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About Passion

  • Birthday March 10


  • Title
    One touch and I ignite.

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  • Personal Motto
    World without creativity would be a barren wasteland.
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    Gaming, gaming news, politicians scandalistic behaviour, modern EU conspiracy theories, good and long books, artists and their art, I guess roleplaying? or more accurately writing stories together, MUSIC is my LIFE, singing, summer.

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    Moonlight Dweller, Local Awooist~
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    Nightmare Rarity
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
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    Princess Cadance
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    Sweetie Belle
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    Rarity Investigates
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    Winter Wrap Up

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  1. NieR: Automata - gameplay of this game... it's been years, long long years since any game gave me this much fun, control and satisfaction. Loving it.

    1. Yamato


      Yeah, Waifu Samurai is pretty good.

    2. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Dude, this game was the 2nd best new game I have played in the last 10 years! (Pales only in comparison to Xenoblade Chronicles X)

      Oh man, I have spent so many times typing huge walls of text in dedication to this game, but I find myself too exhausted to do it again Q.Q

      The open world, the "chip" customization, the combat, sooo much freaking depth and diversity with what the game ALLOWS you to do. I cannot believe just how satisfying the exploration in this game was for me. I only beat it once on Hard mode (and then my Ps4 Pro broke down lmao). Guess it couldn't handle the awesomeness -.- But yeah, going in without any guide was just so damn immersive. The game constantly rewards curiosity of both exploring the world and changing up your combat. One of the few games that made grinding a fun experience. And god freaking damn is this game hard if you want it to be o,o

      "fun, control and satisfaction" <-- pretty much sums up the game. I would also add "mind blowing" to that list xD

      I take it you have not completed it yet, correct? All I can tell you is do not look any shit up in the internet! Figure it all out on your own! Don't be afraid to experiment! xD Also, don't you DARE give up after the game is "over" because I can assure you it is most assuredly NOT over (even though it will fool you into thinking that many times @_@)

      My first playthrough was about 30 hours. I hardly even touched the side missions either :P I don't wanna spoil anything, but the campaign is not truly over until you have experienced all 3 of the (main) playable characters >.> I'll leave it at that lol

    3. Passion


      No worries, I wasn't interested in the game so far so I just downloaded it to try. And I'm pretty sure I haven't spoiled myself anything.

      Gone into it a bit more deeper now and I figure Hard is the only sensible difficulty level to play it on. (Apart from Very Hard, which I will complete on a later date I guess). However, the amount of mindfucks this game gave me already, questioning the characters motives and confusing me tells me that this cannot end well. It was so simple at first, go and kill bad stuff. And now I'm more like "What is 'bad stuff' actually?..."

      I feel that it's going to be... an adventure.

      Oh, and as for waifu Samurai, I couldn't care less. In fact, would be better if char was a bit normal so I could stream to friends without them asking "wtf you're playing? xD?". Wish she wasn't just an "every Japanese dream" char.

      There's no point telling me that I haven't seen anything yet, though. I know it already. Games like these tend to work like that, so I'm expecting it to surprise me, which I'm sure it will.

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