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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nightraxx

  1. Nightraxx

    request shop I'm taking requests

    Haha, thisis awesome! This is exactly what it looks like, when Roaring and Nightraxx are dropping the beats in the clubs. Love their face expressions, too. Thank you very much!
  2. ´@@ActFast231, Dusty saw, that Crsytal haf finished cutting up the apples. The basket was now full of slices. She sat besides it and waited for him. He approached and heard her question. "Well, we could both start mixing the water and flour and knead it into a dough together, darling." He took a few bowls and filled them with flour, he then turned to Crystal "You gradually fill water into the bowl, while i keep on kneading the flour-water mix until it cecomes dough." he said smiling.
  3. @@ActFast231, After they had finished their gently hug, they had to get back to work. Longing for more, Dusty wanted to finish this task eagerly, so they could spend more quality time with each other. "I'll look for ingredients, so we can get started." he said smiling. Dusty looked around for ingredients, which were needed for dough. He eventually came across a bag of flour. "Ah, here's the flour. Well that's one thing..." he thought. He knew he needed water aswell to be able to form a dough out of the flour. He ran across to what seemed to be the water supply and fetch a few liters of water. He then brought the ingredients back over to the pit. "All right, let's see..." he thought while looking the cooking bench, a little unsure on how to get started. "I think i just do it how my mother used to..." he remembered, when his mother sometimes made her delicious apple-cherry pie, his absolute favorite. "Too bad this isn't an apple AND cherry orchard." he chuckled..
  4. @@ActFast231, Dusty closed his eyes when she respond to his kiss with her own kiss. Getting kissed by this wonderful mare, being with her, feeling her love and loving her the same way..., all of this felt like pure bliss to him. Dusty had only heard of angels in story books and fairytales, but if there really were angels in Equestria, she was definately one of them. He chuckled at her remark about him being corny. He regretted the fact, that they would have to postpone their sharing of affections for now, since they still had to bake the apple pies.
  5. Nightraxx

    request shop OC sketch requests.

