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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Frosty V

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Everything posted by Frosty V

  1. @ Jaeger smirked as he was given his assignment and turned to Solar asked for his thoughts on it. "I think I can't wait to get out there, it might just be scouting, but at least I get to do something. Hey! And I've got you with me so thats a plus.!" He said with a smile as he punched Solar in the shoulder "Who knows...we might find something interesting." He chuckled
  2. I love you because dubstep
  3. @ Frost shrugged slightly, "Or they could think we are having an illegal fight in the middle of the city." He said almost in a scoff. He spotted the gang members car and sat up in his seat instantly, another smirk on his face. "Alright...lets see if your theory is true shall we....bet you twenty bits you cant hit him in a drift." Frost laughed
  4. @ Frost sat back in his seat, he knew Thunder was right. "I guess that is true....so...looks like we are going to have to lose him right?" He said with a smirk plastered across his face. "Well we could lose him in the drainage system under the city....that is...if your car has the handling for frequent sharp curbes and can maintain its speed." He chuckled
  5. @ Frost looked out the back window to look at the cop car, he was looking for the best place to hit him so the cop wouldn't die if the car swerved off the road. He waited for a few more moments until he saw a nice spot of open land. "Hit em now Thunder!" He yelled over the roar of the chargers engine.
  6. @@Miss Reaper Frost smiled at Galatea agreed to go see the Boutique. "Alright its settled then! We head for the Carousel Boutique!" He said with a smile that was ear to ear as he hopped lightly with overwhelming excitement. "Besides, I have to pick up my jacket Rarity was stitching up for me." He said, his tone more serious now. He turned his gaze back toward Galatea. "So was it just you who came looking for Nano?" He asked as he started to trot in the direction of the boutique.
  7. Frost Typhoon Frost trotted through cave, trying not to jump at every little sound that echoed down the caverns walls. He usually wouldn't be as frightened as he was at this moment in time, but something about dark places always found some way freak him out. When he felt Kingfisher nudge him and smile, he sported a half smile and continued to trot forward. "It is getting slightly warmer..." he muttered, running the possibilities of what it was. "What exactly are we trying to accomplish from this little expedition!" Frost whispered over his shoulder to Kingfisher, holding his bow with a tight grip and shivering slightly.
  8. @@Miss Reaper Frost smiled and bowed his head slightly towards Galatea. "It is our pleasure ma'am! Me and Thunder love to help out." He said joyfully as he turned to Nano who suggested the visit Boutique. "Why that sounds like a splendid idea Nano!" He said, his smile growing wider. "I'm sure she will love to meet Miss Rarity!" He continued, almost hopping with joy
  9. @ Jaeger just chuckled at Solar's explanation for the worried Moon Crypt. He understood some what of where he was coming from. "I can understand that, but if we were hoof picked for this job I'm sure we can manage....unless there is something Moon crypt hasn't told us yet." He said remembering his leaders warning to watch all the other council members. @ (I am loving this RP one of my favorites in a long while! I want to see it to the end! Maybe even a sequel nudge nudge wink wink)
  10. @ Frost looked around the cavern, his light providing him some since off what was around him. He snapped out of his wandering state when he heard Kingfisher call out to him. He jerked his head her direction, seeing her dimly lit face standing farther into the cave. "Right.....sorry." he muttered quietly as he drew his bow and started to walk towards the darkness.
  11. @ Frost kept distance between him and Kingfisher as she trotted into the cave. When she came out asking for some way to light the place up he wasn't surprised. He had little experience in fire magic, he rolled his eyes, remembering that he could at least use some light magic to light their way some what. He closed his eyes and his horn started to glow a bright white. He once again opened his eyes and stepped into the cave to see how bright his magic was. "Well.....it's not super bright, but I think it will manage for now." He muttered, turning his head to look into the pitch black darkness in front of him.
  12. @ Frost sat and shivered slightly, he turned his head when Kingfisher spoke. His face brightened instantly when she asked for him to join in a scouting mission. He stood up and went to stand beside her, his bow in hoof, he looked it over for cracks and signs of damage from the crash. Any he found he wrapped with cloth. He then sorted his arrows, throwing away the ones that were in pieces. He put one at the ready and drew back the string, aiming down his make-shift sight, once done he returned everything to its proper place. "Right....I'm ready when you are King!" He exclaimed in a joyful tone, jumping slightly as he did.
  13. @ Frost nodded his head almost fast enough he thought it would come off. " Oh yeah Sunny that would he awesome!" He said in a high pitched, excited tone. "I could set up a DJ car.....and a party car....I mean....once we have the supplies....and the OK from Rut here of course." He chuckled slightly trying to play off his awkward pause.
  14. @ Frost smiled, happy that the pony had excepted his kindness better than other players in the past. "Deeper in there eh?" He said staring past the pony into the wooded area, he checked his map and sure enough it was a part of the designated quest area. "Well it looks like that's the direction I will be heading in as well friend." He said, his smile widening. "Well...would you mind if I tagged along? Strength in numbers you know." He said letting out as small chuckle,
  15. @, @ Frost's eyes widened when he mentioned that a train would be the mode of their transpiration and he almost squeaked with joy. "Wow, that's pretty awesome...I'm sure the others will he as well." He said with a large smile as he motioned for Rut to follow him back to Sunny's location. Frost pushed open the back door and began to look for Sunny. "Sunny! Sunnny?! Where is that crazy mare?" He muttered
  16. @ Frost nodded, his large smile still present. "I would be very interested! Is it a bus?! Ohhhh maybe even a plane! If it were a train I would go.....sorry, it's one of my famous rambling fits. Hopefully you'll get used to them." He chuckled awkwardly as he rubs the back of his head. "Seriously......I would love to know." He grinned
  17. @Midnight-Inferno Frost waved when he saw the pony acknowledge his presence. He trotted up and shook the stallions hoof. "Hi....this is the place for a one....Rut, correct?" He said with a chuckle. "I'm Frost, you might remember me from the music place with Sunny? I'm here for your request as the transportation provider." He said with a wider smile
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