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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by stainesbrony

  1. Banned because... BBC PROGRAMMES! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01dzmxx
  2. Meanwhile, a teenager on a Flygon crashed into the mountain, and fell down, finding themselves on the bottom of the mountain. "Note to self: don't crash into mountains. At all." mumbled the trainer. He made sure his Flygon was alright, and gave it a full restore. In the distance, he saw something, which he couldn't recognise, in the distance. He cautiously approached it, unsure if it posed a threat. Getting closer, he saw some other trainers and their Pokémon, and got closer. "erm, hello there! I'm Miles!"
  3. stainesbrony


  4. Banned because Space weevils, in Space weevils, in Space weevils, in Space weevils...
  5. http://klavier-gavin-ace-prosecutor.tumblr.com/ MAH TUMBLR!
  6. "That's bloody common sense!" -Miles Edgeworth
  7. "you BASTARD!" -Interpol agent Shi-Long-Lang, said to Quercius Alba in Turnabout Ablaze, End part 3.
  8. http://nenilein.tumblr.com/post/56592662239/i-was-reading-your-gs5-liveblogs-which-are-perfect
  9. Ice Arceus. Ice Arceus would win easily.
  10. Went on colossus today! :)

  11. Regirock. Regirock would win as rock>fire+bug
  12. Oh hai. I was waiting for the next show. Anyway, as I have nothing better to do (apart from eat), RATE MY OCs!
  13. This Omegle discussion has been approved by stainesbrony and has the stainesbrony seal of approval! <{[(official stainesbrony seal of approval)]}>
  14. Wow. Explosions and annoying the feldicorn at once! Yay!
  15. I have AJ. If I get some proper recording equipment, I could possibly post splay through of it exclusively on these forums if you want! (It's £6.00 at CEX anyway)
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