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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Darkshift

  1. Oh yeah sorry well,it has been sorted outnow.By the way you didn't sound rude at all.Sorry about the confusion.
  2. His ability of camouflage is amazing.He could easily an enemy or a member of the assassins but I will let you decideNow we will have two characters with the ability to teleport which can be made into a good bit of storyline. His love of the dark is useful to many roles which will be available soon. He also has a history of crime which must've given him a major reputation He is a great character and I would love to see him in the RP Hey ponies before I go offline for a bit I shall say that the roles will be up for grabs maybe tomorrow so expect a new post or forum devised to casting. Hey here's the sign ups.remember you guys get first call so enjoy and make sure to sign up ASAP so it will be quicker to start. http://mlpforums.com/topic/62173-stealth-casting/#entry1510886
  3. Here are the first roles available for you guys.WinterFreeze,Calirolls,Lord Squeeglepoof,Ma5ter Dashie and Avolon all get there choices. Please pick more than one role just in case you cannot get the first role you apply for. The Assassins Squad Looking for 4 to 10 members. The Villains Queen Chrysalis Changeling 3 to 7 members Any other members could be necessary to play more than one little role which are. Royal Guard General Twilight Sparkle Royal Guard soldiers 2 to 4 members
  4. I would prefer to be on Celestia's side even if it is against my character name (Darkshift)if this is contradictory I can just say I left Luna's side for Celestia's side.
  5. I don't tell my parents anything they don't ask.Once I did tell my dad what a brony is and well he laughed and stated "you've got to get in the real world mate"I don't hide the facts but they just don't have a clue.
  6. Oh right my mistake this my oc.His name is Darkshift and I'm very sorry I didn't get what you meant. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/darkshift-r3466
  7. Darkshift
  8. Don't worry you don't have to call dibs it's ok,I just promise to everyone who comes onto the forum that they shall get first choice of role.By the way you can definitely join the group.
  9. That's just what I had in my mind for your character literally silent but deadly.There is always the depressing character who you always wonder about BTW I'm going to start the legit casting forum soon so I will be sure to link you all in.
  10. No matter what you are if Mewtwo was portrayed in brawl to his true ability he would instantly be the best,the people at Brawl know that and that's why he has been replaced by Lucario.Even if ROY's sword is more powerful Links is still extremely powerful.Wario's strength doesn't matter because Link has an awesome and braces which can protect against astronomical forces.I imagine he isn't fast enough to avoid countless slashes by a sword.BTW did you find the character you missed yet?
  11. I would like to see this idea implemented as I think it would be rather cool I'm guessing you mean legitimate character from the show well if I could choose one it would be Lyra Heartstrings if she is not available I could be anyone.It would just be nice to take part.
  12. You argument is partly valid but is spoiled by a lot of factors.Mew two is lower than Mario.Now that shouldn't have even occurred in the first place because who would win An Italian plumber or a psychic Pokemon.Im pretty sure a psychic Pokemon should always win no matter what speed. Wario vs Link Wario a fat guy with a motorbike vs link a warrior who has the best sword ever. But the game doesn't seem to think about that. BTW youre missing a character!!!
  13. This may sound strange but hear me out ok,the one thing in the world which I cannot tolerate is Crispy Bread with flour on top.I mean it's vile,it feels intensively strange and everytime I think about I shudder.
  14. I see what your saying and agree with it because for the element of generosity she is extremely mean and mean and generous don't come in the same sentence.Maybe her sister kind of owes Rarity because everytime Sweetie Belle does something Boom,Crash,Wollop so maybe she deserves it.Lets not forget Rarity pays for Sweetie Belle so maybe it is like rent
  15. I ponder not if they should have romantic interests but who there romance would be with and this is what I have got so far Rainbow Dash and Soarin because it fits. Fluttershy and Big Mac because they are both really quiet and enjoy working with nature. Rarity and Some big rich pony because we all know that is what she wants. Applejack wouldnt want someone because it would distract her from apples. Twilight wont because she will be to busy trying to impress Celestia Pinkipie could have romantic interest but I don't know a male who would date her.
  16. All I would like is a more compelling storyline and a better single player regime plus I would like to see Link be improved to what he naturally is.
  17. I will always keep this noted just in case I randomly meet an assassin and try to start a conversation with him Ok so I am starting to think about recruitment so everyone involved will get first "dibs" I guess on roles they wish to play.Ok so this is my story for the rp in enough depth. A group of assassins,masters in the art of stealth have remained under the radar for years until a desperate plee from Twilight forces them to use skills to successfully assassinate the leader of the changelings Queen Chrysallis.The assassins will have to plan a perfect move which will allow them to sneak into the base.Changelings may not be the only threat,as Chrysallis' hypnosis spell grows stronger and is infecting countless Ponies this will be a challenge when they can only trust each other,yet suspicions may be growing large in the assassins headquarters. Tell me if you like the plan,if you would like to change any specifics and if you are interested in a role!!
  18. Well Cadance was Twilights babysitter and in human years you'd saying Twilight is about 19 years old well Twilight looked 8years old when Cadance was looking after her and Cadance looked 15 years old so Cadance should roughly be 27 years old and I am guessing similar for Shining Armour.
  19. Intense backstory,Cleverly skilled in combat,has a magical power,cool name,original the way he doesn't have cutie mark.Well this is another brilliant character who will have an epic affect on the story also his personality is perfect for a role I had in mind. Recap this is what I am thinking of so far (please feel free to reply if you would rather a change would occur) A group of assassins will attempt assassinate Queen Chrysallis who has decided to become an evil leader of Equestria ,these assassins will have to rely on there stealth skills to sneak past countless numbers of changeling troops aswell as ponies who have been hypnotised. This is just an extremely basic overview of the possible storyline please feel free to input your own ideas in the process.
  20. Well she gains IMMORTALITY not to mention vast fortune the ability the fly,a massive castle,a place for her to rule but I would expect her to train with Celestia for years first
  21. Haha it's ok if you meant it as a joke or even if you didn't it's fine.BTW the f-117 stealth fighter is the best just saying.Also you could still participate in the thread if you want to!
  22. Rainbow Dash is the Pegasus who is sort off a weather manager I believe this was shown on the first episode when Twilight and Rainbow first met.Fluttershy will get paid by the council to look after the animals I'm guessing she is like an animal charity thing.
  23. I am an Athiest I have never believed in a god and was the most eager to voice my opinion which kind of got me in trouble at my Christian primary school but that didn't stop me science has out smarted the contradictory bible to many times now for a deity to be considered.
  24. He wouo He would be perfect for a part I really like the fact he can be insanely dangerous I think that can be shown well in the rp also he has an interesting backstory which could prove itself to be awesome.I will be sure to message you when the recruiting starts but in the mean time do you have any ideas for the story itself?
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