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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by fimdash

  1. Good night everypony!

  2. new about me is done!

  3. writing new about me since old one got deleted somehow

  4. writing new about me since old one got deleted somehow

  5. writing new about me since old one got deleted somehow

  6. What if someone devoted their time to making a website like Facebook, only it was COMPLETELY devoted to bronies? 0w0

  7. Wow, you guys ARE a bunch of stalkers, aren't you? Why would you want to download a picture of me? :Phttp://i.imgur.com/KJYM8vw.jpg

  8. Sexy new avatar.

  9. trying out the anonymous user thingy. feels like i've got an invisibility cloak on :o

  10. So i went outside for dinner today and i looked at the menu. You wouldnt believe what i found on the desert menu... A strawberry MOOSE MOUSSE!!! i had to order it and i took a picture aswell http://i.imgur.com/r0JQzRn.jpg

  11. Since becoming a Brony, I've gained a greater appreciation of cute things.

  12. I just found this video of Rainbow Dash and Applejack making out...it was kinda hot...WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE

  13. I just found this video of Rainbow Dash and Applejack making out...it was kinda hot...WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE

  14. So I'm a crystal pony now? Okay then.

  15. Good, relaxing music.

  16. Going to bed. See you later.

  17. Wait wait wait "Major League Pong" = "MLP" :o (I'm slow lol)

  18. LoL, Mountain Dew, and Seinfeld. This is a good day :)

  19. Anything interesting to do here?

  20. Has anyone seen this?

  21. I just realized how old I am...I really don't feel that old...

  22. Good mo-- HOLY CRAP overnight my song went from ~50 views to this http://i.imgur.com/ILemnHF.png

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