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Everything posted by SwigglySwiggly

  1. Name: Tony Male, 14 (15 this september) Interests: MLP is my only fandom Hobbies: Drawing (I'm a digital artist), I go out a lot (skate boarding), I go shopping too often (like a girl), Debating and forums Music: I like house music and dnb (and pretty much anything else that sounds like a party) Other: Privileged to be raised in a 1st world society, so I am one of those kids with a nice family and all. Location: Australia, Victoria, south east of Melbourne
  2. Swig went back into the elevator shaft and cut a counterweight cable with the blade he just found, then the cut the suspension cable, the elevator's counterweight dropped and it launched the elevator up to the highest floor. Swig tried to climb into the elevator carriage to prevent himself from being crushed when the elevator hits the top floor. The elevator was being launched up so fast that Swig couldn't make his way to the hatch... moments later the elevator hit the ceiling and crushed Swig.
  3. Swig finally put the armor on and looked at himself "Hello sexy, sadly you stay for long" Swig removed the helmet and injected another quarter of the needle into himself "Well... I can stay as long as I find new needles" Swig didn't realize that the armor suite had an automatic rifle a pistol and a blade in its equipment hold. "no ammo... wait... oh... these guns use magic!" Swig charged his horn to refill his guns. The armor suite quickly stole Swig's mana "What the fucks with that?" Swig was annoyed that the suite stole a bit of his mana. While being annoyed with the stolen mana, Swig failed to realize that the suit's visor lit up blue and projected a hologram. "wow... what the hell were you developing Celestia?" The guns and blade had name tags on them: The Rifle:MK1_Batron The Pistol: Lex The Blade: Cronus (this is my current Warframe Load-out )
  4. Swig opened the hatch and jumped into the elevator and opened the door Another yellow sign read "Protective Technology Development" "I need at least another two needles if I intend to survive this... protective technology..... what does that mean?" Swig struggled to walk through the corridors only to find 2 facility rooms, both of them full of study papers and only one of them had ... interesting stuff in it. Swig walked into the second facility room, the room had some pony mannequins in them about a dozen of them, only 3 of them had armor and gear on them. "Hmmmmnnn....... they all look really cool to wear" Swig looked at the middle mannequin which was built specifically for a unicorn, because it had a horn on it. Swig read the label stuck to the armor set. "Excalibur..... is that meant to be the armor's name?" Swig read the other two names of the other armor sets "Loki and Mag?... seems logical" Swig pulled the Excalibur armor apart and tried to put it on. (Warframe Reference Anypony?)
  5. Swig woke up and blood stained the elevator's platform. "that hurt..... Shit..." Swig tried to move his legs, they moved but didn't stay synchronized with his brain "what the fuck? am I stoned?" Swig opened his bag to look for bandages and found one of the VX Dispensers broken, Swig's eye twitched "no... this can't be..." Swig panicked and put the gas mask on and popped the filter. "Its not too late, may... maybe I didn't inhale any yet... fuck... VX can cause poisoning through the skin..." Swig panicked and tried to stand up , but his legs wont keep up with him. Swig levitated an antiepileptic needle and injected a quarter of it into his jugular, Swig's body froze and stiffened, then it spazzed around. Swig finally got control over his body again... only for a few hours left before he needs to use the needle again, but he only had 2 needles.
