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Skeletor Brony

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Everything posted by Skeletor Brony

  1. Infinite/10 You're pretty groovy, Broseph McJosephsen!
  2. Got a couple more questions for yah. Let's just jump right into it. No time to waste! 1. What game do you think has the best back-story? 2. What feature do you think is important in a game? (Customization, Choosing your own paths, open world, open ended, ect.) (Sorry if it seems like I throw a lot of random questions into one topic post, these don't really relate.) I always wondered about these questions, so I thought I should just ask you guys. Leave the posts below and I will get back to em'. Ermahgerd, You guys are so awesome! Can't wait to read! >
  3. Where the hell did my about me page go?!

    1. Diamond*
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      That's what I said! It's just gone!

  4. Leave classy, come back adored by hipsters? XD

  5. 8/10 I don't know yah very well but when I am in a discussion with you, you're awesome. You deserve fame! /)
  6. Fedora or Top Hat? Feel like being classy with the top hat, but I just got a pager, (aka: a license for a fedora) and I can now wear the fedora. Which one?

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Evilshy


      You guys are awesome.

      Classiest stuff I have is a brown Heringbone style Cadet Cap and a semi-fancy dull-olive-green double breasted coat :/

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Still pretty damn classy, my brother! /)

    4. Evilshy


      (\ Yeah. Got nothing on a top hat and cane, though. But I guess if you only have all this stuff because you collect it, it's not so bad.

      Still jealous, though :)

  7. Jeez, I love the mentally advanced series!

    1. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Dr. Hooves: Stay back I can travel through time!

      Apple Bloom: Well good, you’re gonna need that power because I am about to kick you d*** into last Thursday!

      Dr. Hooves: I will cry!

      Apple Bloom: Children have no empathy, I don’t even care. You give me some freakin’ ice cream!

      Dr. Hooves: Just take the money and leave me alone! (tosses several bits into Applejack’s apron)

    2. Friendship_Cannon
    3. Skeletor Brony
  8. Anypony got some questions? I got answers for, get this.... FREE!

    1. Diamond*


      Q: Why do you post so many status updates?

    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      I only post about 15 a day. Vicke posts about 70 a day!

  9. This is... Interesting...

  10. kljdckds;li "Gol dern hooves..."

  11. Wubs... Beethoven... Wubs... Beethoven... Oh, Keelah... I am terrible in these kinds of situations...

  12. Aw, cripe! I get stuck with somepony famous... Now I feel unknown... Oh well, 9/10! You are extremely groovy, my brother!
  13. You walk into a room and there are three paths. Path A, B, or C?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shiki


      There are 5 kinds of people.

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I was referring to Sugar Plum. Didn't see that comment.

    4. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Wise Hyd is wise... Apparently...

  14. *Get's hit with Mad Milk* "AW, CRIPE!"

  15. Demoman has some interesting lines! My favorite line from him is (it's short, but I just laugh like crazy when he says it): "AW CRIPE!" http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/3/35/Demoman_negativevocalization05.wav
  16. Well... since everypony else is doing it... ehem... *Squee*... Yes, I am cool. >:)

  17. Hello there! Wonderful Mr. Hydlide (I'm submitting these for him) decided to spend another couple questions in the Everfree Forest! Here they are: 1. What are your favorite game quotes? (Hyd's is: War never changes) 2.What is your favorite game cutscene? (Hyd's is: Cole Train's message to the queen from GoW2) Mr. Hydlide loves your posts! He will be on soon to read and comment! Leave them below. (Yet again, you do not need to answer each question, but it would be appreciated!) /)
  18. yes... YES! SLAY THOSE CORPORATE SLAVES! LESS MONEY OUT OF MY POCKETS! Good idea! XD Then the end-boss can be Andy Samberg, (A.K.A the original boss).
  19. Welcome to Wonderful Mr. Hydlide's Wonderful Wonder Wagon! In for a stop in the Everfree Forest! Gather around for my newest question! ehem... If you could make a sequel to a game, what game would it be a sequel to, what would it be called, and what would the new plot be? Please restate the part you are answering so I know what part you are answering. You can just answer a single part of it, but I would love it if you could answer each part! Please leave them below! I'll read and comment on most of em', so watch out for my quotes!
  20. More... more... MOAR POSTS! Come on! Let's get more posts here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/61381-a-day-with-anypony/?view=getnewpost

  21. eeeyup...

    1. Civil Sunset
    2. Friendship_Cannon
    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      mmmmhhhhhh... *everypony takes a drink of cider at the same time*

  22. To be honest... I have no bucking idea who Chrysalis is. But she sounds interesting... I'll check her out later. Now Fluttershy... so cool... yet so quiet... lovable... enjoyable... can't understand her sometimes... Cake... yum.... *Punches self* Ok, aaaaaannnd I'm back. Good choice either way, even if I don't know who Chrysalis is... YET! *DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN* /)
  23. That's not lame, this one is just blessed with interest and the need for more knowledge. You're interested and I'm sure Twilight would love to tell you about it, so it's a win-win situation, right? /)
  24. Why didn't I think of Lauren? *Face-hoof* I stick with my choice, but I forgot all about her. This one before me is blessed with good thinking! /)
  25. "Dark Souls 2: Praise the Sun! Hallelujah!" coming soon to a game store near you.

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