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Status Updates posted by Lisa

  1. For some reason I'm having an obsession over Colgate. I even think she's better than Luna. :) (Luna is 2nd best pony)

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      I got this image as a background on my ipad, yeah I'm a huge Colgate fan

    2. SparkBrony


      Oooh, good luck :)

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Yeah, good luck btw I'm going to hit the hay.

  2. Colgate is cutest pony and sexy pony! >:U

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. SparkBrony


      Do you think we could make a topic?


      'Show us your school's OC!'

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      We could, but not sure if it would get replies fast enough it might simple become forgotten. Maybe if we finished a few we could keep the topic going for longer, making an OC could take a while depending on how much work we would put in them. I usually spend 4 hours making a drawing could take less or more.. Not sure really.

    4. SparkBrony


      I think I'll make a quick topic anyway maybe later tonight, it can't hurt right? :)

  3. Just finished sketching Google Chrome pony. :)

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. SparkBrony


      Aww, it's so cute! :D


      Noe do Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. XD

    3. SparkBrony
    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      That grammar hurts my brain.


      *looks at the first reply of the status update*

  4. Snowdrop made me cry for 15 minutes...;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      I wish, I hope, I dream, I prey by the princesses role light my way. I was somehow so proud of her, even though she had tough times she kept strong, she was still the happy little filly she was. She is the cutest OC I have ever seen.

    3. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      You prey or you pray by the princesses' role to light your way?

    4. Fluttershyfan94


      This was from Snowdrop.

  5. I'll post my sketch of Woona later. (filly Luna). At the moment I'm busy.

  6. After I finish my Colgate tulpa, I might make another one, of my OC. XD

  7. Gawd damn it! Why do tulpae take so long to make? ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Practising in making tulpae will make it possible to make tulpae faster, due to the sharpened skill of making tulpae from the frequent task(s) required to make the tulpae.

    3. zDashiez


      Ive made three of em, all took the same amount of time

    4. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      You need more than that to achieve faster results.

  8. 117 notifications in 7 hours. :P

  9. I'm up to the "Touch" section of creating a tulpa. And it's kind of awkward 'feeling up' Colgate. LOL

    1. StingeMuffin


      "I'm just doing this for myself. NO WAIT I MEANT-" and then I ramble on trying to justify what I'm doing. XD

    2. Fluttershyfan94
  10. I'll be back, I'm gonna spend some time creating my Colgate tulpa.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zDashiez


      Oh...Trust when I say the touch section is alot more fun when they are sentient :3

    3. zDashiez


      not in that way

    4. Lisa
  11. I want a Colgate tulpa now! :c (colgate the pony, not toothpaste)

    1. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      Have you started trying to create a Colgate tulpa? You may want it now, but those things take time... from what I've seen and heard. Never tried myself because, while I'm normally patient, I don't think I have the patience to craft a tulpa at all...

    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Feel your pain just read your last status update, this has to be done.

  12. I MUST create a tulpa of Colgate (the pony). *inhales deeply* Prepare yourself brain! xD

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      That would be awesome, I need Colgate. I guess I could do that, tulpa means an imaginary friend right, googled it. Wouldn't it be awesome if there were two Colgates, omg the possibilities.

    2. Lisa


      It's not just an imaginary friend. It's like a living being, it has it's own movements, emotions and opinions. blah, blah, blah. And it does all those things on its own.


      But with imaginary friends, YOU control what they do.

      Tulpae control what they do THEMSELVES. (tulpae = tulpas.)

    3. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      You mean like a doppel~.....?

  13. Got bored, made a YouTube channel, uploaded a random video to see if everything is workin' ok. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_JOn1OhD_c :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lisa


      I do play TF2 >_>

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      *awkward* xD you make let´s plays for that? like _STAR or StmyD?

    4. Lisa
  14. All my Aussie peepz be offline. dey all b azleep. God, I'm a loner...

    1. King


      No your not :3 *hugz*

    2. Fluttershyfan94


      I'm a loner too, lets be loners together. Wait that doesn't make sense, I'm just going to be a loner alone, like a true loner.

    3. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      In that case, you can listen to this (with English subtitles in the video):

  15. Someone add me on the PS3, and play Black Ops 2 with me. My PSN is DJ_Luna-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      I don't have Black Ops 2, I will just have to wait for BF4, can't wait to blast "fortunate son" on that game. I love owning people in my chopper :3 while playing old songs like fortunate son. You will be there as my gunner.

    3. Jokuc


      Too bad I play bo2 on xbox D:


      I became a prestige master a week ago C:

    4. Blue Moon
  16. >implying...

  17. Has anyone else had that moment when you're "pushed over the line" and you start backchatting your teacher cos she annoys the f**k out of you? :L

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      There was one priest who I know that isn't that bad. He's more of a calm, laidback priest, rather than the overexcited, nutty kind.

    3. zDashiez


      Thats a first

    4. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      Tell me about it.

  18. I always think the people who look at my profile are stalkers. xD I don't know why. I'm terrible.

    1. ParsoOfEquestria
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Yeah, I sometimes am. But often stop doing so within a week or so. I stalk them while they're newly added. Although its mostly just too see if have missed something in the about me page. But of course it looks like I'm stalking :P

  19. 11 notifications in 5 minutes,,, jeez.

    1. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      Dare I say it... that's an academy record!

    2. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      I got 19 notifications in under five minutes, and I am still new.... o_0

  20. Princess Luna cutie mark as my CoD: Black Ops 2 emblem.... :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue Moon
    3. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      It's that easy?

    4. Lisa




      Just search up her cutie mark on Google Images and copy it from that.

  21. The Minecraft world is larger than Neptune... and it's a fact. LOL

    1. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Wow. Should I be impressed or worried?

  22. Yaya, from now on, it's nothing but school holidays. Good bye term 1. xD

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Congratulations on getting school holidays. :)

    2. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Cool, it's school holiday here too! Maybe we can have a small brony meetup or something!


      With lots of pies, muffins and cupcakes!

  23. This made me laugh so much.

    1. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Those elders are so funny.

    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Love those reaction videos.

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