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--Thunder Bolt--

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Everything posted by --Thunder Bolt--

  1. I like the idea of an Earth Pony villain! I'm already imagining a huge, bulked-up armored warrior pony with a Percheron build, maybe with the power to stomp the ground and cause earthquakes. If Flim and Flam can invent Steampunk gadgetry, then the EPV could have giant armored Trojan Horse-style tank/troop carriers, an Earth Pony horde, and clockwork dragonfly scorpion aircraft that shoot fire from their tails, perhaps with Earth Pony pilots aiming to seize the skies from the pegasi.
  2. Oh, now you've done it. Cue AU SombRarity shipping in 3...2... This, right here, is where it all began, folks. Oh well. Bronydom needed some new horror to seethe about now that the EGpocalypse fizzled. Dog!Spike was pretty key to the plot. Without him as ironclad confirmation that magic was afoot, the other girls (aside from Pinkie Pie Being Pinkie Pie) would not have had plausible reason to believe that Twilight was a pony Princess who needed to win her magic crown. And he was good in the role. @@DITR, Oh, DITR, your video link does not seem to be working as intended. It leads to a list of videos, none of which is obviously an expression of white-hot incandescent rage toward Equestria Girls.
  3. That particular glass case does not look like it has been in the museum for 80 years. The vibration hypothesis has to do with how the flooring would translate vibrational energies from the feet of the people to the glass case and the statue. If the current case is relatively new (and unexplained rotation is not some property of the statue), that would explain why it is not famous as The Spinning Statue of Neb Senu. I can't tell for sure, but it looks like the room has a hardwood floor. If so, that would increase the plausibility of the vibration hypothesis. Hardwood floors are good for absorbing and translating vibrations, which is why they're used for dance studios (easier on the dancers' feet). If the floor is 80+ years old, it might be loose and creaky, translating even more energy, the way a waterbed will translate more energy from a dropped bowling ball than a stiff mattress. A quick Google search produced this: http://www.livescience.com/37678-ancient-egyptian-statue-moves-on-its-own.html
  4. It is implied that Sunset does have a long way to go to make up for what she's done. Luna: "Here, take this hand trowel and rebuild the whole front entrance of our school." The brevity of the film (my main complaint) didn't really allow for enough character development to provide a basis for her turnaround. But, given the core target demo, the redemption thing was probably inescapable. What else are they gonna do, blast her and scatter her bloody body parts across the front lawn? IMO pretty much the only other options were: 1) Let's put her in some equivalent of Arkham Asylum. Gosh, I really hope she doesn't escape sometime soon... 2) She makes some kind of Dramatic Escape: "I'll be back for my revenge, Twilight Sparkle! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" *disappears in a puff of brimstone* Both of those would have been blatant sequel hooks, and it doesn't seem like they had any intention of making a sequel. Heck, they didn't even make this one full-length, which they should have. One more thing: in Equestria, names are very closely related to a pony's personality and destiny. "Sunset Shimmer" does offer a strong possibility of goodness and beauty. Compare to "King Sombra." What could he ever be, but a grimdark source of negative emotion (somber)?
  5. One word: Flutterguy. Well OK, I have to do more than one word because of the character minimum, but I almost died laughing when I saw that. That, and Flutteryay. I don't really believe in the mythical "Best Ponytm" so I'll probably end up arguing for all of them if these 12 Reasons threads keep coming up. I would like to see more development on what appear to be some very intense suppressed-anger issues. When she does express anger, or try to practice self-assertiveness (e.g. the Iron Will episode), she goes nuclear. Flutters is obviously the strongest in relation to Discord. Not only was she the one to reform him, she was the only one who could actually resist his tricks, so that he had to just give up, shout, "Oh, for heaven's sake!" and just cheat by touching her and forcibly turning her gray and mean.
  6. I think vibrations in the floor is the most likely explanation. Notice how it only moves when there are lots of people moving past. It's still in daytime when there are no people or or too few to show up in the time-lapse, and at night. As for the fact that it turns in a single direction, Fhaolan provides a pretty good hypothesis. Another possibility could be a "ratchet" effect, in which something about the bottom surface of the statue makes it easier for it to turn in one direction than another. Under certain conditions, sonic vibrations can produce directional rotational motion: Notice especially starting at about 2:26.
  7. SothisponyhandsmeabottleofGuinnessandIsipandthenIsay "Brilliant!" andhesipshisandsays "Brilliant!" andthenwe'rebothliketotally...Brilliant!
  8. Very thought-provoking, Stellafera. Plenty have noticed Rarity's entrepreneurship, but she really does take the concept of "self-made" pony in a thoroughgoing way. She didn't just go, "Whelp. I have a talent for finding gems, and my cutie mark is diamonds, so I guess I'll try and start the Equestrian deBeers cartel. Unlike a lot of ponies for whom cutie mark = destiny, she made her own destiny.
