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Everything posted by SwigglySwiggly

  1. Blue noticed Johnny prepare his rifle, "you seeing something?" Blue readied his revolver and icepick, "I suck at fighting like this, I'd prefer to take them from a distance" Blue tele-ported away to the train station and tele-ported again towards higher grounds outside of Philydelphia, "its deja vu all over again," once again Blue had to protect the ponies from a distance, Blue scoped in and looked around "fuck, cant aim too well... its getting dark now" Blue tried to spot some bandits in the darkness
  2. Blue reflected some light off his scope to alert the group below, "If only I could talk to them from up here" Blue went indoors and made his way down the building to meet up with the group, "guys good news, I got more pills and needles, bad news, I... Cleo! behind you!" @@LittleRawr, Blue dropped down and scoped in and aimed at the pony with the raised weapon "drop it!" @@LadyButterfly,
  3. The best I have ever made... a tray of ash and something that's still twitching..... jokes aside, Best I've ever made: -Quiche -Whisky Syrup Pancakes (Epic Meal Time!) -Sheppard's pie - Fried Rice (I'm Asian so I probably made it better than anyone else here)
  4. "I guess its just Blue now... Red wont last long" Blue came up with an idea "hey there's some tar or grease in the storage room, we can use hot tar to seal up his wound to stop blood loss, but its gonna be painful" Blue put on his saddlebag on and left the bottle of pills on the table next to Red "If he gets worse, feed him the pills, I'll explore the nearby area, I'm pretty sure there's a pharmacy not far from here" Blue picked up his revolver and trotted towards the door "maybe I can find something useful"
  5. Blue watched the bandit run off into the distance "Hold on guys I see him!" Blue dropped down and scoped in. "This if for Red" Blue fired 2 rounds and missed both of them "Fuck!, guys I'm coming down" Blue jumped and slid down a pipe through an air vent "hes heading south east, lost track of him though" Blue trotted towards Redstorm and opened his saddle bag "I think I got some pills for you" Blue opened a small bottle of aspirin and fed them to Redstorm, "stay in there man, Redstorm don't die, there cant be a Blue without a Red"
  6. There are moments when we wait for another season and moments when we are discussing and making contributions to the new episodes. Right now we are waiting for season 4, that's why all the exciting things are low, just wait for season 4 to come around, this "dying fandom" Bluff will be over, this bluff has happened many times before, when season 1 finished people had doubts, then season 2 came along and it was all good again, same with season 3... we just gotta wait. Plus when MLP:FIM is over there would probably new MLP soon, its been around for many years, probably gonna stay for many more years. Either way the bony community will always exist as long as one child believes (Rise of the Guardians Reference)
  7. Sometimes bronies are the culprit for hate, but most of the time its because people are ignorant and obnoxious. These people make fun of us and waste our time, if we just ignore them, then they are wasting their own time trying to waste out time, the best way to battle ignorance is to counter it with more ignorance. We ignore the feelings of those who ignore our feelings, karma? irony? well we can be trolls and love and tolerate them till they give up.
  8. "Where ever you guys are going I'll follow you, I'll use the rooftops to get around, I like doing parkour and I can provide sniper support from above" Blue flipped is sniper around onto his back, "Its easier to follow you guys if I'm on the rooftops" Blue pulled out his icepick and prepared for travel
  9. Sometimes I have doubts about the show and I left like giving up, but I held on and never regretted a thing, being a brony or part of any other fandom has its ups and downs like a roller coaster, the trick is it not let go, stay resilient and have faith for your fellow fans, the downhill slope is almost done, the roller coaster if gonna go up again soon
  10. Blue nodded and grinned at Lyona taking the joke lightly, "you have not much to worry about" "Excuse me for a moment" Blue walked into the storeroom to have a moment to himself, he locked the door, pulled a radio out of his bag and raised the microphone to his face "Fluro here, please respond" the radio crackled with static "Fluro here, please respond" the radio crackled again. "This is Fluro, I'm not sure whats happening there back at home, if you can hear me, please let my family know I'm alright" Blue packed the radio back into his bag and made his way back out *its been a year since I lost connection with them* Blue thought to himself "I'm ready for moving, say the word and I'll be first out" Blue sheepishly grinned
  11. Blue finished loading his rifle, "so where you guys off to?, I'll tag along and cover you if necessary" Blue strapped the rifle under his belly "if you guys plan on going somewhere, tell me, I'll go first and set a sniping location and cover you" Blue tightened the springs on his bipod and snapped it open, "I'll be miles away and covering you guys before any bandits get close" "I'll need a bigger gun soon" Blue picked up a revolver "22. revolver, I got a lot of 22.s in my bag but never had the right gun to use em" Blue packed the revolver into his saddlebag
  12. Fluro/Blue took the ammo and food and thanked Redstorm. Blue prepared his rifle for a check and load, Blue pulled back his bolt and looked at the receiver, "seems clean" Blue blew into the receiver and a small amount of dust blew off. Blue picked up the ammo he received and dropped them into the receiver and released the bolt and made a large snapping sound. "thanks for the supplies, if you need me, you don't have to ask" Blue picked up a sniper from a weapon's rack and detached the scope and attached it to his file. "now my gun has 2 scopes, one for long range, one for extreme range" Blue checked his second scope "perfect"
  13. Fluro stepped in "I thought you'd bring the whole group, guess not... so we had to go back" the door closed silently and Blue peeked outside looking for any following bandits. Blue stared at everypony, "hello" Blue sheepishly grinned, "Name's Fluro Blue, just call me Fluro or Blue, I respond to both names" Blue unpacked his gun and looked around and saw a little kid "chocolate?" Blue broke a block o chocolate and levitated it to Acid "so tell me Red, what are you ponies planning?"
