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Everything posted by Lil'Cinnamon

  1. I'm tired too, I had to get up early early for work. But now I am relaxing at the new house for now. Internet still sucks here. I need to watch the new episode.. Heh.
  2. I was working, and helping move. Do you need me for something Ganny? I am here now.
  3. I'm feeling tired, just got off my work day, and I am exhausted. Just took a shower. Got work to do today though cause I am moving into the new house still.
  4. I never post much in here. xD I'm feeling alright, working, tired. Long day. the usual.
  5. Just woke up.. Super tired. -yawns- If only we weren't moving and I didn't have to wake up super early. Now that I live 30 minutes out from work I have to wake up earlier when I have early shifts like this. >.< Today is also a full 8 hour shift too.
  6. I dunno, in the 50's I think, but I know it's not that cold, but it feels that cold. I prefer heat and my body likes heat better so. Living in Colorado got super cold and I hated it. xD Also it depends on my body, today it feels colder.
  7. What kind of mobile device is it? Also I am super tired, and super freezing. It's cold, well it feels cold. I haven't felt this cold in ages.
  8. Oh fun. You use a phone to get on here right? When not at home. That explains the non Courier New Font.
  9. -pokes muzzle in- On my lunch break. Busy day at work. Busy I'd say. What is happening in here? And Ganny, the character is named Iggy?
  10. Do you like the long commute? I mean I would ish. I love driving. xD Maybe you could get some pictures for me. xD But we have internet at the house now.
  11. You will. Lots of friendly people/ponies here. And I try to be a friendly pony. ^^
  12. Welcome to MLP forums! I am Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna or Cinny. ^^ If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me! Have a great time! That's a nice looking pony, I would say. xD Also, I have been into the show for about 5 years now. Well, I hope you have a great time and enjoy your stay! See you around!
  13. Welcome to MLP forums! I'm Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna or Cinny. ^^ If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me! I've been into the show for a long time, this community has done a lot for me, and it has opened me to a lot of things. It has had it's ups and downs, here and other places. All I can say is, enjoy your stay! And have a great time! See you around~
  14. Welcome to MLP forums! I am Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna or Cinny. ^^ If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me! Hope to see you around! I've been into the show since 2011, so I feel kinda old. xD But yeah. I saw things about the show before I got into it but I stumbled upon it when my sister had it on the TV. then I decided to get into it cause I already had an interest cause of cute little ponies. Heh. But anyway, welcome! I hope you have a great time!
  15. I'd say it's important to me, I mean, I use it all the time, most of my friends I can only communicate online so.. Yeah it's important. Especially since I have to use it for my work schedule and my finances and banking and bills, so yeah, internet is important to me for multiple reasons.
  16. Wait why do you have to drive so far? For school right? I believe you said you were out in the sticks of California so... Maybe that's why. What new character? I don't have an characters, or any OC's. I just have pony me, which I don't consider an OC, cause it's me.
  17. What you missed me? I am always on and off here, I have other things I do so I don't tend to post in here often. You used to have rotating signatures, but.. they don't rotate anymore. xD Probably stopped rotating when MLP forums started uploading signature images when you linked them instead of direct linking them like they used to.
  18. I have a new singature, if you still see the old one, refresh the page and make sure it updates. But anyway. Long time no be in here. How are you all doing? I am finally moving into the new house. I am there right now. By myself (myself) for tonight. Might there be a ganny here?
  19. -pokes muzzle in- Got a while before work, making some foods before work. But anyway, how are you guys doing in here? I see some things are still going on, but -shrugs- Working late again, work fairly early but not too early tomorrow. I hope today goes well, I am always scared that I will mess up and get fired, but I hope that I do not. Very late especially gets not all that busy so I start feeling I'll get in trouble for not doing much but heh. New house almost complete! I can send some pictures if you guys are curious about it.
  20. Hai new member. I am cinnamon. I am here from time to time but get inactive here every once in a while. But I wave a hoof to say hello. -waves hoof-
  21. Back home, what a long trip that was. Went to Kentucky, then Cincinnati Ohio, then Indianapolis, then St. Louis, now I am back home. Now I got things I need to do. >.< Like clean and stuff. But how are you guys going? I still wonder what I will be doing in a few years or what will be happening with me...
  22. Me too, still coughing way too much. >.< But yeah, day off today at least. Gonna go out on the lake for a bit. What are your plans for the holiday day?
  23. Why are you saying that? xD But also good morning. How are you doing? I just woke up, glad I have the day off at least.
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