  9. I actually liked Snips and Snails better as diabolical and competent henchmen than the orders-of-magnitude-worse-than-Derpy-could-ever-be insults to the mentally impaired they are in Equestria. EDIT: Dashabel's post ninja'd me, so I read it after posting this one. ...Is it just me, or does that read like Pinkie Pie's Review of Equestria Girls? /)*
  10. A glorious morning...and the streets will run red with crimson blood
  11. You see this? THIS is the design they should have used for the Assassin's Creed character!"
  12. I'm not so sure about that, if Twilight knew the Achilles Heel of Harry Potter wizards: *Telekinesis on wand, yoink!* followed by *PEWPEWPEW*, off you go to sleep with the Pinkies, Professor Dumbledore. Or she could turn him into an orange.
  13. First of all, what GlamourDolly said. We could use more creative and distinctive artists in clothing design, especially for men. In response to arguments that her acquisitive tendencies make her a poor Element of Generosity, I've thought about it and come to the opposite conclusion. Given her name and cutie mark, she could very easily have been a treasure-hunter, all about glomming onto jewels and curling around her hoard like Smaug.1 And older, greedier Diamond Tiara. Instead, she took up a career only tangentially involved with crystals and gemstones, and incorporated the things she prizes most into her designs. These she more often than not gives away. To put it another way, Rarity has to struggle against her less salutary cravings for jewels and treasure in order to manifest the virtue of her Element. In a sense, this makes her more generous than she'd be if she was some utterly non-materialistic Mother Teresa type who easily gave away everything that came her way and lived in voluntary poverty. Rarity doesn't just give stuff away to be generous, she also has to practice an inner giving, the surrender of her natural acquisitive tendencies. She's not perfect at this, of course, but that's how we know that this inner struggle goes on. Note: 1. It's interesting in this light, that the only canon ship in the show is between Rarity and a dragon, and that Spike shares with her (on an even greater scale, pardon the pun) a need to sacrifice inclinations to acquisitiveness in order to remain joined with his friends.
  14. I'm going to join the chorus of likes, and pretty much agree with the other reviewers here so far. A lot of what I'd say has already been said. Plot: One thing I liked was the way they used the diversity of the HuMane 6 as a key plot point, and getting out a good message at the same time. Animation: The show is not playing in any theater in my state, so I watched the YouTube handheld version. Spoiler: You people getting up and moving around in the middle of the show--SIT DOWN! It's a short movie! You can hold it 'till the end! /spoiler. Anyway, since that was the version I watched, I'm not going to try to talk about how good/bad the animation was because I wasn't really able to catch a lot of the nuances anyway. Songs: As has been said already, the songs are catchy upbeat pop. They probably won't be sung around post-Apocalyptic campfires a thousand years from now, but they were entertaining and unobtrusive. I don't like musicals, particularly when song and dance numbers interrupt the story, and suddenly people in the street are dancing with perfect choreography. In EG, the songs integrate well with the plot, and the pivotal dance number was incorporated as something the characters planned and carried out for a reason. Background Characters: I'm not quite brony enough to do the whole, "Oh, hey, look, over there in the left hand corner behind Dr. Whooves, Derpy, and Lyra, you can see Muffin Glitter! That's her left front hoof, right there, can you see it? OMG, that's so awesome!" thing. The theatergoers were enjoying the Easter eggs and references though. The Mane Flaw: The one big flaw of Equestria Girls in my opinion is that it's missing about a half-hour that it really could have used. Kids watch full-length motion pictures (e.g. the whole Pixar filmography) all the time, so I don't see why they had to make EG so short. With a little more time, they could have fulfilled a lot of the film's lost potential, and probably have made it a film on a par with those of the Disney/Pixar juggernaut. The Villain: Sunset Shimmer had some good potential as a villain, but the film's brevity kept them from really developing her character and her schemes as much as they deserved. She's something of a kit-bash of Diamond Tiara and Trixie in personality, though she has more grand-scale malevolent intentions than they do. She's a calculating villain who does a good job with using her familiarity with Not Quite Earth (and Twilight's unfamiliarity with it) to her advantage. But, due to the brevity, the film gallops past the results, so to speak, and there isn't time for Twilight to really suffer the humiliation Sunset arranged for her. It's implied that Sunset had a conflict with Trixie prior to Twilight's arrival: The Ending: There have been some comments that Sunset Shimmer acts out of character at the end. Not necessarily... FlashLight: Here's another area where full length could really have helped. There's no time at all in the movie to develop Flash Sentry as a character, or build any real rapport or chemistry between him and Twilight. He's just a Generic Cool Dude, at least in part because his actual screen time/interaction with Twilight is measured in seconds. With time, they could have had scenes where he sees Twilight doing silly things because she's still figuring out Being Human (picking things up with her mouth, saying "anypony," walking on all fours, etc.), and cut his friends off from laughing at her because he accepts, even likes, her quirkiness. Maybe he could have had some quirks of his own, which Twilight mistakenly takes as normal and imitates "so she can act like a human," to comedic effect. He could have had an intellectual interest that would resonate with hers. And so forth. Reasons for them to like each other beyond *bump* "Oh...hello attractive person!" More time could also have allowed another intriguing possibility: Twilight is starting to like Flash (Ah-aaaaah!). But she knows that in a very short time she's going to be going back through a portal to another world. Would it be fair to him for her to say 'Yes' to him asking her to the dance, let a relationship start to blossom, then *poof*, she's gone forever? She could have had at least a minute to pace back and forth worrying about it, building the problem up in her adorkable way, and maybe even a scene where she tries to explain to him that she won't be staying, without sounding like a moonbat, and perhaps failing hilariously. Missed. Opportunities. In Flash's defense, he does get in one funny line that made me laugh. Which is saying something, because he has about three lines in the whole movie. The Howling Plot-Hole: All in all, it's a likeable little movie, but it could have been brilliant.
