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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nightraxx

  1. Nightraxx had watched in shock as Sorrow seemed to sink deeper into her fear and depression, which clearly must have been caused by the nightmare she had. She was crying a little less now, but she...seemed to glide away from him...but she didn't seem as she was really there at all. "S-sorrow!" he cried out to her, almost desperately himself. "Sorrow, it was just a dream!"
  2. @@ActFast231, Dusty had kissed her, while Crystal seem to be nervously thinking and debating with herself. Her soft lips were joined with his and when their kiss ended, they both had calmed down She then raised from the floor, retrieved her equipment and art supplies with her unicorn magic and said, that she was going to show him their room..."Our room..." said in a dreamy voice. Crystal than trotted to the direction of the barracks. Dusty picked up his luggage, which didn't consist of too much. He had some tools,which he mostly used for building and fixing things; a map, which he always took with him in case he would ever get lost; and a picture of his parents and his sister, whom he loved very much. He then swiftly followed Crystal to the barracks entrance, excited to see their room.
  3. Dusty had blushed deeply after he asked her, whether they both would share a room...and ultimately...a bed. "Whoa, Dusty. You may have overdone it there..." his common sense part of his mind told him. "B-but we love each other..., so it is going to be fine, right....?" his emotional part replied. He saw that Crystal was thinking about it and then she...agreed. His heart made a jump. She was trying to be calm and rational about it, but he could feel her nervousness and gladness as well. He softly replied to her "T-thank you..." and gently kissed her. Not only that he found the love of his life on this journey, but now he would even get to be in one room with the one he loved so dearly. How could this vacation possibly get any better now?
  4. Shortly after Nightraxx had held her hoof to comfort her during her Nightmare, Sorrow suddenly woke up in panic and squeaked. Something in her Nightmare must have deeply shocked and terrified her. Nightraxx watched in worry, as Sorrow shoved her head under her pillows...and began to cry...it was the most desperate cry he had ever heard from Sorrow. It may have sounded a little supressed under the pillow, but he clearly felt her fear and sadness.... "Sorrow....please don't be afraid...it was a dream." He spoke out to Sorrow gently.
  5. Dusty looked gently at Crystal and stroke through her mane softly. "I still haven't chosen a room yet, maybe you want to come with me and show me your room? I'll pick the one next to it, if that is ok with you." He thought a second and blushed deeply. "O-or...." he was a little nervous, "...maybe you...want to share a room?" "Oh, what are you saying...Dusty??? You'll creep her out like this." his mind told him.
  6. Your request is done. Phew, Earth Saphina's Mane was pretty hard to draw, but we hope we did well enough. I hope the posing is cute enough and to your liking. Enjoy!
  7. Nightraxx had watched her smiling a little in her sleep, her smile was so beatiful, he could have watched her forever like this....That's when her smile faded and she seemed to be upset by something...."A dream...?" he thought. Sorrow then started to whimper and flail around in her sleep....it must have been a nightmare...small droplets of tears were rolling down her cheeks...something had to be upsetting her right now. In worry, Nightraxx almost thought of waking her up to free her from the nightmare...but then Sorrow started to stretch out one of her hooves...it looked like she wanted to hold onto something....like needed help... Nightraxx silently took her soft hoof into both his hooves and gently caressed them to give her warmth.
  8. As Nightraxx finished tucking her in, she began to move a bit. He first thought he had accidentally woken her up, but then she curled herself up into her ball, which Nightraxx had seen her being in before, and into the bedsheet. He sighed a little relieved he didn't disturbed her sleep...and smiled gently while he looked at her sleeping so peacefully. Then he saw something...which he hadn't seen before... She...she smiled. It was a faint smile, but it was a real smile. warm and gently. Nightraxx felt incredibly happy to see her in this state, because he only had seen her being sad, depressed, sometimes completely terrified or being very shy and hiding. But now, that he had seen her smile...he felt an incredible bliss himself. "S..sorrow...you are my light..." he whispered gently, remembering the beautiful dream he had before.
