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Status Updates posted by Celli

  1. Currently peeing my pants.

  2. So happy Metroid Dread got a nominee for GOTY. I don't expect it to win but it's still cool.

  3. Pretty excited for Elden Ring, looks amazing


  4. Shit... Something literally just sliced straight through my neck. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Celli


      *gets frozen with my head and body*

    3. Celli


      @Nsxile my avatar is how I look rn btw

    4. Celli


      I'll actually live. Beheading feels weird though, it's sharp. Your head falling off is such a weird sensation. 

  5. Something just sliced straight through my neck. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Lord Midnight Madness

      Lord Midnight Madness

      Yeah I understand man. sorry I hope you'll be ok.

    3. Celli


      My head's about to fall off.

    4. Celli
  6. Peeing my pants.

    1. Celli


      Sorry, i have slight incontinence.....

  7. ....I just peed my pants.

  8. I absolutely adore your profile banner~

    1. Troblems


      Heh thanks. Super excited for Silksong <3

    2. Celli
  9. I can't believe videos like this need to be made in this day and age.


    It's incredibly sad that people are willing to say they know better than doctors and medical scientists. 

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      I got that in my recommended feed.

      ...I am pro-vax, btw.

  10. how do i disable the music

  11. Hey, I just wanted to apologise for how I responded to your post in the video game thread. I am enjoying Sekiro but I admit I definitely don't think it's as strong as DS1. And I remembered that I have a Sorcerer that I need to get back to, I had just beaten Seathe and killed Big Hat Logan after he went all loopy. :P Also that's another thing, Dark Souls has a lot more interesting characters like him, Griggs, Petrus, and the guy who gives you pyromancy first.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Celli


      What about Manus and Kalameet?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Eh, I didn't like those as much as I wanted to. Funny thing, I beat Manus without the medallion when I faced him. :P Kalameet has an amazing design, but I didn't find his overall fight to be all too interesting. Manus has a good design too actually. Still, they are better than the friggin' guardian right at the start of the DLC. That is the one boss in the DLC that I actually dislike. Even with all of that, for me, Artorias makes the DLC totally worth it. To me, he is what Gwyn should have been.

    4. Celli


      He's definitely an amazing fight.

  12. The grayscale threw me off.

    Oh well, worth it for second best pony.

    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      reminds me of grayscale mode on my phone that I remember when I had to use it to save battery when in Spain 

  13. So NASA launched it's new mission yesterday, Parker Solar Probe, which will come within 3.9 million miles from the sun. We will literally touch the stars.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PoisonClaw


      Wasn't that the plot of the movie "Sunshine"?

    3. ChB


      Awesome! Can’t wait to hear more discoveries about our life-giving Star. :) 

    4. Celli



      Indeed, I'm interested to see what research comes of this, there's still much we don't understand about our parent star :o


      I can't say I've ever heard of that before.

  14. Doom Eternal looks siiiiiiick!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Celli


      Doom is probably my favorite FPS franchise.

    3. TheRockARooster


      Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein were my favourites as a kid.



      Always glad to see another DOOM fan.

    4. Celli
  15. If a remake of the first Metroid Prime was made and it looked like this I would die of happiness.




  16. *poke*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Celli


      I see~

      I've lost interest in this place myself, I feel more at home on derpi, especially as a mod there.

    3. Sidral Mundet

      Sidral Mundet

      I find it easier to reply and much easier to get off subject

    4. Celli


      I agree.


      Especially when you SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS

  17. *boop*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      yeah I been going through some stuff and been trying to get a better understanding on what was and is going on around me but right now im feeling pretty good =) 

      I hope you've been good these days too =) 

    3. Celli


      I'm good~

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Its good to hear that =) 

  18. The fact that homophobia is tolerated on this site makes me fucking sick.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      It's very sad people that are so hateful STILL exist in 2018. I often wonder why people like to live in the past so much and refuse to get with the times. 

    3. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      Because you're gay/bi? Well so am I, yet I will always stand up towards freedom of speech. So long as they aren't being assholes to people they should have the right to express how they feel on a subject, not how society should tell them they need to feel, or whats "PC". I'm not telling you that you need to respect them.

    4. Jeric


      Considering that respect means armire that at least makes sense.

      That said, if you expect staff to come down in every Christian on MLP Forums after years of peaceful coexistence and allowing both opinions to ve discussed .... you will be disappointed. That isn't happening. No matter how much people kick and scream like children. If you expect staff to ban someone for stating that they disagree with homosexuality, you will be disappointed. 

      If one can be gay and a Christian, if one can be gay and love their Christian family and friends, then one can simply ignore. Or one that be a catalyst for toxicity. That, is a choice. 

      These are staff's expectations for the LGBT and religious communities on this site. Hate won't be tolerated to any reasonable group here. 

      Status update locked

  19. Let me just make something clear, if you are homophobic or hate homosexuals or that people are homosexual don't bother talking to me because I have zero respect for you at all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Celli


      Well with the recent topic that solidifies the fact that there are people on this site who are homophobic, it makes me sick. 

    3. Nightfall Thunder

      Nightfall Thunder

      There's going to be people that are like that everywhere you go, which is extremely unfortunate. It's something that just has to be dealt with, because it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. :scoots:

      Glad to see it being stomped down on by the staff, though. :) 

    4. Celli


      I have nothing against religious people, though I don't really like organized religion, but seeing blatant homophobia just makes me feel awful, with some people saying gays deserve to be in an insane asylum.... :(

  20. Super Metroid is always great to see at GDQ~

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      I guess I understand what your saying.

      I'm more the type of player who likes to get every goal/explore a level as much as I can, though.

    3. Celli



      As Celestia says, there's no wrong way to fantasize :P

      I think the same can be said about having fun~


    4. Sparklefan1234


      That's true.

      I'm not very good at most games so, if I end up finding a new treasure chest/getting a trophy it's a small victory for me. 

  21. I think my two biggest hypes from E3 are Doom Eternal and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


  22. DOOM sequel YES

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      DOOM 2: MOOD 


    3. Celli


      @The Recherche

      I'm so excited, I loved the 2016 reboot!

    4. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Ditto here~! :yay: When I saw this status update in its respective tab, my eyes widened like you wouldn't believe!

  23. RIP Totalbiscuit. :(

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