  14. Blue threw a pebble at Redstorm "shhh, bandits down the road" Blue walked down the escalator track and greeted Redstorm "I'm Fluro Blue, you can either call me Fluro or Blue, I respond to both names" Blue went back upstairs and packed his gun. "if you haven't realized, I was the guy providing sniper cover back there" Blue tapped his gun giving Red a view of the massive thing. "I've been picking off bandits and other troublesome groups since I got here" Blue heard creaking coming from the ceiling... "I think we should go now, back to the warehouse, you go fist I'll catch up later" Blue unloaded his rifle and carried it under his belly "It looks uncomfortable... but its really useful wearing it down here" Blue sat down and sorted out his belongings "go first, make some distance between us... I can only cover you if its long range" Blue pointed at the back exit of the mall "its a short cut, I'll see you there" @@RedStorm,
  15. Blue saw a pony watching him from the warehouse. "gonna repeat this a few more times then I'll make my way to the mall" Blue started flashing another message "..--- / .... --- ..- .-. ..." Blue repeated the last message a few times and packed his stuff and ran towards the city. Blue made his way through the city avoiding bandits and trapped alleyways until he reached the mall. "ok I got here faster than I thought, about 1 and a half hours left" Blue looted what he could from the mall, some 223.remington rounds and a shit load of 22.lr ammo. "Sadly no 50.ammo for my gun" Blue climbed onto the second floor of the mall and set a sniping position right above the mall's entrance, a perfect sniping spot. Blue smashed the window and placed down his sniper "gotta adjust this for closer range" Blue tweaked his scope until it was good enough for urban sniping.
  16. Blue watched the warhouse from a distance (a great distance) "3 cans of food left... I hope those ponies wont mind helping me out" Blue popped open a can of peaches "that makes 2 cans" Blue set up a simple camp for the time being. Tiny movement caught the attention of Blue's eyes, right below him was a group of bandits. "shit, they must have traced my tracers back here" Blue lay down low and looked down the cliff side. Blue packed up his gear, he was out numbered, out gunned and his rifle does not work at close range. "gotta find someplace better" Blue made his way across the mountainside towards flat ground. "too close, cant give my location away like that again" Blue was not situated on the fields north of Phily, facing the train station. Blue spotted a pony below at the station and scoped in to get a better view. "nothing suspicious... I'll shoot him when he does get suspicious" @@Throttlesky, Blue scoped into the buildings and found the warehouse, this time he has a view of the warehouse through its window and saw the ponies inside. "I'll catch their attention again and say something in hoarse-code (Morse code... its a mlp pun)" Blue wriggled his rifle reflecting the sunlight on his scope sending flashes at the group in the warehouse sending messages in hoarse code -- . . - / -- . / .- - / - .... . / -- .- .-.. .-.. "I hope they can understand ..."