  9. While Dusty had been singing the song to her, he was feeling like he was pouring his heart and all his emotions he felt at this very moment out for her. His mind filled with thoughts of Crystal and how happy she made him. He would be there for her whenever she needed him and even sacrifice himself for her if he had to. Dusty gently finished the song he had sung and then blushed, a little embarassed, but entirely exalted with having her by his side. "I hope our time together never ends."
  10. Nightraxx had been dreaming his wonderful dream for some time, not wanting to awake from it. But sadly, the most beatiful dreams often end too fast... When he woke up, it was morning time. The sun had long risen and a gentle and refreshing morning breeze caressed the ship. He took a look around the room, and then he instantly remembered. Nightraxx was still in Sorrow's room. Having suddenly fainted from exhaustion last night, he was still laying on Sorrow's bed..."S-sorrow?" he thought. But she wasn't in the room. Nightraxx began to worry. He stood up from the bed. His electrical piano had been placed neatly to the side and disconnected from the power line. "Sorrow...?" he softly asked. Then he saw the bathroom door half open. He approached the door and saw....Sorrow....laying on the bathroom tiles, seemingly asleep. "Oh....Sorrow..." he said softly, but feeling guilty of seeing her having to sleep on the floor. "It's my fault she has to sleep here in this cold room..." She was shaking, the tiles were cold and the shower curtains certainly weren't enough to warm her through the night. He..wanted..to help her... He gently and very carefully picked Sorrow up, as to make sure not to interrupt her sleep and carried her over to her bedroom. He placed her onto the bed softly and carefully spreaded the bedsheet over her. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered.
  11. So, we'll start on yours next today. Check back later! Your challenge is accepted. You are on the waiting list, though it might take some time.
  12. ((I'll go to sleep. I'll be back in a few hours ^^ Thanks and goodnight)) Dusty held on to her dearly like he never wanted to let her go. If this really would have been a dream, he wouldn't have wanted to wake up from it. "T-thank you...for being my sunshine and saying those things to me...i would have never ever dreamed of meeting somepony as special and wonderful as you, Crystal." he said softly. Overwhelmed by his newfound feelings for this wonderful mare, he began to sing a song for her. He sang it with all his heart.
  13. Your Oc picture is ready! We kinda had a special pose in mind when we read through his profile, so yeah, here it is! We hope u like it.
  14. Their second kiss they had shared was even more passionate and deep. Both lovers held each other tightly locked together. This new feeling, that Dusty never got to experience before was overwhelming. After the long and deeply affectionate kiss ended, Dusty and Crystal leaned their heads against each others, he smiled gently and blushed heavily. He then proceeded to gently stroke through her beautiful green mane. "I will forever love you, Crystal. You are the happiness i longed for since when I first set a hoof out on a journey." he said gently, infinitely glad. He kissed her on her forehead, next to her cute horn.
  15. @@ActFast231, (Flashback) "...as well as the possibility of finding a special somepony..." Dusty had read this part of the letter, that he had received by a mailpony multiple times. "A...special somepony...?" Dusty had thought. "...I...hope i'll find my special pony someday..., though that will probably take some time, huh?" He decided to go. "Well, i have nothing to lose. I have never been to Mustangia anyway and i might find new friends, so i might as well go." he had said to himself while smiling. (Flashback end) But he had found her....his special somepony. There she was in front of him...hugging him...gracing him with her warmth and emotions. He had confessed to her and his heart was racing, and then she replied. "I.......I love you too Dusty." These words repeated in his mind. "She loves me too..." his mind now only filled with thoughts of Crystal. His life had finally found a new meaning other than seeing and traveling all of Equestria...he knew he wanted to be with her....be there for her and make her happy. Dusty's lips also searched for hers, when she was about to kiss him with all the passion they could both offer.
