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Everything posted by MrKenyon

  1. Just my luck. Get a strong enough group to actually want to watch me stream something, and my freaking headphones break apart. Bah.

  2. I'm afraid you won't be rid of us that easy, Malt... That said, I hope you enjoy yourself better here. I promise not to yell at you too much.
  3. I don't recall saying that they attacked bronies, but hey, whatever. I'm just glad others are getting a chuckle out of this. A friend of mine, who does sketch a little clop on the side, does take pleasure in being labeled a ROGUE ANIMATOR, though.
  4. Yeah, a few of my friends from across the country actually decided to come for this convention, so I figured it was good to pay a visit. Never saw the guys from the show, though. Honestly, I don't think a man with a "Les Mis" tattoo is in any position to criticize bronies. It's a shame, though, they had one more interview where they pitted Daniel, their socially awkward producer against an equally awkward Shining Armor cosplayer. Mustard v. Spaghetti! The ultimate showdown! But those mic noises kept sending Dale off the deep end and stopping the clip before the good stuff.
  5. Dudley and Bob is a 20+ year running radio show for Austin, TX. They sent some of their staff to interview the guests of the Brony Fan Fair that ran this weekend. The results were...less than kind. Figured you guys would get a giggle.
  6. Aw yeah, all my friends are coming down to Austin for Brony Fan Fair. It'll be great to see the old gang again.

  7. Yeah, I've given both Outlast and Machine for Pigs a try, and I gotta say Outlast is proving to be a much more fulfilling horror game experience. The AI's a touch predictable at times (Hide in one locker, and they'll always check the other (except for that one time Big'n checked BOTH lockers. That scream when he opened the door was not mine, I refuse to accept it.)) but when the game pins you down and forces you to run like hell is when I feel it really shines.
  8. Huh. Apparently Amnesia: Machine for Pigs is so spooky, it crashed itself in fear.

  9. I've had Machine for Pigs on pre-order since it was first announced, feels like; glad to see it finally coming out. Time to tape up the windows, turn off the fan, boot the Mrs. out of the room and have me a good ol' bout of fear and paranoia.
  10. Option 4 sounds interesting. That's like Dead Like Me, but with ponies. ...dammit, now you people are making me want to write stuff.
  11. Eh, seems a nice place to visit, but I certainly wouldn't want to live there. It's like that time you were sent to your crazy uncle with the ranch for summer vacation: Surrounded by livestock, little to no access to modern luxuries, have to earn your keep doing forms of manual labor that you're unfamiliar with. Only difference here is that the livestock talks back.
  12. Ah, jeez. You know it's a bad night for voice work when you can hear your stomach churn over the mic. *bleh*

  13. Saw a car on the road today covered in Nicolas Cage pictures. My mind is not prepared to process this information.

  14. Ah, Dota. My home and native land. Shame I've been stuck in the trench for so long I forgot what playing good feels like. Bah. Well, there was that Pony Courier that they tried to get through: But between the fuss it made and Valve not wanting to get sued, that kinda fell through.
  15. I've been using Xsplit myself. The program itself is free, but to get the most of it, you do have to dole out the dosh for a license with them. Call me a consumer whore, but considering how easy it's made streaming and straight video recording for me, I feel the $30/year for their license is well worth the cost.
  16. Ah, Cry makes everything better, especially creepypasta. I should really try my hand at creepypasta reading. I'd done some SCP stuff in the past, but not my best work. I really should give it another shot.
  17. Eh, by "peddle my wares", I just mean "Post pony story readings in a feeble attempt to garner attention and boost my signal," but if that requires mod approval, so be it.
  18. Hey, having older bastards in here doesn't make me any less of an old bastard.
  19. Oh, the jadusable story? Man, I was there when that stuff was running live. It was quite engaging, until it turned into some cheezy Youtube ARG, which then led into him advertising his new Kickstarter campaign. Such a shame, the reactions and stuff he was posting was enough to give me the jibblies.
  20. Maybe if you ask her real nice. Or at least give her a good reason to jump over.
  21. Gah, I'm always terrible with introductions. Hey, gang. Name's Mr. Kenyon. I've been lurking around the fandom for almost 2 years, now. I do readings of MLP fanfic in my free time, of which I've had less and less of recently. Feh. Let's see, I'm an old bastard compared to most of you it seems, 29 years old; I subsist as a phone service rep for a major telecom company and with the odd cash as a scrub-tier voice actor. I've found a healthy chunk of the other community I derp around with is here, so I figured a fresh group to peddle my wares to isn't a bad idea. Soooo...yeah. Introduction complete. The floor is open to questions.
  22. Jeez, I haven't even finished an introduction thread and I have two friend notifications. You guys waste no freaking time here, do you?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. ActFast231


      I don't think I will be looking up bagel, but I have read some clopfics that are better quality than normal fics.

    3. MrKenyon


      I know, I've seen them. For the most part, though, most of the stories I post readings of keep things on a PG-13 level. Knowing kids half my age could be listening makes me apprehensive about doing readings of clop.

    4. ActFast231


      I'm not a fan of readings, or movie adaptations for the sole reason that I sort of make a voice for these characters in my head, and it's odd to hear something that counteracts with my mental image. Though I can understand not wanting to do clop readings. Kids could be watching, and not everyone is comfortable with such content.

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