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Everything posted by rainbowdash4ever

  1. Well, we humans have had wars since cave people times. Simple tribes would hurt and sometimes kill each other over a hunt, territory, etc. We just expanded it in the years since to include fighting for what you believe in, and some people (terrorists) kill us just becaus e they think it's a one-way ticket to heaven. That last idea is just dumb and immoral. America is a peaceful nation right now, although there's still violent crime these days.
  2. Looks like Zom got some supplies from AJ. Hey Zom, mind if I assist you in building your shelter?
  3. Definitely friends with the mane six, maybe marry Dash, Luna, Celestia or Rarity. Work at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie, and have a happy life. I'd stay human too. Being unique, ya know? Plus, marrying Celestia would be EPIC!
  4. Mine's because I'm a huge fan of Rainbow Dash. Said mine in ten. seconds. flat. Besides, my username is 20% cooler than most usernames. Just sayin' and no offense to anypony.
  5. Banned because I wield the almighty BANHAMMER! *continues on a banning spree and becomes invincible and unable to be banned because I hold the only banhammer*
  6. Me too, if they do I'm gonna be kicking changeling flank so you can get your naptime.
  7. Well they've been here all their lives, so there's no way they could be changelings. Do you really think that Queen Chrysalis would ever invade Earth?
  8. Uh, hello? She was Twilight's foalsitter, she thinks very highly of her.
  9. Well, I'm Josh, aka rainbowdash4ever(I picked that because I'm a big fan of hers), the others are Crystal Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle(the owner of the ask thread), Doctor Whooves(just call him Doctor), and I think Crazy Misty is still here. That's everyone I hope. If this has anything to do with the changelings that crashed through Twilight's window, then we have to form a plan of action to make sure that Ponyville is safe before anything else is done.
  10. Zom, I just don't understand, you said "they're back" or something along those lines. What do you mean by that? Well, some are afraid, but I'm not. I would actually welcome her and let her stay at my house however long she wants. Although she'd have to return sometime, in which case I'd follow her and live in Equestria.
  11. What? No way! They're all human. Unless I'm being fooled and they're already here, which they're not. I hope not, anyway.
  12. Well, I've always wanted to go to Equestria someday. Besides, the taunt was more of a challenge, which she'll never win considering my country has a huge military that could shoot a changeling out of the sky at over 100 paces if they wanted to. Not to mention she hasn't answered my challenge, so I'm starting to think she's a bit of a coward.
  13. Well, I don't think she'll invade just yet. But I'll be ready when she does. If she does create a portal, I'm gonna run right through it into Equestria. Maybe then she'll follow me and get her flank handed to her by the Royal Guard.
  14. Apple Bloom, I've been brave before and will go in there with you if you're gonna go back in to search for them. Big Mac, is it alright if she goes with me? I promise to protect her.
  15. Zom! Aw man, you alright? *helps you up* What's going on bud? Who's back? Zom, you said something about "they're back" and then fell unconscious. Who's back?
  16. *Angel runs up to me and begins poking me* Huh, what is it Angel? *Angel points at the same special recipe that you made him before* Hmmm, I think I can make that. Alright, lemme go get the ingredients. Fluttershy, I'm gonna make Angel a special treat he asked for. Is it ok if I do that?
  17. As far as I heard from her, she prefers the term 'educationally gifted'. Uh, Dash, weren't you saying a few posts earlier that you had my back? I may have taunted Queen Chrysalis, but it doesn't mean I'm just gonna let them walk all over me. I'm still gonna whoop some changeling flank. ((By the way, I have an RP going on FB where I'm caught by the changelings. Stop by if you're interested in joining.))
  18. It's no problem Fluttershy, I'm always willing to help.
  19. You do not know my power, so here goes nothing. *charges up most powerful spell* Rainbow LAZER! *fires spell at highest possible power*
  20. Well, that wasn't entirely fair, but hey, you snooze you lose as they say.
  21. No, *facepalm*. I'm gonna regret this decision, but when, I don't know.
  22. Well, I dared her to create a portal near my house. I think she'd be smart and pick the land route even if her changelings can fly.
  23. Hey changeling, why don't you get your bug-for-brains flank outta Equestria. Also, tell your queen that I dare her to invade my home world of Earth. ~Josh
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