  16. Yes, you heard us right. We not only produce Music, but also sometimes like to practice drawing. We're not that good yet, though.. But we hope to gain some Experience through practical Training. So, what can you do? Help us practice and send us your OC's, that we'll try to draw. Here are some "Artworks" we have done so far. We did them for two people on Tumblr. Finished Requests : A few things though. 1. We are still in the learning process, so it might take us some time to finish your request. 2. Sometimes we are still being DJ's, so we might have to start on a request to a later time. 3. Don't make too complicated requests. We are happy to draw your OC, as long as he doesn't has to fight a Dragon with a Tank, which shoots lasers and has wings. (You get the gist) 4. No NSFW, since it is prohibited to be posted openly. 5. You can send us your OC's Reference on our tumblr too. If u like, you can leave an ask there and/or follow us. It's optional, but we would appreciate it. EDIT: Okay, okay. We didn't expect to get multiple requests 1 minute after we opened this Thread, xD. We will start with the requests soon. But we don't want to lose Track, so we will create a waiting list. Queue : 1. Lady Rainicorn (2) 2. ThaumicSlime 3. Psych Ward 4. CrazyTheRandomPony 5. rascal61 6. Secret project 7. Curlycue (Tumblr) Finished : 1. Lady Rainicorn 2. Sky Warden 3. Bronyette 4. Accellerant 5. Pripyat Pony 6. Cosmic Fire (Tumblr Request) 7. Pinkazoid! 8. ActFast231 (Secret Project)
  17. (Haha, that's alright with me.) Dusty and Crystal had been locked in a kiss for some time and when their passionate kiss finally broke, Crystal hugged Dusty tightly. He was surprised and felt incredibly exalted. Wanting to share the warmth with her, he put his hooves around her as well. Crystal then whispered something into his ear; he blushed even deeper. "I...I lo.." he tried to say something. "Come on, Dusty! Say it. You do love her, so you can say it." his brain told him. "I-i love you...Crystal." After he had spoken this words, he felt like he had just broken chains, which were locking him in place.
  18. Dusty had his eyes closed, as their lips connected. He...had never felt anything as beautiful like this before...Her lips were warm and soft. Their kiss was passionate and it felt amazing. He wouldn't have been able to tell whether he was dreaming or not, if he wouldn't have felt this unbelieveble and powerful moment. Dusty had never felt more happy and full of joy than right at this moment. "A...amazing...." he thought. From that moment on he knew he not only simply liked her...she was the one he would happily give his heart to. Right now, Dusty felt like he was the most fortunate colt in all of Equestria.
  19. Dusty felt the warmth of her hooves as they both were touching. "So soft and warm..." he thought. Then Crystal turned to him and held both his hooves and lifted them up the their chests. Dusty was entirely mesmerized by her beauty. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of words. Instead he closed his eyes and moved his head closer in towards hers. His heart was almost beating out of his chest.
  20. Dusty heart had been beating very fast now, his cheeks had taken on a bright crimson color. "I...i like her very much....b-but how am i gonna tell her?" he thought nervous. The serene landscape, the clear blue sky, this wonderful mare, it almost seemed like he was dreaming. But he was glad to know he wasn't. As Crystal slowly closed in to him, Dusty didn't realize he was sliding over to her ever-so-slowly as well. Soon, they both touched hooves.
  21. Dusty was sunken in thoughts about the events of this day; his journey to the farmstead, the arrival, the first time he saw Crystal, the first time they talked, Crystal drawing that wonderful artwork and the beautiful moment they both shared right now; when he noticed Crystal had scooted over to him a little. He blushed and smiled. "To me too, Crystal. I am glad we get to share this moment." Dusty said very gently. "She is such a wonderful pony. I have never met somepony like her before...And i've been around a lot." his feelings told him. His heart began to beat faster.
  22. Nightraxx

    request shop Request Any Sketch ver 2.0

    if you like you could make an dangerous jungle adventure style, feel free to add some hardships that dusty hoofprint over comes.
  23. Nightraxx

    request shop Request Any Sketch ver 2.0

    Well, if you like you could draw my other oc Dusty Hoofprint, he's a traveler you could draw him in an adventure like pose that should be a challenge^^ Profile about his persona in sig
  24. ((I have to sleep. it is 6 am. I'll try be back in a few hours. Goodnight to you.)) Dusty blushed even more, when she had complimented him on his singing. "T-thank you...Crystal." he said, a little flattered. "I...associate this song with happiness...I have only sung it when i was really happy." And he was. This day, where he met this talented, kind and beautiful young mare, had been really great so far. And thanks to her, he knew this vacation was going to get even better.
  25. Well, Nightraxx had fainted from exhaustion, dreaming and Sorrow had layed down to sleep as well, so i guess we are still in the night, but with morning starting to rise. And since they sleep, we kinda have to wait till morning.
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