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Ruddboy Olaf

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Everything posted by Ruddboy Olaf

  1. Banned cause I agree. Lauren Faucet should be the only Alicorn OC.
  2. Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe) Do you have too many favorite characters to count?
  3. I used to have a real friend. But,we kind of grew distant as we got older. Last time we hung out was at his birthday party. 4 years ago. As for internet friends,I don't think I have any. So,how about no friends? Just the way I seem to like it,yet, hate it at the same time.
  4. Cause,Gehrman is a great final boss. The atmosphere,the music,the emotion. Like something straight out of an anime. "Tonight. Gehrman joins the hunt."
  5. 5/10 Bloodborne's way more entertaining than Soul Eater. IMO.
  6. It's yuri, and yuri is cool. So, yay. Suri Polomare/Starlight Glimmer?
  7. Tumblr. Nothing but hypocrites,feminazis,and Social "Justice" Warriors. If you were born in the middle ages,what would be something you'd do?
  8. Since,Jason and Freddy both have shown what they're capable of in the movies and Mortal Kombat,I'm thinking Freddy Krueger vs Jason Voorhees. Art by TPollockJR I've also heard Jason Voorhees vs Michael Myers. Which is probably a better match-up for Jason. 2 tank like killers that can take just as much punishment as they give.
  9. Yay, I guess. HAL 9000/Wheatley?
  10. Nay. Meriwether Lewis/William Clark?
  11. Haven't watched Season 6, yet. So, nay. Deadpool/Spiderman?
  12. Banned for implying that he/she should've made a Cupcakes reference.
  13. Radiarc. Goku (Dragonball Z) vs Akuma (Street Fighter) Who would win?
  14. For appearing in Inspector Gadget: The Movie. It's actually called the Burial Blade.
  15. Banned cause I like the pony designs in MLP,but the vomit-inducing morals in every episode,plus the lack of action or villains,make the show incredibly boring. Now,if they made a spin-off called Power Ponies,that shit would be the motherfucking ass.
  16. Most likely not. Cause,there is no way to be original in the MLP fandom anymore. Everything that can possibly be done with an OC,has been done before. Am I the only one who works on a farm,feeding calves?
  17. No. I've been doing that,lately. Last night,I stayed up until 3:00. Am I the only one who can't seem to find what they're good at?
  18. Banned for fooling people. He is Skipper's arch-nemesis. An evil dolphin scientist with a lazer eye. From the show, Penguins of Madagascar. A way better show then MLP.
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