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Philosophy Pony

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Blog Comments posted by Philosophy Pony

  1. Yeaa, conversational therapy can be quit tricky, especially if you are a quit individual from the start. If I were you, I would do some research on some of the medications doctors provide in general, just to be safe. If you have any doubts or concerns it's good to know before hand instead of while your on the treatment.


    And it's probably already occurred to you but in times, MLP can be a great therapy :P lol There hasn't been one time I've watched an episode and didn't smile, fact. 

  2. @@Legatus Equus

    Very good points! Definitly will be taken into consideration for the next article on the thinking pony. But what is trying to be accomplished is to take two routes to Ponyism and this first route to be looked at with things discussed in the thinking pony. This first route is an existentialist one, and after it's been written and considered, then an attempt to look at the 

    transcendentalist route will be written. So even though I agree with you that it very well can be argued that there are universal moral standards, from this budding existentialist point of view, we should recognize that our ego's and our biological characteristics shape our morals. There is nothing intrinsically right or wrong and we as personal beings have to justify our actions. 

    So yes, not all dragons are intrinsically evil, just as ponies are not all good. But the essence of what it means to be a pony versus what it means to be a dragon is where distinctions come in. The underlying backgrounds of the individual creatures will finalize what the environment has already crafted them to be. This is why I brought up Spike, being a perfect example of what his morals are versus what they could have been. 

  3. Loneliness be my cursed path upon these ashen roads. All into the despise of my emotions that grieve the loss of love which was the blessed gift from you. My neglect bears your pain, even though it should not be so. And wherein lies our next embrace? Our joining and love to be.

    Beautiful, very beautiful indeed! :3

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I shall be heading to bed soon... Despite my deep love of ponies, I've found sleep easy to come by. Only when I truly feel terrible about my life might I remain awake. Rarely occurs, thankfully...


    I guess I've fallen into an adult sleep pattern! Up before 8, asleep before 12!


    Fun fact: Teenagers have a strange imbalance in their sleep hormones which causes them to be unable to sleep until late at night. This also causes them to sleep well into the day.


    Another fun fact: Teenage bodies can tolerate higher levels of alcohol too! It allows them to inhibit themselves to the point of being unable to remember!


    You'd wonder what the teenage body was designed to do... Late nights, alcohol... Really?

    Lmao I reached the same conclusion there ;) 

  5. I'm glad to see you're so thrilled about BronyCon! By the look of our announcement, quite a few MLP Forums members will be there, and we're thinking of organizing an event for the Poniverse community after the convention.


    I hope you drop by at our booth and watch our panel!

    I most definitely will! The forums have sparked my creative interests, and I can't thank anyone enough. And I just fond out about the Poniverse, great Idea :P

    Expect me at the convention ^.^

    • Brohoof 1
  6. "The adult Adolf Hitler was a rationalist and a materialist, who saw Christianity as a religion fit for slaves, and a rebellion against the natural law of selection and survival of the fittest."


    Hitler was raised catholic but became an athiest from the writings of Neitzsche

    Yea I read that somewhere after this was published. But the point is still the same *fill in crazy fundamentalist here*

    I fell prelude to the Hitler misconception, it could be anyone who fits the description though. Sun Myung Moon, Pat Robinson,etc etc...

  7. Awesome, I totally agree with you! Today's modern world is a lot like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World when it comes to social status and the progress of information. Keep on blogging my friend, the internet needs more cerebral thinkers instead of "yolo this" and "swag n' shit" that. God humans are annoying -.-

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.


    The blog is called the Fluttershy Philosophy, so I wonder: do you identify with any particular philosophers or schools of philosophy?

    Thanks, I can't wait to see where I go with it as well lol



    And yes, I try to use a Socratic method of thinking for everything, and I even dwell into the deeper, darker philosophy's, like that of Nietzsche. But I have been recently working on a write up to my own philosophical inquiry's, and finally named it the Fluttershy Philosophy, because it directly correlates to Naturalism and concepts stemming from humanitarianism( or "ponyism" as humorously called in my write ups) 

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