macca to me is Paul McCartney.


      Best acquaintance ever.

  10. That moment when your friends sleep over, then the next day your room is a mess. :L

    1. NavelColt


      Thankfully my best friend isn't a messy person :o Still, I've had this feel.

  11. 120 notifications in 8 hours... DAYUM

    1. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I got 145 notifications and when I had cleared that, another 53 came!

  12. Colgate has the best colour scheme, she's the cutest pony, she's the sexiest pony and she is the BEST pony! :3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lisa


      That scared the shit out of me.

    3. zDashiez
    4. SparkBrony


      Fluttershy is best sexy pony. XD


      LOL you changed your name even :P

  13. Nevermind, I guess i can't have a showe tonight, cos someone used all the hot water. >.< I'll have to wait till morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King


      D: oh noes!

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Thats too bad, luckily for me I have endless supply of water, both hot and cold.

    4. MojoDash


      I know how you feel. My brother has like 45 mins of really hot water showers, and I get about two seconds warmth and then freezing cold ;_;

  14. I'm gonna have a shower. Brb

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      I have been sitting here all day, I sat down at my computer at around 3:30, then the clock was 10:00, I went to sleep, when I woke up I got back behind my computer. Maybe I should consider taking a shower. Meh.

  15. Sketching loads of art with Colgate in them, making a tulpa of Colgate and calling her my waifu... I wouldn't say I'm addicted to her at all(!)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      @zDashiez HHHNNGGHHH

    3. zDashiez


      Because Im a wonderful person :3

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I forgot to brush my teeth though. :v

  16. Colgate is my waifu. :3 In Ponyville lesbian marriage is allowed! >:U

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lisa
    3. Fluttershyfan94


      On my iPad, can't open links... But I checked that drawing, nice job. We need more and more.

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Steffan = mai waifu, so does irony. (jk)

  17. Some people have been getting the wrong idea about my obsession with Colgate. I'm not sexually attracted to her. :L I just wuv her cuteness :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      Yes; the toothpaste mane is just to cute to be ignored. :)

    3. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      *too, excuse my grammar,

    4. Fluttershyfan94


      I love her cuteness too, although I mostly like her colours. Blue is my favorite colour.

  18. Here's a coloured version of my Colgate Clapping sketch.

  19. Who likes my new name? :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demonic Soulz
    3. Lisa
    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      You could have worn the toothpaste icon as representation of your new username since it's No-Pony day.

  20. I changed my name. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~/XC- BRONY\~
    3. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      Hey, where did DJ Luna go? And who the heck is this Colgate person in my friends list? :P

    4. Lisa
  21. Should I change my name to Colgate? Or keep DJ Luna? I wuv Colgate. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scootalove
    3. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      See if you can get an advertising deal out of it.

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I lost my toothpaste, will you give me some Colgate?

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