  6. (im just listing what Swig finds in each room in the corridor, since I'm feeling lazy) Room1: Nothing Room2: Gas masks and a bag full of gas mask with lead filters (Jonny I have a better gas mask than you, jelly? it protects from magic radiation) Room3: Some paperwork that looked pretty Room4: Unfinished paper works Room5: Nothing -office rooms are done, now listing the facility rooms- Facility1: VX-Dispensers (practically nerve gas grenades) and 2 needles loaded with antiepileptics (temporary cure for the nerve gas) Facility2: some dart guns and a dozen of darts full of orange/clear fluids) Swig went back to the elevator shaft after clearing the floor and continued climbing down "I was wrong this place does have exotic weapo- shit!" Swig slipped and fell down the elevator shaft 3 floors and landed on the elevator carriage (knocked unconscious for the 3rd time this RP)
  7. (finally! after a long day out!) Swig kept climbing down until he was too tired to climb any further "guess I gotta get off now" Swig used his magic to pin open the elevator doors and climbed out. Right in front of him was a big yellow sign that read "Bio-Weapons Development Floor" Swig stood there looking at the sign "I guess I shoulder asked Jonny for that gas mask" Swig walked on and explored the floor
  8. If I killed a pony, I would spend the rest of my life trying to redeem myself to no avail and the guilt will follow me where ever I go. Killing a pony will also kill me on the inside.
  9. Swig found the facility somewhere among the other industrial buildings that towered the area. "great, this thing is massive, I'll be lost in here for ever, and it goes sever hundred floors underground" The door was locked of course, it was a military facility after all, Swig climbed through a broken door in the alley way and ran through the corridors of the facility "most of the ground floor is office and workplaces, maybe if i go underground..." Swig found the non-functioning elevator and pinned the doors open "that's a long way down" Swig jumped and grabbed the ladder on the other side with one hoof and a cable with the other "I can see the elevator carriage is below me... at least I wont be crushed from above" Swig descended down until he felt contempt enough to pick a floor to get out onto
  10. Fluttershy, well ... I wont do much because I'd probably die from a heart attack first, due to the overload of cuteness. If I do survive the overload then... I'd cuddle... until my heart attack comes back. Then Fluttershy would have to break out and call for help, because my heart failed a few minutes ago.
  11. Swig arrived in the industrial zone. "there's a military barracks in the metropolis zone, but there's a military facility in the industrial zone" Swig had to decide weather to loot the barracks or facility "Facility has the newest weapons, but I'll be darn lucky if I manage to find one, the barracks though should be stocked with standard weapons" Swig had to decide which base to loot "urrrgh... Facility it is then... its closer and I might be lucky enough to find some sort of exotic gun" Swig ran through the industrial zone looking for the facility
  12. Swig jumped off the train and dashed into the distance without a word towards the industrial part of the city (just gonna get away for a bit, and the 200 character requirement needs to be filled out so yea just ignore this... ok a few more characters) poop
  13. If my mind is full of depression/anxiety I would usually chilax, then do some something that empties my thoughts, I draw and I enjoy drawing... it makes me feel productive since I'm not old enough to get a job and actually be productive. I'm not telling anypony to draw, its my hobby, find yours and enjoy it (playing games is a hobby too but its really cliche & I tend to avoid it). You can even join a roleplay on the forums! it might sound silly first, but give it a try its more fun than most people think and depending on how your lifestyle is... hang with friends :3. By the way... don't let depression/anxiety hold you down, season four is rumored to be around the corner, about a month or two.