    And yet, it still is super awesome! The posing and expressions are exactly, what we had in mind. It shows off their relationship really nicely. Thank you very much for your great work!
  6. @@ActFast231, (Don't worry about it.) Dusty blushed at her kind words. "Thank you for the compliment." She said that his name was so befitting to him, that's she couldn't find a pet name for him. He then then walked over to Crystal and kissed her softly. "You can call me whatever your heart desires, my love." he said gently. "I will be happy with any name you give me." He stroked through her soft and shiny green mane.
  7. Alrighty then, we are happy we could giveyou some inspiration. We look forward to see, what you have got in mind for us. Thank you
  8. @@ActFast231, Dusty had been looking around for wheat, flour and something similar; anything you could make dough out of. He then heard Crystal's question and blushed "Oh right, I'm such a dummy! How could i have forgotten to tell my love my full name" he felt a little embarrased. Of course, one of the most important thing, that a couple needed to know of each other, was their full names, so Dusty happily answered "Hoofprint. My full name is Dusty Hoofprint. I guess it kind of fits a stallion, who has got the travel bug." he said cheerfully.
  9. They are not evil xD Nightraxx is just pretty serious and a little introverted, while Roaring is more the naughty and quirky one. They are best friends, almost like brother and sister. If colors are possible, then please do it. But it's not necessary, after all you spend your time with your great work. ^^
  10. @@Umbreon, @, Nightraxx had been wandering about the cruiser, sunken in thoughts about the conversation with Dogboots and what he could do to make the situation better. Thoughts of his past and the current situation also seeped into his mind, they tore at his soul. He would never want to let this happen again. All he wanted now at this point. was to help Sorrow, even if it meant going through hell. Eventually, after walking a good distance through the hallway in search for moonbeam, he passed the entrance to the dining hall. Looking throught the entrance into the hall, he saw Moonbeam, sitting at a dining table with Firecracker, he had seen him once before. She was talking to him while they were having their lunch. Nightraxx decided to approach her... "M-Moonbeam..." he appraoched her slowly. "....C-can we talk...?"
  11. @@ActFast231, After the fire burned steadily and was sure not to extinguish too soon, Dusty watched Crystal, as she started to slice up the apples into four parts. She used her Telekinesis to do so. Her TK ability sure was very flexible. Crystal then told him that it would take about 10 minutes to cut the rest of the apples and if he knew what they could do next. "Well, i suppose we could start creating the dough we'll need for the pie, my darling." he said while holding his chin in thought.
  12. @@ActFast231, Dusty saw her suspicious look she gave, when he told her that they would be cooking at the fire pit. He could tell that she found it strange as well, that they wouldn't be using the kitchen in the main house. "Oh well, we are still strangers to him. That'll probably fix itself over time." Crystal had placed the basket of apples down near the fire pit. She then said that she didn't know how to start a fire. "Oh, that's no problem. I sometimes camp outside, when i didn't manage to find a motel or some kind of shelter. Should be easy to start a fire here." he said and smiled. Dusty walked over to take some materials, then he placed some pieces of dry wood into the pit and took two thin branches and started rubbing them togehter. Soon enough, the branches began to fume and shortly after, a small fire started burning in the fire pit.
  13. @@thor9356, "Thanks, for listening to me...See you later...then." he said to Dogboots, who then trotted off into the hallway, away from the pool area. Nightraxx sighed....talking about his past and the loss, that he had suffered, had at first brought back all the pain...., but it also felt a little...relieving... @@Umbreon, He stood there, unsure of what he will do..., but he knew one thing...He would be there for Sorrow and try to free her from her pain and suffering. Nightraxx wouldn't ever want to see a beloved person to him wither away again...he'd rather cease himself... He thought about the advices, that Dogboots gave to him. "I...need to talk to Moonbeam, she...she was the only one, who had talked with Sorrow about me...." he thought. @,
  14. Welcome to MLP Forums. We hope you will enjoy your stay here and as much fun as you can.
  15. Ah, Welcome to you, good sir. You're an artist? Then you are sure to have a great time in Octavia's Hall, be sure to check it out. It's always great to see new fellow Artists showing their stuff.
  16. Welcome to the forums, Mate! Hope you'll have fun here and enjoy your stay.
  17. Your Request has been officially...finished! We had a great idea for her in mind, when you said that she was a gambling pony. So we hope that you like the outcome! You feedback would be appreciated. Next one will be a tumblr request, but we'll post it here to show it to you guys anyway.
  18. @@ActFast231, Dusty had turned to run back to Crystal, to inform her about the cooking pit as well, but he already saw his fillyfriend approaching from the distance, the basket floating closely behind her. Fro mwhat Dusty could tell, the Basket was completely filled with delicious looking apples. "So fast...She's amazing! That' should be enough for 3 or even 4 apple pies." he thought cheerfully. He waited until she arrived. She looked really happy. Apollo had gone over to an other group, probably to give them instructions on how to use the fire pit as well. "Your sure are really fast. Your Telekinesis is awesome!" he called out to her and smiled. "Yes, well...it's not exactly a kitchen, but i think this should do it." he pointed over to the brick fire pit.
  19. @, Apollo didn't say anything at first, instead he seemed to be looking around for something. Then he told Dusty. that he quickly would build a fire place with brickstone, so they could start the cooking. "Alright, then." Dusty watched as Apollo flew to a building and shortly afterwards returned with various materials. He then proceeded to arrange them into a fire pit. It looked pretty stable and fit for cooking. "Ah, that's great! Thanks for youir help. And yes, i have started a lot of fires on my travels. Would be a bad idea to sleep outside without a fireplace to warm yourself up at."
  20. @@thor9356, Nightraxx thought about Dogboots's question. "Somepony close to her...." he said to himself, but he already knew the answer. "Moonbeam..." He then looked back up at Dogboots. "Moonbeam...i think they've become friends before...." he said. "...And so far my only other friend here besides you and Sorrow....." Nightraxx thought back to when he heard Moonbeam and Sorrow talking on the Deck last night. "I haven't even talked to her about Sorrow yet...but she knows i like Sorrow....she wanted to help as well..." @,
  21. Hey there! Well, It's a beginning! Keep on practicing and you'll certainly will get better in the future. You should try to draw lot's of different ponies.
  22. Dusty turned to speak with Apollo, he had a serious look on him. "He sure must have taken his guard duty very seriously." Dusty approached the host. He strarted asking, in a friendly manner. "Would you mind telling me, where i and Ms. Crystal could find the kitchen? We have gathered all the required ingredients for an apple pie." "I still need to thank him, but i do that later and in personal. Crystal is waiting." he thought.
  23. Heya, would you like to draw my OC'S Roaring Rhythm and Nightraxx? Their profiles can be found in my signature. Here are some reference pics :
  24. @@thor9356, Nightraxx looked up at Dogboots and asked in a still shaky voice "...B...but how....? After...she woke up today....it's like she can't see me anymore..., and she is fleeing...again..." "I love Sorrow...so i wouldn't never want to lose her too...i couldn't bear the pain for another time..." he said desperately. "I.want to help her, make her happy and be there for her..." "I...would do anything for her...i'd even give my life!"
  25. @@Umbreon, Dogboots was one of the few ponies Nightraxx had talked with on the cruise. The only other one, he could probably talk with about Sorrow, was Moonbeam. Nightraxx sighed, and took a deep breath before he started : "She...she was a lot like Sorrow..." he uttered. "I was the only one she ever talked to, when we were both in high school..she was afraid of almost everyone and would stay far away from anypony else when there were more ponies around..." "She...was never really confident in herself...she didn't have her cutie mark...so she thought she was useless..." he said, his voice sounding filled with guilt. "I tried..to comfort her and reassure her, that she will find her talent and purpose too..., but she would always evade talking about it..." Nighraxx had to take another deep breath, the following part seemed to be the hard to talk about. "...On our graduation party...she was...standing alone...she seemed to be especially upset and sad that day, i had never seen her so desperate...I tried to cheer her up and make her feel better, but...when i asked her about what's wrong...she..." "She said that she can't...and ran away...she cried...i was helpless on what to do...i ran after her...but...she was gone..just like that..." Tears started to roll down his cheek as he spoke the following sentences. "...She went missing...for almost a week...no one had seen or heard anything from her, not even her family...but...b-but..." the next part was clearly the hardest part to say. "...They found her...on the edge of the everfree forest...She lay beside a batch of flowers..." his voice became really shaky now. "...they said she looked like she was asleep...but she wasn't...the flowers...t-the f...flowers were poison..." He then broke down, buried his face into his hooves and muttered, the tone of his voice had clear signs of desperation and pain. "Why?...why did she do it? She should have lived...I would have helped her..."
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