  17. Blue saw the ponies walk into the building. "well that was fun....." Blue picked up his rifle and attached the bi-pod "I'll be needing this soon" Blue checked the perimeter for any sneaky bandits after him "clear... well its not like anypony would climb this mountain just to get me"
  18. (yes he did, he used those tarps to commit suicide) "no more bandits in sight, gonna get a better position" Blue pulled out his Red Tracer rounds and loaded them into his rifle "they can trace the bullets back to me, let them know I'm here" Blue shot randomly with his tracer rounds, streaks of red lights flashed from his rifle revealing his estimate location to the group below. (you guys cant see Blue coz hes like... 2-3 miles away and well hidden into the cliffside/mountain, you can estimate where Blue is)
  19. Blue packed his stuff and sprinted towards the ice cliff and climbed it using his icepick and found a better position. Blue had a full clear view of the alley way and the wind was clear. "windless... good" Blue saw a line of bandits about to flank the group and shot 1 bullet, Blue watched as the bullet flew across the terrain and took out the entire row of lined up ponies. "Collateral damage! 5 in 1!" Blue checked his distance tracker "wind's picking up, calculating curve" Blue aimed at another pony and pulled the trigger *Click* "silly me" Blue laughed it off and loaded a steel core round into his rifle. "I used to wonder what Steel core rounds do... time to find out" Blue lined up his scope and calculated the curve and wind *Bang* The bullet traveled across the distance and hit a pony, the bullet made a big mess, Blue saw the pony get hit by the bullet and torn apart by the force of the bullet, the alleyway's walls were covered in blood and guts. "So that's what it does...."
  20. I'm finally Roleplaying again~ Blue sat there on the mountain's cliff side protecting his supplies. "about time I picked off some more bandits" Blue readied his rifle and zoomed in and saw a group of bandits attacking a group. "Bingo" Blue checked his distance tracker "2.7 miles, wind bearing east 45, north 21, going to estimate gravity's effects... done" Blue started shooting the bandits, Blue shot a bandit that was about to flank the group using the other alley way, Blue had to shoot ahead of the pony because it takes a few seconds for a bullet to travel 2.7 miles. "Bingo!" Blue's shot hit the pony, the powerful bullet made a great deal of a mess in the alley way, (Barret:M107 is an anti-material rifle... not an anti-personnel rifle) "time to lend them a hoof" Blue sprayed his shots at the bandits outside the alleyway.
  21. Swig was in agony, he saw another explosive trap and crawled towards it. "what a cruel fucked up world" Swig removed the tin can from the wall and held it up to his face "here goes nothing" Swig yanked on the tripwire and his brains were scattered all over he alley A piece of Swig's helmet lay in the alleyway the glass screen still attached, the health bar empty.
  22. Swig ventured into a small downtown area of the city and took a shortcut through an alleyway to the mall. "This place... smells" Swig walked on and heard a creak beneath him "huh?" Swig's read leg caught onto a tripwire "Shi-" Swig woke up moments later with pieces of his armor torn off and the glass on his helmet was cracked screwing up his vision "Health low.... fuck me..." Swig felt tingling around his body "shit again?" Swig opened his bag and looked for his last needle, the needle was smashed during the explosion. "f-fu-fuck... no!" Swig ran through the alley and stumbled over his non-functioning legs. Swig felt churning inside his gut and coughed up blood, "ARRGH! no, fuck!" Swig levitated whats left of the needle and scooped as much of the medicine as he could and pored it into one of his wounds. "Come on..." Swig vomited a large amount of blood and stomach contents.
  23. Swig stumbled out of the military facility, he stuck a needle into his jugular and finished a needle. "I don't have long... to live... I need 2 more needles to make a full recovery" Swig clutched his blade and put his red jacket over his armor. Swig made his way across the city into the commercial zone... and caught the attention of a group of ponies. "HEY! heyyy! help! is it you guys?" Swig waved his hoof around and they turned around, those ponies weren't the ponies Swig knew "Hello? I.. I need help.. hey! hello? can you hear m-" A bullet hit Swig right in the head, Swig fell and looked up, the armor bar was at zero and the health bar wasn't looking too good either. "Fuck... as if VX poisoning wasn't enough" Swig raised his rifle and shot each pony in the head, all 4 of the ponies fell... and stood back up and returned fire. "Magic powered guns... not as powerful as the original" Swig was cornered and his weapons were useless. "... gas grenades!" Swig had the most cruel idea, he pulled out his remaining VX Dispenser and primed it to blow. "Happy hearths warming eve fuckers!" Swig tossed the gas grenade and as soon as it hit the ground it hissed and sprayed a mist of liquid into the air. The four ponies fell coughing, then they lay there. Swig approached them and checked out the side effects: Muscle Spazms, Internal Bleeding, Pain and Agony and then a slow but eventual death "I'm having the same problem as you, the only difference is that I have the cure" Swig walked away and wandered around the city
  24. (injured) (and since I had to make a post to reply to your question, I'll continue Swig's story) Swig stood up from the rubble and climbed out of the shaft onto the 20th floor of the military facility. "Cool... this visor even has a health bar... and an armor bar" Swig walked on through the office blocks looking for more syringes. "I have to time to experiment with this new armor" Swig's health bar and armor bar was really low. "Getting crushed between 3metres of concrete and an elevator.... its like a rock and a hard place" Swig noticed blood dripping from the armor joints. "Armor is more useless than I thought"
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