  15. "Why yes, I am the poster child for megalomania. What makes you ask?"
  16. I would like to see Dr. Whooves, especially if there's actual time travel involved. Like, say, in a weird, Fortean Pinkie Pie episode (she licks a frog and it makes her Pinkie Sense and/or reality-breaking powers go haywire or something). The good Doctor's appearances and dialogue are helpful, but don't make any sense...until you watch the episode a second time and realize that his appearance were out of sequence for the other characters, but in a sequence of his own (e.g. something he says relates to stuff he says/does later in the episode), or he could have a line in the foreground while also being visible in the background, then later there's a scene from that perspective where the other version is in the background. Oh, and he should probably say something about "timey-wimey stuff."
  17. TBH, the design does work pretty well for Rarity, because the whole "glam girl" thing is her idiom. Plus the face on that particular doll doesn't look creepifying, and the bow hides the pony ears, muting the Uncanny Valley effect. But still, the pony miniature at her feet looks so cute there, and kinda steals the show.
  18. "If I eat some of Dashie's hair...will I poop rainbow sherbert?" OT: Sorry everyone if you all hate to see my kinda tough-to-caption avatar popping up, but this thread is so fun, lol
  19. "Zooo, vhat do you see in zis inkblot? A man's face, you say? Oh dear. Zhat iss...very trrroublink. I am afraid ve vill have to keep you here for treatment...indefinitely."
  20. Join the Venetian Sith. Our masks are cooler. Daaaahling.
  21. Actually, I think Alex de Campi (one of the commentators on the Twitter feed) said it better: Alex de Campi ?@alexdecampi 27 May @Fyre_flye Ever melted a plastic doll with a blowtorch and filmed it on a slo-mo camera? It's at once gory and tragic and very satisfying. I don't like them. 1) Ohai, welcome to Earth. So how's the weather in Uncanny Valley these days? 2) They look like they were designed by somebody who never saw a single episode of the show, but was given color schemes and told to "Make something that looks like catgirl Bratz dolls, and do them in these colors." Why, Hasbro?! How long would it take to sit your doll designers down in front of a TV, have them watch the pilot two-part'er, then say, "Make human versions of the main characters"? Lemme guess: about 44 minutes. Wouldn't it be worth an hour of their pay to get dolls that actually have something to do with the characters they represent, beyond just the color palette? 3) I can see the point of those who grumble that they look like hookers. Because...well...they look like hookers. Not that there's anything wrong with being a hooker, if you're of age and are doing it consensually. But, I don't like the idea of little girls being targeted with Cosmopolitan magazine-style hyper-sexualization as something to model. If they want to spackle on the makeup with a putty knife when they get older, fine. Buy a makeup subsidiary and market that look to them when they're a more mature target demo. 4) Yes, Hasbro, I know that for you, FiM and EG are commercials for your toy line. But, you see, it's really not a good idea to have commercials that are superior to your product by orders of magnitude. That causes disappointment, and lower sales. Oh, and don't take this as an argument for making your commercials horrible, too (I'm looking at you, previous MLP generations). Instead, you should do what I suggested in #3 above, and actually design your toys to be like the characters. The characters are awesome, which means the toys will be awesome, which means you will sell more of them. Ask George Lucas how well that works. If he can hear you while he's swimming in the actual billions of dollars he's made. Aside: At least now I can see why the EG characters were designed with those ridiculous boots: so the dolls would stand up. Aside #2: *Little girl pulls her EG doll out of its boots for the first time, sees the footless legs* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" That's some Grade-A Nightmare Fuel right there.
  22. "Tryin' out your new night-vision goggles? Too bad this is the last thing you'll ever see."
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