  14. Swig climbed off and went to the rear of the train and bucked it trying to get it to move, after a few bucks the train budged and gave of a could screeching noise "Jonny! its moving, lets gtfo outta here!" Swig climbed onto the roof and looked at the rails "seems clear... hope we wont have to bump into another boulder" Swig levitated all his knives cut holes on the sleeves of his jacket and used the holes as hostlers for his knives. "I have a feeling I'll have to use these soon"
  15. "No, I was quite sane thank you, and I don't intend to be the new Sombra... more Discord" Swig stuffed the elements into his bag and sat down again. Swig climbed to the very end of the train and jumped into the balcony on the end of the passenger carriage "Cleo... if these aren't the elements you're after... I can lend you my periodic table"
  16. One of those kids at school who's like 1 foot taller than me called screamed: My Little P3n15 at me, I wasn't in my best mood, do I stood up to the taller older boy (I regret nothing) and I threw my fist at him. He couldn't fight, even though he is taller and older I still beat his ass like crazy. We got pulled apart before someone died sadly
  17. I live in Australia..... the only country in the world where you climb onto a bus... and receive racist insults and maybe a stabbing. (don't come to Australia without any weapons)
  18. I live in Australia..... more specifically the dangerous south east. I wear brony clothes sometimes to catch the attention of fellow bronies. (never worked -.-) The problem is, if you wear something brony-related, you better also wear a stab proof vest... and carry a knife. (fyi I carry at least 3 knives on me at all times, no joke)
  19. "well as long as you can hear me then its fine, climbing up was optional" Swig turned around and spilled the contents of his bag in front of him "do you like what you see?, that plan of yours... in that red document... it might be a bit easier than you thought" Swig levitated the elements of harmony "I'm not going to give it to you..... yet" Swig put on a grin "The elements of harmony will turn six of us into heroes..." Swig's eye twitched "Heroes are good, but whenever there is good, bad will follow" Cleo felt a chill down her spine "I know I wont be one of the new heroes..... I have already sealed my fate, I will be the bad that follows the good" Swig giggled a bit "once the new 6 are chosen, a new evil will be chosen too... that would be me..." It started getting dark "well, you have no reason to kill me...or turn me to stone..... yet"
  20. Swig sat there on the roof and opened his bags, Swig pulled out a lengthy amount of rope and tied a dozen of nooses. Swig levitated his bow and arrow and tightened the strings and sharpened the arrowhead. "Cleo... you can come out now..." Swig said suggestively
  21. "Ice melts huh?" Swig climbed down and cast his arcane pulse spell... the ice quickly thawed into tiny icicles and pretty much anything close enough to Swig hot thawed. "Johnny you should learn this spell one day, keep everypony warm... its easy to learn too..." Swig left the spell book on the conductor's seat and went into the passenger carriage. Swig scanned around looking at everypony suspiciously and opened the luggage hold and took his bag out. Swig checked the contents of the bag and saw that everything was there and climbed onto the carriage's roof
  22. Swig heard Cleo... his heart sank "so you have to achieve the impossible... or..." Swig's thoughts were interrupted as he remembered something important. Swig ran to the conductor's carriage "Jonny Stop!, the train runs on steam!" Swig levitated the coal out of the engine "this train runs on steam!, that means it has to cook up water in its engine..... and the engine is frozen, we gotta thaw the ice in the engine to get water... if the engine is obstructed with ice... well... BOOM!" Swig climbed onto the Carriages main body and opened a hatch under the valve "Jonny you climb up here and find the water chamber and thaw the ice... I cant find the water chamber because... I have no idea where it is" "Crisis averted" Swig thought to himself. "don't shovel the coal until your sure the ice is thawed" Swig kept an eye on the passenger carriage. (was afk coz I had a hell of a night -.-)
  23. when Appeture Science gets mixed with Power Ranger's megazords and Godzilla... you get Pacific Rim! (this is the most logical explanation I can come up with)
  24. Swig's frown cocked into a grin, Swig knew that S.S was onto him "yes I insure you they're quite safe" Swig made himself comfortable. "Jonny, I heard you're good with trains... can you manage to fix the thing in the engine carriage?" Swig's magic quickly overcharged due to adrenaline running through his veins "so Straight Shot... tell me..." Swig started using his simple Telepathy spell to talk to S.S to prevent anypony else from hearing "what did you find?" Swig cocked a grin
  25. "Its not the book... the book is only evidence... I have witnessed betrayal..." Swig's eye twitched, "The Royal Guards opened fire on innocent civilians, it was back at Las-Pegasus, they rounded us up and mowed us down at the main junction" Swig sat on one of the passenger's seats "Innocent ponies ran towards them hoping their soldiers would protect them, only to be shot at" Swig turned around to S.S, "during my time in Las-Pegasus, I overheard the Royal Guards, they were given orders to suppress the Equestrian population, all Royal Guards and Soldiers were involved... does that mean you were too?"
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