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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  • Personal Motto
    What goes around goes around and around.
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    Reading, Gaming, Partying, hanging out with friends, Ponies... that's pretty much it.

My Little Pony

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  1. Oh sorry about that lol. I misread what you wrote.
  2. I meant more along the lines of this is the starting point here and all the way over there is the finishing point. You can take whatever route you want to inorder to get there as long as you cross the finish line. The show says that they get their cutie marks when they discover what their talent or true purpose in life is. This implies that it's already there and the "coming of age" that is the cutie mark is simply them discovering what it is. I would say that it's more fatalistic seeing as the cutiemark seems to be guiding them. As to what's guiding that i have no idea seeing as they don't seem to show any higher authority than celestia so i usually just go with magic... Unless of course there's an alicorn for that. Also for people who don't know what Hard Determinism or fatalistic is here's a definition: Hard Determinism: Since everything (including human action) has a cause or causes that determine it to be what it is, there is no real freedom, only the illusion of freedom. People are not morally responsible for their actions (as if they could have done otherwise). Besides, we assume that training people to act in certain ways will influence (determine) future behavior. Fatalism: The doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable predetermination.
  3. Was posting on another forum and brought up fridge logic. One of the examples of said logic i had waiting in case anyone asked was free will in equestria or their actual lack of most of it. Out of all the episodes "Magical Mystery Cure" is the most blatant about them having little to no say about what they choose to do in life or "their destinies." Mind this is simply the most blatant example but i had this topic rolling around in my head for along time before it aired. What got me onto this line of thinking was simple, their names. As you all know pony names are a pretty good symbol of what they do in life or has a direct relation to an aspect of it but how do their parents know what to name them? My headcannon says that magic did it (Obviously) or every pony in equestria is secretly a psychic with prior knowledge of their foals lives. In this regard there are 2 options: 1. Their connection to magic subconsciously (or maybe not so subconsciously) hints at possible names around a certain topic that revolves around this destiny which the parents choose from. Then when the pony discovers this destiny it becomes symbolized by their cutie mark. 2. The parents choose the names themselves and the magic creates a destiny for them wound around the given name. I usually go with option 1. This implies that ponies really have very little choice in what direction they take with their lives the only saving grace being that they seem to love or at the very least tolerate what they do. What do you guys think about it?
  4. My headcannon is dimensional bleed over. They have little idea of the true use of it but thanks to neighboring dimensions that are close to or touching theirs at places the concept or idea bleed over and became a fashion item. This also explains the city names.
  5. Personally i hope to see them get their cutiemarks during 3 episodes. Each one would be centered around 1 each and contain elements from previous cmc episodes ending with the one it's centered on earning their cutiemark. Would also be better if the episodes were spread out over the entirety of S4 so would feel natural and they could make appearances during episode's that doesn't revolve around them. Also just think about it. The final episode would be with applebloom depressed about being the last one without one and everyone trying to cheer her up. She doesn't listen and goes off by herself then later learns that it's ok that she doesn't have it yet because her friends are still her friends even if she hasn't caught up to them yet then when she starts enjoying herself she discovers her cutiemark. Bit cliche but still very inline with the show. Also if the show does give them their cutiemark while the show's still going strong it shows growth of the world they're making and the passage of time instead of a stagnant world where they keep rehashing the same plots with different flavors. Same with alicorn twilight, i really don't like that they made her an alicorn but i really do like the new opportunities that it opens.
  6. Not so sure that it was Celestia and Luna on that flag since the color on one or the other seemed to be off when you compare it to the book from S1 E1. I always figured one of 3 things. The flag either represented the concept of harmony which Celestia and Luna later came to embody, they were using the current version of their flag instead of a historically accurate version like plays and movies do sometimes or they were around already but weren't getting involved for some reason. As for the starswirl i'm not sure at all. Before that episode i always figured that he was before her time since the princesses seemed to have nothing to do with the founding of equestria and he was already the mentor of one of the main ponies involved but now... The only thing that fits in my head are also 2 scenarios, he discovers some kind of magic that prolongs his life (they do have age spells after all) and later starts to learn under her or the alicorn sisters had a stand offish attitude towards pony society at large (as in observing, teaching and guiding promising ponies but never getting involved personally) before something makes them get more involved. To answer the original post after S3 E13 i view him as the same as i viewed twilight. One of her students since that's what she seems to imply during the episode.
  7. It's not so much that she wanted to try everything first it's the fact that she seemed to have little problems making it an option. Also it would be more along the lines of the government developing a mind altering drug that puts the person taking it into a deep hypnotic trance that makes them responsive to commands on the subconscious level then making the full process of creating said drug available at your local library. That there is a really scary thought.
  8. Oh this looks like quite a bit of fun. Always wanted to to learn to draw and as everyone know's adding ponies to something only makes it better. Only thing is i have alot of catching up to do and i'll have a hard time not burning the unholy abominations i create.
  9. Will have to put the fact that Twilight seemed to have 0 qualms about using it against another being against their will as a pretty bad sign. Didn't even consider that while i was thinking about it.
  10. In S3 E10 we learn that Equestria has reformation spells. I didn't think much of it when they first brought it up but then a bit of fridge logic hit me. When you think about someone reforming whats the first thing that pops into your mind? Someone changing the way they think, act or view the world to sync more in the line of the current views of the society they're currently apart of right? Well maybe not the last half of that but it's a choice to change your ways. If equestria has reforming spells isn't that a form of mind control since they're forcibly changing someone's views, personality and/or outlook on life to fit more in the line of what's deemed acceptable? That's not all sadly. The very fact that twilight was looking for the spell in her library hints that it's pretty much accepted by society at large and probably has multiple different versions of it seeing as she had so many different books floating around her. I'm interested to see what you guys think about this.
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